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希望对您有帮助,谢谢英文爱情短句100条导读:本文是关于英文爱情短句100条,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享!1、也许真的是自己太差劲,不然为什么身边的人走了一波又一波。Maybe its really you who are so bad, otherwise why do the people around you go from wave to wave?2、你不用多好,我喜欢就好。我没有很好,你不嫌弃就好。You dont have to be as good as I like. Im not very good. You dont want to give up.3、人生最遗憾的,莫过于轻易地放弃了不该放弃的,固执地坚持了不该坚持的。The most regrettable thing in life is to give up what should not be given up easily and persist in what should not be persisted in stubbornly.4、我们所能带走的,留下的,除了爱之外,还有什么呢?What can we take away and leave behind, besides love?5、有些人注定是等待别人的,有些人是注定被人等的。Some people are doomed to wait for others, others are doomed to be waited for.6、我不需要多么完美的爱情,我只需要有一个人永远不会放弃我。I dont need perfect love, I just need someone who will never give up on me.7、当温柔不在,当泪水擦干,我现在的挽留还算不算?只愿不会成遗憾。When gentleness is absent, when tears are wiped away, does my retention count now? I just hope it wont be a regret.8、我想有一个人明白我,即使我什么都没说。I want someone to understand me, even if I dont say anything.9、一个人真爱的时候,甚至会想不到自己是爱着对方。When a person really loves, he may not even think that he is in love with each other.10、我生是你的人,死是你的鬼,这辈子我跟定你了。I was born to be your man, and death to be your ghost. I will follow you all my life.11、谢谢你,遇见你!这辈子知足了!有你真好!Thank you for meeting you! Ive been content with it all my life! Its wonderful to have you!12、晚风吹散酒坛的余香,我记得你所有的模样。The evening wind blows away the fragrance of the wine altar. I remember all your looks.13、最痛苦的一种再见是从未说出口,但心里却清楚,一切都已结束。The most painful kind of goodbye is never said, but the heart is clear, everything is over.14、一句问候填满青春,别人的话都听不见,岁月凝结在你的视线。A greeting fills the youth, other peoples words are not heard, years condense in your sight.15、被你抱着的感觉很幸福,所以我想一直幸福下去,一直不离开你的身躯。The feeling of being held by you is very happy, so I want to be happy all the time and never leave your body.16、愿你,冬来温雪,夏来赏荷,春煮清茶,秋着布衣,四季就是前路,生活即是江湖。Wish you warm snow in winter, enjoy lotus in summer, boil tea in spring, wear cloth in autumn, the four seasons are the way forward, and life is the river and lake.17、爱一个人很难,放弃自己心爱的人更难。Its hard to love someone, but harder to give up the person you love.18、世界上最美妙的一件事是,当你拥抱一个你爱的人,他竟然把你抱得更紧。One of the most wonderful things in the world is that when you hug someone you love, he hugs you even tighter.19、如果一个女人真的爱你,她会因为很多事情对你发脾气,却始终坚守在你身边。If a woman really loves you, she will be angry with you because of many things, but always stick to your side.20、说出来的不是苦,说不出的才叫苦。It is not bitterness that is spoken, but bitterness that cannot be spoken.21、时光没有教会我任何东西,却教会了我不要轻易去相信神话。Time has not taught me anything, but has taught me not to easily believe in myths.22、你的手是我不能触及的倾城温暖,我的心是你不曾知晓的兵荒马乱。Your hand is the warmth of the city that I cant touch, and my heart is the chaos of war that you never knew.23、爱火,还是不应该重燃的。重燃了,从前那些美丽的回忆也会化为乌有。Love fire, or should not be re-ignited. Re-ignited, those beautiful memories of the past will disappear.24、你看,这么多人,这么大的世界。我遇到了你,你也遇到了我。挺好。You see, there are so many people, so big a world. I met you and you met me. Pretty good.25、也许一生只够爱一个人,后来遇到的都只是像你。