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(6)完形填空(20空)【新课标全国卷】2022届高考英语二轮复习考点题号一对一一、 For most people, having things stolen feels like an offence. Robbie Pruitt admitted that he got 1 when he discovered the theft of his mountain bike last September. But soon enough, his2took a turn. After letting go of his anger and frustration, he found himself on a road to sympathy3 . For Pruitt, a keen bicyclist, the first thing to do was4his stolen bike. But when he went bike shopping, he found few available, which got him thinking: What if the5 of bikes was Covid-19 related, and what if the person whod taken his bike really needed6 to get to work? With that thought in mind, Pruitt7 a plan and posted it on the community website. He8to fix bikes free of charge for anyone who needed it. He also asked for unwanted bikes, which he would repairagain9 . And then he would donate them to folks who could truly use them but didnt have the10 to buy one. The day the post went live, Pruitt received thirty11bicycles. Then came more than 50012for detailed information. By the end of 2020, Pruitt had repaired more than 140 for donation or to be13 to their owners. Pruitt tries to give his donations to families that are14struggling. 15simply satisfying a material need, he has provided an opportunity for kids in his neighborhood to learn how to fix their own bikes. In addition to16skills, Pruitts lessons teach teamwork, encourage self-worth, and promote feelings of community.17 , the kids have gained a sense of accomplishment. Its a really great18for kids, said a neighbor in an interview with the local newspaper. Pruitt is certainly providing a19 , but its not just the bikes. Its the relationships in the community. Its the20he can make on people.1.A. amazedB. madC. curiousD. frightened2.A. emotionsB. careerC. opinionsD. route3.A. everB. togetherC. insteadD. yet4.A. rideB. lockC. repairD. replace5.A. lackB. varietyC. increaseD. quality6.A. instructionB. qualificationC. transportationD. permission7.A. came up withB. stuck toC. gave upD. broke away from8.A. rememberedB. refusedC. hesitatedD. offered9.A. by accidentB. in advanceC. for freeD. on credit10.A. profitB. budgetC. courageD. excuse11.A. sharedB. usedC. expensiveD. modern12.A. enquiriesB. advertisementsC. noticesD. announcements13.A. exportedB. soldC. lentD. returned14.A. hardlyB. slightlyC. trulyD. instantly15.A. WithoutB. BeyondC. UponD. Among16.A. practicalB. commercialC. mathematicalD. social17.A. OtherwiseB. HoweverC. SomehowD. Meanwhile18.A. promiseB. celebrationC. comfortD. experience19.A. competitionB. serviceC. ceremonyD. suggestion20.A. compromiseB. impressionC. impactD. progress二、 God wants you to be happy. Its a simple idea, but a complicated reality. When traveling to Rwanda to find out the 1 of a new orphanage(孤儿院), I found children who had been injured physically and 2 from their families. But I also found something 3 : children who seemed to be truly happy. No they 4 had shed(流) many tears, 5 most of them were not sad or angry. They played, sang, and 6 the company of their fellow orphans. I also met Fred Nkunda, a Ugandan man who was 7 with joy despite his poverty, and long hours of working for a small salary. A few years later, he 8 cancer, but while he lived, he wore a big 9 as he selflessly gave himself to others. The same was true for a young Canadian couple who 10 their lives to the mission work(布道). When I came home, I noticed a sharp 11 . Most Americans lacked the 12 that those Rwandan children and mission workers owned. Despite great wealth, modern conveniences and other endless material blessings, people here were 13 to each other, exhibited impatience, and expressed their 14 . How could this be? Somewhere along the way, many of us in America have 15 something. We have 16 experience happinessreal happiness that comes from within and flows to others. And its not just missing in the world. Its in short 17 in our homes, businesses, and churches. 