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汉英翻译 1Directions: Translate the following passage into English. 研究不仅是为了创立新的理论,而且是对新事物的探索。科学的发展是无止境的。总会有新的事物被发现。人类已经取得了巨大的成就,但是前面总会有新的挑战。每当开辟一个新的领域,就会出现新的问题等待着人们去解决。汉英翻译 1Directions: Translate the following passage into English. Research is not only to create a new theory, but also to explore new things. There is no end for the development of science and new things will always be discovered. Man has made great achievements, but there will always be challenges ahead. When a new area is opened, new problems will appear waiting for man to solve.汉英翻译 2Directions: Translate the following passage into English.随着世界人口的不断增加,每个国家都会感到人口的压力。一些专家相信地球已快达到它能够养活的人口的极限。所以,他们认为各个国家,特别是发展中国家应该采取措施控制人口。否则,人类的未来将是非常危险的。汉英翻译 2Directions: Translate the following passage into English.With the continuous growth of the world population, very country can feel its pressure. Some experts believe that the earth has almost reached its limit to support such large population. Therefore, they think that all the countries, especially developing countries, should take measures to control the population. Otherwise, the future of the mankind will be very dangerous. 汉英翻译 3Directions: Translate the following passage into English. 当我们谈到一个国家的经济发展时,经常想到的是它的工业发展和它的商业,而很少想到它的农业。现在人们开始认识到,为了满足人口对食物的不断需要,我们必须合理使用土地资源。用科学的方法耕作,可以使有限的土地为我们提供更多的食物。汉英翻译 3Directions: Translate the following passage into English. When we talk about economic growth of a country, it is usual to think more of its industrial development and its commerce and think less of its agriculture. Now people have realized that in order to meet the human need of food, we must make wise use of the land resources. By a scientific farming method, it is likely to make the limited land produce more food for us. 汉英翻译 4Directions: Translate the following passage into English. 改革开放20年来,中国在各个方面都取得了显著的成就。尽管中国距离发达国家还有一定的差距,但是这一差距正在不断地缩小。特别是近5年来,随着市场经济的引入,中国保持着每年89%的经济增长速度。这在世界上是罕见的。汉英翻译 4Directions: Translate the following passage into English. For 20 years since the open and reform program began, China has made remarkable achievements in every field. Although there exists a certain gap between China and the developed countries, this gap is being narrowed. Particularly over the past five years, with the introduction of market economy, China keeps an economic growth rate of 8 9 per cent, which is rare in the world. 汉英翻译 5Directions: Translate the following passage into English. 为了将我国建设成为世界上的强国,需要进一步发展我国的教育事业。教育一方面要为国家培养优秀的专业人才,如科学家、工程师、医生等。另一方面还要致力于提高国民素质。只有我国的教育达到了国际先进水平,中国才能成为一个真正的强国。汉英翻译 5Directions: Translate the following passage into English. In order to build our country into a strong country in the world, it is necessary to further develop its education. On one hand, education should help to train excellent professionals such as scientists, engineers, doctors and so on. On the other hand, it should also help to improve the nations quality. Only if our countrys education has come up to the international standards, can China become a real strong country. 汉英翻译 6科学研究是经常和教育联系在一起的。教育工作者不仅寻求如何教育的方法,而且还通过研究来增加新的知识。政府机关、工业部门、医院和私立的实验室也赞助许多研究项目,而这些研究项目中很大部分又都是与教育机构有着联系的。汉英翻译 6Science often goes with education. Those in the field of education seek not only to teach but also through research to add new knowledge. Government agencies, industries, hospitals and private laboratories also sponsor many research programs. However, a large percentage of those programs are linked to educational institutions.汉英翻译 7中国人的最显著特点之一就是他们能够吸引外国人的喜爱。几乎所有欧洲人都喜欢中国,无论是旅游者或者多年在此常住的人都是如此。外国人在中国人中间住久了,往往会接受中国人的观点和价值标准。西方人中间有一种理论,认为中国人是看不透的。汉英翻译 7One of the most remarkable things about the Chinese is their power of securing the affection of foreigners. Almost all Europeans like China, both those who come only as tourists and those who live there for many years. Those who have lived long among the Chinese tend to acquire their outlook and their standards. There is a theory among occidentals that the Chinese is inscrutable.汉英翻译 8要预测世界贸易未来的趋势,虽然有很多困难,我们仍然可以指出许多重要的因素。其中有一些是:人口的增长,可能的商品短缺,粮食和能源状况,与第三世界(发展中国家)的关系,保护环境的压力,以及有关政治、社会、经济和货币问题的国际合作。汉英翻译 8In spite of the difficulties of predicting future trades in world trade, we can specify factors that will be important. Some of these are: population growth; possible scarcity of commodities, the food and energy situation; relations with the third world (developing nations); pressures to preserve the environment; and international cooperation on political, social, economic and monetary problems.汉英翻译 9 如果要我用一个词来概括优秀经理人员的特点,我会说是果断。你可以使用世界上最复杂的计算机,可以收集所有的图表和数字,但最终你必须把所有的信息汇集起来,提出一张时间表,然后行动。生活的真谛就在于此把握时机。 If I had to sum up in one word the qualities that make a good manager, Id say that it all comes down to decisiveness. You can use the fanciest computers in the world and you can gather all the charts and numbers, but in the end you have to bring all your information together, set up a timetable, and act. Thats what life is all about timing.