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完形填空能力升级练文体分类练(一)记叙文Test 1(2021山东菏泽一模)Maybe its my love of baseball that connects my aunt Helen and me. She has always kept me 1 in her experiences of playing baseball back in the 1940s. I would listen to these 2 over and over. She used to say,“Go after what you want. Dont be ashamed of failing. Real 3 comes from never trying.”In 1943, she was one of the young women who 4 for the All-American Girls Professional Baseball League. She 5 what it would be like to win the championship for her hometown! She imagined a long narrow flag 6 at the baseball field, and on it the name Helen would be there for all to 7. About a week later, Aunt Helen received a 8 from the leaders of the baseball league in Chicago! Aunt Helen 9 it open and learned that she had been invited to the leagues main tryouts! But as the days went by, Aunt Helen became 10 about travelling to Chicago alone. What if she went all that way and 11? When the day of the tryouts 12, she was too afraid to go. Aunt Helen has spent the rest of her life wondering what would have happened 13 she had gone to those tryouts. Because of this, she never missed another 14 in her life. She learned that every dream is worth 15, even if you catch only a few of them. 1.A.interestedB.concernedC.disappointedD.devoted2.A.messagesB.novelsC.storiesD.reports3.A.successB.achievementC.argumentD.embarrassment4.A.made upB.tried outC.stood upD.looked out5.A.thought overB.convinced ofC.dreamed ofD.believed in6.A.growingB.stickingC.postingD.hanging7.A.writeB.seeC.listenD.talk8.A.letterB.lectureC.giftD.diamond9.A.threwB.toreC.brokeD.struck10.A.sureB.cautiousC.worriedD.excited11.A.slippedB.fellC.sleptD.failed12.A.lostB.cameC.disappearedD.flew13.A.ifB.unlessC.untilD.before14.A.wordB.journeyC.opportunityD.instruction15.A.chasingB.runningC.givingD.cherishingTest 2(2021山东济南一模)Five days before Christmas, police officer Lima was sent to a local shop for a reported theft. The accusation was that two females were scanning(扫描) some items at the self-checkout but 1 other items and bagging those items. The females,who had two children with them, were 2 as they left the store. Lima had two girls himself, similar in age to the two girls there, so it 3 him a little bit. Lima 4 the receipt for the items they had paid for. There was nothing else like health and beauty items on it. The items were all 5things bought just to stuff themselves. Then he asked an employee where the other items were that they had planned to take and was informed they were put back on the 6. Obviously, this family was in real need. While Lima firmly 7 following the law, he decided to cut them a break and not to 8. The two females, 9, were very grateful but kind of 10 because generally in that same situation there would probably be a different 11 and theyd be arrested. Lima took things a step further in an effort to 12 the family. He gave them a $200 gift card, telling them not to get things in illegal ways any more. “I purchased the gift card close to the value of what would have been 13,” said Lima.