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课程简介 课程名称: E英语教程 课程类型:本科专业必修课 适用专业:艺术类 学时与学分: 48学时 2学分 邮件: Listening and speaking Reading Grammar Writing Culture express Content Pronunciation and listening skills Conversations Passage Listening and speaking Pronunciation and listening skills Listen to some sentences and mark the intonations with or . Tips 语调 (intonation), 即说话的腔调 , 就是 一句话里声调高低 , 抑扬轻重的配置和变 化。英语的基本语调 包括升调 () 和降调 () 。选择疑问句的 前半句和一般疑问句 的句尾多用升调。陈 述句、特殊疑问句、 感叹句和表示命令的 祈使句句尾多用降调。 1 What do you want to eat? _ 2 What a good idea! _ 3 Dont make a noise! _ 6 Do you like this one _ or that one? _ 5 Would you like some desert? _ 4 It is raining outside. _ Conversations Conversation 1 Conversation 2 Functional language Exercises Exercises Functional language 1. Listen to a conversation and choose the best answer to each of the following questions. Word tips I beg your pardon 请原谅;对不起 not hold water (借口、陈述等)站不住脚 idiot n. 傻瓜;笨蛋 unacceptable adj. 不能接受的 Conversation 1 - Making apologies today its the heavy traffic. I wont listen to your excuses anymore. Daniel: Sharon, come on. I know Ive hurt your feelings. I promise itll never happen again. Sharon: Oh, no, no, Daniel, I dont need your promise! Your apology is unacceptable. Its over between us. 3. Role-play a conversation in pairs according to one of the following situations. You may refer to the Functional Language. Situation 1 A and B are close friends. A has forgotten Bs birthday since he / she has been very busy recently. Situation 2 A runs across his / her supervisor B on campus. B warns A that he /she is about to miss the deadline for submitting the graduation design. (Sample) (Sample) Conversation 1 - Making apologies it can help you later in life when you meet your Mr. or Ms. Right, it can make you a better person so that you know how to use your love to help other people. Scripts Passage If you find yourself “in love,” its OK but. wait! Right now, you have a lot more important things to do. Think of these questions: Will you still love him or her 10 years later? Do you have enough education to find a good job and live a happy life with your crush in the future? What would you do if you find someone better than your crush? I bet you are not sure of the answers. Why? Because youre too young to understand true love! True love will come when youre much older. Now, you should try to be the best person you can be, and do the very best you can. That means doing well at school and being a good son or daughter first. Scripts Passage 3. Work in groups to share your opinions on puppy love, and choose a representative to give a report to the class. Passage Passage A Passage B Love is never lost The Taj Mahal in India: A Monument to Love Reading Love is never lost Lead-in Text study Exercises Passage A Passage A Love is never lost Lead-in Extended reading Pre-reading questions Video appreciation Passage A Love is never lost Lead-in - Video appreciation Love is never Lost I was in love with the most amazing man in the world. When we were in love time seemed like eternity, every second spent together wasnt wasted. Yet some day I knew it would end. Letting go was the hardest thing in the world, the only thing that let me do it was my love for him, true love is when you will do anything to make the other happy, and that was my great sacrifice, I knew he would want me happy. For years I was afraid to look into another mans eyes, for I was afraid to see yours staring back. I was afraid to laugh because I wouldnt be laughing with Passage A Love is never lost Lead-in - Extended reading you. I was afraid nothing would ever feel as good again, that I would call out your name instead of his. Years and years I was afraid but Im not any longer, I have accepted the reality that