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PEP小学六年级英语下册知识点归纳及练习 Unit 1 How tall are you?一、 词汇 tall - taller 高的-更高的 than 比 short - shorter 矮的/短的-更矮的/更短的 cm 厘米 long - longer 长的-更长的 meter 米 形容词 strong- stronger 强壮的-更强壮的 ton 吨 adj. old - older 老的/旧的-更老的/更旧的 size 号码 young- younger 年轻的-更年轻的 feet 脚 small- smaller 小的-更小的 think 想 wear 穿 辅+元+辅 -双写最后一个辅音字母+er others even 甚至 big-bigger 大的-更大的 tail 尾巴 thin-thinner 瘦的-更瘦的 little 小的 fat-fatter 胖的-更胖的 lobster 龙虾 shark 鲨鱼 辅音字母+y -改y为i +er deep 深的 happy-happier 开心的-更开心的 seal 海豹 heavy-heavier 重的-更重的 squid 鱿鱼 funny-funnier 滑稽的-更滑稽的 sperm whale抹香鲸 killer whale虎鲸二、重点句型 问年龄,身高,体重等 How old are you? How tall are you? How heavy are you? - Im _ (years old). - Im _ cm tall. - Im _ kg . 问物品的情况: How large is your room? 你的房间有多大? Its _ m2 (square meters.) 有_ 平方米。 How long is your bed? 你的床有多长? Its _cm long. 有_厘米长。How big are your feet? 你的脚有多长?I wear size _. 我穿_码的鞋。 - How + (高、矮、胖、瘦等身体有关的)形容词 + are you? - Im + 与身体有关的具体数值。 形容谁比谁更 A + 动词be (am , is , are ) + 形容词比较级 + than(比)+ B is am be ( even/much ) er than are e.g. I am taller than you. 我比你高。I am 4 cm taller than your brother. 我比你弟弟高4cm .I am taller and stronger than your brother.我比你的弟弟更高更壮。 Jack is even stronger than his father. Jack 甚至比他爸爸还壮。Zhang Peng and John are much younger than Mr.Green.张鹏和John 比Mr. Green 要年轻多了。有用的句型 : Which monkey do you like? 你喜欢哪一只猴子? I like the yellow one.我喜欢黄色的那只。1. I think the little monkey is only 40 cm tall. 我想那只小猴只有40cm 高。2. Its tail is about 38 cm long. 它的尾巴约有38cm. 3. A sperm whale is _ than a killer whale in its length. 注意 比较的两者应该是互相对应的可比较的东西。典型错误:My hair is longer than you.(我的头发比你更长。)比较的两者是我的头发、你(整个人),那么比较的对象就没有可比性。应该改为:My hair is longer than yours. 或My hair is longer than your hair.以How开头的问句(仅限小学阶段): How are you? 问身体状况。How old? 问年龄 How tall? 问身高 How long? 问长度 How big? 问大小(指外型、形体的大小)How heavy? 问体重、重量 How many? 问多少,物体的数量How much? 问价格比较级专项练习: 一、从方框中选出合适的单词完成句子 heavy tall long big(1) How is the Yellow River? (2) How is Mr Green? Hes 175cm.(3) How are your feet? I wear size 18. (4)How is the fish? Its 2kg.二、根据句意写出所缺的单词(1) Im 12 years old. Youre 14. Im than you.(2) A rabbits tail is than a monkeys tail. (3) An elephant is than a pig.(4) A lake is than a sea. (5) Canada is than China.三、根据中文完成句子.(1) 我比我的弟弟大三岁. Im than my brother.(2) 这棵树要比那棵树高. This tree than that one.(3)你比他矮四厘米. You are than he. (4) 谁比你重? than you?四 比较各题的两幅图片和提示,填上合适的单词,使句子完整。TomI1) I am _ than Tom. Tom is _ than me. 2) My grandpa is _ than your brother.20岁70岁Your brother is _ than my grandpa.3) This dog is _ than that dog. 20kg50kgThat dog is _ than this dog.4) My dog is _ than your dog.50cm100cmYour dog is _ than my dog.Sarahs bag5) Mikes bag is _ than Sarahs bag.Mikes bagSarahs bag is _ than Mikes bag.