18 is actually a personal character. We understand the 19 of love, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. But happiness? It is 20 ignored or considered as unachievable in this life.1.A.secretsB.directionsC.situationsD.choices2.A.learnedB.separatedC.protectedD.judged3.A.unchallengedB.unconcernedC.uncivilizedD.unexpected4.A.doubtB.matterC.wonderD.way5.A.orB.forC.butD.so6.A.ignoredB.enjoyedC.forgotD.sought7.A.impressedB.concernedC.blessedD.filled8.A.called forB.suffered fromC.worried aboutD.escaped from9.A.smileB.signC.watchD.ring10.A.reducedB.donatedC.devotedD.returned11.A.differenceB.disagreementC.similarityD.agreement12.A.fortuneB.talentC.courageD.joy13.A.honestB.coldC.closeD.sincere14.A.independenceB.appreciationC.discontentD.uncertainty15.A.lostB.createdC.learnedD.achieved16.A.managed toB.struggled toC.hurried toD.failed to17.A.supplyB.educationC.prideD.interest18.A.KindnessB.FailureC.HappinessD.Regret19.A.resultB.necessityC.existenceD.source20.A.hardlyB.purposelyC.partlyD.easily三、 Its fortunate for children to have siblings (兄弟姐妹) accompanying them. And the kids would be luckier to have a brother as 1 as Christian Hamerter. The 11-year-old boy, attended a father-daughter dance with his 7-year-old sister Skylar after finding Skylar was 2 by their dad. In the days leading up to the 3 in March, it was all Skylar was 4 for, talking about it all day. On the other hand, her mom Trelysia felt more and more 5 . At this time of year, their father is always fully 6 in official duties . He didnt attend last years dance due to a conference, 7 having made a promise. Then, she was right to be worried. On the big day, 8 , their father was sent abroad for business. It was 9 that he failed to go there for a second year. Skylar 10 because she had her heart set on going. Trelysia wrote in a 11 . I felt so bad and also cried uncontrollably. Thats when Christian12 ! The big brother wanted his sister to feel loved and special. And he picked out a suit and gold tie, a perfect 13 for Skylars gold dress. The action filled me with 14 , the mother wrote, for I just know that Im 15 a kind manand an amazing father one day. He has 16 that he can be. Skylar had a great time with Christian there without her dads 17 . Even better, now sheknows her brother would always come to her 18 . The post warmed hearts of the people it 19 and picked up more than 110,000 reactions 20 the sweet gesture.1.A.enthusiastic.B.generousC.considerateD.intelligent2.A.left behindB.misunderstoodC.set apartD.cheated3.A.resulteB.eventC.opportunityD.scene4.A.concernedB.competentC.readyD.eager5.A.anxietyB.curiosityC.satisfactionD.confusion6.A.caughtB.skilledC.occupiedD.disappointed7.A.sinceB.aseC.withoutD.despite8.A.worse stillB.as usualC.sure enoughD.for example9.A.unexpectedeB.uncertainC.unquestionedD.unlikely10.A.complainedeB.weptC.arguedD.apologized11.A.magazineB.diaryC.bookeD.post12.A.moved onB.stepped forwardC.took offD.backed away13.A.substituteB.matcheC.symboleD.demand14.A.reliefB.appreciationC.prideD.confidence15.A.seekingB.changingC.affectingD.raising16.A.provedB.promisedC.agreedD.explained17.A.wishB.practiceC.assistanceD.company18.A.rescueeB.noticedC.knowledgeD.defences19.A.unitedB.reachedC.convincedD.informed20.A.evaluatingB.instructingC.praisingD.recording四、 My old room was full of pictures of football stars. I was a star wide receiver, 1 of making it big in the NFL(National Football League).But I didnt get 2 in the NEL draft. Then I tried to contact and join the Indianapolis Colts. 3 , the Colts cut me. A week later, the Colts 4 to get me on the training team. A second chance! Then my knee was injured. I was 5 again. Was that my final 6 ? I wept bitter tears. Then it come to me: athletes 7 from all sorts of setbacks. Wasnt I also struggling with a 8 ? I started out by hitting the gym to 9 myself. Luckily, I got a call 10 . A former teammate asked me to 11 at his church in front of five thousand teenagers for five minutes. Five minutes? It seemed like five hours. Trying not to be 12 , I wrote down all Id say and 13 repeatedly. But the minute I stepped on stage, my mind went blank, not 14 what to say except what Id been through, from the heart without 15 . Those kids asked me questions afterward, hungry