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2023专四答案+听力原文Part DICTATIONLearning Sympathy A big part of being human is feeling sympathy, /but how early on in our lives do we learn this?/ Scientists find that babies respond to other people / by crying when other babies cry. / However, babies cant distinguish between themselves and others / until theyre eighteen to twenty months old. / Toddlers start to show concern for others around this time. / Kids also begin to do things like comforting other people. / And by the time theyre three, / most children will try to protect a victim in a fight. Part LISTENING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A TALK1. a physical classroom2. a coherent concept3. personalized curriculum4. (more) meaningful practice5. feedback6. collaborative learning7. question and answer8. fundamental human right9. lifelong learning10. innovationSECTION B CONVERSATIONS1. Whats wrong with the mans computer?答案:A. It has wiped the data from the flash drive. 2. How will the man be compensated if the computer cant be fixed?答案:C. Get a new computer. 3. How did the man feel about the womans offer of compensation?答案:D. Dissatisfied. 4. When will the service engineer come to fix the computer?答案:B. After 8:30 tomorrow morning. 5. What is the mans phone number?答案:A. 6574-3205. 6. What should we do if our neighbors didnt reach out?答案:B. Introduce ourselves first. 7. Which is the best way to handle a noisy neighbor?答案:C. Give him a reason to stop. 8. What should we do if we have a nosy neighbor?答案:D. Dont answer their questions. 9. How long do we expect our neighbors to stay?答案:B. Five to ten minutes. 10. Where can we get more information on this topic?答案:D. CBS news website. Part III LANGUAGE USAGE11. B. Whatever12. A. on which13. C. women drivers14. B. present event for tentativeness15. D. make a suggestion16. B. disappointment17. D. would later make18. C. to have been created19. A. would have been had been20. C. that21. B. characters22. D. ensure23. B. relieve24. A. releases25. C. indicative26. B. eye27. A. critically28. C. on29. D. bound30. A. invariablyPart IV CLOZE31. Fimplications32. Nsingle33. Bbarely34. Lonline35. Cdemise36. Mrising37. Inaturally38. Gleaf39. Hlost40. JobjectPart V READING COMPREHENSIONSECTION A MULTIPLE CHOICEQUESTIONSPASSAGE ONE41. In Para. 4, the phrase “hit the jackpot” meansaccording to the context. 答案:C. broke one of the objects42. It can be concluded from Paras. 5 and 6 that. 答案:D. people hold entirely different views on the issue43. How did the author feel about the treasure from the Atocha (Para. 7)?答案:A. She was glad that people can have a chance to see the treasure. PASSAGE TWO44. It can be learned from the beginning that Miriams attitude towards love between her and Paul is. 答案:C. pessimistic45. The narration in Para. 3 tells us that Miriam had all the following feelings EXCEPT. 答案:A. delight46. Which of the following statements is CORRECT about the familys response to Pauls mockery?答案:B. Every member except Miriam was amused. PASSAGE THREE47. Why does the author give two examples in Para. 2?答案:A. To show that literacy is interpreted in different ways. 48. According to the author, the following are some of the defining features of literacy EXCEPT. 答案:D. independent49. Which of the following statements about reading and writing is CORRECT?答案:C. Reading often requires more immediate interaction than writing. 50. What do the last two paragraphs mainly focus on (Paras. 10 and 11)?答案:B. Effects of illiteracy and associated problems. SECTION B SHORT ANSWERQUESTIONS说明:简答题答案不唯一,意思对即可。PASSAGE ONE51. What does This in Para. 2 refer to?答案:Leprechauns treasure hoard. 52. Why did Fisher have to battle in the courts after he found the treasure (Para. 4)?