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高考词汇手册第二轮默写 P1-52 (A、 B) adj. P1-52 adj. 1. 因为生病而缺席了 年会 2. 全神贯注地看卡通 3. 精确的预测 4. 额外的收费 5. 充足的水供给 6. 宜人的天气 7. 业余选手 the aged 22. aggressive 23. agreeable weather 24. agricultural development 25. air-conditioned vehicle= vehicle equipped with air-conditioner 26. airline 27. alcoholic 28. be alert to sth. 29. look much alike 30. look alive/a man alive 31. alone仅仅(用于名词或代词后) 32. alternative 33. amateur player in ancient times 37. be angry at sth./be angry with sb. for sth. 38. anniversary 39. be annoyed with sb./about sth. 40. annual income/meeting 41. another five days = five more days keep sb. awake 只喝一杯咖啡就会让我整晚睡不着。 57. sb. be aware of sth. 越来越多的人意识到遵守交通规则的重要性。 00s 我们深晓,就自然资源而言,它是西欧最贫瘠的国家。 (aware; terms) 他这次考试失败使他意识到定期复习功课是这么重要。 (aware) 58. awful 59. feel awkward in the presence of sb. - 只有真正患过重病的人才真正明白健康对于一个人意味着什么。(aware) 直到收到罚款单,这个司机才意识到他违章了。 (aware) Not until he got the fine ticket was the driver aware that he had broken the rules. 他如此专注于功课,根本没意识到我进房间。( aware ) He concentrated so much on his lessons that he wasnt aware of my entering the room at all. Nowadays a variety of useful information in the computer is available to everybody. More and more people are aware that it is important to obey the traffic rules. We are fully/well aware that in terms of natural resources, it is the poorest country in Western Europe. He failed in the exam, which made him aware of the importance of reviewing his lessons regularly. His failure in the exam made him aware how important it is to review his lesson regularly. 1. a back door 2. backward 3. be bad for /be bad to feel bad about 4. bare 5. a basic principle 6. beautiful 7. bedtime story 8. acceptable 9. sth. be beneficial to sb. 10. the best seller 11. not better than be better off 12. big game 大猎物 13. bitter 14. be beaten black and blue; black tea 15. wear a blank look 16. be blind in both eyes; go blind 17. feel blue 18. boiling/boiled water开水 19. be bored with sth. 20. born 21. brave 22. make a brief introduction 23. bright 24. broad 25. brilliant 26. be buried in thought 27. be busy with sth./be busy in doing sth. - a well-balanced diet 高考词汇手册第二轮默写 P53-103 (C、 D) adj. P53-103 adj. 1. 保持镇静 2. 一个随意的人 3. 易变的天气 /多变的情绪 4. 欣赏古典 /经典音乐 5. 激烈的竞争 /竞争性的社会 6. 恒速 /不断的抱怨 7. 民权 /内战 8. 总工程师 /主编 9. 任何有常识的人 /常见的拼写 错误 /共同的利益 10.中央 /地方政府 11.相关的人 /担心某人的安全 / 与 相关 12.对 感到困惑 /心满意足 /好奇 13.某人做某事真是太体贴了 14.致力于共产主义事业 15.创造性 /批判性思维 16.义务教育 17.补蛀牙 18.潮湿的地下室 /昏暗的灯光 19.经济上依赖父母 20.明确的答复 21.一件精致的艺术品 22.统治地位 23.不顾一切做某事 24. contemporary 25. characteristic 26. comparative 27.与我们的期望相反,结果远不能令人满意。 (contrary) 28.在这么短的时间内完成如此复杂的工作并非易事。 (It ) 29.他确信会成功 。 /无论困难有 多大,中国政府一定会采取 有效措施减少金融危机的影响。 (certain) 30.依我看,你的知识面就越广 ,就越有能力应付工作中遇到的问题。 ( capable ) 1. keep/remain calm 2. a casual person 3. changeable weather/mood 4. appreciate classical/classic music 5. fierce competition/competitive society 6. constant speed/complaint 7. civil rights/war 8. chief engineer/editor 9. Whoever has common sense/common spelling mistake/common interest 10.central/local government 11.anyone concerned/be concerned about ones safety/be concerned with 12.be confused about/be content with./be curious about 13.Its considerate of sb. to do sth. 14.be devoted to the communist cause 15.creative/critical thinking pulsory education 17.fill the decayed tooth 18.damp basement/dim light 19.be dependent on parents financially 20.definite answer 21.a delicate work of art 22.dominant position 23.be desperate to do sth. 24.contemporary 25.characteristic parative 27.Contrary to our wish, the result was far from satisfactory. 28.It is no easy job to finish such a complicated task in such a short time. 29.He is certain (confident/sure) of success. However great the difficulty is (= whatever difficulties there are)/However difficult it is, the Chinese government is certain to take effective measures to reduce the impact (effect/influence) of financial crisis. 