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TEST 1SECTION 1RECEPTIONIST: Good afternoon, Dreamtime Travel. How can I help you?CUSTOMER: Oh hello. Im interested in the holidays you offer along the coast near here.RECEPTIONIST: Yes. We operate several tours up the coast. Where in particular did you want to go?CUSTOMER: Well, I like the sound of the holiday that mentioned whales. Was it Whale Watching?RECEPTIONIST: Oh, thats our Whale Watch Experience. lts very popular and its based in a lovely little town with nice beaches.CUSTOMER: Oh right, and how long does it last?RECEPTIONIST: Its two days - that includes four hours travel time each way from here.CUSTOMER: Good, I dont want to be away any longer than that. So is that by coach?RECEPTIONIST: Actually its by minibus. We like to keep those tours small and personal so we dont take a whole coachload of people. in fact, we only take up to fifteen people on this tour, although we do run it with just twelve or thirteen.CUSTOMER: Oh, right. So do you run these tours often?RECEPTIONIST: Well it depends on the time of year. Of course in peak times like the summer holidays we do them every weekend, but at the moment its usually once a month at most.CUSTOMER: And when is the next one going?RECEPTIONIST: Mmm, let me see. Um, theres one in three weeks time which is April the 18th, and then we dont have another one until June the 2nd.CUSTOMER: All right, and is April a good time to go?RECEPTIONIST: Pretty good. Though the really good time is later in the year. I have to say though that the whale sighting is only one of the many things offered. CUSTOMER: Really?RECEPTIONIST: Yes. The hotel itself where you stay has great facilities. Its called The Pallisades.CUSTOMER: The Paris what?RECEPTIONIST: No, its actually The Pallisades, P-A-L-L-I-S-A-D-E-S. Its right on the main beach there.CUSTOMER: Oh, I see.RECEPTIONIST: All of the rooms have nice views and the food is really good there too.CUSTOMER: Oh right.CUSTOMER: And what about the other things? You know, that are included in the price.RECEPTIONIST: Oh, there are lots of things. If you dont want to do the whale watch cruise, your guide will take anyone who is interested either on a bushwalk through the national park near the hotel, and theres no extra charge for that, or on a fishing trip. Thats an extra $12 I think. And theres also a reptile park in town - that costs more or less the same.CUSTOMER: No, I think Id prefer whales to snakes.RECEPTIONIST: Yeah. And if you just want to relax you are free to sit by the hotel pool or go down the beach. Oh, and they also have tennis courts at the hotel, but you have to pay for those by the hour. But there are table tennis tables downstairs and theyre part of the accommodation package. Just speak to your guide.CUSTOMER: Well that sounds good. So how much is the basic tour price?RECEPTIONIST: At this time of year its usually around $300 but let me check. Er.oh, its actually $280.CUSTOMER: And the next tour, are there any places on that one?RECEPTIONIST: HOW many people Is It for?CUSTOMER: These are two of us.RECEPTIONIST: Yes, that should be fine. Can I just mention that we require all bookings to be made at least fourteen days before you travel to avoid cancellations of tours. And if you cancel within seven days of departure you will have to pay 50% of your total booking.CUSTOMER: OK.RECEPTIONIST: And you also need to pay a 20% deposit at the time of booking.CUSTOMER: Can I pay that by credit card?RECEPTIONIST: Yes, you can.CUSTOMER: All right, what Ill do is Ill talk to my partner and get back to you.RECEPTIONIST: Fine. So Ill make a provisional booking, shall I? - two for the Whale Watch Experience. Let me issue you with a customer reference number for when you call back. Do you have a pen?CUSTOMER: Yes.RECEPTIONIST: OK, its three nine seven, four five, T. Thats T for tango. When you call back, ask to speak to the Tour Manager, thats me, Tracy.CUSTOMER: Fine, I will.SECTION 2Hello and welcome to todays“Buyer Beware” programme, where we give you some tips on how to spend your money wisely. How, in todays show were looking at beds for children and babies. Lets start by looking at baby cots, thats for children of up to three years old. We tested three different cots all in the budget price range and, as usual, we will feature the good points, the problems and our verdict. The first cot we looked at was by Baby Safe and it had several good points to recommend it. Our testers liked the fact that it had four wheels, so it was easy to move around. The only slight problems with this cot were that it had no brakes, but they didnt think that mattered too much. At first they were a bit concerned about the side bar, because they felt babies could trap their fingers in it, but our testers felt that this was unlikely to happen so they have given this one a verdict of “satisfactory. The