汉英翻译 10在我们这个时代,任何人想要在社会上起到他所希望的作用,就必须接受必要的教育。随着科学技术的进步,即使在中小学,现在也开设了越来越多的课程,与过去的教育相比,现代教育更强调其实用方面。In our times, substantial education is indispensable for anyone to play his role in society. With the progress of science and technology, more and more courses are offered, even at the primary and secondary levels. And greater emphasis is put on the practical side, as compared with education in the past.汉英翻译 11一般说来,经济学是研究个人行为、社会行为及价值的学科。经济学之所以重要是因为它提供了解决许多影响人类幸福问题的方法。一个人如果不具备一些经济学方面的知识,就不能很好地理解他所生活的社会。 In general, economics is about individual and social behavior and values. It is important because it provides a method to help make clear a wide range of problems affecting human welfare. You cannot understand much about your society without having some knowledge of economics.汉英翻译 12 计算机以史无前例的能力,令人难以置信的大容量和快速度分析传递各种不同的数据。因此,计算机正式为最新加速获取知识的主力军。使用计算机与其它越来越强的分析工具结合起来去观察我们周围无形的宇宙世界,使获取知识的速度提高到了令人惊讶的速度。 With its unprecedented power for analysis and dissemination of extremely varied kind of data in unbelievable quantities and at mind staggering speeds, it has become a major force behind the latest acceleration in knowledge acquisition. Combined with other increasingly powerful analytical tools for observing the invisible universe around us, it has raised the rate of knowledge acquisition to dumbfounding speeds. WRTING写作练习 2Directions: You are asked to write in 120 150 words about the title of Honesty. You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:1. 诚实的含义是_。2. 诚实在工作和生活中是非常重要的。3. 诚实在外语学习中同样也是很重要的。 In my opinion, “honesty” means that a person is frank and outspoken, and he always speaks the truth, and doesnt have any intention to cheat and lie. In ones work, honesty is very important. This is because he will be trusted by his friends and his colleagues if he is honest. For example, one is very frank, and never lies, he will be given an important job to take care of. In our life, honesty is also very important. A couple has to be honest so that they can live happily together. In foreign language learning, we also need honesty. When we come across a new word and we dont understand it, we should not cheat ourselves. We should check it up in a dictionary or ask our friends about it. Honest learning will help us to acquire real knowledge. Therefore, honesty is vital for language learners too.写作练习 3Directions: You are asked to write in 120 150 words about the title of Studying in a Key University or in an Ordinary University. You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:1. 有些学生愿意在重点大学学习,应为_。2. 有些学生愿意在普通大学学习,其原因是_。3. 我认为_。Some students like to study in key universities for the following reasons. First, they think that they can get good education. A key university has good teachers and fine learning environment. Second, they can find a good job after they have finished their studies there.Other students like to study in ordinary universities. They have made this choice because they like the subject which key universities may not have. They understand that what they have learned at a university will help them to get a good job. Another reason is that there is not a severe competition in an ordinary university. The pressure is not heavy and they will have more time to do what they like.In my opinion, it is better to study in a key university. This is because one can obtain a good education which is very important for ones future life. I would choose to study in a famous university. 写作练习 4Directions: You are asked to write in 120 150 words about the title of Building a new airport in a city. You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:1. 随着城市的发展,某市政府决定修建一座新机场。2. 一些人反对,其理由是_。3. 另一些人赞同,原因是_。As a city in the north has developed very fast, the city government has decided to build a new airport Some people oppose the decision for the following reasons. First, they dont think it is very necessary to build a new airport because the existing one is efficient enough. Second, they are worried that the construction of the airport will ruin the environment, and bring about noise pollution. Last, they are afraid that the new airport will cost too much, and the city would not afford it.Some other people in the city think that it is a good decision because the new airport will offer more job opportunities to the local people. It can also provide more convenient and fast transportation to the city people and visitors. In this way the city will be able to attract more tourists and foreign investment, which will help develop the city even faster. 写作练习 6Directions: You are asked to write in 120 150 words about the title of High-rise Buildings in China. You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:1. 