答案:Because he was sued for the ownership of the find. PASSAGE TWO53. Why did Miriam wear a new net blouse on Sunday afternoon?答案:Because she wanted to look beautiful and arouse Pauls attention. 54. What is the meaning of the sentence “. . . he would spare neither himself nor anybody else” in Para. 5?答案:He would do something cruel to himself and people around. PASSAGE THREE55. Explain the meaning of the last sentence of Para. 11 according to the context. 答案:Illiterate people may also have knowledge and wisdom. Part VIWRITING参考范文With intelligent machines to do the thinking, will our brains get lazy? Nowadays, people are enjoying one of the greatest technological boom times in human history. Many aspects of peoples daily life have undergone considerable changes because of the recent development in artificial intelligence. In spite ofmany benefits brought by intelligent machines, it has been concerned that our brains will get lazy with intelligent machines to do the thinking. In my opinion, artificial intelligence will help our brains get more creative instead. Artificial intelligence has already made its way into our work field and completelyrenovated peoples lifestyle. Admittedly, a lot of work has been done by intelligent machines. It seems that the function of people has been weakened and peoples brain has been replaced. As a matter of fact, thanks to artificial intelligence, people can expand their creative energy and add new varieties. Simply speaking, when people are free from tedious, repetitive, sometimes even dangerous and risky work, the work efficiency has undoubtedly been improved. As a result, people can spare more time to do what they want and pursue what they dream of, which is the premise of creativity. Moreover, creativitystems primarily fromknowledge and thinking. Once people have opportunities to do more thinking and learn more knowledge, their intelligence would be enhanced rather than weakened. Actually, intelligent machines are theexhibition of peoples high degree of creative power. No matter how technologies develop,it should be noted thattechnologies should be people-oriented, and then we may embrace a more enlightening and intelligent society. 2023专四听力原文2023年英语专业四级听力真题听写原文Learning Sympathy学会同情A big part of being human is feeling sympathy, but how early on in our lives do we learn this? Scientists find that babies respond to other people by crying when other babies cry. However, babies cant distinguish between themselves and others until theyre eighteen to twenty months old. Toddlers start to show concern for others around this time. Kids also begin to do things like comforting other people. And by the time theyre three, most children will try to protect a victim in a fight.恻隐之心,人皆有之。但是我们是在哪个成长阶段开始,有了恻隐之心的呢? 科学家发现,婴儿在听到其他婴儿哭泣的时候,也会对人哭泣。但是,婴儿到18个月至20个月大的时候,才干区分自己和别人。蹒跚学步的小孩大约从这个时候开始表现出对别人的关心。同时孩子们也开始会做安慰别人之类的事。到三岁的时候,大多数孩子会想要保护争斗中弱势的一方。2023年英语专业四级听力真题 演讲原文Online Education在线教育Good morning, everybody.大家早上好。In todays lecture, we will talk about online education.今天的讲座,我们要谈一谈在线教育。You know, in some parts of the world, it is not that easy for people to receive education.大家都知道,在有些地方,受教育仍然不是件容易的事。And even in the United States where education is available, it might not be within reach.即使在美国这样的教育大国,受教育也许也有困难。Thus, online courses provided by those world-famous universities can bring the best quality education to as many people as we could around the world, and for free.因此,世界知名大学提供的在线课程,就可认为世界上许许多多的人带来优质教育,并且是免费的。First, lets talk a little bit about some of the components that go into online education.一方面,我们谈一下在线教育的几个特点。The first component is that when you move away from the constraints of a physical classroom and design content for an online format, you can break away from, for example, the one-hour lecture format.