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英语试讲-教师资格面试-初中1 x下半年初中英语教师资格证面试试题(精选)第一批英语面试试题二、考题解析教案Teaching Aims:Knowledge aim: By the end of the class, students can muster knowledge of if-clause.Ability aim: Students can use if-clause in their daily life.Emotional aim: Students will feel the happiness of learning English in joyful, free and open atmosphere, and will be confident to express in English.Teaching Key Points:Students can know the structure, function and tense of if-clause.Teaching Difficult Point:Students can put the new knowledge into practice.Teaching Methods:Tasked-based Teaching Method, Communicative Approach.Teaching Aids:The blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step 1: Lead-inGreeting with the students.Sing a song for students- if you are happy. Ask them “Did you hear the word-if” to lead in the class.Step 2: PresentationLet the students read the passage and find out sentences with “if”. Then teacher will ask students write these sentences on the blackboard. Then find out the similarities among these sentences.According to the answers from students, teacher make a brief summary:1. If-clause means condition and the main clause is the result. 2. The main clause and if-clause have the same tense. However, if it describes things in the future, the main clause uses the Simple Future Tense and if-clause use the Simple Present Tense.Step 3: PracticeRead the sentences by themselves and practice with neighbors.Step 4: ProductionUse the sentence and structure what we learned today to make a conversation with your neighbor and invite some students performance it.Step 5: Summary and homeworkSummary: Sum up what we have learned today.Homework: After class, teach these sentences to their parents.Blackboard Design:责任编辑:孙喜香)二、考题解析教案Teaching AimsKnowledge aim:Students can understand this short passage and master some expressions about comparative degree.Ability aim:Students will improve their reading efficiency and reading ability.Emotional aimStudents are willing to read a lot of English reading materials in their daily life.Teaching Key Difficult PointsKey point: Students can understand comparative degree.Difficult point: foster good habit of reading English materials in their daily life.Teaching procedures:Step 1: Warming upShow two pictures of twins, encourage students to describe them in their own words and then share their answer with each other.Step 2: PresentationRead the short passage for the first time and they need to read it as fast as the can, ask them what is the main idea of this passage and students share answers.Students read the passage for the second time and ask them some more questions and ask them to pay attention to the comparative degree.Step 3: PracticeGive students some adjective or adverbial words, and ask them to write down the comparative form of these words, the one who writes most without mistakes will get a present.Step 4: ProductionStudents work in groups to describe a person with comparative degree, teacher will give them 8 minutes to prepare it and 8 minutes later, invite some students to be the story teller to introduce his or her friends.Step 5: Summary HomeworkStudents look at the blackboard and retell the short passage to summarize this class, and the homework is that students introduce Jenny and Nancy to their friends or parents.Blackboard design责任编辑:孙喜香)二、考题解析教案Teaching AimsKnowledge aim:Students will learn how to ask and answer the price of the clothes.Ability aim:Students listening and speaking abilities will be improved.Emotional aims:Enhance the students strong interest of English;Enhance the students basic concept of money.Teaching key points and difficult points:Key Point:Understand the expression of price and know how to ask the price.Difficult Points:Use the expression of money in their real life.Teaching Aids: Multimedia, blackboardTeaching Procedures:Step 1 Greeting and lead-inGreeting with students.Lead-in: Ask students two questions: 1. Do you want to go shopping? 2. What will you buy if you go to the supermarket?Step 2 Pre-listeningThe teacher will show a video about a store. There are so many clothes and ask the students to say the name in English. They are bags, hats, pants, socks, shorts, sweaters and shoes. Then let the students guess what we will listen in this class.Step 3 While-listeningExtensive listening: Listen to the text and tell what the text is about.Intensive listening:(1) Listen carefully and lets find out how to ask prices.How much are these socks?They are two dollars.(2) Ask students the price of different things.Step 4 Post-listening (Speaking)Role play: Ask students to do a pair work to do a role play. One acts as a shop assistant, the other acts as a custom. They should ask and answer the price with the sentence pattern of “how much is? It s”.Step 5 Summary and HomeworkSummary:Ask students to work in pairs and discuss what we have learned today. Choose the representatives to share. And then make a summary.Homework:Do survey about the price of fruit in the supermarket. And make a new dialogue about asking the price of these fruit, such as apple, pear.Blackboard Design:责任编辑:孙喜香)二、考题解析教案Teaching aims:Knowledge aim: students will know more about president Lincoln.Ability aim: students can catch some detailed information about the passage.Emotional aim: students develop the sense of independent learning.Key and difficult point:Students will get the general idea of this passage.Students can express their ideas about the topic.Teaching procedureStep 1 Warming upAfter greeting students, the teacher asks a question: what famous person do you know in foreign history, and what do you know about them. Students can share some stories and then the teacher tells students today we will learn a famous America president: Abraham Lincoln.Step 2 Pre-readingShow pictures of several America presidents and ask students if they know which one is Abraham Lincoln. Then show some background information about Lincoln, and ask students: what is Lincolns biggest contribution? They can read the passage with the question.Step 3 While-reading1. Fast reading. Give them 3 minutes to read the passage quickly and answer two questions.(1) What is the passage talking about?(2) What is Lincolns contribution to America?After reading, invite some students to answer them and then we can know that it talks about Lincolns contribution and how he was killed. His contribution is that he made the slaves in the South free, and all the states were united again.2. Careful reading. Give them 6 minutes to read the passage carefully and finish some information about how President Lincoln was killed.责任编辑:孙喜香)


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