五,看答句写问句。 1. A: _?B: Im 150cm tall.2. A:_ _? B: Lucy is 15 years old.3. A: _? B: I wear size 33.4.A: _? B: Amys hair is 20cm long.5. A: _? B: The tree is 36 meters tall.六按顺序写26个字母,看谁写得又快又漂亮:Unit 2 Whats the matter, Mike?必背词汇: have a fever (发烧) tired (疲劳的) have a cold (感冒) excited(兴奋得) have a sore throat (喉咙痛) angry(生气的) 表示身体 have a toothache (牙痛) 表示情绪 sad (悲伤的)不适的 have a headache (头痛) 心情 happy (高兴得) hurt (疼痛) sore (疼得) bored (无聊的) feel(感觉)其他; sick(有病的)nose(鼻子)know(知道) worry (担心) medicine(药drink (喝)trip (旅行)stay (在,逗留) better(更好的)soon(立刻,不久) fail (失败)pass(传递) flu流感 might可以,能worry烦恼,忧虑 drink饮料 test测试 hear听见,听到 match比赛 between在之间 kick踢 laugh at因。而发笑a little有些 goal(球赛等)得分 bounce反弹 off距,离,离开 another另一个win(过去式won)赢重点句型;1.A: How do you feel ? 你感觉怎样?B:I feel sick. 我觉得不舒服。 2.A:How does she/he feel? 她/他感觉如何?B:She/ He is tired. 她/他累了。3.You look so happy. 你看起来如此高兴。How are you ? You look so excited.你怎么了?你看起来很兴奋。4.A:I failed the math test. 我数学考试失败了。B:Im sorry to hear that. 听到这个消息我很难过。Dont worry别担心5.If you have a fever ,you might haveget the flu. 如果你发烧,你可能得了流感。6.Dont worry! If you are sick,see the doctor.不要担心!如果你病了,去看医生。7.Take some medicine and drink hot drinks. 吃些药和热饮料。8. Stay in bed for a few days. You will feel better soon. 卧床休息几天,你很快就会好起来。9.Whats the matter? 怎么了?I have a fever我发烧了。 10.How are you, Sarah? You look sad today. 你好吗,Sarah?今天,你看起来很难过。11. My throat is sore. (=I have a sore throat.)我喉咙疼。My nose hurts. 我鼻子疼。(表示身体某一部位疼hurt+s)12. 11She feels happy. =She is happy.她很开心. I feel happy. =I am happy.我很开心.。13I am going on a big trip.我将去旅行 I failed my math test.我数学考试失败了。14. There is a football match(比赛) between(在。之间)Class 1 and Class 3. pass传 the ball to 把球传给某人 kick the ball踢球 Its goal(球赛等)得分. The ball bounces (反弹)off his head.球反弹离开了他的头。Laugh at 因。而发笑 win(won) the game 赢得了比赛专题练习:A: _ the matter with you? B : I a _.2) A: _ does Tom feel? B: He is very _.3) A: How are you, Lucy? You _ so _.4) Look, Zhang Peng _ _.5) A: Whats the _ Lily?B: She a fever. Her leg _.二、看答句写问句。1. A:_ _ _?B: I feel sick. Im sad.2. A:_ _? B: Im 14 years old. Im older than you. 3. A:_ _? B: Zhang Peng is 160cm .4. A:_ _? B: Tom is tired today. He went to bed late yesterday.5. A:_ _? B: John has a toothache. 6. A: ? B: My brother is 62 kg.8. A: ? B: My throat is sore. 三,看中文写英文。1.牙疼:_ 2.疼痛: 3.感冒:_4.高兴的 5.生气的 6.悲伤的 7.兴奋的 8.疲劳的 9.无聊的 _10.have a headache_ 11.感冒_12take pictures_ 13.滑冰_ good food_ 15.更强壮的_16.row a boat_ 17更大的_ 18 funnier_ 19喉咙疼_20.