Maybe its only enough to love someone all your life, and all you encounter is just like you.26、我愿为你放弃所有野心,余生只做你怀里的猫。I will give up all my ambitions for you and be your cat for the rest of my life.27、有时候,想一个人躲起来脆弱,不愿别人看到自己的伤口。Sometimes, want a person to hide fragile, do not want others to see their wounds.28、失恋绝对不是因为你不够好,只是相互并非对方的最爱,最渴望的对象而已!Lovelorn is not because you are not good enough, but each other is not the others favorite, the most desirable object!29、爱你已爱的心碎,可还是忘不掉你的影子,独自捡起破碎的回忆。Love your broken heart, but still can not forget your shadow, alone pick up the broken memories.30、你不可能要求每个人都读懂你,理解你,那样会显得你是一件廉价品。You cant ask everyone to read you and understand you. That would make you look cheap.31、不爱的爱情,永远不会变坏。所以,我们调情,我们暧昧,却永远不要相爱。Love without love will never go bad. So, we flirt, we are ambiguous, but never love each other.32、只有桃花才会开在春风里,骆驼才会懂得恋慕甘泉,而一样的鸟儿,才可以一起飞。Only peach blossoms will blossom in the spring breeze, camels will know how to love Ganquan, and the same bird can take off.33、爱情就像一部影片,影片结束时,所以人都会散去。Love is like a film. When the film is over, people will disperse.34、我已经好久没这样喜欢一个人了,就是想到你就会笑的那种。I havent liked a person like this for a long time. Its the way I think youll laugh.35、原谅我温暖不了自己却还想做你的太阳。Forgive me for wanting to be your sun when I cant warm myself.36、第一眼就喜欢的东西,往往跟自己没什么关系。Something you like at first sight has nothing to do with yourself.37、感情就是这么奇妙,一向不相信一见钟情的我开始相信:一见钟情是爱的灵光。Emotion is so wonderful, always do not believe in love at first sight I began to believe: love at first sight is the soul of love.38、你知道你和星星的区别吗,星星点亮了黑夜,而你点亮了我的心。Do you know the difference between you and the stars? The stars light up the night, and you light up my heart.39、世界上最心酸的,不是我不会再谈恋爱,而是丧失义无反顾的力气去爱。The saddest thing in the world is not that I will never fall in love again, but that I will lose my courage to love without hesitation.40、幸福就在日常的点滴中,感谢命运让我遇见了你!Happiness is in the daily drip, thank fate let me meet you!41、傻笑不是与生俱来的,而是由我爱上你的那一刻开始的。Silly laughter is not born, but from the moment I fell in love with you.42、喜欢一个人,一定要让对方知道,也许得不到答案,至少你努力过,不必后悔。If you like a person, you must let the other party know that you may not get the answer. At least you have tried hard and dont regret it.43、渐渐的知道了,很多东西可遇而不可求,不属于自己的,何必拼了命去在乎。Gradually, I learned that many things can be met but can not be sought. They do not belong to me. Why do you care about them desperately?44、我只想要你回到我旁边,亲爱的我不能没有你,请你回到我旁边亲爱的。I just want you to come back to me, dear, I cant live without you. Please come back to my dear.45、世界这么大,而我真正想落脚的地方,是你的身旁。The world is so big, and the place I really want to settle down is beside you.46、做人一定要经得起谎言,受得起敷衍,忍得住欺骗,忘得了诺言,放得下一切。A man must stand up to lies, perfunctory, cheating, forgetting his promise and letting everything go.47、我要用什么样的速度,才能与你相遇。What speed should I use to meet you?48、只要看到你和别人很亲密的样子,我就不想再和你说话了。I dont want to talk to you anymore as long as I see how close you are to others.49、闭上眼,你依然如此清晰地,像我们昨天才分别一样,我这样想你。Close your eyes, you are still so clear, just like we separated yesterday, I miss you so.50、时间对于我来说只是忘记你的过程,这过程将会是永远。