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The Natural Approach BackgroundApproachDesignProcedureConclusionTheory of languageTheory of learningObjectivesThe syllabusTypes of activitiesLearner rolesTeacher rolesThe role of instructional materialsThe Natural ApproachOutlinePart I:BackgroundlThe Natural Approachl Proposed by Tracy Terrell in 1977lIncorporate the naturalistic principleslAttract a wider interest than some other innovative language teaching proposals Part I:BackgroundlKrashen and Terrell identified the Natural Approach with traditional approach to language teaching.lTraditional Approach is defined as“based on the use of language in communicative situations without recourse to the native language”.Part I:BackgroundlThe natural approach shares many features with the direct method(natural method).lBoth are based on the idea of enabling naturalistic language acquisition in the language classroom;lThe natural approach puts less emphasis on practice and more on exposure to language input and on reducing learners anxiety.Part I:BackgroundlIn direct method,there are a series of monologues by the teacher.lIn natural approach An emphasis on input.Optimizing emotional preparedness for learning.A prolonged period of attention.A willingness to use materials as a resource of comprehensible input.Part:Approach Theory of languagelKrashen and Terrell see communication as the primary function of language.lThe importance of vocabulary is stressed.lA mastery of structures by stages.(the formula“I+1”)lGrammatical structure does not require explicit analysis.The Five Hypothesis:the acquisition/learning hypothesis the monitor hypothesis the natural order hypothesis the input hypothesis the affective filter hypothesis the acquisition/learning hypothesisl The acquired linguistic system initiates utterances when we communicate in a second or foreign language.the monitor hypothesislThree conditions limit the successful use of the monitor:Time Focus on form Knowledge of rulesthe monitor hypothesislA predictable order.lCertain grammatical structures are acquired before others.lErrors are signs of naturalistic developmental processes,during acquisition,similar developmental errors occur in learners.the natural order hypothesisthe natural order hypothesislsome rules tending to come early and other late.The order does not appear to be determined solely by formal simplicity and there is evidence that it is independent of the order in which rules are taught in language classes.the input hypothesislIn order for acquirers to process to the next stage,input language that includes a structure that is part of the next stage.lKrashen refers to this with the formula“I+1”(e.g.,input that contains structures slightly above the learners present level).the input hypothesisl It explains the relationship between the input and language acquisition.1.Relate to acquisition not to learning 2.Acquire language best by understanding input that is slightly beyond their current level.3.Speaking fluency emerges over time.4.If there is sufficient quantity of comprehensible input,+1 will usually be provided automatically.the affective filter hypothesislLearners emotional state or attitude as an adjustable filter that freely passes,impedes or blocks input necessary to acquisition.the affective filter hypothesis Three kinds of affective variables related to second language acquisition:Motivation Self-confidence AnxietyImplications for language teaching As much comprehensible input as possible must be presented.Whatever helps comprehension is important.The focus in the classroom should be on listening and reading;speaking should be allowed to“emerge”To lower the affective filter,student work should center on meaningful communication rather than on form;input should be interesting and so contribute to a relaxed classroom atmosphere.1.Objectives2.The Syllabus3.Types of Learning and Teaching Activities4.Learner Roles5.Teacher Roles6.The Role of Instructional MaterialsObjectivesu Function adequately in the target situationu Understand the speaker of the target language u Convey their requests and ideasu Make the meaning clear First,the Natural Approach is primarily designed to develop basic communication skills both oral and written;1.Basic personal communication skills:oral2.Basic personal communication skills:written3.Academic learning skills:oral4.Academic learning skills:written “the purpose of a language course will vary according to the needs of the students and their particular interests”.The goals are based on an assessment of student needs.The teacher determine the situations in which the students use the target language and topics.Do not expect students acquire a group of structures Do not organize the activities about a grammatical syllabus.Deal with a particular set of topics in a given situation.The syllabusTypes of Learning and Teaching ActivitieslPresent comprehensible input;lFocus on objects in classroom and on the content of pictures;lMinimize learner stress and anxiety;maximize learner self-confidence;lGradual progression;lAcquisition activities:focus on meaningful communication;lPair or group work Learners roles are seen to change according to their stage of linguistic development.v The pre-production stage:“Participate in the language activity without having to respond in the target language”.v The early-production stage:Respond to either-or questions,use single words and short phrases,fill in charts and use fixed conversational patterns.v The speech-emergent phase:Involve in role play and games,contribute personal information and opinions,and participate in group problem solving.The Natural Approach teacher has three central roles.nFirst,the teacher is the primary source of comprehensible input.nSecond,the teacher creates a classroom a relax atmosphere.nFinally,the teacher must choose and arrange a rich mix of classroom activities.The role of instructional materials The primary goal is to make classroom activities as meaningful as possible:By supplying“the extralinguistic context that helps the acquirer to understand and thereby to acquire”.By relating classroom activities to the real world.By fostering real communication among the learners.lPre-production stage:(1)The teacher gives commands to students.