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解题技巧及专项训练 对话填空题 命题特点 : 1. 选材特点: 通看试题可知,所选材料为一段情景丰富的对话, 材料体现时代气息,符合中学生特点,信息量大, 语言符合真实交际,学生易于理解把握。材料创 设了一个较为明确的语境,具有口语特征(如 Oh, Yeah,anyway 等词以及 they were gone, Are you sure, right next to me, I couldnt believe my eyes, Youre joking 等鲜活的字眼),语言地道、流畅, 听起来自然 、真实。 2. 考查角度 对话填空作为一段对话材料,主要考查学生以下 能力: 情景识别,得体交际 对话作为口语体材,往往是围绕一个话题展开, 如何识别特定情景,区分中国和英美文化差异, 充分考虑口语因素,进而得体交际显得尤为重要。 词汇记忆,语法运用 考生要熟悉大纲词汇,并根据所给首字母的提示 (首字母的提示实际上是给考生限定范围,某种 意义上也是为了降低考试难度),不要错误认为 对话填空一定要考长词、难词,高考考得更多的 还是一些熟词,所以我们平时训练还是要注重准 确拼写单词,熟练掌握语言语法基础知识,能在 相应情况下准确填出词的适当形式。 阅读理解,语篇把握 对有些空格,光有识别情景、单词拼写、 语法基础还不行,这类设置侧重于考查学 生的逻辑思维和对具体语境的把握,尤其 是对整体语义的理解能力。 针对对话填空的选材特点和考查角度,我们应该 采取相应的解题策略。 (1) 通读对话全文,掌握对话大意。 在做题时,首先跳过空格,快速把全篇对话通读 一遍,获取有关对话的内容、语境,及所使用的 时态等信息,为下面的解题打下基础。通读时, 不提倡做题,因为这样可能使考生只注意到一个 句子,而忽略了它与文章的联系,导致一叶障目, 无法正确解题。 (2) 灵活运用语法,形式填写正确。 对话填空中的有些题目,并不是只要借助上下文 的语境就能得出正确答案的,还要考生使用所学 的语法知识才能解决问题。因此,考生需要掌握 有关语法相关知识,看所设空格要填的词在句子 里作什么成分,哪类词合适;看应采取词的什么 形式(如用动词,就要考虑时态、语态、语气、 非谓语形式、主谓应如何搭配等等)。熟练掌握 基础语法知识并运用其知识进行分析解答是一种 非常有效的解题方法。应该指出,动词各种形式 的考查在试题中所占分量还是比较大的, (3) 注意前后照应,完善语篇填空。 对话填空题的题目要求是: 阅读下面对话 写 出一个英语单词的完整、正确形式,使对话通顺。 如果把对话比作环环相扣的“链条”,那么由于 空格的存在,链条就几乎环环脱节了。要想把它 们再连接起来,就得把握整个对话的语篇,通过 判断说话人的态度和语气,从头脑中由首字母得 到的若干备选词汇中,选择最适合对话情景和语 境的词汇使得全篇对话主题完整,语意清楚。设 空的答案有的由已读过的上文决定,有的由未读 过的下文决定,还有的要综合上下文而定,所以 设空分为三类: 1)前制性设空; 2)后制性设空; 3)语篇性设空。 conclusion 总之,在做对话填空题时,我们应 在通读全篇对话的基础上,把握各 部分之间的逻辑关系,充分理解谈 话的内容及谈话双方的意图,灵活 运用所学的语法知识,将对话补充 完整,使补全后的对话意思通顺, 前后连贯,合乎语法规则,最终提 高该题型的得分率,使之成为英语 分数的增长点。 解题方法 (2)灵活运用语法,形式填写正确 ; (3)注意前后照应,完善语篇填空。 (1)通读对话全文,掌握对话大意 ; (一 ) 阅读下面对话,掌握其大意,并根据所给字母的提示,在标有题号的右边横线上 写出一个英语单词的完整、正确形式,使对话通顺。 (07江西卷 ) Travel AgentT; PaulP T:Good afternoon, how can I help you? P:Hi, I want to (76) b_ a room and some tickets for the summer holiday. T:Where are you going? P:Sydney. T:And how many people will be going? P:Four. Two(77)a_ and two children. T:(78)W_would you like to go? P:Anytime after 12th July,but(79)b_20th July. Can you tell me the (80)p _ of the cheapest flight? T:Sure, can I ask if your children are over two years old? P:Yes, they are. T:In that(81)c_,for the flight they will be charged at childrens rates and for the hotel there wont be any charge. It(82) l _ on 15th July and returns on 29th July on Virgin Atlantic. This is the cheapest flight(83)a_. P:Fine. Do you have a (84)c_of the journey plan that I can take away with me? T:Sure. I hope to hear from you soon. P:Thanks. Ill think about it tonight and ring you in the(85)m_tomorrow. T:Thanks. Im looking forward to your reply. ook dults hen efore rice ase eaves vailable opy orning (二 ) 请认真阅读下列对话,并根据各题所给的首字母的提示,在答题卡右栏中标 有题目的横线上,写出一个英语单词的完整 .正确的形式 ,使对话通顺 .(07江苏卷 ) D = David P = Peter D: Peter, ten years ago yo uwanted to be a doctor . P: Yeah, but unfortunately I didnt (76) m_ the requirements. D: So what did you do then? P: Well, I was very (77) d_, but I just had to move on and do something else with my life. So I took a year off and worked as a volunteer on an aid program.That made me realize (78) h_ important it is to raise money to help people (79) l_ a poor life. So thats what I do. D: Can you explain a bit more about what you (80) a_ do? P: I go to see people, put (81) f_ our suggestion and organize activities to collect money. D: So have you (82) a_any of your goals? P: Well, I guess so. I always said I wanted to help (83) o_ people. D: And what about your plan for the (84) f_ ? P: My girlfriend and I intend to get married next year. D: (85) C_ ! eet isappointed / discouraged / depressed ow iving / leading ctually orward / forth chieved ther uture ongratulations (一 ) Lin Tao: Good morning, Doctor. Doctor: Good morning! Whats the(1) m_with you, young man? Lin Tao: Ive got a (2)h_ and a cough, Im afraid Ill be (3) d_ . Doctor: Dont (4)w_. Its nothing serious. Have you taken (5) t_ ? Lin Tao: Yes, I have. (6)B_ I havent got a fever. Doctor: How long have you been like this? Lin Tao: (7)E_ since last night. Doctor: Let me look (8)o_ you. Open your mouth and say “Ahh”. Oh, its nothing serious. Just a cold. Take this (9)m_three times a day and drink more water. Youll be better soon. Lin Tao: Thank you, Doctor. Doctor: Youre (10)w_ . 