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2023教师资格笔试备考:英语语言学高频考点解析2023年01月13日 13:40:41 来源:宁夏中公教育一、语言学概述之高频考点I. Design Features of Language1. ArbitrarinessArbitrariness means a words sound and meaning which have no logical relations.“爱”用英语表达为“love”;用法语表达为“amour”;用日语表达为“愛”。2. DualityLanguage is a system, which consists of two sets of structures, one of sounds, and the other of words.语言是由低档结构的语音和高级结构的词组成的系统,如b,i,t,单独来看,这三个音素都没故意义,但是当它们组合在一起就有了意义bit(bit)。3. CreativityLanguage can be used to create new meanings due to its duality and recursiveness.由于语言的双重性和递归性,说话者可以发明出从未听说过或从未使用过的句子。I want to visit Mary who lives in a country where the scenery is beautiful which has attracted so many tourists4. DisplacementLanguage can be used to refer to things that are not present: real or imagined matters in the past, present, or future or in faraway places.人们可以使用语言符号表述在时间上或空间上不可及的物体、时间或观点。5. Cultural transmissionOn one hand, it means humans are born with the capacity to acquire human language. On the other hand, humans acquire language through teaching and learning.人类语言依靠文化或习俗传统得以代代相传,语言知识必须要通过学习才可获得。6. InterchangeabilityIt means anyone can be the producer and receiver of the language.人类的语言没有性别和年龄的障碍,人们可以想到理解对方所说的内容。II. Functions of Language1. Informative functionLanguage is used to convey information.例如:在摄氏零度时,水会开始结冰(标准大气压下)。2. Interpersonal functionIt is concerned with the interaction between the speaker and hearer in the discourse.人际功能重要涉及说话者和听话者之间在话语情景中的互动和说话者对他所说或所写的事情的情感与态度。3. Performative functionIt means speech can be used to do things.在婚礼上,主持人说:“现在我宣布你们正式结为夫妻。”4. Emotive functionIt uses language to create certain feelings in the hearer.例如:“天啊”。5. Phatic functionIt means that language is used for establishing an atmosphere or maintaining social contact.问候语和辞别语等都属于寒暄功能。6. Recreational functionLanguage is used to create entertainment.儿童的语言游戏,成年人吟诗,唱歌曲都属于娱乐功能。7. Metalingual functionLanguage is used to explain itself.数学中的1很难定义,相比之下,2和3就可以借助于1来定义,语言用于谈论和研究语言自身时,则行使元语言功能。二、例题分析1. “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet”. This famous quotation from Shakespeare illustrates that language has the design feature of _.A. creativity B. displacement C. arbitrariness D. duality【答案】C。解析:考察语言的本质特性。A rose by any other name would smell as sweet可以理解为:玫瑰易名,馨香如故。这个是剧作家莎士比亚所创作的罗密欧与朱丽叶中经典的台词。在原作里的大意可以理解为:“称呼有什么关系?即使我不是叫罗密欧,我对你的爱却依旧。”证明索绪尔的语言的“任意性”这一语言本质特性。故选C。2.【2023年上半年全国中小学教师资格考试试题-高级中学英语】The language used to describe the language itself is called _.A. paralanguage B. special language C. metalanguage D. interlanguage【答案】C。解析:考察语言的重要功能。当语言被用来谈论和研究语言自身时,语言行使元语言功能。三、总结语言学虽说是较为抽象的理论课,内容颇多,专业术语也很多,但是在教资考试中,考生只需要了解语言学的一些基本知识即可,这也是我们通过对历年的教资真题的剖析而得出的结论,所以考生在教资考试过程中碰到语言学不要被这个“纸老虎”吓住,要透过语言现象看语言的本质,用对的的方法解析语言学的题目。以上是教师资格笔试英语语言学高频考点解析,祝各位考生顺利通关考试!


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