许多城市建造了很多高层大楼,以解决住房及公共用房问题。2. 有些人不赞成建高楼,其原因是 _。3. 有些人则赞成建高楼,其理由是 _。 These days, many cities have put up a lot of high-rise buildings for housing and office. This is because they want to solve the housing problem in the cities as quickly as possible. The high-rise buildings can hold more families and offices. Some people dislike it because they have the following reasons. First, they think that high-rise buildings will ruin the unique look of a city. These buildings are too functional and contain no culture at all. Second, too many high buildings will influence the environment in one or another. Finally, these buildings will have no style and will give the people a boring impression. Other people like it because they think that high-rise buildings can provide more rooms and offices. They can save the land and space as the land is limited and very expensive in cities. Besides, they believe with high buildings those who prefer city life can find a place to live in without going to live in the country because high buildings can offer them apartments. For these reasons, they think that high-rise buildings are practical and welcomed in cities. 写作练习 7Directions: You are asked to write in 120 150 words about the title of Necessary Knowledge of the English Language for Graduate Students. You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:1. 硕士研究生应具备较好的英语水平,其原因是。2. 硕士研究生应重点提高某项语言技能(举例)。3. 如何提高这一语言技能。1. Graduate students should have a good knowledge of English because they need it for their engineering work. Some ME students are in parttime program, and their experience can tell that English is very necessary for them to read the journals in English, and communicate with the foreign engineers. For graduate students, the stress should be put on the training of reading. Reading can be regarded as the most important skill for them. Many ME students have a clear purpose for their English study. They know that after graduation they have to be able to read the engineering drawings, articles, papers, journals in English. Besides strong reading skill can help them to speak and write. In order to improve their reading skill, they should read more. If it is possible they can start to read the papers in English journals. Besides they should study their textbooks well, and increase their vocabulary. Anyhow, they should keep in constant touch with the reading materials.写作练习 8Directions: You are asked to write in 120 150 words about the title of Construction Quality in China. You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below:1. 目前人们更加重视产品质量了。2. 部分产品质量不好的原因是_。3. 如何采取措施控制产品质量。As China has entered a market economy, more people have realized that the quality of the products is vital and it is a matter of life and death. Therefore a great concern has been shown to the quality of any manufactured product in China. The reasons for poor quality of products are as follows. First, some manufacturers are interested in making money only and have not paid much attention to the quality. They use poor quality materials for their products. Second, it seems that there is not complete law system for quality control. Not enough inspectors are employed by the government to check the quality of the products. Third, some unskilled workers are hired for the production, and they have no formal training. In my opinion, the following measures have to be taken. First, we should work out various laws to control the quality of the products. Second, those who are responsible for the poor quality of any products should be punished severely. By doing so, the product quality will be improved and ensured.写作练习 9Directions: You are asked to write in 120 150 words about the title of Choosing a job. You should base your composition on the outline given in English below:1. Present situation of employment in China2. What are the important factors in choosing a job?3. Pick out two of them which you think are important and explain why.Today, people are freer to choose their jobs, especially for university graduates. It has been acknowledged that young people have right to decide on what they would like to do. But the choice is not wide enough, because todays job market is rather tight. In choosing a job, I think there are two factors we have to consider. The first factor is that the job should fit ones interest because the interest will drive him to work harder and contribute a great deal to the achievements. The second factor is that the job will pay off well. That is, one will get the considerable pay for what he has worked. The money is necessary for him to live comfortably and then he will be able to work happily.As for myself, I would like to choose a job which is suitable to what I have learned at university, and which will enable me to develop myself well. I would also like to consider the working environment, which