“I did what I felt was 14. I just tried to show a little 15 to the extent permitted by law.”1.A.labelingB.damagingC.sortingD.bypassing2.A.misunderstoodB.stoppedC.toleratedD.unemployed3.A.confusedB.disappointedC.struckD.attracted4.A.deniedB.checkedC.filledD.questioned5.A.luxuriesB.drinksC.presentsD.food6.A.shelvesB.countersC.checkoutD.lockers7.A.stoodB.resistedC.believed inD.put off8.A.make troubleB.take responsibilityC.play tricksD.press charges9.A.consequentlyB.fortunatelyC.graduallyD.incredibly10.A.ashamedB.shockedC.anxiousD.innocent11.A.lessonB.outcomeC.choiceD.excuse12.A.aidB.controlC.remindD.reward13.A.returnedB.exchangedC.takenD.ordered14.A.eye-catchingB.risk-takingC.privateD.right15.A.politenessB.courageC.mercyD.admirationTest 3(2021广东高三冲刺联考)Paige Calendine of Zanesville, Ohio, may look a little different from her teammates, but shes just as talented if not more so. Paige was born without legs, but she has 1 a lot. Her parents, Sean and Heidi, chose early not to place 2 on her. When she was 18 months old, they enrolled(报名) her in gymnastics classes to help her 3 upper body strength. “Because she was born without legs, she doesnt know its a 4,” Sean explained.“We 5 right away that we would not treat her like a disabled child or make things 6 for her. We wanted her to learn how to 7 the real world.”In the years since, Paige has 8 herself to be a gifted athlete! Not only has her 9 inspired her coaches and teammates, but its also earned her 10! In a gymnastics competition, the 8-year-old took first place! 11, she is looking forward to trying other sports in the future, including swimming and archery(射箭)! She has never 12 her abilities and hopes to encourage others to adopt the same 13.“Face your disadvantage bravely, and you can 14 anything that happens in your life,” she said. What an inspiration! Paige has 15 that we dont have to let anything get in the way of doing what we love. 1.A.sufferedB.achievedC.thoughtD.seen2.A.attentionB.limitsC.associationD.goals3.A.buildB.evaluateC.controlD.discover4.A.phenomenonB.shameC.burdenD.disability5.A.announcedB.signaledC.decidedD.advocated6.A.accurateB.usefulC.easyD.clear7.A.adjust toB.care aboutC.depend onD.cheer for8.A.considered B.provenC.believedD.encouraged9.A.honorB.potentialC.desireD.talent10.A.medalsB.skillsC.sympathyD.responsibility11.A.UnexpectedlyB.RandomlyC.UnreasonablyD.Differently12.A.analyzedB.describedC.doubtedD.shared13.A.hobbyB.attitudeC.luckD.concept14.A.conveyB.understandC.selectD.overcome15.A.concludedB.directedC.repliedD.shown完形填空能力升级练文体分类练(一)记叙文Test 1【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。作者讲述了Helen阿姨回忆自己年轻的时候有机会加入全美女子职业棒球联盟, 却因害怕退缩了, 造成终身遗憾。阿姨的经历告诉我们, 有梦想就勇敢去追求。1.A解析:根据下文的 “I would listen to these over and over.” 可知, “我”对Helen阿姨年轻时打棒球的故事很感兴趣。故选A项。2.C解析:由句意可知, 空格处指代上文的her experiences of playing baseball, 即作者会一遍又一遍地听Helen阿姨年轻时打棒球的故事。故选C项。3.D解析:此处指Helen阿姨认为失败并不丢人, 不尝试才是真正尴尬的事情, 空格处呼应前面的be ashamed of。故选D项。4.B解析:根据第三段中的 “.learned that she had been invited to the leagues main tryouts!” 可知, Helen阿姨参加了全美女子职业棒球联盟的选拔赛。故选B项。5.C解析:根据下一句中的imagined可知, 她想象着如果她为自己的家乡赢得了冠军, 会是什么样子。故选C项。6.D解析:根据体育比赛的常识可知, 获胜队的旗子应该是挂在棒球赛场上。故选D项。7.B解析:根据“She imagined a long narrow flag at the baseball field, and on it the name Helen would be there.”可知, 此处表示旗上会有Helen的名字, 大家都能看到。故选B项。8.A解析:根据下文的 “Aunt Helen it open and learned that she had been invited to the leagues main tryouts!”可知, 此处表示Helen阿姨收到一封信。故选A项。9.B解析:根据上文的 “.received a from the leaders of the baseball league in Chicago!” 可知, Helen阿姨收到一封信, 此处表示Helen阿姨把信撕开。故选B项。10.C解析:根据下文的 “What if she went all that way and ? When the day of the tryouts , she was too afraid to go.”可知, 她心中顾虑很多, 害怕独自出门远行, 担心失败。故选C项。11.D解析:根据下文的 “When the day of the tryouts , she was too afraid to go.”可知, 她担心失败, 没有去参加选拔赛。故选D项。12.B解析:根据空格后的she was too afraid to go可知, 空格处表示选拔赛的日子到了。故选B项。13.A解析:根据上文的she was too afraid to go可知, 因为她没有去参加选拔赛, 所以她想知道如果她去了, 会发生什么事。故选A项。14.C解析:根据语境可知, 此处表示她再也没有错过人生中的另外一次机会。