Time for me is just the process of forgetting you, the process will be forever.51、想起你的一点一滴,心,又开始痛的无法呼吸,泪,更止不住地往下流。Think of your little bit by bit, heart, and began to breathe painfully, tears, more can not help but downstream.52、我会珍惜每天跟我说早安的人,因为不是每个人睁开眼睛醒来都能想到我。I will cherish those who tell me good morning every day, because not everyone wakes up with open eyes and thinks of me.53、我不要一时的温暖,只想你一世的陪伴。I dont want a moment of warmth, just want your company all my life.54、选择你所喜欢的,爱你所选择的。Choose what you like and love what you choose.55、不管你心里藏着什么,你就守着你的秘密,我来守护你。No matter what is hidden in your heart, you keep your secret and I will guard you.56、他爱得十分出色,你爱得幽默得体,旁人自然看得欢喜。He loves very well, you love humourously and appropriately, others naturally see joy.57、梦里出现的人,醒来时就该去见他,生活就是这么简单。People who appear in dreams should see them when they wake up. Life is so simple.58、我只是你的过客,却在你的世界流连忘返。Im just your passer-by, but I forget to return in your world.59、那些刻在椅子背后的爱情,会不会像水泥上的花朵,开出没有风的,寂寞的森林。Those carved in the chair behind the love, like the flowers on the cement, out of the windless, lonely forest.60、我总是逃避你,于是我错过了你,终于我失去了你,以至于此刻的我如此地想念你。I always run away from you, so I missed you, and finally I lost you, so that I miss you so much now.61、因为我知道你是个容易担心的小孩,所以我将线交你手中却也不敢飞得太远。Because I know you are a worrying child, so I put the line in your hands but dare not fly too far.62、好希望陪着你一直到老,让你做我手心里的宝。Good hope to accompany you until old, let you be the treasure in my hand.63、你若离开,我便当你死了。他日若又遇见,我也只以为是见了一个很像你的人。If you leave, Ill be dead. If he meets again the next day, I just think I met someone who is very similar to you.64、爱情的意义在于协助对方提高,同时也提高自己。The meaning of love is to help each other improve, but also to improve themselves.65、学会愿慢慢地去接受一个爱自己的人,别那么傻努力爱一个不爱自己的人。Learn to accept a person who loves you slowly. Dont be so silly and try to love someone who doesnt love you.66、我已经认识她一辈子了,只是等到今天才碰到她而已。Ive known her all my life, but I didnt meet her until today.67、你走的那天,我决定不掉泪,迎着风撑着眼帘用力不眨眼。On the day you left, I decided not to shed tears and hold my eyes against the wind without blinking.68、爱是一个无穷无尽的迷,因为没有任何其他东西能够解释它。Love is an endless mystery, because nothing else can explain it.69、要有多大的勇气,才能成为城市的逃客。How much courage is needed to become a city runaway.70、我遇见你恰若春风,你遇见我风平浪静,我心有海啸,你波澜不惊。I met you just like spring breeze, you met me calm, my heart has a tsunami, you are not alarmed.71、你若能给我一生不变的爱恋,我定能给你不离不弃的陪伴。If you can give me a lifetime of constant love, I will be able to give you constant companionship.72、因为喜欢你,借着你的光,瞧见了从未预见的世界。Because like you, through your light, see the world never foreseen.73、看到一句话:处理好与人的关系,就三句话:看人长处、帮人难处、记人好处。See a sentence: handle the relationship with people, there are three sentences: see the strengths of people, help people difficult, remember the benefits.74、梧桐,让人们见证着他们忠贞不渝的爱情,因为它从来不会在风吹雨打里倒下。Wutong, let people witness their loyal love, because it never falls in the wind and rain.75、最大的幸福莫过于三件事:有你信我,有你陪我,有你爱我。The greatest happiness is nothing more than three things: you believe in me, you accompany me, you love me.76、习惯就是一切,甚至在爱情中也是如此。