牛津译林版七年级英语下册7B Unit5 ReadingⅠ课时作业(含答案)

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牛津译林版七年级英语下册7B Unit5 ReadingⅠ课时作业(含答案)_第1页
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牛津译林版七年级英语下册7B Unit5 ReadingⅠ课时作业(含答案)_第3页
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7B Unit 5 Amazing thingsPeriod2(Reading)一、词组翻译1. 在他们回家的路上_ 2. 在一棵大树下坐下_ 3. 站在树旁_ 4. 迅速离开公园_ 5. 一个星期天的早上_ 6. 像往常一样_ 7. 告诉他一切_ 8. 搜查灌木丛_ 9. 捡起那只小猫_ 10.自言自语_ 二、词汇检测1. _ (突然), he stops his car. There is a little dog in front of it.2. -You should listen_(仔细地). Its very important.-OK.I will.3. Our teacher_(想知道)when were going to have a meeting.4. Did_(任何人)see you yesterday?5. Millie was afraid because she saw a _(奇怪的)man.6. Nothing_(发生).Im OK. Amy said to her mom.7. She was_(惊讶的)when I told her about the thing.8. He never_(回复)to any of my letters. So I stopped writing to him.9. -Andy asked his mother to do his homework again.-Why didnt he do it_?10. -Whats the time? Can we get there on time?-Come on! We have to run_.三、单项填空( ) 1. We often go to the park_ Sunday mornings.A. at B. on C. in D. ( )2. This morning my uncle parked his car(停车)under the tree_.A. at most B. at all C. any more D. as usual( )3. We heard_ from those_ .A. a whisper; bushes B. whisper; bushC. whisper; bushes D. a whisper; bush( )4. _ knows him well9 because he never tells us_ about himself.A. Anybody; something B. Everybody; nothingC. Nobody; something D. Nobody; anything( )5. Please_ us carefully. Then you will_ something important.A. listen; hear B. listen to; hear C. hear; listen D. hear; listen to( )6. Yesterday I met Amy_.A. on my way home B. in my way homeC. on my way to home D. in my way to home( )7. The police_ the bushes to see if(是否)the lost(丢失的)child was there. A. searched B. searched for C. search D. looked( )8. They_ quickly after breaking(打破) the window.A. came on B. ran away C. got off D. ran into( ) 9. My teacher let me_ and_ me a bottle of apple juice.A. sit down; bring B. sit down; broughtC. to sit down; brings D. to sit down; brought( ) 10. My sister_ her bag in the room and she_ it at last.A. look for; found B. found; looked for1C. looked for; found D. found; look for四、动词填空1. -Where is the cat?-It_ (search) for food in the bushes.2. -Could you tell me how_ (make) a model plane?-Sorry, I dont know.3. He turned around and_ (see) something interesting.4. My little sister likes_ (pick) the flowers in her own garden.5. A cinema is a good place_ (go) if you like films.6. I_ (buy) a present for him next week.7. My father always_ (help) us with homework on Sundays.8. Listen! The music_ (sound) like the singing of birds.9. Jim_ (leave) for England next week, isnt he?10. Mr Black is in the classroom. He_ (talk) with some students五、完形填空A woman drives to work every day. She usually parks her car in the street _1_ her office. Yesterday after work, she got into her car and started _2_ home. Suddenly, she noticed a yellow van behind her. The _3_ was a man. When she turned left, the yellow van turned left. When she turned right, the yellow van turned right. When she stopped at the traffic lights, the yellow van stopped _4_ her.She was afraid, so she drove towards our _5_. She was very surprised when she saw the van _6_ behind her. At that time, I was standing outside the police station. The woman was very _7_ to see me. She knew that I was a policeman because I was wearing a police uniform. She _8_ out of her car quickly and ran to me. She asked me _9_ the man inside the van, so I walked towards the man.But the man didnt want to run when he saw me. He just smiled and said to the woman, “I want to _10_ this purse back to you, madam. I think you dropped it in the street.”