第一个特点就是在线教育打破了实体课堂的限制。设计在线课程内容的时候,教师可以抛开很多限制,比如一小时的课程时长。You can break up the material, for example, into short, modular units of 8 to 12 minutes, and each of the short units introduces a coherent concept.举个例子,你可以将授课材料提成8到12分钟的小单元,每个单元介绍一个完整的概念。Students can deal with this material in different ways, depending on their backgrounds, their skills or their interests.学生可以根据自身背景、技能和爱好,以不同的方式学习材料。So, for example, some students might benefit from a little bit of preparatory material that other students might already have.比如,有些学生也许会从准备材料中学到东西,而这些材料其他同学早就有了。Other students might be interested in a particular topic that they want to pursue individually.其他同学也许会对他们自己喜欢探究的具体话题感爱好。So this format allows students to break away from the one-size-fits-all model of education, and allows students to follow a much more personalized curriculum.所以,这种形式将学生从“一刀切”式的教育中解放出来,学生们得以学习个性化的课程。Second and perhaps one of the biggest components of our online education is that when we need to have students who practice with the material in order to really understand it.第二个,也是在线教育最大的一个特点,就是我们需要让学生有材料练习,这样才干保证他们真正理解了所学内容。Theres been a range of studies that demonstrate the importance of this.许多研究显示了这一点的重要性。A study in Science last year, for example, demonstrates that even simple retrieval practice, where students are just supposed to repeat what theyve already learned, gives considerably improved results on various achievement tests.比如,去年科学杂志的一项研究显示,就连只规定学生复述所学内容的简朴检索训练,都提高了许多成绩测验中学生的成绩。So, we need to build in much more meaningful practice questions.所以,我们需要编制更故意义的练习题目。Now, fortunately, technology has helped us to provide the students with feedback on those questions.幸运的是,现在技术进步了,我们可以就问题向学生反馈。We can now grade a range of interesting types of homework online.现在还可以给许多有趣的在线家庭作业打分。The third component is what is called collaborative learning.第三点是合作学习。Students could collaborate in different online courses in a variety of ways.学生可以以各种方式在不同的在线课程中合作。First of all, there was a question and answer forum, where students could pose questions, and other students could answer those questions.一方面,在线课程会有一个问答论坛,学生可以在论坛上提问题,其他学生回答。And what is really amazing is that, because there were so many students, it means that even if a student posed a question at 3 oclock in the morning, somewhere around the world there would be somebody who was awake and working on the same problem.最奇妙的是,由于学生很多,即使有人凌晨三点提出问题,世界上另一个角落也会有还没睡的学生,一起解决这个问题。And he might answer that question.也许他就能回答那个问题。And so, in many of the online courses, the median response time for a question on the question and answer forum was 22 minutes.因此,许多在线课程中,问答论坛上问题的响应时间多数在22分钟。So in a word, if we wanted to offer top quality education to everyone around the world for free, what would that affect us?总而言之,假如为全人类免费提供高质量教育,将有哪些影响?Three things.我认为有以下三点。First, it would establish education as a fundamental human right, where anyone around the world with the ability and the motivation could get the skills they need.一方面,在线教育将教育作为基本人权,全世界可以并且想要学技能的人都能学到所需技能。Second, it would enable lifelong learning.第二,在线教育使得终身学习成为也许。Its a shame that for so many of us, learning stops when we finish high school or when we finish college.我们当中很多人高中毕业或者大学毕业之后就不再学习了,真是令人汗颜。By making this amazing content available, we would be able to learn something new every time we wanted, whether its just to expand our minds or its to change our lives.有了在线教育这个奇妙的东西,我们想学新东西就可以学到,可以开阔视野,也可以改变人生。And finally, this would make a wave of innovation possible, because amazing talent can be found everywhere.最后,在线教育也鼓励了新一轮创新浪潮,由于杰出人才将随处可见。To sum up today, we have talked about some features of online education and its benefits.今天的演讲,我们重要讨论了在线教育的许多特点和好处。We are sure that online education will have a promising future.在线教育一定前程光明。In the next lecture, were going to learn how online education has changed people around the world.