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新视野大学英语三3六单元USectionA(干货分享)2020-12-2421use the key language to talk about the cruelty of war3develop a descriptive essay4translate with the skill of free translation5conceive the cruelty of war on the common people Objectives2020-12-243 Section A Under the bombs:1945Project of the unitInspiring your thoughtsEnhancing your skillsPresenting your project2020-12-244Project forecastingInspiring your thoughtsEnhancing your skillsPresenting your project Project of the unitLead-in2020-12-245Watch the video clip and discuss the following question in pairs.Step 1 Talking about the cruelty of warTask Lead-in Project of the unitAccording to the video,how did war affect peoples daily life?Injury to people.Death.Daily life full of digging shelters.Vacant city.Slowdown economy.2020-12-246Work in groups and discuss the following question.Step 2Lead-in Project of the unitWhat would you feel if you were under the air raid?Scared.Want to find some shelter/run for life.Want to find parents and family members.Hate the enemy.Hate the war.Want to fight back.2020-12-247Lead-inInspiring your thoughtsEnhancing your skillsPresenting your project Project of the unitProject forecasting2020-12-248Please get prepared by doing the following activities.Although war seems far away from our lives,it happens in the other corner of the world the very minute we study or play.War affects not only the officers and soldiers in the battlefield but also the common people who are in the rear area.By the end of this unit,you are expected to write a descriptive essay on the following topic:The cruelty of war in my eyes.Project of the unit2020-12-249Global understandingDetailed understandingEnhancing your skillsPresenting your projectProject of the unit Inspiring your thoughts2020-12-2410Skim the text in two minutes and then answer the following questions.1)What type of writing is the text?2)What does the author mainly talk about in the text?3)What order does the text generally follow?Global understanding of the textTask 1Inspiring your thoughtsInspiring your thoughtsGlobal understandingDescription.His experience during the war.Time order.2020-12-2411Read the text again.Try to figure out the general structure of the text.Inspiring your thoughtsInspiring your thoughtsTask 2Identifying the structure of the textGlobal understandingParas.1-2:Beginning of the war.Paras.3-5:Running away.Paras.6-8:Suffering in winter.Para.9:Feelings about the war.Step 12020-12-2412Work in groups and tell one another how you identified the text structure.Step 2Inspiring your thoughtsInspiring your thoughtsGlobal understandingThere are many words of time and place in the text which help the reader identify the flow of ideas or information,such as:Para.1:Today,when I look back,;It begins with Para.3:Its night Para.4:Im walking with my sister beside a wagon.Para.6:When winter comes,Para.8:One day Para.9:I cant quite remember when or how the war ended for us;my mind is always drawn back to that first day in the meadow,2020-12-2413Global understandingDetailed understandingEnhancing your skillsPresenting your projectProject of the unit Inspiring your thoughts Inspiring your thoughts2020-12-2414Inspiring your thoughtsInspiring your thoughtsWhy does the author run toward the forest in the direction of the falling bombs?What does it imply?What does the author think of their flight when he sees that everyone is running away?What does it indicate?3)Why does the author write in detail his grandfathers situation?What does the author want to convey by describing the“increasingly appalling landscape”(Para.5)?Why does the authors mother stand brooding at the window for hours with a fixed stare?Why does the author regard the metal container as something valuable?Read the text again and answer the following questions.Detailed understandingTask 1Detailed understanding of the text2020-12-2415Why does the author run toward the forest in the direction of the falling bombs?What does it imply?Because he has not grown accustomed to war and cannot conceive of the danger,and he is fascinated by the bombs explosion.The naivety of the author mirrored the cruelty and mercilessness of the war.Inspiring your thoughtsInspiring your thoughtsReference answers:Detailed understandingto be continued2020-12-24162)What does the author think of their flight when he sees that everyone is running away?What does it indicate?The author feels that flight has suddenly become some kind of higher necessity,some new form of life.It indicates that the sudden imperativeness of flight because of the war disturbed and overturned the childs peaceful and carefree life.Detailed understandingInspiring your thoughtsInspiring your thoughtsto be continued2020-12-2417Why does the author write in detail his grandfathers situation?Because the author wants to take his grandfather,a victim of war,as a typical example to reveal the helplessness of individuals in the cruel war.Detailed understandingInspiring your thoughtsInspiring your