you will be there forever, in my mind, engraved into my soul. I have lost. and because I lost I waited but nothing came, I feared but there was nothing to fear, I grieved until my tears had completely dried up, I tried then to rejoice, but I could not. Passage A Love is never lost Lead-in - Extended reading And I realized time stops for no one; Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity. Because I have loved I will spend eternity with him, when my body is found at his grave, it will be a shock for no one. It was our love that brought us together. Passage A Love is never lost Lead-in - Extended reading 1. “Love never dies a natural death. It dies of blindness, and errors and betrayals (背叛 ). It dies of weariness (厌倦 ), of withering (枯萎 ), of tarnishing (变暗淡 ).” Do you agree with the quotation? Why or why not? Passage A Love is never lost Pre-reading questions Work in groups to discuss the following questions. 1. I agree with the quotation. At the very beginning of love, what the lovers feel may be just excitement and happiness. However, as time goes by, they may mot care about each other anymore and may have dispute and quarrels which they cant deal with properly. Besides, the longer they stay with each other, the wearier they may feel. At that time, love begins to die. Passage A Love is never lost Pre-reading questions Work in groups to discuss the following questions. 2. What do you think are the “gains” and “losses” in the process of loving someone? 2. In the process of loving someone, we gain happiness and caring from our partner. Besides, we learn how to love others. On the other hand, we, to some extent, lose our freedom during the process, by which I mean we have to sacrifice some of our personal space and time to be together with our partner. Passage A Love is never lost Text study Organization of the text Language points Text reading 1. If our love is only our will to possess, it is not love. They say its better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. That thought wouldnt be very comforting to Mike Sanders. He had just been dumped by his girlfriend. Of course, she didnt put it quite that way. She said, “I do care about you, Mike, and hope we can still be friends.” “Great!” Mike thought, “Still be friends. You, me and your new boyfriend will go to the movies together.” 2. Mike and Angie had been going together since they were freshmen. But over the summer, she had met someone else. Now as he entered his senior year, Mike was alone. For three years they shared the same friends and favorite hangouts. The thought of returning to those surroundings without Angie made him feel empty. _ _ Passage A Love is never lost _ _ _ _ _ _ Passage A Love is never lost 3. Football practice usually helped him take his mind off his troubles. Coaches have way of running you until youre so tired that you cant really think of anything else. But lately, Mikes heart just wasnt in it. One day it caught up with him. He dropped passes he wouldnt normally miss and let himself get tackled by guys who had never been able to touch him before. Teach himbut gently, if you can. 4. Mike knew better than to have the coach yell at him again, so he tried practice instead. As he was running off the field, he was told to report to the coachs office. 5. “Girl, family, or school. Which one is bothering you, son?” asked his coach. 6. “Girl,” Mike responded. “How did you guess?” 7. “Sanders, Ive been coaching football since before you were born and every time Ive seen an all-star play like a j.v. rookie, its been because of one of those three things.” 