( )1. A. inside B. outside C. in front D. next( )2. A. walking B. riding C. running D. driving( )3. A. doctor B. cook C. driver D. police( )4. A. behind B. in front of C. over D. before( )5. A. school B. home C. hotel D. police station ( )6. A. stop B. stopped C. stops D. to stop( )7. A. surprised B. happy C. afraid D. tired( )8. A. walked B. took C. ran D. jumped( )9. A. to drive B. to talk C. to catch D. to push( )10. A. borrow B. lend C. get D. give六、阅读理解Look at the baby. Her name is DANICA May Camacho. She was born (出生) on October 31, 2011 in the Philippines (菲律宾). People call Camacho the worlds 7 billionth (第 70 亿) baby.The little baby was 2.5kg. She looks so lovely, said hermother, I cant believe(相信) she is the worlds seven billionth.O fficials c 官方人员) from the UN met the baby and her parents.P eople from the UN gave her a chocolate cake with the words 7BBaby on it.2There are more and more people in the world. And Camacho isone of the symbols ( 标志) of overpopulation ( 人口过剩). Too many people can bring too many problems. We hope all babies will have a good life in the future.( ) 1. When was the baby born?A. On October 30,2011.C. On November 30,2011.B. On October 31,2011.D. On November 31,2011.( ) 2. The baby is the worlds_ baby.A. 6 billionth B. 6 millionth C. 7 billionth D. 7 millionth ( ) 3. Who did officials from the UN meet?A. The babys father.C. The baby.B. The babys mother.D. The baby and her parents.( ) 4. From the passage we can know_.A. there are over 7 billion people in the worldB. the baby will have a happy lifeC. there are less people in the worldD. the baby shouldnt come to the world( ) 5. Which of the following is wrong?A. The baby was born in the Philippines.B. The mother thought her baby was lovely.C. People from the UN gave the baby a name.D. Too many people can bring too many problems.七、翻译句子1. 昨天你姐姐发生了什么事? _ 2. 警察快速地到达宾馆,仔细地搜查了一下。 _ 3. 当这只猫“喵”的时候,它听起来像低语声。 _ 4. 他转过身,但没看见任何人。 _ 5. 在他们上学的路上,他们看到了一个奇怪的男人。 _ 6. 他很惊讶地听说大象是用脚尖走路的。 _ 3参考答案一. 1. on their way home 2. sit down under a big tree3. stand beside the tree 4. leave the park quickly5. one Sunday morning 6. as usual7. tell him everything 8. search the bushes9. pick up that little cat 10. say to oneself二. 1. Suddenly 2. carefully 3. wonders 4. anybody 5. strange6. happened 7. surprised 8. replied 9. himself 10. quickly三. 1-5 13DADB 6-10AA BBC四. 1. is searching 2. to make 3. saw 4. picking 5. to go6. will buy 7. helps 8. sounds 9. is going to leave 10. is talking五. 1.B 根据文意,不难得出是把车停在办公室外面。2. D 上了车,开车回家,start to do sth./doing sth.开始做某事。3. C 她发现一辆车跟着她,驾驶员是名男性。4. A 在红绿灯处,她停车,黄色小车也停在她的车后面。2. D 由下文我站在警察局外面,身穿警服可知她将车开向我们的警察局。2. A 这里考查词组搭配,see sb. do/doing sth.,类似用法还有 hear sb. do/doing sth.。3. B 之前黄色货车的行为让她觉得非常害怕,看到警察她当然会很高兴。be happy to do sth. 很高兴做某事。4. D jump 词体现她的动作之快,心精之急。C 选项,跑出小车,不符合逻辑。5. C 她叫我去捉在车里的那个男人,B 选项意为交谈,少了介词 to; push 意为推,不符题意。 10.D give sth. back to sb.把某物归还给某人,也可用 return sth. to sb.。六. BCDAC七. 1. What happened to your elder sister yesterday?2. The police got to the hotel quickly and searched it carefully.2. When the cat miaows, it sounds like a whisper.3. He turned around, but saw nobody.4. On their way to school, they saw a strange man3. He is surprised to know that elephants walk on tiptoes.4


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