thoughtsto be continued2020-12-24184)What does the author want to convey by describing the“increasingly appalling landscape”(Para.5)?By describing the“increasingly appalling landscape”,the author wants to convey that war only brings people huge disasters,destroying everything without mercy and ruining peoples life completely.Detailed understandingInspiring your thoughtsInspiring your thoughtsto be continued2020-12-24195)Why does the authors mother stand brooding at the window for hours with a fixed stare?Because she is worried and helpless.They have nothing to eat,and she doesnt know whether they can survive the severe war.Detailed understandingInspiring your thoughtsInspiring your thoughtsto be continued2020-12-24206)Why does the author regard the metal container as something valuable?Because they have nothing to eat and the sugar residue inside the container serves as their only nutrition for days.Detailed understandingInspiring your thoughtsInspiring your thoughts2020-12-24211)Does war solve problems,or create new ones in todays world?2)Can you name several factors contributing to a war?3)How do you think about the relationship between war and peace?Discuss the following questions in groups:Detailed understandingInspiring your thoughtsInspiring your thoughtsTask 2Critical thinking2020-12-24221)Does war solve problems,or create new ones in todays world?War sometimes does help solve some tough problems such as territory disputes,but it can never solve them once and for all.Losers may take revenge on winners several years later or even decades later,and then wars will continue on and on.Common people will live in constant chaos of war and suffer the most.National hatred between the countries involved in wars will be triggered and will remain in peoples hearts for many years.Reference answers:Detailed understandingInspiring your thoughtsInspiring your thoughtsto be continued2020-12-24232)Can you name several factors contributing to a war?There are many factors that are widely believed to contribute to a war in human history,such as territory expansion or dispute,economic crisis,terrorism,religious conflict,etc.Reference answers:Detailed understandingInspiring your thoughtsInspiring your thoughtsto be continued2020-12-24243)How do you think about the relationship between war and peace?It is war that inflicts devastation and destruction.It is peace that facilitates long lasting prosperity and happiness.Any peace brought by war is just temporary.Only the sincere desire for peace radiating from peoples hearts can bring aboutworld peace.Reference answers:Detailed understandingInspiring your thoughtsInspiring your thoughts2020-12-2425Language learningLanguage focusPresenting your projectProject of the unitInspiring your thoughtsStructure analysisDevelop a descriptive essay Enhancing your skills Enhancing your skills Language highlighting2020-12-2426Match the verbs with their explanations.Step 1Step 2Make a sentence with each verb.Step 3Share your sentences in the class.Enhancing your skillsEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage learning Task 1Learning verbs to describe war2020-12-2427leave a building or other place because it is not safe become red in the face when you are angry or embarassedmanage to produce a quality or a reaction that helps you deal with a difficult situationproduce heat,light,or energy turn sth.so that its bottom or side is upward make sb.suffer sth.unpleasant think and worry about sth.a lot radiateevacuateinflictflushsummonoverturnbrood2020-12-2428Read the text and find at least five nouns that are related to war.Step 1Step 2Share your answers in groups.Step 3Work together on more words and enlarge your vocabulary about war.Enhancing your skillsEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage learning Task 2Learning nouns about war 2020-12-2429About weapons:bomb,airplane,landmine,air raid,ammunition,battle,battlefield,war equipment,gunpowder,explosionAbout effects:hunger,tragedy,death,flight,casualty,massacre,corpse,disaster,slum,damage,suffering,destruction,terror,violence,fear,devastation,loss,wartimeEnhancing your skillsEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage learning Reference answers:2020-12-2430a bomb hidden under the ground that explodes when sb.moves over it bullets,bombs,etc.that can be fired from a weapon a poor area of a town A dead body,esp.of a human beingthe killing of a lot of peoplesb.or sth.that is damaged or suffers as a result of sth.elseFigure out the nouns that are described as follows.landmineammunitionslumcorpsemassacrecasualtyStep 4Enhancing your skillsEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage learning 2020-12-2431Fill in the blanks with the words or phrases in the box.stray inflict huddle together weave ones way around/through/to sth.1)Dont _ damage on any person.2)An 8-year-old boy was killed by a _ bullet.3)It was so cold outside that beggars had to _ for warmth.4)There were so many people in the street that William had to _ the crowds.inflictstrayhuddle