你怎么啦?我的腿疼。 21. Amy感觉怎样?她觉得很累。 四,选择题( )1. -How are you, Mike? You look so_. -Its raining outside. I cant play football. A. happy B. excited C. sad ( )2.-Whats the matter? -My leg _. A. hurts B. sore C. is hurts ( )3.-_did you go on your holiday? -Shanghai. A. What B. Where C. How ( )4.-Did you _ pictures yesterday? A. take B. took C. taking ( ) 5. I _ my room and watched TV . A. clean B. cleaned C. cleaning Unit3 and unit4知识点归纳 ;当一个动作是在过去的某一个时间发生时,动词则要用过去式,公式是:人+动词过去式+其他+过去的时间。如句子中有等这样表示过去时间的词时 ,就要用一般过去时态。last weekend上个星期 last year去年last month上个月 yesterday昨天 on your weekend 在假期,last Sunday 例如:I visited my grandparents last weekend.上周末我看望了爷爷奶奶。 Wu Yifan played football with his friends yesterday. 昨天吴一帆和他的朋友们一起踢足球。 动词过去式变化规则:1 一般动词在词尾加上ed 。如:work worked , wash washed play - played 2 以e 结尾的动词在词尾加上e . 如 :use - used live - lived 3 以辅音字母和y结尾的动词改y为i ,再加上ed . 如: study - studied , empty- emptied 4 末尾只有一个辅音字母的重读闭音节词,双写最后的辅音字母,再加ed 如:stop stopped 直接+ed的动词过去式: watch(watched TV看电视) washwashed the clothes洗衣服 cleancleaned the room打扫房间 playplayed football踢足球 played basketball(打篮球) played sports进行体育运动 visitvisited grandparents看望爷爷奶奶 cook -cooked 做饭 visited the Great Wall(参观长城) learn-learned Chinese/English/math学习语文/英语/数学 climb-climbed a mountain爬山 listenlistened to music听音乐 rowrowed a boat划(船) returm sth to sb把.归还给(give sth .back to sb) returned = gave back to把归还给 没有规律的动词的过去式有:do做-did(did (my我的) homework did her( 她的homework did his他的 homework did their(他们的) homework did our(我们的) homework) read- read(read a book=read books读书) go去went(went to a park去公园 went swimming去游泳 went fishing去钓鱼 went hiking去郊游 went skiing去滑雪 went ice-skating去滑冰went shopping去购物) sing -sang dance danced( sang and danced唱歌跳舞)get got (got to 到达) take took(took pictures拍照) eat-ate(ate good food吃了很多好吃的食物)buy-bought(bought presents买礼物) see saw(saw elephants /pandas看见了大象/熊猫) swim swam游泳is amwas (Wu Yifan was busy last weekend.) have -had有 (Every day I had fun with my cousins 每天我和表兄弟都过的很开心) fly飞flew(flew kites放风筝) studystudied English学习英语 winwon the game赢得比赛(Class 3 won the game3班赢得了比赛)make made a snowman堆雪人leave left离开(We left Beijing on February 1st and got to Harbin on the 2nd.我们二月一号离开北京二号到达哈尔滨)(We relaxed and prepared to go back to work or school.我们放松了一下准备回到工作和学习中) 句型1 询问在过去的某一个时间做了什么,借助助动词did l 特殊疑问句 What did you do yesterday/last weekend ? I did my homework .l 一般疑问句,把did提前 Did you help your parents clean the room ? ( 当句子变为一般疑问句,动词应还原) Yes , I did ./No, I didnt .l 标牌警示语No fishing here !此处禁止钓鱼! No swimming here ! 此处禁止游泳! No dogs pooing here! 此处禁止狗大便! No dogs peeing here! 