阅读下面对话,掌握其大意,并根据所给首字母的提示,在标有题号 的右边横线上写出一个英语单词的完整、正确形式,使对话通顺。 atter eadache ead orry emperature ut ver ver edicine elcome (二 ) N: Hi, Annie. Did you have a good holiday? A: Oh, yeah, I had a great (1)t_. But Ive to tell you the most amazing thing happened. N: (2)R_? What was that? A: Well, I was swimming in the sea and a huge wave came along and(3)k_ my sunglasses into the water. I N: Why were you swimming in your sunglasses? A: Oh, I dont know. Id just (4)l_ them on top of my head. Id forgotten they were there. Anyway, they were (5)g_. I was very upset. You know they were quite expensive. N: I remember( 6) n_ 100 pounds. A: Yeah. Anyway, the next day I was lying on the beach, sunbathing. Then suddenly another huge wave. N: Are you (7)s_ this was a good holiday? A: Yeah but listen! When I looked down, there on the sand, (8)r_ next to me,were my sunglasses,I couldnt (9)b_ my eyes! N: Youre (10)j_! That is amazing! ime eally nocked ay one early ure elieve ight oking (三 ) Jane:Mum,What will the weather be like tomorrow? Have you heard the weather report today? Mum:Yes, why do you pay much more (1)a_ to something about the weather? Jane: Oh,weve planned to go for a (2)p_ . Mum:The radio gives us the (3)i_ that therell be rain. Jane: What a (4)s_ ! Our plan cant be (5)c_ out. Mum:You know sometimes the (6)w_ makes mistakes. Jane: I hope hes made a mistake again this time. Mum:Why not play computer (7)g_ at home if it rains ? Jane: Im afraid I (8)p_ to go to the (9)m_ rather than do that. Mum: OK. Its good to see an interesting film on (10)r_ days. ttention icnic nformation hame arried eatherman ames refer ovie ainy (四 ) A: Morning! What can I do for you? B: Wed like to (1)m_ a trip for a weekend holiday, please. A: (2)T_ are many travel paths. Which one would you like to choose? B: Wed like to choose Jinggang (3)m_. A: Its really worth (4)v_. Which hotel do you want to stay in? B: Were not sure. Which hotel do you think is good and (5)t_? A: The Holiday Home ,but its a bit more (6)e_. B:It doesnt (7)m_ whether well spend more money living such a hotel. A: Could you please fill in this form? B:OK .Ill ask my wife to fill in this form. By the way, is it all right if we pay by (8)c_card? A :(9)C_, it is quite all right And (10)e_your weekend. B:Thank you. ake here ountains isiting idy xpensive atter redit ertainly njoy (五 ) Hi, Jane. Its ( 1) n_ to see you again. I heard that you went to the US during the summer ( 2) v_. J: Yes. I went to New York to ( 3) a_ a summer course in English. M: Wow. You were ( 4) l_. How long did you stay there? J: About fifty days. I went there on July 5 and came back on ( 5) A_ 25. M: Where did you stay in New York? J: Oh, I lived an American family, the Smiths. They are very kind people. Shortly after I arrived, we became good friends. And, ( 6) l_ in their house, I could speak English every day. ( 7) B_, I didnt need to worry about my daily three meals. M: How nice! And how about the course? J: The course was also very good. The teachers were nice. They taught us to listen, speak, read and write in English, but it was mostly speaking. One interesting thing I found was that the American classes are ( 8) d_ form our classes here because they are very free. You can sit ( 9) a_ you like in the classroom. And you are welcome to ( 10) s_ your ideas with the class. I really liked this kind of class. M: How interesting! Maybe our teachers should try that. ice acation ttend ugust ucky iving esides ifferent nywhere hare Make up a dialogue Make up a dialogue with your partners Write it down on your exercise- books Practise acting it with your partners Act it out the next class Homework


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