togetherweave his way throughStep 1Enhancing your skillsEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage learning Task 3Using words and phrases2020-12-2432pervasivecasualty appallingoverturn fly at5)The lorry veered out of control,_ and smashed into a wall.6)He lives with a _ sense of guilt.7)In this fire accident,most of the _ were women.8)The mad man suddenly _ me;he was kicking and scratching,and all I could do was to call for help.9)They have been living under the most _ conditions for two months.pervasiveoverturnedcasualtiesflew atappallingEnhancing your skillsEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage learning 2020-12-2433Choose no less than five words or phrases from the following list and write a passage in groups to describe the cruelty of war.Step 2Expressionsappallingevacuatemassacreinflicthuddle togethercasualtycorpsefly atammunitionstrayEnhancing your skillsEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage learning 2020-12-24341.radiate(Para.2)vi.if things radiate from a central point,they spread out in different directions from that point 从中心向四周散开;从中心辐射状发出 Task 4 Detailed learning of key vocabularyTranslation:在巴黎,街道以凯旋门为中心向四方伸展。Avenues radiate from the Arc de Triomphe in Paris.Enhancing your skillsEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 2020-12-24351.radiate(Para.2)v.1.produce heat,light,or energy 辐射;发射Translation:冬天,厚厚的墙壁白天吸收太阳的热量,晚上释放出热量。In the winter,the thick walls absorbed the suns warmth during the day and radiated the heat at night.Enhancing your skillsEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 2020-12-24361.radiate(Para.2)v.2.show a particular feeling or attitude in your expression or behavior 流露,显示(感情或态度)Translation:尽管她声音没变,但我还是感受到了她所流露出的怒气。Her voice hadnt changed but I felt the anger that radiated from her.Enhancing your skillsEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 2020-12-24371.radiate(Para.2)radiate from:spread out from sb.or sth.,as with rays 自发出Translation:帐篷吸收着地面散发出来的热量以及太阳光线的热量。The tents were collecting both the heat that radiated from the ground and the rays that came from the sun.Enhancing your skillsEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 2020-12-24382.evacuate(Para.3)v.leave a building or other place because it is not safe 撤离,撤出(某危险建筑物或地方)Translation:大学化学实验室着火了,校警让所有人尽快从大厦中撤离。The college chemistry lab was on fire,and the campus police told everyone to evacuate the building as quickly as possible.Enhancing your skillsEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 2020-12-24393.tangle(Para.3)n.C 1.the untidy shape that things make when they are twisted round each other or round sth.else 纠结的一团;乱糟糟的一堆 Translation:原来的计算机和电话系统如今只剩下乱糟糟的一团电线。A tangle of wires is all that remains of the computer and phone systems.Enhancing your skillsEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 2020-12-24403.tangle(Para.3)n.C 2.a situation that is difficult to deal with because things are not organized properly 混乱Translation:我们雇了一位律师来理清这起法律纠纷的头绪。We employed a lawyer to straighten our legal tangle.Enhancing your skillsEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 2020-12-24413.tangle(Para.3)v.1.(also up)become twisted together,or make sth.become twisted together,in an untidy mass(使)缠结在一起;(使)乱成一团Translation:我的新长裙缠进了自行车轮子里。My new long skirt got tangled up in the wheel of my bike.Enhancing your skillsEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 2020-12-24423.tangle(Para.3)v.2.(with sb./sth.)become involved in a quarrel or fight with sb./sth.与某人吵嘴或打架;与某事有纠葛Translation:我不应该与彼特吵架,他的块头比我大。I shouldnt tangle with Peter;he is bigger than me.Enhancing your skillsEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 2020-12-24434.permeate(Para.3)v.1.(of an idea,an influence,a feeling,etc.)affect every part of sth.(思想、影响、感情等)感染,传播,扩散Translation:金钱的力量浸透着我们生活的方方面面。The power of money permeates every aspect of our existence.Enhancing your skillsEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 2020-12-24444.permeate(Para.3)v.2.(of a liquid,gas,etc.)spread to every part of an object or a place(液体、气体等)渗透,弥漫,扩散Translation:花朵的芬芳弥漫着每个房间。The fragrance of flowers permeates every room.Enhancing your skillsEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 2020-12-24455.summon(Para.8)vt.1.(also up)manage to produce a quality or a reaction that helps you deal with a difficult situation 鼓起(勇气);振作(精神)Translation:经历了一个漫长的无眠之夜后,露丝深吸一口气,鼓起所有的勇气把她决定要说的事情讲了出来。After her long,sleepless night,Ruth took a deep breath and summoned all her courage to put into words what she had decided to say.Enhancing your skillsEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 2020-12-24465.summon(Para.8)vt.2.(fml.)officially order sb.to come to a place,esp.a court of law 召见,召唤,传唤(某人到庭)Translation:今天下午院长已经召集所有教师开会,讨论学校预算缩减的问题。The dean has summoned all teaching staff to a meeting for a discussion of the schools budget cuts this afternoon.Enhancing your skillsEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 2020-12-24476.naive(Para.9)a.1.