Habit is everything, even in love.77、爱上一个人,有时候,只需一刹那,一刹那的心动,一刹那的心跳,一刹那的心疼。Love a person, sometimes, just a moment, a moment of heart, a moment of heartbeat, a moment of heartache.78、放手不是不爱的借口,牵手才是天荒地老的永久。Letting go is not an excuse for not loving. Hand in hand is the eternity of the wilderness and the old.79、我是唯一有伞,仍然淋湿的人吗?Am I the only one with an umbrella and still wet?80、爱,原来是没有名字的,在相遇之前等待的,就是它的名字。Love, originally has no name, waiting before meeting, is its name.81、对于爱情,一见钟情的两相情愿最浪漫,对于婚姻是,日久生情的不离不弃最感动。For love, love at first sight is the most romantic two-phase wishes, for marriage, the longest life is not abandoned the most touching.82、现在叫我媳妇,以后敢背叛我,我让你叫我嫂子。Call me daughter-in-law now, and betray me later. Ill let you call me sister-in-law.83、最后的最后,只想把你遗忘。最后的最后,只想在梦里哭一场。Finally, I just want to forget you. Finally, I just want to cry in my dream.84、你爱我吗?已经爱到危险的程度了。危险到什么程度?已经不能一个人生活。Do you love me? Its dangerous. How dangerous is it? You cant live alone anymore.85、不要着急,因为总会有人熬夜陪你,下雨接你,说我爱你,好的东西总是压箱底。Dont worry, because there will always be people staying up late with you, picking you up in the rain, saying I love you, good things always press the bottom of the box.86、你总是在我准备放手的时候给我两颗糖,让我舍不得,误以为那是喜欢。You always give me two candies when Im ready to let go, so I cant bear to think its like.87、一座城市令你念念不忘,大抵是因为,那里有你深爱的人和一去不复返的青春。A city that you will never forget is mostly because there are people you love and youth that will never return.88、世上所有美好的词都可以用来形容你,却又仿佛所有的词都不足以形容你。All the good words in the world can be used to describe you, but it seems that all the words are not enough to describe you.89、所谓幸福,就是一个笨蛋遇到一个傻瓜,引来无数人的羡慕和妒嫉。Happiness is when a fool meets a fool and attracts the envy and jealousy of countless people.90、将你锁在心底,将记忆彻底记忆。Lock you in the bottom of your heart, and completely remember your memory.91、远离对你忽冷忽热的人,别做别人寂寞时的玩伴。Stay away from people who are cold and hot to you. Dont be a playmate when others are lonely.92、你的话已经锁在我的记忆里了那钥匙你就替我保管一辈子吧。Your words have been locked in my memory. Keep the key for me for a lifetime.93、如果没把握承担一切,最好从一开始就不要招惹她。If you are not sure about taking on everything, youd better not provoke her from the beginning.94、你说人山人海边走边爱怕什么孤独,我说人潮汹涌都不是你该怎么将就。You say people are afraid of loneliness when they walk by the seaside, and I say that the surge of people is not how you should do it.95、爱是戴着眼镜看东西,会把黄铜看成金子,贫穷看成富有,眼睛里的斑点看成珍珠。Love is looking at things with glasses, looking at brass as gold, poverty as wealth, and spots in the eyes as pearls.96、把爱拿走,我们的地球就变成一座坟墓了。Take love away, and our earth becomes a tomb.97、很庆幸可以走到你身边,很遗憾没能走进你心里。Im glad I can come to you. Im sorry I didnt come into your heart.98、人生就像一道多项选择题,困扰你的,往往是众多的选项,而不是题目本身。Life is like a multiple-choice question. Its often many choices that bother you, not the topic itself.99、爱太重,很难再移动。情太深,反而难成真。为爱所困,为爱而心碎!Love is too heavy to move. Love is too deep to come true. Be trapped by love, be broken by love!100、我写过最刻骨的字,也不过是你的名字。I have written the most incisive words, but also your name.


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