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外文资料In recent years, the hydraulic motor with brachytely and big torsional moment has great changes, the new structure continuously appears. But, all these hydraulic motors can be divided into two broad categories of single and multi-role according to the role of the number of plunger in each turn. The motors also can be divided into radial and horizontal direction according to the arrangement of the plunger. And the radial motors can be divided into different types according to structure and the summon power way of the plunger.No matter single and multi-role, the plug-hole of radial-piston hydraulic motor is equated by circle, arrayed radial. The plunger displaced by the impulse of pressure oil, then the volume of the cylinder changed, the summon power formed the rotation of the motor, all of these above are the mechanism of action of the motors.The rotor of the single role hydraulic motor has a circle of rotation, each plunger worker once reciprocation. The principal axis is eccentric axis in all the radial-piston hydraulic motors. The multi-role hydraulic motor had a guide rail curve, whose numbers are the action times. The rotor had a circle of rotation, the plunger worker many times reciprocal at the same time. The radial motors can be divided into several categories of plunger, ball blocker, blade.The structure of the single-role motors is simpler, the machine element number of it is less, the technology is better, and the cost is less. But the structure dimension of the single-role motor is longer than the multi-role motor in the same displacement each turn (or output torsional moment), and the single-role motor also have fluctuation of the output torsional moment and rotary speed.The homonymy high-pressure column tune of the single-role motor had major radial unbalance force that causes the brachytely stabilization of the motor became worse. Only increasing the capacity of the bearing, it can meet the requirements of the operating life of the bearing at the same time.Generally speaking, the speed of single-role motors is higher than the multi-role in the same displacement because of the work feature of the single-role motors. The structure of the multi-role motors is complicated than single-role, the number of machine element is bigger as well. Some machine element needs some special equipment to process them. The heat treatment of the guide rail is more difficult. And the selection of the texture parameters in design is more difficult and harder. The cost is higher without a doubt.But the multi-role motor output larger torsional moment and had lighter weight of unit power in the same working pressure. The radial force of hydraulic motor can completely equilibrate and had higher started torsional moment efficiency as long as selecting the suitable plunger number and action number. In abstract the pulsation work of output torsional moment would be zero if one select guide rail curve reasonable and assign argument to the principle of non-pulsation in design. All of these can made its low speed stability better.People manufactured many new types of hydraulic motor in recent years. The structure of old motor refreshes and develops continuously. The motors life and performance are raised but the cost is dropped as well. Various kinds of brachytely big torque hydraulic motors utilized more than 60 main frame extensively because their strong competitive ability.Multi-role within the curve of the radial piston hydraulic motor is divided into transmission plunger, beam transmission, wheel transmission .The most used are Beam transmission and Wheel Transmission motor .the france Crane Park motor produces