此处禁止狗小便!Unit3四会句子: 1.-What did you do last weekend?上周末你干了什么?I visited my grandparents.我去拜访了我的爷爷奶奶。 2.Did you clean your room yesterday? 你打扫了你的房间了吗?Yes , I did。是的,我打扫过了/No, I didnt.不,我没有打扫过。 3.-What did Mike do yesterday?昨天迈克干了什么? -He went swimming.他去游泳了。4.John was busy last Sunday. 上个星期天John很忙碌。 It was a long holiday. 这是一个长的假期.5He washed the clothes and cleaned the room in the morning.早上他了洗衣服,打扫了教室。 Unit4四会句子:1.-Where did you go on your holiday? 你在哪儿度假了?-I went to Xinjiang .我去新疆了。2.-How did you go there? 你是怎么去儿的? -I went by train.我坐火车去的。3.-What did you do there? 你在那里干吗了? -I went skiing我去滑雪了。4. -What did you do on your holiday? -你假期里去干吗了? -I bought presents. for my friends.我给我的朋友买礼物了。5.Did you read books?你读过书吗?-Yes, I did.是的,我看过。6Did you go to a park?你有没有去过公园?No, I didnt.不,我没有。 Did +主语+动词原形 +其他成分?用Yes, I did.或 No, I didnt.来回答.。What:什么,问事情问东西; Why :为什么,问原因;Where 哪里,问地点;Who 谁,问人;Whose 谁的,问主人。Whose book is this? 这本书是谁的? Its my sisters .它是我妹妹的。专题练习:1. A: What _ you do last Saturday? B: I _ football with Mike. 2. My family _ _ a park yesterday. 、 3. A: _Sarah wash clothes yesterday? B: No, she _. She a book. 4. I often _ football on the weekend. 5. A: Did you _ swimming yesterday afternoon? B: Yes, I _. I swimming yesterday.6. I am going to _ the flowers after school. 7. A: Your room is clean. B: Thanks. I _ it this morning. 8. A: What is your father doing? B: He is _ an e-mail. 9. I _ my grandparents last weekend. We had a good time.二、看答句写问句。 1. A: _? B: Im going to climb mountains tomorrow.2. A: _? B: I played football yesterday. 3. A: _? B: I often go shopping on Sunday.4. A: _? B: Im reading a book now. 5. A: _? B: I can cook the meals at home.6. A: ? B: Yes, I went fishing last weekend. 7. A: _?B: Yes, my parents go to work by bus.三、选择( )1.-Did you help me clean my room?-Yes,I _. A.did C.does ( )2.-What did Lisa do yesterday?She_ to music. A.listens B.listen C.listened ( )3.- Did you play football _ Zhang Peng? A、with B、 and C、to ( )4.Tom _busy yeaterday. A、did B、 was C、were ( )5.Lisa usually her homework after super. A、does B、do C、did ( )6. What _ he _ yesterday ? A. does, do B. do , did C. did, do ( )7._ he _ football last weekend ? A. Did, played B. Did, play C. Did, plays ( )8.I_my room last weekend. A.clean B.cleans C.cleaned ( )9.Amy usually_her homework after super. A. does C.did ( )10. Whats the matter? My leg _. A.hurt B.hurts hurts 四.写出下列单词的过去式。 (1).按求填空。 1.发烧_. 2. teach(三单形式)_ 3.tall(反义词)反义词)_ 5.thin(比较级)_ 6.big(反义词)_ 7.heavy(比较级) _. 8.child(复数形式) _.形式) _. 10.sheep(复数形式)_ (2)、写出下列单词的过去式 watch_ study _ see _buy _ do _ go _ read _ have_ fly_ play_ (3)英汉互译。