30.In my opinion, the wider range/scope of knowledge you have, the more capable you are of dealing with the problems you have met at work. 1. remain calm 2. canned fruit 3. be capable of doing sth. 4. capital city 5. capitalist 6. carbonic 7. be careful with ones work 8. a casual person/take a casual look at sth. have a clear conscience; make sth. clear 25. a close friend/have a close relation with sb./pay close attention to sth. 26. coloured compulsory education义务教育 - 与我们的期望相反,结果远不能令人满意 。 (contrary) 无论困难有多大,中国政府一定会采取有效措施减小金融危机的影响 ( however, certain) 依我看,你的知识面就越广,就越有能力应付工作中遇到的问题。 ( capable ) In my opinion, the wider range/scope of knowledge you have, the more capable you are of dealing with the problems you have met at work. 青年人不应该回避困难,相反,应该千方百计克服它们 。 contrary) Young people should not avoid difficulties. On the contrary, they should try / do their best / make every effort to overcome / get over them. 他指责我玩忽职守,这与事实大相径庭。( contrary) He accused me of neglecting my duty, which was contrary to the fact 1. in our daily life 2. dairy product 3. damp basement 4. dangerous 5. daytime 6. a dead man 7. turn a deaf ear to sth. 8. decayed tooth 9. a knee-deep pond 10. be deep into night 11. give a definite answer evidence) 21. editorial section 22. external/internal 23. executive 24.配备空调的车辆 /具备优雅的 举止和广博的知识对一个合格的老师是非常必要的。 /充 分准备好做某事 (equip) 25.他对西欧很熟悉,主动提出当我们的导游。 (familiar) 26.多吃蔬菜和水果有益健康。(good)05 27.他本想在这家书店里消磨时 间,却被几本时尚杂志迷住了。 (fascinate) 28.面试后老板下结论说她能胜任这项工作。 (fit) 1. emotional factor 2. everlasting friendship 3. faint voice 4. fertile soil 5. eventual failure/fate 6. speak English fluently 7. fair/fierce competition 8. feasible plan/flexible schedule 9. enthusiastic/energetic volunteer 10.feel embarrassed/exhausted 11.be eager for greater progress 12.economic reform/economical society/economy class 13.install electric light/electrical engineer/refer to the electronic dictionary 14.far from enough/satisfactory/efficient 15.Good books are equal to good friends./It is reasonable to demand equal pay for equal work. 16.be full of opportunities and challenges/shelves filled with all kinds of books 17.on formal/informal occasions/come across former colleague 18.the impact (effect) of financial crisis on domestic market 19.be grateful/thankful/obliged to sb. for sth. 20.It is evident that = There is evidence that 21.editorial section 22.external/internal 23.executive 24.vehicles equipped with air-conditioners/Being equipped with elegant manners and extensive knowledge is essential to a qualified teacher./be well (fully) equipped for sth. (to do sth.) 25.He was quite familiar with Western Europe , so he offered to be our guide. 26.Eating more vegetables and fruits is good for the health./does good to. 27.He had meant to pass the time in this bookstore, but he was fascinated by several fashion magazines. 28.After the interview, the employer concluded that she was fit for the job. 1. be eager to make progress/be eager for knowledge 2. in early/late spring 3. earnest 4. eastern/western Europe 5. take it easy 6. economic reform/situation big enough; far from enough 26. entertaining 27. enthusiastic 28. entire area/school 29. sb. be entitled to do sth. 30. A is equal to B = equivalent 好书如益友。 demand equal pay for equal work 要求同工同酬 offer equal opportunities/enjoy equal rights 31. be equipped with sth. receive financial aid 19.finished product 成品 19.firm belief/as firm as a rock 20.be fit for sth./to do sth.; keep fit = keep healthy 21.flat tyre 22.speak English fluently/frequently说一口流利的英语frequent customers/keep frequent contact with sb. 23.folk music 24.in the following days/ the following page, afternoon trouble-free 33.at freezing/ boiling point; freezing cold be fresh from college 35.be frightened of sth./be frightened to do sth. 36.friendly/ orderly/ disorderly/ lonely/ lovely/lively/ monthly/deadly/timely 38.be full of/ be filled with opportunities and challenges 39.go abroad for further education/make further effort 这款手机式样新颖、携带方便,深受年轻人的欢迎。 (popular) The mobile phone is fashionable/ modern in style and convenient to carry, so it is very popular with the young people/ youngsters. 他本想在这家书店里消磨时间,但结果却被几本时尚杂志迷 住了。 (fascinate) He had meant to pass the time in this bookstore, but he ended up fascinated by several fashion magazines. 乘船游览,你会被浦江两岸风景所迷住的。 (fascinate) Take a boat trip and you will be fascinated by the scenery along the Huangpu River. 面试后老板下结论说她能胜任这项工作。 (fit) After the interview, the employer concluded that she was fit for the job. 1. genetic makeup 2. have a general idea of sth./as a general rule 3. generous/mean/greedy/selfish/ selfless; It is generous of sb. to do sth. 4. be gentle with 5. giant panda 6. Gifted/Talented as she is, 7. be glad to do sth.; (be glad to have passed the exam) 8. the effect of global warming on the environment 9. glorious victory 10.seize a golden opportunity /keep the golden rule in mind 11.be good to sb./be good for sb. 12.make gradual progress 13.Shanghai Grand Theatre 14.be grateful to the professor for his timely help = thankful = obliged 15.be greedy for fame and profit 渴望名利 16.a green hand 17.be guilty of crime have a guilty (clear) conscience 高考词汇手册第二轮默写 P149-178 (H、 I、 J、 K) adj. P149-178 adj. 1. 待人苛刻 /刻苦工作 2. 早晚派得上用场 3. 勤奋的学生 4. 创建和谐的社会 5. 进行激烈的讨论 6. 遭受惨重的损失 7. 追求理想的职业 8. 历史人物 /历史性的会见 9. 空心的水管 /一个肤浅的人 10.出生卑微 11.每天摄入太多的盐和糖会损害人的健康 。 ( harmful) 12.对学生所谈的电子产品一无所知 13.工业国家 /帝国贸易 14.个人风格 15.一场不可避免的灾难 16.首字母 /开始阶段 17.方便面 /速溶咖啡 /短信 18.虚构的角色 /富有想象力的作家 19.质量不如样品的货物 20.迫切想出国深造 (keen) 21.证据不足 /证据确凿 22. household name 23. impressive/informative lecture 24.未经同意在商业广告中使用某人的形象是违法的 。 (illegal) 25.这种进口药有立竿见影之功效 。 (immediate) 26.对普通人来说北京的故宫不再是禁地 。 (inaccessible) 27.你既然声称要独立于父母 ,为什么在经济上完全依靠他 们 ? (independent) 1. be hard on sb./be hard at work 2. come in handy sooner or later 3. hardworking student 4. create harmonious society 5. have a heated discussion 6. suffer huge loss 7. pursue ideal career 8. historical figure/a historic meeting 9. hollow water pipe/a shallow person 10.humble origin 11.It is harmful to peoples health to take in too much salt and sugar every day.(Or: If you take in too much salt and sugar every day, it is harmful to your health.) 12.be ignorant of the electronic products the students are talking about 13.industrial country/imperial trade 14.individual style 15.an inevitable disaster 16.initial letter/stage 17.instant noodle/coffee/message 18.imaginary character/imaginative writer 19.goods inferior to sample 20.be keen to go abroad for further study 21.inadequate proof/adequate proof (evidence) 22.household name 23.impressive/informative lecture 24.It is illegal to use someones image in commercials without permission. 25.This kind of imported medicine has immediate effect. 26.The Palace Museum in Beijing is no longer inaccessible to ordinary people. 27.Now that / Since you claim that you want to be independent of your parents, why do you economically / financially depend entirely on them? 1. handsome /quarrelsome/troublesome 2. come in handy 派得上用场 /a handy safety box便于拿取的 3. be hard on sb = be strict with sb at high speed; high rent/price/tax 14.a historic meeting/historical research (figure) 15.a hollow pipe/a shallow person 16.feel homesick 13.honorable/respectable guest 14.a horrible nightmare 15.hot 16.a household name 17.huge (enormous); have a huge appetite 18.human civilization/rights/nature 19.humble origin出身卑微 ; in my humble opinion依拙见 20.go hungry 21.a hurried meal 匆匆吃完的一顿饭 - 尽量 多学点,这些知识早晚会派得上用场。( handy) Try to learn more, for the knowledge will come in handy sooner or later. 每天摄人太多的盐和糖会损害人体的健康。 (harmful) It is harmful to peoples health to take in too much salt and sugar every day.(Or: If you take in too much salt and sugar every day, it is harmful to your health.) 