(of people and their behavior)innocent and simple 天真的;率直的Translation:总的说来,人一开始都是天真无邪的儿童,然后成长为成熟的大人。但有一些人似乎拒绝长大。Generally,humans start as naive young children and grow into mature adults,but there are some,who,it seems,resist growing up.Enhancing your skillsEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 2020-12-24486.naive(Para.9)a.2.lacking experience of life,knowledge or good judgment and willing to believe that people always tell you the truth 毫无经验的;幼稚的;无知的;轻信的Translation:指望任何社会都能一劳永逸地解决面临的所有社会问题是幼稚的。It is naive to expect that any society can resolve all of the social problems it faces,once and for all.Enhancing your skillsEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 2020-12-2449Enhancing your skillsEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting Task 5Sentence analysis1.I have not yet grown accustomed to war and cant relate into a single chain of causes and effects these airplanes,the roar of the bombs,the earth radiating out from the forest,and my seemingly inevitable death.(Para.2)The direct objectives of relate are:these airplanes,the roar of the bombs,the earth radiating out from the forest and my seemingly inevitable death.Into a single chain of causes and effects is the indirect objective of relate.2020-12-2450The latter part of the sentence means:I dont know that it is the planes that drop the bombs,and that the explosions of the bombs raise the earth out from the forest,and that all these may lead to my probably inescapable death.Translation:我还没有习惯战争,也不能把这些飞机、炸弹的轰鸣、森林那边飞溅开来的泥土以及我看似必然的死亡联系成单一的因果关系。Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 1.I have not yet grown accustomed to war and cant relate into a single chain of causes and effects these airplanes,the roar of the bombs,the earth radiating out from the forest,and my seemingly inevitable death.(Para.2)2020-12-2451try as I might=although I try hardWar inevitably inflicts is an attributive clause modifying suffering to express that suffering is inescapable in a war.Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting 2.Try as I might,I still cant understand what we could have done to justify all the suffering war inevitably inflicts.(Para.9)Translation:无论我如何努力,我还是不清楚当初到底我们做了什么,要让我们承受战争不可避免带来的所有这些伤害。2020-12-24521.It begins with my suddenly noticing.(Para.1)Task 6Language appreciationEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting In this text,the narrative present is used.As we learned in B1U2,with a narrative present,the story which happened in the past is written in present tense in order to create a sense of urgency and immediacy and produces the effect of great vividness.Meanwhile,the use of first person narrative poses a feeling of the reader being right there,seeing through the main characters eyes and thinking their thoughts.2020-12-24532.“Stay down,”I hear my mothers trembling voice,“Dont move!”(Para.2)The short,brisk sentences such as Stay down and Dont move create a sense of danger,unease and anxiety and reflect the helpless and frightful atmosphere prevalent among people under war.Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting Work in groups,find more examples of short and powerful sentences from the text.2020-12-24541.That way is death.(Para.2)2.Where to,I dont know;(Para.3)3.All highways,roads,and even country paths are a tangle of wagons,carts,and bicycles,with bundles and suitcases,and innumerable terrified,helplessly wandering people.Some are running away to the east,others to the west,north,south;they run in circles,fall from profound fatigue,sleep for a moment,then begin anew their aimless journey.(Para.3)4.We mustnt get lost,my mother warns;(Para.3)5.He cant move;he is paralyzed,another casualty of a landmine.(Para.4)Enhancing your skillsEnhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting Reference answers:2020-12-24553.Were entering an increasingly appalling landscape.Theres smoke on the horizon,the blaze of battle fading.We pass by deserted villages,solitary,burned-out houses.We pass battlefields dense with the garbage of abandoned war equipment,bombed-out railway stations,overturned cars.It smells of gunpowder,and of burning,decomposing meat after a massacre.Everywhere are the corpses of horse,too defenseless in this human war.(Para.5)Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting In this paragraph,sensory language is used to describe the appalling landscape and helps create a vivid picture which makes the reader feel as if he/she were present at the scene.2020-12-2456Enhancing your skillsLanguage focusLanguage highlighting Very often the perceptions through sight are presented.But to some extent we can also describe senses of touch,hearing,smell,and perhaps even taste.2020-12-2457Step 1Divide the class into five groups,each assigned with one of the five senses:sight,touch,hearing,smell,or taste.Step 2Students work in groups and work out at least three words that are associated with the senses they are assigned with.Enhancing your skillsEnhancin
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