for more. They gave me a 16 , bigger than I got on the football field. It hit me that you neednt be 17 to help people but real. My 18 was coming together. I began posting on the Internet. The videos 19 , getting thousands of views. The comments and questions came pouring in, people asking for 20 and help Id never be able to offer if I were playing on Sunday.1.A.complainingB.hearingC.dreamingD.approving2.A.lostB.pickedC.stuckD.cheated3.A.ThusB.BesidesC.OtherwiseD.However4.A.called backB.dressed upC.moved offD.broke away5.A.coveredB.involvedC.cutD.motivated6.A.endB.dutyC.chanceD.order7.A.differB.fallC.dieD.recover8.A.desireB.solutionC.setbackD.disability9.A.enjoyB.remakeC.contentD.advertise10.A.out of the blueB.out of the questionC.in returnD.in a way11.A.turnB.speakC.agreeD.promise12.A.curiousB.unhappyC.nervousD.careless13.A.practicedB.questionedC.demandedD.appreciated14.A.showingB.knowingC.provingD.learning15.A.emotionsB.meaningsC.discussionsD.notes16.A.giftB.welcomeC.clapD.silence17.A.flexibleB.perfectC.healthyD.mild18.A.lifeB.caseC.beliefD.research19.A.went upB.left outC.came outD.took off20.A.punishmentB.assessmentC.ambitionD.advice五、 It was a hot, damp summer day. After I 1 my tank in the local gas station, I started to walk inside to pay. Just then I noticed two elderly 2 standing back from their car. There was a mixture of shock and 3 on their faces. I followed their 4 and saw what they saw: five yellow jackets(黄蜂)were building a 5 around their gas cap. My eyes 6 . I shared the ladies fear.Yellow jackets had never been 7 to me. When I was a young boy, a friend of mine and I were 8 and playing in my backyard. I must have 9 on one of their hidden nests while running. 10 , both of us were being chased and stung over and over by the yellow jackets. We ran away 11 with great fear. My mom 12 ran a cold bath and put us both in it to ease the pain and itching(瘙痒) 13 giving us medicine to fight all the poison in our little bodies from the stings.I knew I couldnt let fear stop me now. I 14 my back pocket for a paper towel I had there, tore out the nest and stepped on it while the 15 wasps(黄蜂)buzzed around me. 16 of the ladies thanked me excitedly. I smiled, and nervousness and fear were replaced with 17 .In this life, you cant let the fear of being stung either physically or 18 keep you from doing what is right. We need to go 19 ourselves and love each other. Dont let the yellow jackets in your life 20 you back.1.A.filledB.movedC.chargedD.emptied2.A.menB.womenC.driversD.jackets3.A.angerB.painC.sadnessD.fear4.A.noseB.earsC.eyesD.mouth5.A.roomB.nestC.houseD.hall6.A.widenedB.closedC.openedD.lowed7.A.lovelyB.likelyC.friendlyD.carefully8.A.jumpingB.climbingC.walkingD.running9.A.removedB.steppedC.pacedD.searched10.A.As a resultB.After allC.Above allD.At the same time11.A.discussingB.exploringC.screamingD.laughing12.A.nervouslyB.suddenlyC.casuallyD.immediately13.A.afterB.whileC.beforeD.until14.A.reached intoB.arrived inC.got toD.pulled out15.A.happyB.angryC.sadD.worried16.A.NeitherB.BothC.AllD.None17.A.painB.surpriseC.doubtD.joy18.A.heartedlyB.intelligentlyC.emotionallyD.punctually19.A.throughB.backC.aheadD.beyond20.A.holdB.setC.hangD.give六、 The outbreak of the epidemic has caused inconvenience to peoples life. Being forced to stay at home during the COVID-19 lockdown has been something of a 1 for Olivia Newton John. I feel 2 for saying it, but Ive actually 3 not being able to go anywhere, the singer admitted on the phone during the lockdown. My life has always been about being on planes and 4 and staying in hotels, so to be in one place for almost a year has been delightful.Its been wonderful having so much time at home, she says. The 72-year-old multi-Grammy Award-winner, whose 5 have sold over 100 million worldwide, is not 6 the laurels (桂冠) shes earned from nearly six decades in the business. Shes recorded a new 7 , prepared an album and 8 her own foundation to fund research into the care for cancer. The single, Window in the Wall, 9 a message thats dear to Olivias heart.The singer was first 10 with breast cancer in 1992 but had it