(2)Students respond physically.lProduction stage:(1)The teacher talks on pictures.(2)Students respond using simple answers(to develop production)(3)Students fill slots of:open-ended sentences;open dialogues (4)Students do conversational review.Open-ended sentences:lIn this room there is a _.lI am wearing a _.lIn my purse there is a _.lIn my bedroom I have a _.lAfter class I went to _.Open dialogues:l1、_Where are you going?l_To the _.l_What for?l_To_.l 2、_Hi,my name is _.l_Pleased to meet you.Im _.l_Are you from_?_Yes,(No,Im from_.)lSince the Natural Approach teacher expects students to be able to be able to deal with a particular set of topics in a given situation,activities in the class are organized in a communicative way.lFirst stage:the personal identification stagelPurpose:aimed primarily at lowering the affective filter by putting the students into situations in which they can get to know each other personally.lHow:The students learn how to describe themselves,their family,and their friends in the target language.lSecond stage:consists of giving the students comprehensible input about experiences and allowing for opportunities to engage in conversations about their own experiences.lThird stage:consists of input and discussions,concerning opinions.Students discuss political issues,civil rights,family,and so forth,and gain the competence to express their own views.lThe following is an example of teacher talk based on pictures,which includes examples of all those techniques for encouraging early production.lIs there a woman in this picture?(Yes).Is there a man in this picture?(No).Is the woman old or young?(Young).Yes,shes young,but very ugly.(Class responds no,pretty).Thats right,she is not ugly,she is pretty.What is she wearing?(Dress).Yes,shes wearing a blue dress.And what do you see behind her?(Tree).Yes,there are trees.Are they tall?(Yes).And beside her is a _(dog).Yes,a large dog is standing to her right.(Krashen&Terrell,1983:79)lThe Natural Approach teacher may also use charts and advertisements in their class.They are regarded as good sources of stimuli for giving comprehensible input in the single word stage;timetables,charts of school subjects,weekly schedule are useful sources.The teacher could also use a form and have students interview each other to get the desired information and fill out the required information in the form.l1.The teacher gives a command in the target language and performs it with the students.l2.The students say nothing.l3.The teacher gives the commands quite quickly.l4.The teacher sits down and issues commands to the volunteers.l5.The teacher directs students other than the volunteers.l6.The teacher introduces new commands after she is satisfied that the first few commands have been mastered.l7.The teacher changes the order of the commands.l8.When the students make an error,the teacher repeats the commands while acting it out.l9.The teacher gives the students commands they havent heard before.l10.The teacher writes the commands on the blackboard.l11.A few weeks later,students who havent spoken before give commands as teacher does.This teaching method is based on observation and interpretation of how learners acquire both first and second languages in nonformal settings.Focus on comprehension and meaningful communication as well as the provision of the right kinds of comprehensible input.Its greatest claim to originality lies in the emphasis of comprehensible and meaningful practice activities.Part V Conclusion-DefinitionlThe natural Approach emphasizes natural communication rather than formal grammar study and is tolerance of learners error.The core of the Natural Approach is language acquisition,which is considered a subconscious process,dependent on two factors:the amount of comprehensible input the students get,and the amount of the students“allow in”.The classroom consisting of acquisition activities can be an excellent environment for beginners.Comprehensible and meaningful practice activities are emphasized.The teacher creates speeches which enable students to interact using the target language.Students are not forced to respond in the target language immediately.Students interact in meaningful situation at their own level.The teacher knows students needs and concentrates on appropriate and useful areas.(1)Students may use the target language fluently,but they may not use it accurately.(2)Teachers have to collect various teaching aids and use them appropriately.(3)It simply borrows techniques from other methods.(4)There is nothing novel about its procedures and techniques.(5)There are still many problems in the research method.lHow could you take the“best“of Krashens theories and apply them in the classroom and yet still be mindful of the various problems inherent in his idea about second language acquisition?


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