1. ideal career 2. be ignorant of sth. 对学生所谈的电子产品一无所知 be ignorant of the electronic products the students are talking about 3. it is illegal for sb to do sth 4. imaginary character /imaginative writer 5. take immediate measures/have immediate effect on sth.立竿见影的效果 6. be impatient with sb. 7. imperial trade 8. impersonal organization 9. be important to = vital 10.imposing building 11.sth. be inaccessible to sb. 12.adequate/ inadequate plete/ incomplete 14.convenient/ It is inconvenient for sb to do sth 15.be dependent on/ be independent of 16.individual sports/attention illegal) 6. 中途不停的特别快车 7. 足球赛的现场播放 8. 长期投资 /记忆 /目标 9. 松弛的皮肤 10.符合逻辑的假设 11.以相对较低的价格卖汽油 12.对祖国忠诚 13.有数学头脑 14.一个成熟的人 15.机械故障 P179-213 adj. 16.确保青少年身心健康 17.军训 18.适量的锻炼 19.过着悲惨的生活 20.道德标准的下降 21.山村 /泥泞的道路 22.演奏乐器 23.正常体温 /不正常的天气 24.北方省份 25.lame 26.memorial hall 27.magnificent 28.春节期间,火车票价可能不变。 (likely) 29.这个男孩如此淘气,使得他 那忙于工作的父母常常感到 心烦意乱。 (So) 30.每天朗读半小时英语很有必 要。 (necessary) 1. on a large scale 2. the latest development in the field of science and technology 3. be late for the meeting/be late with homework 4. be scolded for being lazy 5. legal procedure/In some western countries, it is illegal to leave a five-year-old child alone at home. 6. nonstop express 7. live broadcast of a football game 8. long-term investment/memory/goal 9. loose skin 10.logical assumption 11.buy/pick up/purchase petrol at a relatively low price 12.be loyal to motherland 13.have mathematical mind 14.a mature person 15.mechanical fault 16.ensure teenagers mental and physical health 17.military training 18.moderate exercise 19.lead a miserable life 20.the decline of moral standard 21.mountainous village/muddy road 22.play musical instrument 23.normal temperature/abnormal climate 24.northern provinces 25.lame 跛的,瘸的 26.memorial hall 纪念馆 27.magnificent 宏伟的 28.During the Spring Festival, the train fares are likely to remain/stay/keep unchanged/the same. Its likely that the train fares will remain/stay /keep unchanged/the same during the Spring Festival. 29.So naughty is the boy that his parents who are busy with work often feel upset./So naughty was the boy that he often upset his parents who were busy with their work. 30.It is necessary to read English aloud half an hour every day. 1. lame 跛的 , 瘸的 , 残废的 2. large population/audience/command a large vocabulary on a large scale 大规模地 3. Last but not least, /You are the last man I want to see. last year (summer, month)去年 , 去年夏天 , 上星期; last course 最后一道菜 4. the latest style/inform sb. of the latest news 最新款式 /消息 the latest development in the field of science and technology科技 领域的最新发展 4. be late for a meeting 开会迟到 be late with ones homework 晚做作业 her late husband 她已故的丈夫 4. sooner or later迟早 ; 老朋友 都离开了他 , 使他的后半生过得很忧伤 。 All his old friends left him, which made him sad in his later years. 5. latter-former 6. be scolded for being lazy 7. a learned scholar 8. the least expensive最便宜 ; at least legal procedure法律程序 10.in ones leisure (spare) time/leisure activity 11.level flight 水平飞行 12.light brown 淡褐色; be light to carry携带轻便 13.at a lightning speed 14.sb be likely to sth= It is likely that sb will do sth 他 有可能把房间的钥匙忘在办公室里了 。 (likely) It is likely that he left the key to the room in his office. 区分 possible/probably的用法 15.so little money/such little kid 16.live broadcast of a football game足球赛的现场播放 17.lively/lonely/lovely 18.local go mad/get mad with me for sth. 2. magical power 3. the magnificent architecture 宏伟的建筑 4. get the main idea of sth./main purpose 5. major (minor) reasons /subjects 6. launch a man-made satellite 7. a marvelous/ fantastic idea 8. has a mathematical mind 有数学头脑 9. a mature person/ after mature consideration 10.mechanic fault 11.medical school/medical insurance/medical history病史 12.medium height/size 13.a truly memorable experience 真是一次难忘的经历 14.memorial hall 纪念馆 15.ensure teenagers mental and physical health 16.It took her a mere 20 minutes to win.