8. Mike nodded. “Sorry, sir. It wont happen again.” His coach patted him on the shoulder. “This is a big year for you, Mike. Theres no reason why you shouldnt get a full ride to the school of your choice. Just remember to focus on whats really important. The other things will take care of themselves.” _ Passage A Love is never lost _ _ _ _ 9. Mike knew his coach was right. He should just let Angie move on with her life. But he still felt hurt, even betrayed. “It just makes me so mad, Coach. I trusted her. I opened myself up to her. I gave her all I had, but what did it get me?” 10. His coach pulled out some paper and a pen from his desk drawer. “Thats a really good question. What did it get you?” He handed Mike the pen and paper and said, “I want you to think about the time you spent with this girl, and list as many experiences, good and bad, as you can remember. Then I want you to write down the things that you learned from each other. Ill be back in an hour.” With that, the coach left Mike by himself. Passage A Love is never lost 11. Mike slumped into his chair as memories of Angie flooded his head. He recalled when he had first worked up the nerve to ask her out, and how happy he had been when she said yes. Had it not been for Angies encouragement, Mike wouldnt have tried out for the football team. 12. Then he thought of the fights that they had. Though he couldnt remember all the reasons for fighting, he remembered the sense of achievement he got from working through their problems. He had learned to communicate and compromise. He remembered making up after the fights, too. That was always the best part. _ _ _ Passage A Love is never lost _ _ _ _ Passage A Love is never lost 13. Mike remembered all the times she made him feel strong and needed and special. He filled the paper with their history: holidays, trips with each other, with family, school dances and quiet picnics together. Line by line, he wrote of the experiences they shared, and he realized how she had helped shape his life. He would have become a different person without her. 14. When the coach returned, Mike was gone. He had left a note on the desk that simply read, “Coach, thanks for the lesson. I guess what they say about having loved and lost is true. See you at the practice.” _ _ Passage A Love is never lost Organization of the text Structure Part I (Para. _) Part II (Para. _) Part III (Para. _) 1-4 5-10 11-14 Introduction: Mike breaks up with Angie and feels upset. The coachs requests: list all of the experiences, good or bad Mike understands the truth about having loved and lost. Passage A Love is never lost They say its better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all. It is +better + to do A than to do B: It is better to go shopping in the supermarket than to stay at home for idle chat. (Line 2-3, Para. 1) 人们说 ,爱过之后再失去比从未爱过要好。 是不定式的完成时态 , 表示不定式表 示的动作在谓语表示情况之前发生 。 There is no need to have bought a new pair of shoes for me. to have done 做事情 A要比做事 情 B好 。 Passage A Love is never lost I do care about you. 我真的很在乎你。 助动词 do/does/did 表强调 他确实把发生的事情都说了。 He did tell all that had happened to him. 助动词 do/does/did放在一般现在时和一般过去时的 句子中动词原形前 , 以强调谓语 。 (Line 5, Para. 1) Passage A Love is never lost Mike and Angie had been going together since they were freshmen. 迈克和安吉从大学一年级就开始谈恋爱了。 为过去完成进行时 , 表示过去某个时刻之前一直进行 的动作或状态 。 Since引导了一个时间状语从句 , 表 示这个动作开始的时间点 。 另外 , 过去完成进行时还 可以和 for引导的时间状语连用 。 在他回来之前我们一直等了他一个小时。 We had been waiting for him for an hour by the time he came. (Line 1, Para. 2) had been doing: Passage A Love is never lost The thought of returning to those surroundings without Angie made him feel empty. 一想到 没有了安吉的陪伴,要一个人再回到那些环境 中, 他就感到空虚。 一想到尼克,她的喉咙就发紧。 The thought of Nick made her throat tighten. the thought of: 一想到 。 名词短语做句子 的主语 , 要译成 “ 一想到 ” 。 The thought of makes sb. feel empty (Line 5-6, Para. 2) Passage A Love is never lost Ive been coaching football since 我已经等了一个小时而他还没有出现。 