next cot was by Choice Cots and this time our testers were pleased to find a cot which is simple to put together - unlike others we looked at. On the minus side, our testers did not like the fact that the side of the cot did not drop down, making it difficult to pick up newborn babies. However, the real problem with this cot was the space between the bars; our testers found they were too wide and a baby could easily trap his head. We felt this was a real safety hazard and so we have labelled this one dangerous, Im afraid. And finally better news for the Mothers Choice cot. This cot was slightly different in that, although the side bar did not drop down, the base could be raised or lowered into two different positions making it safe as well as convenient. The negatives for this one were quite minor; the only niggle everyone had was the fact that it has no wheels and the only other problem anyone could find, was that there were pictures which were simply stuck on and so could easily become detached. The makers have now promised to discontinue this practice. As this cot will then be safe in every way, we have made the Mothers Choice cot our best buy. Congratulations Mothers Choice! So, what features should you look for in a babys cot? Well obviously safety is a very important factor as well as comfort and convenience. We recommend that, if you are buying a cot, do make sure that any metal present is not rusted or bent in any way. You should ensure your cot has only rounded or smooth edging without any sharp edges, this is especially important for wooden cots. And now on to beds for toddlers .SECTION 3ANDREW: Excuse me, I was told to come here for advice about, erm, Management Diploma courses?MONICA: Youve certainly come to the right place. Hi, my name is Monica.ANDREW: Nice to meet you. My name is Andrew, Andrew Harris.MONICA: So, Andrew, have you seen our diploma course prospectus yet?ANDREW: Yes, Ive already looked at it. In fact, I thought the information on course content was really useful, but Im afraid Im a bit confused by all the different ways you can do the course: full-time intensive, part-time and so on.MONICA: Well, lets see if I can help. I think each course type has its advantages and disadvantages, so it really depends on you-your own study habits, and your financial circumstances, of course. Are you working at the moment?ANDREW: Yes. Ive been working in the administration section of the local hospital for the last three years. And before that I worked in the office of a computer engineering company for two years. So, Ive got about five years of relevant work experience. And what Im hoping to focus on is Personnel Management.MONICA: I see. And are you planning to leave your current job to study, or are you thinking about just taking a year off ?ANDREW: I want to know what my options are, really. I dont want to quit my job or anything and my employers are keen for me to get some more qualifications but obviously, it would be better if I could do a course without taking too much time away from work.MONICA: Right, so you dont really want to do the full-time course, then?ANDREW: No, not really. Its also a question of finances. You see, my office have agreed to pay the cost of the Course itself, but I would have to take unpaid leave if I want to study full-time and, well, I dont think I could afford to support myself with no salary for a whole year.MONICA: OK. Well, you have two other possibilities: you could either do the part-time course- that would be over two years and you wouldnt have to take any time off work - or you could do what we call a modular course. You could do that in eighteen months if you wanted - or longer, its quite flexible and it would be up to you.ANDREW: Mmm. So what does the part-time course involve?MONICA: For that you would join an evening class and have a lecture twice a week. Then, youd have to attend a seminar or discussion workshop one weekend a month.ANDREW: What kind of coursework would I have to do?MONICA: Well, its a mixture. Youd be expected to write an essay each month, which counts towards your final assessment. You have a case study to do by the end of the course, which might involve doing a survey or something like that, and also you need to hand in a short report every four weeks.ANDREW: So, thats quite a lot of work, then, on top of working every day. It sounds like a lot of studying - and really tiring.MONICA: Yes, you certainly wouldnt have much free time! ANDREW: What about the modular course? What would I have to do for that? MONICA: Thats where you get the opportunity to study full-time for short periods. That way you can cover a lot of coursework and attend lectures and seminars during the day. And each module lasts for one term, say, about twelve weeks at a time. There are obvious advantages in this - the main one being that you can study in a