下次讲座我们会讲到在线教育是如何改变世人生活的。2023年英语专业四级听力真题 对话1原文Conversation One对话1Questions 1 to 5 are based on Conversation One.请根据对话1回答第1题至第5题。W: Good afternoon, this is B.E.S. customer service line. Maggie speaking. How can I help you?女:下午好,这里是B.E.S.客户服务热线。我是麦琪。有什么可以帮助您的吗?M: Yeah. Yeah. Look, its about my computer I bought of you one month ago.男:嗯。是我的电脑,一个月前从你们公司买的。W: Yes. What seems to be the problem?女:好的。出了什么问题呢?M: Well, I was transferring my files to it from my flash drive and they got lost. Everything!男:嗯,我从闪存盘往电脑里传文献的时候,文献丢失了。全丢了!W: Okay. Now, dont worry. Im sure we can sort something out. First, can you give me a few details? The computer has lost all your data, you say?女:好的,您别着急。我们慢慢解决。可以先告诉我具体情况吗?您刚才说,电脑弄丢了您所有的文献是吗?M: Yes. But you dont understand. It wiped everything of the flash drive as well. My whole life! My whole life was in those files!男:对!你不知道。连闪存盘里的东西都全没了!那可是我的命啊!那些文献就是我的所有生命!W: Oh. My goodness. Are you sure? Sounds like the problem is with your flash drive.女:天呐。您拟定吗?仿佛是您闪存盘出了问题。M: Of course not. There is nothing wrong with my flash drive. Ive had it for years. And I used it yesterday in my office, in another computer.男:不也许!我的闪存盘没问题。我都用了好几年了,昨天在办公室里还插在另一台电脑上用过。W: Okay. I can understand how upset you must be. Now, I dont think we can deal with it on the phone, so Im going to send a service engineer to see if they can retrieve your data. Can you give me your product reference number?女:好的。我知道您一定很着急。我们在电话上也不能解决问题。我这边会派客服工程师去看看能不能帮您恢复数据。可以给我您的产品参考号吗?M: Mmm. Ah, yes. Here it is. Its RF40101.男:嗯,好,是RF40101。W: Thank you.女:谢谢。M: Ill be expecting a total refund and compensation if this cant be fixed.男:修不好的话,我想退全款,并规定补偿。W: Im sorry. But we are not authorized to give refunds. What I can do is to send you a brand-new computer. How would that be?女:对不起。我们没有权利帮您退款。我只能给您换一台新电脑,您看怎么样?M: But mine is supposed to be a brand-new computer. You think I want another one of these? After what the last one did to my files?男:可是我现在这个也算是新电脑啊。你觉得我还能再接受一个这样的电脑吗?这个电脑都把我文献弄丢了。W: Well, lets see what our engineer can do. Hopefully, its not quite as bad as you think. Now, Ive got your address here in your customer fileNo.23, Bond Street, right?女:好吧,那我们等工程师的解决结果吧。但是,事情并没有您想象的那么糟糕。我这边从您的客户档案里找到了您的地址,庞德街23号,对吗?M: Yeah. Right.男:对。W: And its a Mr. Adams, isnt it?女:亚当斯先生,对吗?M: Yes.男:是。W: Right. Mr. Adams, well have an engineer with you early tomorrow morning. And Ill ask him to bring a new hard disc with him. Will you be at home?女:好的,亚当斯先生。明天上午我们的工程师会到您那边。我会让他带一个新硬盘过去。您届时候在家吗?M: Yes. But not before 8:30.男:在家。八点半以后在家。W: Okay. Our engineer will contact you before he comes. Can you be reached by this number-6574-3205?女:好的。我们的工程师到之前会联系您。您的号码是6574-3205对吗?M: Yes. Sure.男:是的。W: Well. Best of luck this afternoon. I hope we can solve the problem for you.女:好的。祝您下午好运。希望我们可认为您解决问题。M: Well. Thanks. Ur.Good bye.男:好的,谢谢。呃再见。W: Good bye, Mr. Adams.女:再见,亚当斯先生。Questions 1 to 5 are based on Conversation One.请根据对话1回答第1题到第5题。Q1: Whats wrong with the mans computer?第1题:这个男士的电脑出了什么问题?Q2: How will the man be compensated if the computer cant be fixed?第2题:电脑修不好的话,这位男士会得到什么样的补偿?Q3: How did the man feel about the womans offer of compensation?第3题:这位男士对这位女士提出的补偿方案满意吗?Q4: When will the service engineer come to fix the computer?第4题:客服工程师什么时候来修电脑?Q5: What is the mans phone number?第5题:这个男士的电话号码是多少?2023年英语专业四级听力真题 对话2原文Conversation Two对话2Question 6 to 10 are based on Conversation Two.请根据对话2回答第6题到第10题。M: Well, for years people have been trying to keep up with the joneses. But instead of competing with your neighbors, how about actually trying to get along with them. Joining us with some simple tips on how to deal with those likeable and not so likable neighbors is Betty Wong. She is the executive editor of Family Circle Magazine. Good morning, Betty.