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附 录A 外文文献The structural characteristics of non-independent suspension on both sides of the wheel is an integral frame connected by the wheels together with the adoption of flexible suspension bridge hanging in the frame or body of the following. Non-independent suspension has a simple structure, low cost, high strength, easy maintenance, driving changes in the small front wheel alignment advantages, but because of its comfort and handling stability are poor, largely in the modern car is no longer in use more used in trucks and large passenger on. Independent suspension on each side of the wheel is individually through the elastic suspension is hanging in the frame or body below. The advantages are: light weight, reduced body shocks, and improve adhesion of the wheels on the ground; available small soft spring stiffness, improve vehicle comfort; can reduce engine position, car center of gravity is reduced, thereby improve the cars driving stability; about beating the wheel alone, independent of each other, can reduce the bodys tilt and vibration. However, there are complex independent suspension, high cost and maintenance problem of inaccessibility. Modern cars are mostly used independent suspension, according to the different structure, independent wishbone suspension can be divided into longitudinal arm, multi-link, candle and McPherson suspension and so on. Arm Suspension means the horizontal plane in the car wheel independent suspension swing, according to the number of how many arm is divided into wishbone and single-arm suspension. Single-Arm has a simple structure, roll center height, with a strong anti-roll capability advantages. But with the increased speed of modern vehicles, roll center is too high will cause the wheel tread beats changes, tire wear increased, and in a sharp turn around the wheel vertical force when the transfer is too large, resulting in increased rear extraversion. Reduce rear-wheel cornering stiffness, resulting in a serious condition high-speed drift. Single-wishbone independent suspension in the rear suspension on a multi-application, but can not meet the requirements of high speed, the current limited application. Multi-link suspension are combined by the root pole position change control of the wheel suspension. Multi-link can wheel around the axis line with the vehicle at an angle within the swing axis is horizontal arm and vertical arm of the compromise, choose the right arm with the motor axis into a vertical line of the angle, can be varying degrees of access to wishbone suspension with the advantages of vertical arm, which can meet different performance requirements. Multi-link suspension of the main advantages are: the wheel tread and beating little change before the beam, both cars are in driving, braking status can be carried out by the driver of the Yi Tu smooth transition to its shortcomings in the automotive when the phenomenon of high-speed shaft swing. Mainly in the FR-link drive mode, and around the back axle of the integration (and the middle of the differential rigid connection) for use where, in the past to use more leaf spring support body, and now from the increased driving comfort considerations, multi-use Link back to say that the swing arm type and style, and use a good coil spring ride. Link in the left side of a pair, divided into upper and lower tie rod, as the lateral force transmission (car drivers) body, usually with a horizontal thrust bar again with the composition of the five-link form. Connect one end of the body lateral thrust rod, one end of the connecting axle, its purpose is to prevent the axle (or body) horizontal traverse. When the axle moves up and down because of the rough, the lateral thrust rod will be connected to contacts with the body axis, an art movement arc, through the General Assembly if the swing angle made between the axles and the body produces significant lateral relative motion, and