much more intensive way, which suits some people much better.ANDREW: And how many of these modules would I have to do to get the diploma?MONICA: The current programme is two modules - and then you have to choose a topic to work in more depth - but you can base that on your job, and so you dont need to be away from the office, and how long it takes is up to you.ANDREW: The important thing is that you dont have to study and work. You can focus on one thing at a time.MONICA: Yes, I can see that. It certainly sounds attractive! It would be more expensive, though. I mean, Id have to support myself without pay for each module.ANDREW: Thats true, so that might be a problem for you. Look, why dont you talk this over with your employers and .SECTION 4OK, so weve been looking at the attitudes of various social and cultural groups towards the management of their personal finances - how important they feel it is to save money, and what they save their money for. One aspect that we havent yet considered is gender. So if we consider gender issues were basically asking whether men and women have different attitudes towards saving money, and whether they save money for different things:Back in 1928 the British writer George Bernard Shaw wrote in his Intelligent Womens Guide to Socialism and Capitalism that A man is supposed to understand polities, economics and finance and is therefore unwilling to accept essential instruction. lie also said, A woman, having fewer pretensions, is far more willing to learn. Now, though these days people might question a lot of the assumptions contained in those statements, recent research does suggest that there are some quite fundamental differences between men and women in their attitudes to economic matters. Lets look at what men and women actually save for. Research studies of women in North America have found that women are far more likely to save for their childrens education and they are also more likely to save up in order to buy a house one day. The same studies have found that men, on the other hand, tend to save for a car, which by the way takes a surprisingly large amount of the household budget in North America. But the other main priority for men when saving money is their retirement. When theyre earning, theyre far more likely to put money aside for their old age than women are. Now this is rather disturbing, because in fact the need for women to save for their old age is far greater than for men. Lets consider this for a moment. To start with, it is a fact that throughout the world, women are likely to live many years longer than men, so they need money to support them during this time. Since women are likely to be the ones left without a partner in old age, they may therefore have to pay for nursing care, because they dont have a spouse to look after them. Furthermore the high divorce rates in North America are creating a poverty cycle for women. It is the divorced women who will most often have to look after the children and thus they need more money to look. after not just themselves but others.So what can be done about this situation? The population in North America is likely to contain an increasing number of elderly women. The research indicates that at present for women it takes a crisis to make them think about their future financial situation. But of course this is the very worst time for anyone to make important decisions. Women today need to look ahead, think ahead - not wait until theyre under pressure. Even women in their early twenties need to think about pensions, for example, and with increasing numbers of women in professional positions there are signs that this is beginning to happen. Then research also suggests that women avoid dealing effectively with their economic situation because of a lack of confidence. The best way for them to overcome this is by getting themselves properly informed so they are less dependent on other peoples advice. A number of initiatives have been set up to help them do this. This College, for example, is one of the educational institutions which offers night classes in Money Management, and increasing numbers of women are enrolling on such courses. Here, they can be given advice on different ways of saving. Many women are unwilling to invest in stocks and shares, for instance, but these can be extremely profitable. It is usually advised that at least 70% of a persons savings should be in low-risk investments but for the rest, financial advisors often advise taking some well-informed risks. Initiatives such as this can give women the economic skills and knowledge they need for a comfortable, independent retirement. The increasing proportion of elderly women in the population is likely to have other economic consequences.C6T1TAPESCRIPTSSECTION 1MAN: Right, got that. And whats the next type?WOMAN: Well, thats Silverits the same