1.上周末_ 2.去游泳_ 3.去钓鱼_ 4.去郊游_ 5.看电视_ 6.wash clothes_7visit grandparents_ 8.listen to music_ football_Recycle 2 A Farewell Party 一重点短语:have a ferewell party 开毕业告别会 sing songs 唱歌 play the piano 弹钢琴 play the erhu 拉二胡 do Chinese kung fu 表演中国功夫 say hello/goodbye to sb. 向某人问好/告别 invite sb. to 邀请某人二重点句子: Have a good time.祝你玩得开心。1. It is the end of the school year.这是学期末。 2.Would you like to perform at the party? 你们想在晚会上表演什么呢?3. Let me see.让我想一想。4. Lets invite your parents to the party. 让我们邀请你们的父母来晚会。5. The ferewell party will be on June 20th. 毕业会将在六月二十号。 6. I dont want to say goodbye to my friends. 我不想给我的朋友告别。7. Its time to say goodbye to China.到了该与中国到别的时间了。8. I hope you will get better soon.我希望你很快就会好起来。 9. We will give you a surprise. 我们将给你一个惊喜。 10.I feel much better . 我感到好多了。11. I hope you like it. 我希望你喜欢。12. This is a book about panda. 这是一本关于熊猫的书。三.一般将来时表示将来某一时刻的动作或状态,常常与表示将来的时间状语连用。其表达形式为“be going to+动词原形”, 标志性的时间词:tomorrow ,next Monday ,next week等。四会句子: Where are you going on your holiday?假期你打算去哪里? I am going to Kunming.我打算去昆明。Who are you going on with?你将和谁一起去? I am going with my parents.我将和我父母一起去。How are you going there? 你打算怎么去? We are going by plane.我们坐飞机去。When are you going? 你打算什么时候去? We are going this weekend.我们打算这个周末去。关于一般现在时:一般现在时判断依据(如何判断一个句子是一般现在时):be动词是am、is、are 动词用原形或加s、es没有时间状语或有usually、often、everyday、sometimes等不是具体的时间一般现在时态经常与: often(经常) sometimes(有时) always(总是)usually(通常)等副词连用,也经常与 every day(每天), every week(每周), every month(每月), every term(每学期), every year(每年), once a week (一周一次),twice a year(一年两次)等时间状语连用。一般过去时中的be动词: 一般用过去式:was were was用于第一人称单数(I)和第三人称单数(he she it和其他人名或称谓,如:Ben 、 his sister等);were用于第二人称单数(you)和所有复数(包括第一人称复数we、第二人称复数you;第三人称复数they和其他复数,如the children 、 his parents等)。一般过去时判断依据(如何判断一个句子是一般过去时):be动词是was、were 动词加ed 有表示过去的时间状语 be动词是was、were 动词加ed一般将来时 (1)构成形式: Be going to +动词原形, will + 动词原形 (2)一般将来时表示动作即将发生或某人打算做某事。 (3)句中往往有tomorrow、soon、next week等词。现在进行时 (1)构成形式: Be动词+动词的ing形式这里强调一点,两者缺少其中任何一种都不可以构成现在进行时。(2)现在进行时表示动作正在进行或事情正在发生。(3)有用的依据:一个句子中既有be动词,又有动词,且动词加了ing 该句是现在进行时(4)句中往往有now、look、listen等词。时间前介词的用法:英语中不同的时间前所用的介词不相同,一般有如下规则(1)在表示一段时间的词语前用in,如在年份、月份、季节前用in,如in2009, in May, in spring等。另外在上午、在下午、在晚上也用in. in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening.(2)表示在某一天,在星期几,在几月几日时用on,如on Monday , on May 1st. 另外还有on Tuesday morning.(3) 表示具体的时刻,在几点钟时用at。如 at 6 oclock. at 7:20.序数词是由基数词转变而来,表示“第个”。 (1)13 分别为first, second, third,没有规律。(2)419通常由基数词加th构成,特殊的有:fivefifth , eighteighth, nineninth, twelvetwelfth .(3)整十的数词,其后缀ty要先变成tie再加th .如twentytwentieth.(4)两位数只把后一个数词变为序数词,前面的数词仍保留其基数形式。