故选C项。15.A解析:根据空格后的even if you catch only a few of them可知, Helen阿姨学到了每个梦想都值得追逐。故选A项。Test 2【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。圣诞节前五天, 两名女性在商店自助结账时没有扫描所有商品。警察Lima查看了她们的购物收据后发现她们买的都是食物, 而且她们确实需要帮助, 于是决定不起诉她们, 还送给她们200美元的礼品卡。1.D解析:根据上文的a reported theft可知, 她们让其他商品避开了扫描, 并把它们装进袋子里。bypass “绕过, 避开”。故选D项。2.B解析:根据空格后的as they left the store可知, 此处指两名女性和儿童在离开时被拦住了。故选B项。3.C解析:根据 “Lima had two girls himself, similar in age to the two girls there.” 可知, Lima看到这两个孩子和自己的女儿年龄相仿, 这有点打动他。故选C项。4.B解析:根据空格后的receipt for the items they had paid for以及 “There was nothing else like health and beauty items on it.” 可知, 此处表示查看收据。故选B项。5.D解析:根据空格后的things bought just to stuff themselves可知, 她们买的都是食物只是为了填饱自己的肚子的东西。故选D项。6.A解析:根据上文 “Then he asked an employee where the other items were that they had planned to take and was informed they were put back on the .”可知, 她们打算拿走的物品已经被放回了货架上。故选A项。7.C解析:根据 “While Lima firmly following the law, he decided to cut them a break and not to .”可知, Lima坚信要遵守法律, 但他决定给她们一个机会。故选C项。8.D解析:根据上文可知, 两名女性涉嫌盗窃, Lima在了解情况后决定不起诉她们。故选D项。9.A解析:根据句意可知, Lima决定不起诉这两名女性, 因此她们非常感激。故选A项。10.B解析:根据空格后的because generally in that same situation there would probably be a different可知, 一般说来偷东西会被逮捕, 但是Lima却决定放过她们, 因此她们既感激又震惊。故选B项。11.B解析:根据下文的and theyd be arrested可知, 如果Lima选择起诉她们, 她们的结果就是被逮捕。故选B项。12.A解析:根据上文的 “Obviously, this family was in real need.” 以及下文的 “He gave them a $200 gift card, telling them not to get things in illegal ways any more.”可知, Lima送给她们礼品卡, 以帮助这个需要帮助的家庭。故选A项。13.C解析:根据语境可知, 此处指礼品卡的价值接近她们打算盗走的物品的价值。故选C项。14.D解析:此处表示Lima做了自己认为正确的事情。故选D项。15.C解析:根据空格后的to the extent permitted by law可知, Lima只是试图在法律允许的范围内对这家人表现出一点仁慈。show mercy to是固定短语, 意为 “对仁慈”。故选C项。Test 3【语篇导读】本文是一篇记叙文。Paige Calendine生来没有腿, 但她在体操方面很有天赋, 在一次体操比赛中, 年仅8岁的她获得了第一名。1.B解析:根据上文的 “Paige Calendine of Zanesville, Ohio, may look a little different from her teammates, but shes just as talented if not more so.” 可知, Paige和队友们一样有才华; 下文还提到她参加体操训练, 以及获得体操比赛第一名, 这些都说明她取得了很多成就。故选B项。2.B解析:根据下文的 “When she was 18 months old, they enrolled her in gymnastics classes to help her upper body strength.” 可知, 此处表示她的父母很早就选择不会因为她残疾就给她设定一些限制。故选B项。3.A解析:根据下文的Because she was born without legs可知, Paige生来就没有腿, 父母给她报名去上体操课以帮助她锻炼上肢力量。故选A项。4.D解析:根据空格前面的Because she was born without legs可知, 因为Paige生来就没有腿, 所以她不知道这是一种残疾。故选D项。5.C解析:根据上文的 “When she was 18 months old, they enrolled her in gymnastics classes to help her upper body strength.” 可知, 此处表示 “我” 们马上决定不会像对待残疾孩子一样对待她。故选C项。6.C解析:根据上文的We right away that we would not treat her like a disabled child可知, Paige的父母决定不会像对待残疾孩子一样对待她, 所以也不会因为她是残疾人, 让她的生活变得轻松。故选C项。7.A解析:此处表示 “我” 们想让她学会如何适应真实的世界。adjust to “适应”。故选A项。8.B解析:根据下文的 “In a gymnastics competition, the 8-year-old took first place!” 可知, 她证明了自己是一个有天赋的运动员。故选B项。9.D解析:根据上文的 “In the years since, Paige has herself to be a gifted athlete!” 可知, 她的天赋激励了她的教练和队友。故选D项。10.A解析:根据下文的 “.the 8-year-old took first place!” 可知, 她获得了奖牌。故选A项。11.A解析:根据空格后的 “.she is looking forward to trying other sports in the future, including swimming and archery!” 可知, 作为残疾人, 她期待在未来尝试其他运动, 包括游泳、射箭等, 这是令人意想不到的。故选A项。12.C解析:根据上文内容和下文的hopes to encourage others to adopt the same 可知, Paige对自己充满信心, 从来没有怀疑过自己的能力。故选C项。13.B解析:此处表示她从来没有怀疑过自己的能力, 并希望鼓励其他人也采取同样的态度。故选B项。14.D解析:根据空格前的Face your disadvantage bravely以及Paige的故事可知, 此处表示勇敢地面对自己的劣势, 你就可以克服生活中发生的任何事情。故选D项。15.D解析:根据上文的 “What an inspiration!” 和空格后的we dont have to let anything get in the way of doing what we love可知, Paige向我们证明, 不要让任何事阻碍我们做自己喜欢的事。故选D项。8


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