I have been waiting for an hour and he still hasnt turned up. have been doing: 为现在完成进行时 , 表示某一动 作自过去某个时间开始 , 一直持续到现在并且有 可能继续持续下去 。 现在完成进行时经常和 since 或 for引导的时间状语一起使用 。 (Line 1, Para. 7) Passage A Love is never lost I heard you were tracked for a full ride to Kansas State. Theres no reason why you shouldnt get a full ride to the school of your choice. (Line 3, Para. 8) 听说你要被保送到堪萨斯州 。 a full ride: 你没有理由不拿到全额奖学金去你想去的大学。 an all-expenses-paid scholarship 全额奖学金 Passage A Love is never lost Take care of the pence and the pound will take care of themselves. take care of: The other things will take care of themselves. (Line 3, Para. 8) 金钱积少便成多 。 为 “ 照料 , 照顾 ” 之意 , 此处不要译为 “ 事情能够自己照顾自己 ” 。 在文中的 意思是 “ 其他事情总会自然解决的 ” 。 其他的事情都会解决的。 Passage A Love is never lost Had it not been for Angies encouragement, Mike wouldnt have tried out for the football team. (Line 4, Para. 11) 要不是安吉的鼓励,迈克也不会努力争取进入足球队。 本句表示对过去情况的假设,因此用虚拟语气。这种 情况下的构成形式为:条件从句中的谓语用 had+过去 分词,主句谓语用 would have + 过去分词。条件句 中的 if可以省略,需将 had提前,改成倒装语序。 如果 发生了任何事情 , 他会让我们知道的 。 Had anything happened, he would have let us know. 衍伸: had it not been for/ but for /without, we wouldnt have done Passage A Love is never lost Though he couldnt remember all the reasons for fighting, he remembered the sense of achievement he got from working through their peoblems. (Line 1, Para. 12) 尽管他不能记起每次争吵的原因,但他记得问题解决 以后的成就感。 though: 尽管她很累 , 还是熬着夜在电视上看电影 。 Although she was tired, she stayed up to watch the film on television. 引导让步状语从句 , 表示 “ 尽管;虽然 ” , 有这种含义的词还有 although, while等 。 Passage A Love is never lost He would have become a different person without her. (Line 6, Para. 13) 如果没有她,他不会是现在的样子。 该句为虚拟语气 。 without her 相当于 if it had not been for her 没有你帮助的话 , 我上周考试可能就通不过了 。 Without your help, I would have failed the exam last week. Passage A Love is never lost 恐怕他没有什么幽默感。 Im afraid he doesnt possess a sense of humor. possess vt. to have or own sth; to have a particular quality or feature 有;具有(特质) n. possession (Line 1, Para. 1) How much money does he possess? Passage A Love is never lost 玛姬昨天和丹尼尔分手了。 Maggie dumped Daniel yesterday. dump 1) vt. to end a romantic relationship with sb与(某人)结 束 恋爱关系 She dumped her bags on the floor. (Line 4, Para. 1) 2) vt. to put sth. somewhere in a careless untidy way 乱放; 乱堆;乱扔 她把包都乱扔在地板上。 Passage A Love is never lost 除了自己,他不在乎任何人。 He doesnt care about anybody but himself. care about to be concerned about what happends to sb., because you like or love them 关心,在意 (Line 6, Para. 1) 衍伸短语 : care for 喜欢,爱 take care 保重,珍重 (用于道别 ) take care of 照顾;处理 with care 小心 ;用心 Passage A Love is never lost 马特和米歇尔从 4月份开始相恋。 Matt and Michelle have been going together since April. go together If two people are going together, they are having a romantic relationship 恋爱 (Line 1, Para. 2) Passage A Love is never lost 对大学新生而言洁身自好是很重要的。 Its important for the college freshman to keep his nose clean. freshman n. a student in the first year of high school or university(中 学或大学的)一年级学生;新手 (Line 2, Para. 2) 衍伸词语 : sophomore 大二 ;大二学生 junior 大三;大三学生 senior 大四;大四学生 Passage A Love is never lost 这家酒吧是学生们最喜欢聚会的地方 。 This bar is a favorite hangout for students. hangout n. a place sb. likes to go to often 常去的地方 (Line 5, Para. 2) 衍伸短语: hang out 闲逛 , 逗留 Passage A Love is never lost 你能不能暂时忘掉考试,先好好休息一下? Can you just take your mind off the exam and have a rest? take ones mind off sth. 把某人的注意力从某事物上移走 (Line 1, Para. 3) Passage A Love is never lost 振作起来吧,这些问题总会有解决的办法。 Cheer up - these problems have a way of working out. have a way of doing sth. used to say that sth. often or usually happens (某事)经常 会(总是)以某种形式发生 (Line 2, Para. 3) Passage A Love is never lost 睡眠不足使她开始打瞌睡。 The lack of sleep caught up with her, and she began to doze off. catch up with sb. to begin to have an effect on sb. 开始对 产生影响 (Line 5, Para. 3) 可别再让恐惧迷了你的心窍。 