男:赶超邻居似乎是人们长期以来的愿望。但是,且不说和邻居竞争,如何真正搞好邻里关系呢?今天贝蒂王来到我们节目,与我们分享如何与那些可爱尚有不太可爱的邻居们相处。贝蒂王是家庭圈杂志的主编。早上好,贝蒂。W: Good morning, Allen.女:早上好,艾伦。M: Well, in an ideal world, I guess we would all get along with our neighbors, wouldnt we?男:抱负情况下,我觉得我们都应当跟邻居和睦相处,对吧?W: Right, right, we hope so.女:对啊,我们希望如此。M: But how do we establish a good relationship? When you move into a neighborhood, right, should you to reach out to the neighbors or should they be reaching out to you?男:那么我们如何跟邻居建立良好的关系呢?搬进新社区,是应当你先去拜访邻居呢,还是邻居先来欢迎你?W: I think it can work either way, I mean, certainly, if they dont reach out to you, dont assume that they are being rude or unfriendly. They just might be holding back because they think youre too busy. So if they dont make that first step, you know, after a few days go ahead and introduce yourself.女:我觉得都可以。我是说,假如他们没来拜访你,不要觉得他们没礼貌、不和谐。他们也许只是在踌躇,觉得你太忙了。所以,假如他们没有迈出第一步,过几天,你可以采用行动,去介绍你自己。M: Yeah, neighbors can be really helpful. But, of course they can also be annoying. For example, neighbors who make a lot of noise.男:对,邻居也许会非常乐于助人。但是,邻居也也许会特别烦人。比如那种制造噪音的邻居。W: Well, loud music is one of those top complaints, and I think you know for most reasons. People, they probably arent even aware that they are causing problems for the neighbor. And I think if you bring it up to your neighbors attention, they will be more than happy to fix it. You could say something like, you know, Im kind of, I am really a light sleeper or I suffered from headache. Can you help me out by, you know, turning down the music during the evening hours or the early morning or come up with a compromise that works for both of you.女:嗯,嘈杂的音乐备受指责,我觉得你应当知道。人们也许察觉不到自己骚扰了邻居。我觉得假如你去找邻居说一下这个问题,他们会乐于改正的。你可以说,“呃,我,我睡觉比较轻”或者“我有点头疼”。“你可不可以帮帮忙,呃,晚上和清早音乐关小点”或者跟邻居商议一个折中的方案。M: Dont just call the police, right, which a lot of people do?男:所以不要动不动就叫警察对吗?好多人都这样做。W: Of course, no.女:当然不要。M: Right, then, what about a nosy neighbor.男:好的,那么,爱管闲事的邻居呢?W: Right, I think a lot of time we made mistake nosy behavior for being, you know, nosy or poky when they are just being kind of trying to be friendly. Or maybe that persons lonely, its, you kind of have to see what the motive is there. And oftentimes if you are a little evasive or, you just dont answer their question they often take the hint and back off.女:嗯,我觉得很多时候我们都误会了。我们觉得是邻居多管闲事,也许他们只是表达和谐的关心。也也许有些人太孤独了。你要看看他们多管闲事是由于什么。并且,假如你表现出逃避,或者,就不回答他们的问题,通常他们就懂了,也就不再问了。M: And the neighbor that comes to visit and wont go away?男:那么那种来了就不走的邻居呢?W: Well, I think you know that. There might be somebody who is just really lonely and wants a friend. You know oftentimes I think the rule is, a five or ten minute visit is fine. Because you know the way you are not imposing on that persons schedule or that persons plan. But you know you dont have to be best friends with her neighbor at all. You can just be polite and say hello in the morning and that makes everybodys relationship so much better.女:嗯,我觉得你知道的。有人只是觉得孤独想交个朋友。我觉得通常到邻居家做客5到10分钟就好。由于这样的话才不会打乱别人的计划。但是不一定非要和邻居做最佳的朋友。礼貌相待,早上见面打声招呼,这就足够拉近关系了。M: Well, thats important, Betty Wong, thanks so much for the tips we appreciate from Family Circle Magazine. And for more on this topic and others, head to the early show website, CBS.男:嗯,这很重要。感谢家庭圈杂志的贝蒂王跟我们分享的小建议。想了解更多这个话题内容,请到CBS的收看早间节目。Questions 6 to 10 are based on Conversation Two.请根据对话2回答第6题到第10题。Question 6 What should we do if our neighbors didnt reach out?第6题 假如邻居不来拜访我们,我们应当怎么办?Question 7 Which is the best way to handle a noisy neighbor?第7题 对待吵闹的邻居,最佳的方法是什么?Question 8 What should we do if we have a nosy neighbor?第8题 假如邻居爱管闲事,我们应当怎么办?Question 9 How long do we expect our neighbors to stay?第9题 去邻居家做客多长时间合适?Question 10 Where can we get more information on this topic?第10题 关于这个话题的更多信息,我们可以从哪里获得?


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