as Gold except you have to pay a small fee of 1,00 per lesson for any you do and you can only use the centre at certain times.MAN: I see. So when exactly?WOMAN: You can only use the facilities between 10 am and 4:30 pm.MAN: So I couldnt use the pool at 8 in the morning or evening, then?WOMAN: Thats right.MAN: OK. And the price for that? Is the joining fee the same as for Gold?WOMAN: Actually, its slightly less than the 250its 225, but the annual fee is only 300. Does that sound more like what you want?MAN: Well, its still rather more expensive than I thought. Im a student here in England and Im only here for six months.WOMAN: Ah, then the Bronze scheme would probably suit you best.MAN: How is that different?WOMAN: Well, some of the facilities have restricted use.MAN: And do I have to pay for classes?WOMAN: Yes, its 3 for each class you join.MAN: I see. And what are the hours then?WOMAN: Between 10.30 and 3.30 weekdays only and you pay a 50 joining fee. The annual fee is 180it works out at 15 a month, so that would be quite a lot cheaper.MAN: Oh, that should be all right. I could come in my free periods. What do I have to do if I want to join?WOMAN: Well, we book you in for an assessment with an instructor, who will show you how to use all the equipment. If you want to organize a trial session and look around the centre, youll need to speak to David Kynchley.MAN: Hmm. Could you spell that please?WOMAN: Yes, David K-Y-N-C-H-L-E-Y. Ill give you his direct line number. Its oh-four-five-eight-nine-five-three-double one.MAN: Thanks.WOMAN: Thank you for calling Kingswell Club.SECTION 2MAN: And here on Radio Rivenden we have Lynne Rawley, the Public Relations Officer of our own Rivenden City Theatre. Hello, Lynne.LYNNE: Hello.MAN: Now, the theatre is reopening soon after its three-year redevelopment program, isnt it?LYNNE: Thats right, and there are a lot of improvements. The first thing people will see when they go in is that the foyer has been repainted in the original green and gold. Then the box office has been reoriented with its own access form the side of the building instead of through the foyer, which means it can be open longer hours, and has more space, too. The shop that used to be in the foyer, which sold books and CDs, is the one part of the redevelopment which isnt yet complete. The plan is to find new premises for it near the theatre, and weve had difficulty finding somewhere suitable. We hope to reopen the shop in the next few months.MAN: Will audiences find any difference in the auditorium?LYNNE: Yes, weve increased the leg-room between the rows. This means that there are now fewer seats but were sure audiences will be much happier. And weve installed air conditioning, so it wont get so hot and stuffy. We already had a few seats which were suitable for wheelchair users, and now there are twice as many, which we hope will meet demand. Something else that will benefit audiences is the new lifts. The two we used to have were small and slow. Theyve now gone, and weve got much more efficient ones.MAN: Anything for the performers?LYNNE: Yes, weve made a number of improvements backstage. The small dark dressing rooms we used to have have been converted into two large airy rooms, so theyre much more comfortable now. And the state-of-the-art electronic sound and lighting systems have been installed.MAN: OK, so whats the first play that audiences can see when the theatre reopens?LYNNE: Weve got a very exciting production of Peter Shaffers Royal Hunt of the Sun, which is currently touring the country. That starts on October the 13th and runs till the 19th. Were experimenting bit with the time the curtain goes up. We used to start all our performances at 7.30, but that made it difficult for people to go home by public transport, so instead were beginning at 7. Because at 9.45, when it finished, there are still buses running. Tickets are already selling fast. The Friday and Saturday performances sold out almost immediately and, now there are only tickets for Monday and Thursday.MAN: How much are they?LYNNE: Weve introduced a simpler price structure. Ticket prices used to range from 6 to 30 but now theyre all 18. Theyre available from the box office, in person, by phone, fax or post, or onlineMAN: OK, Lynne, now if youd like to give the contact details for the theatre.SECTION 3TUTOR: Hello, can I help you?BRIAN: I was told to come here, because Id like to talk to someone about taking a management course.TUTOR: Right. Im one of the tutors, so I should be able to help you.BRIAN: Oh, good. My names Brian Ardley. Ive decided to enroll on a part-time management course. A friend of mine took one last year, and recommended it to me.TUTOR: Right.BRIAN: Is there anything I should do before the course, like reading or anything?TUTOR: We prefer to integrate reading


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