the lower arm principle similar to the horizontal thrust rod longer than should be designed to reduce the swing angle. Link suspension and axle forming an integrated whole, the mass of the spring below, and not the independence movement around the wheel, so to face bumpy road vehicle impact energy generated by relatively large, poor ride comfort. So there arm methods, this approach is the only fixed-axle differential among left and right half shaft in the differential and universal joints located between the wheel and the center of its swing, used between the wheel and the frame Y-connection under the arm. Y at one end and a separate rigid wheel, the other two endpoints and the frame to connect and form a rotation axis. According to the rotation axis is parallel with the axle, swing arm type suspension is divided into full drag-type arm and half drag-style swing arm, parallel to the whole drag-style, non-parallel type is called semi-drag. Because comfort is the car one of the most important performance, and comfort with the bodys natural vibration characteristics, whereas the bodys natural vibration characteristics of a feature associated with the suspension. Therefore, the vehicle suspension is to ensure the comfort of the important parts. Meanwhile, the vehicle suspension as a frame (or body) and the axle (or wheel) to make the connection between the mechanical power transmission, it is important to ensure the safety of motor cars and parts. Therefore, the vehicle suspension components are often incorporated into the car as an important technical specifications of the table, as one of the indicators to measure the quality of cars. Active suspension is developed in the last ten years, a new type of computer-controlled suspension. It brings together mechanics and electronics, technical knowledge, is a more complex high-tech devices. For example, the installation of the French Citroen Sang Diya active suspension, the center of the car suspension system is a microcomputer, the suspension on five kinds of sensors were transmitted to the micro-computer speed, front wheel brake pressure, ride a fixed throttle pedal speed, body vertical amplitude and frequency, steering wheel angle and steering velocity data. Computer continuously receives the data and with pre-set threshold to compare, select the appropriate suspension state. Meanwhile, the microcomputer independent control of each wheel on the implementation of the components only by controlling the hydraulic shock absorber of changes within the tic, which can at any time, any wheels that meet the requirements of the suspension movement. Therefore, Sang Diya car a wide range of driving mode selection, drivers need only flip a deputy on the dashboard in the normal or sport button will automatically set the cars suspension in top condition, in order to The best comfort. Active suspension control of body movement with the function. When the car when braking or turning the inertia caused by the spring deformation, the active suspension forces will have to confront a force used to reduce the body position changes. 2000 Mercedes-Benz CL models such as Germany-based sports car, when the suspension when the vehicle turning sensor will immediately detect the bodys tilt and lateral acceleration. Computer based on the sensor information, and pre-set threshold value of calculations to determine what position once the load will be added to the suspension on how to minimize body tilt. Wishbone independent suspension by upper and lower arm is so long, is divided into equal length wishbone and unequal length wishbone suspension of two. And other long-wishbone suspension in the wheel up and down beats, kingpin inclination to maintain the same, but the wheelbase change greatly (and similar single-Arm), resulting in severe tire wear, is now rarely used. The unequal length wishbone suspension, when properly selected to optimize the length of the upper and lower arm, and through a reasonable