can provide me with the basic conditions such as housing, equipment, research opportunities and so. So long as I am allowed to choose a job, I would like to consider the above-mentioned factors.Directions: You are asked to write in 120 150 words about the title of Changes in Attitude towards Marriage. You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below: Outline: a. compare attitudes towards marriage of the older generations and the new generationb. now people tend to marry late, divorce more easily and frequently, or remain single all the life, the possible causes of these phenomenac. your attitudes to this issue Peoples attitudes towards marriage changes with the development of the society. Previously, especially during the years after the founding of the Republic, people usually held a more conservative attitude towards love and marriage. But since the beginning of our opening up to the world, people have assumed, it seems to me, a less serious attitude towards marriage. Many people dont want to marry early, some even remain single all their lives. The husbands and the wives do not stick to each other all the life as often as before and they get divorced more easily than ever.All these phenomena are the reflections of social evolution and we can trace their roots to many respects of our social life. First of all, in a economically booming society, many people are busy with their careers and social successes are their principal aims. Secondly, women, as well as men, are becoming more and more economically independent and they have more awareness of individual freedom. If they cant tolerate each other, they simply resort to divorce. A third reason may be the decline of moral standards, which is a prevailing occurrence all over the world. Many young people dont think marriage is for life, some dont even believe in true love any longer.As far as I am concerned, I believe love can only be found with a sincere and honest heart. The traditional marriage mode is always my life pursuit and right now Im practicing this belief with my genuine love.Directions: You are asked to write in 120 150 words about the title of Influence of Computer on Peoples Lives. You should base your composition on the outline given in Chinese below: Outline: 1. computer has had revolutionary impact on peoples lives; 2. it brings people many good things 3. but it also causes some problems Influence of Computer on Peoples LivesComputer was one of the most important inventions in the last century. It has been developed with amazing speed over the years. Now, almost every office has at least one computer and many people have their personal computers, even knees-ups, for daily use. The influence it has on human life is remarkable.Computer brings people high efficiency, more convenience and many other benefits. With computer, one can do large calculations instantly and process complicated problems with an easy touch. A computer also has a vast capacity of storing information within limited space. People seem to become more and more dependent on this new friend.But computer also causes many annoying problems. Users receive harmful radiation from the screen and get tired easily. We often hear of complaints about backaches or eyeaches due to long sitting before computers. People getting used to computer communications dont like real ones anymore and tend to be more and more unsociable. Some people are shy of society but capable of doing very aggressive things on the internet with computers. Besides, computer is not as trustworthy as we usually believe. We should have a more healthy attitude towards using computers.Directions: You are asked to write in 120 150 words about the title of Development of western part of China. You should base your composition on the outline given in English below: Outline: 1. The government decides to develop the West;2. How to develop it effectively, quickly, and sustainably?3. What problems should be paid attention to in the development?My View on Developing the WestThe developments of the eastern part and the western part in China are very unbalanced. While most east seashore areas are extremely modernized, the west of China remains backward both culturally and economically. So the government have decided to invest more intensely in the west.But how to develop it with efficiency, economy, and sustainability is a critical issue, which might have effect upon the countrys future. The state should stipulate more favorable and flexible policies to attract investment from both other regions and foreign countries. Talented people is another essential factor which holds sway over the regions progress. On the one hand, we should try best to create suitable environment for the talents to bring their strength


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