她只花 20分钟就赢了 17.merry song/heart 欢快的歌声 /愉快的心情 18.a messy bedroom 19.microwave oven 20.middle age/school/East 21.mild tone/weather 22.military training/do military service 23.mineral water 24.mini skirt 25.lead/live a miserable life 26.missing paper/page/child 27.mobile phone 28.moderate exercise/be moderate in drinking 29.modern civilization 30.modest = humble 31.monthly exam/income 32.the decline of moral standard 33.most 34.in the remote mountainous village 35.muddy road 36.multiple 37.play musical instruments 38.mysterious 39.mutual understanding/suspicion 1. narrow bridge; have a narrow escape死里逃生 2. nasty 3. national bank/holiday 4. native language/native speaker 5. natural disaster 6. a naughty child 7. naval uniform 8. near 9. neat and tidy 10.necessary每天朗读半小时英语很有必要。 (necessary) 01s It is necessary to read English aloud half an hour every day. 11.the negative effect of A on B - positive 12.neighboring country邻国 13.be nervous about sth. 14.keep /remain neutral 15.never 16.new 17.next 18.no 19.noble 20.noisy classroom 21.nonstop complaint/take a nonstop flight to ./nonstop express (train) 22.nor 23.normal temperature -abnormal climate 24.north 25.northern/ southern/ eastern/ western province 26.nowhere 27.nuclear weapon 28.numerous - 各色阳伞给夏日街头平添了活泼的气氛。 (add to)07 Colorful umbrellas add to a lively atmosphere in the summer streets. 高考词汇手册第二轮默写 P214-244(O、 P、 Q) adj. 1. 一份客观的报告 /主要目标 2. 有义务接受教育 /因某事对某 人心存感激 (oblige) 3. 忙于做实验 (occupy) 4. 偶尔拜访某人 5. 按照官方正式文件 6. 网上购物 /网上冲浪正越来越 成为年轻人获取信息的重要方式之一。 7. 出席开幕式 /致开幕词 8. 选修课程 9. 一个有独创性和多产的作家 10.留学生 /华侨 11.由于天气糟糕 (owing) 12.痛苦的回忆 13.挑食 /对穿着很挑剔 14.精通英语( perfect/ command)/ 英语很糟糕 P214-244 adj. 15.对环境造成永久的伤害 16.用简明的英语 17.用纸袋代替塑料袋 18.躺在草地上听音乐真是惬意 。 (It) 19.对周围的人彬彬有礼 20.珍惜宝贵的时间 /前一天 21.一个盈利颇丰的企业 22.正确的指导 23.故意打破花瓶 24.非常胜任教学 25.缺乏实践经验的大学毕业生 不太可能马上找到高薪的工 作。 (possible) 26.显然,探险队欲在五周内完 成航程是不可能的。 (possibility) 1. an objective report/principal objective 2. be obliged to receive education/be obliged to sb. for sth. 3. be occupied in experiments/doing experiments 4. pay occasional visits to sb. 偶尔拜访某人 5. according to official 6. online shopping网上购物 ; /Surfing online is becoming one of the most important ways for the young to gain information. 7. be present at the opening ceremony/deliver an opening speech 8. optional course 9. an original and productive writer 10.overseas students/Chinese 11.owing to the bad/awful weather 12.painful memory 13.be particular about food/what one wears 14.be perfect in English/have a good command of English an occupied seat (-vacant) 6. do odd jobs/odd architecture 奇特的建筑 7. according to official documents/record; official letter公函 8. the Olympic Games/spirit 9. one-sided decision单方面的决定 ;one-sided view片面的看法 10.online shopping网上购物 ; surf online= surf on the Internet 11.in the open air露天 /be open to the public 12.be present at the opening/closing ceremony/deliver an opening speech 13.on the opposite side of the street/in opposite direction/be opposite (contrary) to 14.optional course 选修课程 15.oral and written test/oral and written English 16.an orderly room 17.ordinary people/ordinary mail平信 18.original price原价 /original edition原版 /original writer有独 创性的 作家 19.an orphan home孤儿院 = orphanage 丰富的经验 rich experience; 地大物博be vast in territory and rich in natural resources 29.sound ridiculous 30.ripe/rotten fruit 成熟的 /腐烂的果实 31.a romantic poet/romantic movies 32.rough estimate/surface 粗略的估计 /粗糙的表面 get a rough idea of sth./on the rough sea 33.all-round development全面发展; a round trip往返旅行 34.routine work 日常工作 35.royal family/a loyal friend 36.rude= ill-mannered = impolite 37.rural area/urban/suburban 38.feel refreshed/relaxed/relieved 感到焕然一新 /放松 /宽慰 1. arrive home safe and sound 2. salty mud咸泥; Tears taste salty. 酸、甜、苦、辣 sweet, sour, salty, hot / spicy 3. same - different 4. sa


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