必修二 2.6 Unit 2 the Olympic games period 2

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新课标人教版课件系列高中英语必修必修2-2-2.6unit2 the Olympic games period 2Step1 Dictation New words and expressions:Have a dictation of the new words in the reading:Take part in medal Greece Greek magical interview host athletes admitted Slave stadium prize gymnasium as well as replaceStep2 Review and Lead-in 1)Review Review 2 questions in warming up:Q1:Who was Chinas first gold winner and for what event?Q2:What are the three words that show the spirit of the Olympic Games?Xu Haifeng,shootingSwifter,Higher,Stronger2)Lead-inShow the video of the 28th Olympic games in Athens in2004.Step 3 Pre-reading Q1:How many events are there for the Summer and Winter Olympics?Can you list same of them?Q2:When and where will the next Olympic Games be held?What do you think the Chinese team will do in order to win more medals?Q3 Why do so many countries want to host the Olympic Games?Task 1 Skimming:Let ss skim the passage quickly and answer 3qs.Q1.What are they mainly talking about?Q2.When he hears that women are allowed to join in,what does he say?How about his feeling,sad,surprised or happy?()Q3.When he hears the Olympics are also about being able to run faster,jump higher and throw further,how does he feel,sad,surprised of happy?()A:The similarities and differences about the ancient Olympics and modern Olympics.SurprisedhappyTask 2:scanning:Let ss read the passage once more and fill in the blank of the chart.Items The ancient Olympic Games The modern Olympic Games Frequency 1.Every _years 2.Every _ years Types Only Summer Olympic Games Summer and 3._ Olympic Games Events Fewer 4._ Athletes Only men from 5._ city From 6._ _ including 7._ Places Greece 8._Prize 9._ 10._ _ fourfourwintermoreall over the worldGreekwomenevery country is possiblean olive wreathfour medalsStep 5 Summary of the interview The Olympic Games are the biggest sports meeting in the world,which include two kinds,the _and the _ Olympics.Both of them are _ every _ _.All countries can take part if their athletes reached the _ to the games.Women are not only _ to join in but playing a very _ role.SummerWinterheldfour yearsstandardallowedimportant A _ _ village is built for the competitors to live in,a _ for competitions,a large swimming pool,a _ as well as seats for those who watch the games.Its a great _ to host the Olympic Games.The Olive wreath has been _ by medals.But its still about being able to run _,jump _ and throw _.special villagestadiumgymnasiumhonorreplacedfasterhigherfurtherStep6 Discussion Talking!Work in pairs.What do you prepare for the 2008 Olympic Games if you are:a teacher/university students/worker in Beijing/driver/Tian liang/Guo Jingjing/Liu Xiang/a coach(教练教练)/Zhang Yimou/the mayor of Beijing Step7 Homework Just do it!1.Review the reading text and finish Ex.1&2(P11)2.Prepare for next period


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