layout, you can make changes in tread and the front wheel alignment parameters were within acceptable limits to ensure the car good driving stability. Present unequal length wishbone suspension has been widely used in cars, front and rear suspension, the part of the sports car and the cars rear wheel has adopted this - suspension structure. Suspension role Suspension is an important vehicle in the assembly, it is to frame the flexibility to link with the wheel bearing on a variety of performance cars. In appearance, a car suspension only by a number of rods, cylinders and springs form, but do not think it is very simple, opposite a car suspension is more difficult to achieve the perfect vehicle assembly requirements, this is because both suspension to meet the cars comfort requirements, but also to meet the requirements of its handling and stability, while these two aspects are mutually antagonistic. For example, in order to achieve good comfort, requires much buffer vehicle vibration, the spring must be designed so soft, but, it is easy for the spring soft place car brake nod, the rise and roll about serious adverse tendency is not conducive to the car turn easily lead to vehicle handling and instability. Therefore, if the suspension is poorly designed, will significantly affect the performance of automotive products (such as turning a heavy, swing, tire eccentric wear and affect tire life, etc.). 附 录B 中文翻译非独立悬架的结构特点是两侧车轮由一根整体式车架相连,车轮连同车桥一起通过弹性悬架悬挂在车架或车身的下面。非独立悬架具有结构简单、成本低、强度高、保养容易、行车中前轮定位变化小的优点,但由于其舒适性及操纵稳定性都较差,在现代轿车中基本上已不再使用,多用在货车和大客上。独立悬架是每一侧的车轮都是单独地通过弹性悬架悬挂在车架或车身下面的。其优点是:质量轻,减少了车身受到的冲击,并提高了车轮的地面附着力;可用刚度小的较软弹簧,改善汽车的舒适性;可以使发动机位置降低,汽车重心也得到降低,从而提高汽车的行驶稳定性;左右车轮单独跳动,互不相干,能减小车身的倾斜和震动。不过,独立悬架存在着结构复杂、成本高、维修不便的缺点。现代轿车大都是采用独立式悬架,按其结构形式的不同,独立悬架又可分为横臂式、纵臂式、多连杆式、烛式以及麦弗逊式悬架等。横臂式悬架是指车轮在汽车横向平面内摆动的独立悬架,按横臂数量的多少又分为双横臂式和单横臂式悬架。单横臂式具有结构简单,侧倾中心高,有较强的抗侧倾能力的优点。但随着现代汽车速度的提高,侧倾中心过高会引起车轮跳动时轮距变化大,轮胎磨损加剧,而且在急转弯时左右车轮垂直力转移过大,导致后轮外倾增大。减少了后轮侧偏刚度,从而产生高速甩尾的严重工况。单横臂式独立悬架多应用在后悬架上,但由于不能适应高速行驶的要求,目前应用不多。多连杆式悬架是由根杆件组合起来控制车轮的位置变化的悬架。多连杆式能使车轮绕着与汽车纵轴线成一定角度的轴线内摆动,是横臂式和纵臂式的折衷方案,适当地选择摆臂轴线与汽车纵轴线所成的夹角,可不同程度地获得横臂式与纵臂式悬架的优点,能满足不同的使用性能要求。多连杆式悬架的主要优点是:车轮跳动时轮距和前束的变化很小,不管汽车是在驱动、制动状态都可以按司机的意图进行平稳地转向,其不足之处是汽车高速时有轴摆动现象。连杆式主要是在FR驱动方式,并且后车轴左右一体化(与中间的差速器刚性连接)的情况下使用的,过去多采用钢板弹簧支撑车身,现在从提高行车平顺性考虑,多使用连杆式和后面要说的摆臂式,并且使用平顺性好的螺旋弹簧。连杆在左右两侧各有一对,分为上拉杆和下拉杆,作为传递横向力(汽车驱动力)的机构,通常再与一根横向推力杆一起组成五连杆式构成。横向推力杆一端连接车身,一端连接车轴,其目的是为了防止车轴(或车身)横向窜动。当车轴因颠簸而上下运动时,横向推力杆会以与车身连接的接点为轴做画圆弧的运动,如果摆动角度过大会使车轴与车身之间产生明显的横向相对运动,与下摆臂的原理类似,横向推力杆也要设计得比较长,以减小摆动角。连杆式悬架与车轴形成一体,弹簧下方质量大,且左右车轮不能独立运动,所以颠簸路面对车身产生的冲击能量比较大,平顺性差。因此出现了摆臂方式,这种方式是仅车轴中间的差速器固定,左右半轴在差速器与车轮之间设万向节,并以其为中心摆动,车轮与车架之间用Y型下摆臂连接。“Y”的单独一端与车轮刚性连接,另外两个端点与车架连接并形成转动轴。根据这个转动轴是否与车轴平行,摆臂式悬架又分为全拖动式摆臂和半拖动式摆臂,平行的是全拖动式,不平行的叫半拖动式。 由于舒适性是轿车最重要的使用性能之一,而舒适性与车身的固有振动特性有关,而车身的固有振动特性又与悬架的特性相关。所以,汽车悬架是保证乘坐舒适性的重要部件。同时,汽车悬架做为车架(或车身)与车轴(或车轮)之间作连接的传力机件,又是保证汽车行驶安全的重要部件。因此,汽车悬架往往列为重要部件编入轿车的技术规格表,作为衡量轿车质量的指标之一。 主动悬架是近十几年发展起来的、由电脑控制的一种新型悬架。它汇集了力学和电子学的技术知识,是一种比较复杂的高技术装置。例如装置了主动悬架的法国雪铁龙桑蒂雅,该车悬架系统的中枢是一个微电脑,悬架上的5种传感器分别向微电脑传送车速、前轮制动压力、踏动油门踏板的速度、车身垂直方向的振幅及频率、转向盘角度及转向速度等数据。电脑不断接收这些数据并与预先设定的临界值进行比较,选择相应的悬架状态。同时,微电脑独立控制每一只车轮上的执行元件,通过控制减振器内油压的变化产生抽动,从而能在任何时候、任何车轮上产生符合要求的悬架运动。因此,桑蒂雅轿车备有多种驾驶模式选择,驾车者只要扳动位于副仪表板上的“正常”或“运动”按钮,轿车就会自动设置在最佳的悬架状态,以求最好的舒适性能。 主动悬架具有控制车身运动的功能。当汽车制动或拐弯时的惯性引起弹簧变形时,主动悬架会产生一个与惯力相对抗的力,减少车身位置的变化。例如德国奔驰2000款CL型跑车,当车辆拐弯时悬架传感器会立即检测出车身的倾斜和横向加速度。电脑根据传感器的信息,与预先设定的临界值进行比较计算,立即确定在什么位置上将多大的负载加到悬架上,使车身的倾斜减到最小。双横臂式独立悬架按上下横臂是否等长,又分为等长双横臂式和不等长双横臂式两种悬架。等长双横臂式悬架在车轮上下跳动时,能保持主销倾角不变,但轮距变化大(与单横臂式相类似),造成轮胎磨损严重,现已很少用。对于不等长双横臂式悬架,只要适当选择、优化上下横臂的长度,并通过合理的布置,就可以使轮距及前轮定位参数变化均在可接受的限定范围内,保证汽车具有良好的行驶稳定性。目前不等长双横臂式悬架已广泛应用在轿车的前后悬架上,部分运动型轿车及赛车的后轮也采用这悬架结构。悬架作用悬架是汽车中的一个重要总成,它把车架与车轮弹性地联系起来,关系到汽车的多种使用性能。从外表上看,轿车悬架仅是由一些杆、筒以及弹簧组成,但千万不要以为它很简单,相反轿车悬架是一个较难达到完美要求的汽车总成,这是因为悬架既要满足汽车的舒适性要求,又要满足其操纵稳定性的要求,而这两方面又是互相对立的。比如,为了取得良好的舒适性,需要大大缓冲汽车的震动,这样弹簧就要设计得软些,但弹簧软了却容易使汽车发生刹车“点头”、加速“抬头”以及左右侧倾严重的不良倾向,不利于汽车的转向,容易导致汽车操纵不稳定等。因此,如果悬架结构设计不当,就会大大影响汽车产品的使用性能(如转向沉重、摆振、轮胎偏磨、影响轮胎使用寿命等)。


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