Now do not let your fear catch up with you. Passage A Love is never lost tackle 1) vt. to try to take the ball away from an opponent in a game such as football (足球等比赛中的)抢( 球 ) ,截 (球) 2008奥运会以来 ,北京一直设法解决交通拥堵问题。 Beijing officials have been trying to tackle the problem of congestion since the Beijing Olympics in 2008. (Line 7, Para. 3) 2) vt. to try to deal with a difficult problem 处理;解决(难 题) He was tackled before he had a chance to shoot. 在有机会起脚射门之前他的球被断了。 Passage A Love is never lost 她应该知道不要用伞去戳动物。 She should know better than to poke the animal with her umbrella. know better than 明白事理而不至于做 ; 很明白 (不能去) (Line 1, Para. 4) 她这样的年龄应该知道不该把钱全花在衣服上。 Shes old enough to know better than to spend all her money on clothes. Passage A Love is never lost 他们大喊着叫他停下。 They yelled at him to stop. yell v. to shout or say sth. very loudly, especially because you are frightened, angry, or excited (尤因恐惧、愤怒或激动而) 叫喊;大嚷大叫 (Line 1, Para. 4) Passage A Love is never lost 他忘了我的生日令我很生气。 It really bothered me that hed forgotten my birthday. bother v. to make sb. feel slightly worried, upset, or concerned (使) 担心;(使)生气;(使)苦恼 (Line 1, Para. 5) Passage A Love is never lost 我们会议的重点是妇女权利问题。 Our meeting focuses on the question of womens right. focus on center on 聚焦于;集中于 (Line 5, Para. 8) 他发现他很难把他的注意力集中在一件事情上超过五 分钟。 He finds it hard to focus his thoughts on one thing for longer than five minutes. 同义短语: be centered on; concentrate on Passage A Love is never lost 他宁愿死也不愿向敌人出卖自己的祖国。 He would rather die than betray his country to the enemy. betray 1) to give information about sb/sth to an enemy 出卖 ,泄密 衍伸短语: betray oneself 原形毕露 ; 暴露自己 他辜负了我对他的信任。 He betrayed my trust in him. (Line 3, Para. 9) 2) to be disloyal to sb. who loves you or trusts you 背叛; 对 不忠 Passage A Love is never lost 一头扎在床上 to slump ones body in the bed slump vt. to fall or lean against sth. because you are not strong enough to stand (因无力站立而)倒下,倚,靠 最近以来,电子产品的价格暴跌。 The price of electronic products slump recently. vi. to fall in price, value, number, etc., suddenly and by a large amount(价格、价值、数量等)骤降,猛跌,锐减 (Line 1, Para. 11) Passage A Love is never lost 他半闭双眼 ,好象在回想什么。 He half-closed his eyes as though trying to recall something. recall 1) vt. to remember a particular fact, event, or situation from the past 回想;回忆起 2) vt. to order sb to return; to ask for sth to be returned, often because there is sth wrong with it召回 ;收回(残损货品) 凡是次品均应立即收回。 All substandard products should be recalled promptly. (Line 2, Para. 11) Passage A Love is never lost work up I worked myself up to accept the challenge. 我鼓起勇气接受挑战 to develop a particular feeling 激发,激起 (Line 2 Para. 11) work up the nerve: 鼓起勇气 Passage A Love is never lost work through We should work through the problems rather than avoid them. 我们应该解决问题而不是逃避。 to deal with problems or unpleasant feelings 解决(问题); 调整(情绪) (Line 4 Para. 12) Passage A Love is never lost The president will not compromise on the issue. 总统在这个问题上不会妥协。 v. to reach an agreement in which everyone involved accepts less than what they wanted at first 妥协;让步 衍伸词组: reach a compromise 达成妥协 make a compromise 妥协;折衷;做出让步 reject compromise 拒绝妥协 compromise (Line 5, Para. 12) Passage A Love is never lost make up She is coming to make up with you. 她是来与你和解的。 to become friends with sb. again after you have had an arguement 和解;言归于好 (Line 6, Para. 12) Passage A Exercises Vocabulary A and B (使 )合并,成为 一体 v. to connect or combine two or more things so thattogether they form an effective unit or system (使 )结 合;(使)成为一体 integrate (Line 2, Para. 6) Passage B The Taj Mahal in India: A monument to love surround v. to be all around sb. or sth. 环绕;包围 他们尽量使生病的女孩感到舒适。 They surrounded the sick girl with every comfort. (Line 1, Para. 7) 短语: sb/sth (with sb/sth) : to move into position all around s


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