the most ,the Rated working pressure is 30 MPa in all the Low Speed and High Torque motors Crane Park motor has the highest working pressure Recently , end assignment wheel motors is developed ,and the function was greatly improved . In recent years, Accompanied by Ball Cypriot Vice static and dynamic pressure bearing theory developed, Multi-role Radial ball plug Hydraulic Motor Developed quickly , such as Japans HMA series . Which are widely used in engineering and architecture. The hydraulic motor with brachytely and big torsional moment , commonly can be designed into Rotating shell or Axis rotation ,they are named shell motor . shell motor that build in the Wheel rim is called Wheel motor ,which direct drive the wheels ,can replace the gear drive and make up the Hydraulic drive axle .In the 1970s , engineering Machine ,architecture Machine, mine Machine and Watercraft Deck Machine etc all use sap pressure technology .The element that advance the hydraulic motor with brachytely and big torsional moment has sharply increased to 40s . Variety species and main engine application has developed greatly .but most for the main engine factory. Because losing the main knowledge of kinematic pair .The using were still remain in mapping ,imitation and Experience in analog design manufacture were still in Groping .so although we have many Developers ,there are still no one hydraulic motor passed the appraisement . the hydraulic motor with brachytely and big torsional moment . However,Imitation and digestion of foreign products, can provides us a useful design and manufacturing experience. From 1974, Multi-role inner curve oil hydraulic motor Spot Turn NJM and Cranked shell model NKM etc were worked out and designed .There are some species in Spot Turn series , after experience according to JB 2148-77 standard and pass the qualification ,we can produce in quantity in fixed-point .In NJM hydraulic motor, guide rail is Sectional Type , according to discharge capacity, the succession has 16 discharge capacity species .this kind of motor has a good efficiency ,and the experiencing duration of life has exceeded 5000h.中文译文 近年来,低速大扭矩液压马达有了较大的发展,新结构不断出现。但是,所有这些液压马达,根据每转中柱塞副的作用次数。可以分为单作用和多作用两大类。按柱塞的排列方式,每一类可以分为径向式和轴向式两种。按结构特点和柱塞副不同的传力方式,径向式马达又可以分成不同的类型。径向柱塞式液压马达,无论是单作用或多作用,柱塞孔在缸体中沿圆周等分,按径向放射状排列。作用原理都是压力油推动柱塞位移,产生缸孔容积变化传力形成马达的转动。 但是,单作用和多作用液压马达在工作特点上又有很大不同。 单作用液压马达,转子旋转一周,每个柱塞往复工作一次。所有径向柱塞式单作用液压马达,主轴是偏心轴。多作用液压马达,设有导轨曲线,曲线的数目就是作用次数。转子旋转一周,每个柱塞往复工作多次。根据柱塞副的不同结构,径向式马达又分成柱塞式、球塞式和叶片式多种。单作用马达结构比较简单,零件数目少,工艺性较好,造价较低。但是,在每转排量(或输出扭矩)相同的情况下,与多作用马达比较,结构尺寸增大,存在输出扭矩与转速的脉动。在工作中,单作用马达高压柱塞腔在同侧,出现比较大的径向不平衡力,使马达的低速稳定性变差。同时,为了满足马达轴承工作寿命的要求,只有增大轴承的容量。一般情况下,由于单作用马达的工作特点,允许比同排量的多作用马达有较高的转速。多作用液压马达的结构,一般都比单作用马达复杂,零件数也略有增加。个别零件(如导轨)的加工需要专用设备,导轨热处理比较困难,设计中结构参数的选择也比单作用马达困难、复杂,制造成本较高。但是,在相同的工作压力下,多作用马达能输出更大的扭矩,单位功率的重量较轻。而且只要柱塞数和作用数选取合适,可以使液压马达的径向力完全平衡,具有较高的启动扭矩效率。设计中,合理选取导轨曲线,并按无脉动原则分配幅角,理论上都能做到输出扭矩的脉动功为零。因而可以获得更好的低速稳定性。近年来,国外研制了多种新型式的液压马达,原有马达的结构也在不断更新和发展,提高了寿命和性能,制造成本下降,使各种低速大扭矩液压马达具有较强的竞争能力,它们已广泛地应用于60多种主机上。多作用径向柱塞式内曲线液压马达分为柱塞传力、横梁传力、滚轮传力等结构型式,其中以横梁传力和滚轮传力马达应用最多。产量最多的是法国朴克兰马达,额定工作压力30 MPa,在所有低速大扭矩马达中,该马达有最高的工作压力。最近又发展了端面配流的车轮马达,进一步改善了性能。近年来,由于球塞副静、动压支承理论与试验研究上取得进展,多作用径向球塞式液压马达发展迅速,如日本的HMA系列,在工程建筑等机械上得到广泛应用。低速大扭矩液压马达,一般都可以设计成壳体旋转或轴旋转两种形式,分别称为壳转马达和轴转马达。装入车轮轮辋中的壳转马达称为车轮马达,由它直接驱动车轮,能够取代齿轮传动组成液压驱动桥。70年代初,工程机械、建筑机械、矿山机械和船舶甲板机械等纷纷采用液压技术,研制低速大扭矩液压马达的单位,迅速增加至40多个,品种规格和主机应用都有了大幅度的发展,但主要为主机生产厂配套所用。由于对一些关键运动副缺乏认识,仍然是测绘、仿制和经验类比设计,制造工艺也在模索之中,因此,虽然研制者甚多,但没有一台液压马达通过型式试验鉴定。 但是,仿制和消化国外产品,提供了有益的设计、制造经验。1974年起,编制、设计形成了多作用内曲线液压马达轴转NJM和壳转NKM等系列。轴转系列中几个规格,按JB 2148-77标准完成型式试验后,通过了鉴定,开始定点批量生产。 NJM系列液压马达,导轨为分片式结构,横梁传力,根据排量大小,系列共有16个排量规格,该系列马达具有较好的效率性能,其中马达试验寿命已超过5000 h。


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