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附 录附录A外文文献原文Magnetorheological damper car.1. Research status of magnetorheological damperMagnetorheological fluid refers to the additional magnetic field,under the action of rheological materials performance changes took place in the liq- uid.Will magnetorheological fluid into the magnetic fluid damper,though the control of magnetic field intensitymcan realize continuous magnetorhological damper,adjustable steplessly.Magnetorhelolgical damper usually adopts piston cylinder structure ,the pathway of MPF damper is on the piston or separate bypass,in the path of MRF,according to the structure of magnetic field can be divided into a bar and a single piston cylinder structure of dual pole.Magnetorheological damper can produce bigger,and according to the damping force of the external environment different easy adjustment magnetic field intensity,the change of shock absorber system to reduce vibration damping, achieve the goal.In the development of MFR devices and Lord,the Unites States and Delphi corporation in automobile damping application research holds June In 1995,the Lord of the fifth international electorheological fluids,and r- elated technologies of MRF,demonstrates a large trucks for semi-active sus- pension seat vibration isolation system p.Lord company recently issued a s- uitable automobile suspension of magnetorhological damper and Rheonetie series of current controller RD.3002.American Delphi company has developed magnet- orheological fluid using semi-active suspension system MagneRide team move suspension system applied in Seville Cadillac STS high-grade car,the suspe- nsion system can be changed according to the driving conditions.University ofVirginia utilization of magnetorhological damper Lord company in Volvo truck Fururecar heavy suspension frame for the cars on experiment,made the obvious eggect of vibration reduction.University ofMaryland and development of auto- motive air compensation structure air compensation structure of magnetorhe- ological damper.The damper adopts flow mode,simple stucture,the damping force change range is 250-1500N.Bok.CHOi Seung Korean coach suspension system is developed magnetorheological damper,dual cylinder structure,damping cylinder located at work channels in damper was design of PID controller.Laboratory tests show that:the use of magnetorheological damper can greatly improve the traffic safety and comfort.Ford motor company BASF,Germany,etc have invested heavily rd magnetorheological fluid and related componets.In the application of magnetoreohological damper is doing a lot of res- earch.Chongqing university of magnetorheological damper Liao Changrong as the design and control methods are studied,Chenjian of Shanghai jiaotong univer- sity for vehicle damping,the design of nanjing university of aeronautics Guo DALEI of magenorthological damper such vehicles in the semi-active control are studied,jingsu university on the adjustable jd.liu semi-active suspension d- amper control methods are studied,etc,damping design and control research has become hot.2.Semi-active suspension control strategy and research status.Most current semi-active suspension system is to shock absorber real-time control of damping and adjust,its essence is measured by real-time sensor of vehicles running environment and body state,the data to microprocesser control algorithm is calculated according to the optimal damper,and then control re- gulation,shock absorhers damping force to achieve the ideal damping force, imporve the performance of the suspension,one of the key technologies is to control strategy.In the semi-active suspension of 30 years,and veicle engi- neering half-anf-half active suspension control strategy for a lot of resea- rch,the representative of control method can be summarized as follows:(1) The optimal control strategy. The optimal control is simply stated in the given conditions and evaluation function for the performance of the system ,the index optimal control laws.Its theoretical basis is linear optimal control theory,though the establishment of the state equation is proposed control system,target and weighting coeff- icients in the application of target set by the control theory of optimal control law to achieve optimal control.(2) Predictive control.Predictive control refers to the road ahead through the sensor will su- spension devices to information in advance,the parameters adjustment and the actual demand synchronization and reflect the real situation in the road.附录B外文文献翻译汽车磁流变减振器1.磁流变减振器的研究状况磁流变液体是指在外加磁场的作用下,磁流变材料性能发生急剧变化的液体。将磁流变液体装入磁流变减振器,通过控制磁场强度,可实现磁流变减振器的连续、无级可调。磁流变减振器通常采用活塞缸结构,磁流变液的通路由位于活塞上的阻尼孔或单独的旁通构成,在磁流变液的通路上施加磁场,按结构可分为单出杆和双出杆活塞缸结构。磁流变减振器能够产生较大的阻尼力,而且根据外部的环境不同很容易调节磁场强度,改变减振器系统的阻尼,达到主动减振的目的。在磁流变液和器件开发方面,美国福特公司和Delphi公司都致力于汽车磁流变减振器的应用研究,福特公司早在1995年得第五届国际电流变液、磁流变液及相关技术研讨会上,展示可一种用于大型载重汽车座椅半主动悬架减振系统。福特公司最近开发了适用于汽车悬架的Rheonetie系列磁流变减振器和电流变控制器RD。3002.美国Delphi公司已经利用磁流变液开发出半主动悬架系统MagneRide3,被评为1999年世界一百项重大发明之一,2002年,MagnenRide把半主动悬架系统应用在Cadillac高档车上,此悬架系统能根据行驶情况自动改变阻尼。维吉尼亚大学利用福特公司的磁流变减振器分别在Volvo 重型卡车和轿车的悬架上进行装车试验,取得了明显的减振效果。美国马里兰大学也开发了充气补偿结构的汽车磁流变减振器。该减振器采用流动模式,结构简答,阻尼力变化范围在250-1500N。韩国Seung.Bok Choi 开发了客车悬架系统气体补偿器,双筒结构,阻尼通道位于工作缸两端,在阻尼器设计膜片隔离气体补偿器,并设计了基于天棚阻尼的PID控制器。试验测试证明:利用磁流变减振器可以大幅度提高车辆的安全性和舒适性。福特公司、德国BASF等也纷纷投入资金研发磁流变液和想过器件。我国对磁流变减振器的应用也做了大量的研究。重庆大学的廖昌荣等对磁流变减振器的设计和控制方法进行了研究,上海交通大学的陈吉安对用于车辆的磁流变减振器进行了设计,南京航天航空大学的郭大雷等对磁流变减振器在车辆上的半主动控制进行了研究,江苏大学的陈龙等对可调阻尼不主动悬架的控制方法进行了研究等等,目前磁流变减振器的设计及控制研究已经逐渐成为热点。2车辆半主动悬架的控制策略及研究现状目前大多数半主动悬架系统势对减振器的阻尼进行实时控制和调节,其本质就是通过传感器实时测量车辆的运行环境和车声状态,把数据传给微处理器,根据控制算法计算出当前的最佳阻尼力,并根据此控制调节减振器阻尼力,使之达到理想阻尼力,改善悬架性能,其关键技术之一是控制策略。在半主动悬架提出30多年时间里,国内外车辆工程界对半主动悬架的控制策略进行了很多研究,具有代表性的控制方法可以归纳如下:(1)最优控制策略最优控制简单地说就是在给定的限制条件和评价函数下,寻找使系统性能指标最优的控制规律。其理论基础是线性最优控制理论,通过建立系统的状态方程提出控制目标和加权系数,在应用控制理论所设目标下的最优控制规律来实现最优控制。(2)预测控制预测控制是指通过传感器将车辆前方路面信息预先传给悬架装置,使参数的调节与实际需求同步。这个理论的关键技术是要获得具有一定精度、不受干扰和反应路面真实情况的信息。


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