under control soon. The cancer came back in 2013 and 2017. However, she s a fighter who now 11 to defeat the disease by the use of medicinal cannabis(大麻制品)and other plant-based 12 with the help of her husband John, who 13 the Amazon Herb Company in 1990 and who is a(n) 14 for herbal wellness treatments. I m doing 15 well, Olivia says. I dont have pain, and I feel 16 . Olivia says that she believes there are always going to be 17 in life but its how you respond to them that 18 the quality of your life. Your mind and body arent separate and if you keep strengthening 19 , youre going to strengthen bad health. Thats why I choose to be positive and 20 every day.1.A.beginningB.belongingC.blessingD.ending2.A.guiltyB.confusedC.excitedD.strange3.A.attendedB.enjoyedC.cancelledD.reserved4.A.changingB.waitingC.fightingD.travelling5.A.recordsB.booksC.storiesD.movies6.A.calling onB.resting onC.carrying onD.looking on7.A.singleB.aimC.purposeD.position8.A.exploredB.observedC.contractedD.launched9.A.receivesB.permitsC.carriesD.improves10.A.examinedB.diagnosedC.foundD.inspected11.A.swearsB.happensC.refusesD.threatens12.A.mealsB.hospitalsC.medicinesD.companies13.A.soldB.ownedC.controlledD.founded14.A.volunteerB.advocateC.protesterD.follower15.A.normallyB.speciallyC.extremelyD.eventually16.A.naturalB.exhaustedC.consciousD.healthy17.A.diseasesB.challengesC.decisionsD.comments18.A.determinesB.realizesC.liftsD.demands19.A.angerB.anxietyC.curiosityD.negativity20.A.openB.honestC.gratefulD.generous七、 Peter, a 5-year-old boy, showed such great interest in sea shells that he often picked them up with his 3-year-old sister, Shirley. For Peter, sea shells lay shinning on the 1 beach, waiting for him, just like stars twinkling in the sky.One day, the two were hanging about in a 2 when Peter found his younger sister was not 3 .He looked back and found Shirley 4 in front of a toy shop, with her eyes fastened on a beautiful doll.Holding his younger sisters tiny hand, Peter entered the shop. He tiptoed(踮起脚尖) to 5 the doll and handed it to Shirley. The sister was very happy to hold tightly the doll, wearing a smile on her 6 face.Peter went to the 7 and asked the shopkeeper, How much does this doll cost, Sir?The shopkeeper looked at the boy with interest, asking, Well, what can you 8 ?Peter took out the money that was 9 for their breakfast, gave it to the shopkeeper and asked, Sir, is it enough?Shaking his head 10 , he replied, My boy, I am afraid it seems not enough.The kids were so disappointed. Watching his sisters smile 11 , Peter frowned.Without hesitation, he 12 his shells on the counter, and asked the shopkeeper 13 ,Is it enough now? Without 14 counting them, the shopkeeper replied, These are 15 the cost. Saying so, he kept only two and returned the 16 shells and the money.Peter left the shop with Shirley very happily, leaving an assistant in that shop 17 .He asked the shopkeeper, Sir! You only charged them for 2 shells?! The shopkeeper said with a smile, For us these are shells, but for the boy they are 18 . His love for his sister is the most precious. When he grows up, he will remember he 19 a doll for his sister with the shells. He will cherish love and warmth in life-cherish every little 20 sea shell in hisheart.1.A.peacefulB.distantC.restlessD.fearful2.A.galleryB.canteenC.marketD.museum3.A.inB.aroundC.awayD.over4.A.engagedB.stuckC.absorbedD.rooted5.A.search forB.reach forC.stand forD.struggle for6.A.innocentB.delicateC.skepticalD.embarrassed7.A.passageB.doorwayC.cashierD.counter8.A.payB.chargeC.buyD.take9.A.donatedB.receivedC.intendedD.identified10.A.skillfullyB.slightlyC.violentlyD.impatiently11.A.cutting upB.fading awayC.taking overD.breaking down12.A.threwB.clearedC.emptiedD.dropped13.A.nervouslyB.gratefullyC.formallyD.proudly14.A.everB.onlyC.almostD.even15.A.far fromB.equal toC.less thanD.more than16.A.remainingB.separateC.extraD.initial17.A.to the pointB.on the spotC.in a messD.at a loss18.A.giftsB.treasuresC.effortsD.materials19.A.reservedB.orderedC.purchasedD.produced20.A.naturalB.lovelyC.shin


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