如, twenty-onetwenty-first巧学妙记:基数词变序数语口诀: 基变序,有规律,词尾加上th; 一二三,特殊记,八去t, 九去e; five, twelve两兄弟,ve要用f 替; 将y变成 ie, 词尾加上th.若是遇到几十几,只变个位就可以。语法点; Am-was Is -was Are-were 口诀:我用am, 你用are, is用在他她它,所有复数全用are。is、am、are为一类,一般用于一般现在时、现在进行时和一般将来时中。was和were为另一类,一般用于一般过去时。情态动词can、must、should、would、may。情态动词后动词总是用原形。(不受其他任何条件影响)人称代词和物主代词 一般动词前用主格,动词后用宾格人称代词物主代词单数复数单数复数主格宾格主格宾格形容词性(短)名词性(长)形容词性(短)名词性(长)第一人称Imeweusmymineourours第二人称youyouyouyouyouryoursyouryours第三人称hehimtheythemhishistheirtheirssheherherhersitititsits一般动词前用主格,动词后用宾格。否定句:be动词(am、is、are、was、were)+not、情态动词(can、must、should)+ not、助动词(do、does、did) + not如何将一个肯定的陈述句改为否定句:1、看句中有无be动词,如有,直接在be动词后+ not。2、看句中有无情态动词,如有,直接在情态动词后+ not。3、如上述二者都没有,就应用助动词+ not。分四个步骤:(1)肯定陈述句中本来是没有助动词的,要加上去,位置在主语(某人或某物)后,动词前。(2)确定助动词用do、does还是did,根据句中动词,动词是原形的助动词就用do,动词是第三人称单数的助动词就用does,动词用过去式的助动词就有did。(3)在助动词后加not。如,(4)原句中动词假如发生变化就要恢复成原形。 强调一点,有some的要考虑是否要用any。完全,缩略形式: Im=I am hes=he is shes=she is theyre=they are youre=you are theres=there is theyre=they are cant=can not dont=do not doesnt=does not isnt=is not arent=are not lets=let us wont=will not Ill=I will wasnt=was not总结:通常情况下,m即am,s即is(但 lets=let us), re即are ,nt即not(但cant=can not)反义词和同义句。反义词:smll小的 big大的 long长的 short短的 tll高的 short矮的 ft胖的 thin瘦的 strong强壮的 thin瘦小的 strict严格的 kind和蔼的 beutiful美丽的 ugly丑陋的young年轻的 old年老的 new 新的 old旧的 hppy高兴的 ngry生气的hungry饥饿的 full饱的 white白色的 blck黑色的 hot热的 cold冷的warm暖的 cool凉的sunny晴朗的 riny下雨的 chep便宜的 expensive(der)昂贵的 boy男孩 girl女孩womn妇女 mn男人 mother母亲 fther父亲grandma 奶奶 grandpa爷爷 grandfather爷爷 grandmother奶奶 mom妈妈 dd爸爸 sister姐妹 brother兄弟techer教师 student学生 she她 he他Miss小姐 Mr先生 my 我的 your你的we我们 you你们 spring春天 fll秋天 winter冬天 summer夏天 west西 est东north北 south南 fr远 ner近的 right右 left左 bove在.上面 below在.下面 in front of 在.前面 behind在.后面 morning早上 fternoon下午.m. 早上 p.m. 下午tody 今天 tomorrow明天 often经常 sometimes有时 turn on 开 turn off 关open 开 close关go去 bck回来stop停止go走strt开始 over结束brekfast早饭 dinner(supper)晚饭this这是 tht那是 thnks谢谢 sorry对不起Chinese 语文mth数学yes是 no不同义句:1.Wht bout you?=How bout you?=And you?你呢?2. I go to school on foot.=I wlk to school.我走路去上学。词汇不完全归类表:学习用品(school things):pen钢笔pencil铅笔pencil-cse铅笔盒ruler尺子book书bg包comic book漫画书post crd明信片newspper报纸schoolbg书包erser橡皮cryon蜡笔shrpener卷笔刀story-book故事书notebook笔记本Chinese book语文书English book英语书mth book数学书mgzine杂志dictionry词典人体(body):foot脚hed头fce脸hir头发nose鼻子mouth嘴eye眼睛er耳朵rm手臂hnd手finger手指leg腿til尾巴 颜色(colours):red红blue蓝yellow黄green绿white白blck黑pink粉红purple紫ornge橙brown棕动物(nimls):ct猫dog狗pig猪duck鸭rbbit兔horse马elephnt大象nt蚂蚁fish鱼bird鸟egle鹰bever海狸snke蛇mouse老鼠squirrel松鼠kngroo袋鼠monkey猴pnd


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