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1. Its going to get worse before it gets better.不经历黎明前的黑暗,便难以见到灿烂的朝阳。2. You deserve at least that much.这是你起码应得的。3. Spare my friends, kill my enemies. pretty clear on that ,nikita: if you know who your friends and your enemies are , yes,what do you mean ? you think Im gonna make friends inside division ?_nikita:going through the program changes you ,it changed me,the other recruits youll meet theyre not there by choice ,theyre been abandoned and abused like you and me ,its hard not to sympathizeso ,I make friends, Ill make getting intelligence even easier ,what ?nikita:making friends isnt hard ,losing them will be, trust me! when youre in a group, I want you to take a look at the recruit on either side of you ,odds are before you graduate ,one of them will die .饶恕我的朋友,歼灭我的敌人?我心里有数, 如果你分的请敌友的话,没问题什么意思,你以为我会在组织内结交朋友吗? 里面的训练会改变你,我已经被改造了,你将遇到的其他新人,他们也是身不由已,他们也像你一样,被人遗弃,遭人蹂躏,我也是,很难抑制住同病相怜的情感,那我会结交朋友,这样获得情报就更易如反掌了,什么?交友很容易,失去朋友却很痛苦。相信我。当你进入小组,我希望你从双方的立场去观察新人,毕业前,你们中可能有人会死,4. just tell me one thing ,was there anything real about her ,or was I just ,like ,part of her cover ,nikita: oliver,you were the only thing that was real to her,;look ,we all wear masks ,every one ,every day ,and something we wear them so much ,we forget who we are ,and sometimes ,if were lucky ,someone comes along and shows us who we really wanna be ,who we should be.you were that for her ,就告诉我一件事,他对我是真心的吗,我是否只是她伪装身份的一部分, 奥利弗,她唯一付出真心的就是你们的感情,我们每个人,每天都戴着面具生活。有时候我们因为戴得时间太长,已经忘记自己是谁了。而有时候,如果你幸运的话,有人会出现在我们的生活中,告诉我们想要成为什么样的人。我们应该成为什么样的人,对她来说,你就是这个人,5. listen to me, therell never be another woman for me.听我说,你是我心中永远的唯一,6. nikita:no, Ill talk ,but only to you ,欧文:nikita, dont do this ,we cant trust himnikita : we are 30.000 feet in the air.with nothing to look forward to on the ground,I have to trust someone ,不,我可以交代,但只跟你一个人说,尼基塔,这样不行,我们不能信任他,我们在三万英尺的高空,落地后也没什么可指望的。我们只能找个人来信任,7. Alex: thom ,whats it like ? to pull the trigger ?Thom:well ,I can tell you what its not like, its not like the persons there one minute and gone the next ,they stay,its been over a month ,and the girl I killed ,the spy, I still see her face every day,托姆,那是何种感觉,扣动扳机的时候,我可以从逆向角度回答你的问题,你终结了一个人的生命,并非一切就此结束,他们阴魂不散,事情已经过去一个多月了,而我杀的那个间谍女孩,她的脸仍然每天浮现在我的眼前,8. No risk ,no reward,不如虎穴,焉得虎子,9. nikita: takes away a part of you you can never get back ,杀人泯灭你的良知,无可挽回,10. Can I get your eyes ? I want to ,uh ,show you something ,过来行吗 ?给你看个东西。11. Ill be right here.我就在这儿12. life is struggle ,the truth is no matter what comfort surrounds you ,it will always be an illusion ,it can be taken away any time ,youre not like other girls ,Alexandra , you never will be , remember that , your destiny lies along a different path , the only person you will ever ,ever be able to depend on ,is you,and you ,papa you will not always have me ,生活就是需要奋斗,无路你过上多么安逸的生活,它总归是虚无缥缈的,随时都会被夺走,你和其他的女孩子不同,亚历山德拉(男人的保护者),你永远是与众不同的,记住这点,你命归殊途,你能永远信赖的人,只有你自己 还有你爸爸,我不会永远在你身边,13. people in love dont try to kill each other .彼此相爱的人不会算计着要对方的命。14. Look , I want to tell you that leela and I .its not what you think ,we fell in love before I married Kristina ,nikita:Im not here to judge ,I know it sounds like a clich ?the affair with the assistant ,but weve done nothing improper , I will keep my vows ,but this is why I must leave Kristina ,why did you marry her in the first place ?my country needs inspiration ,theyre not getting it from the current political leaders ,so I agreed to fill a role ,marrying Kristina ,unuting the families ,gave the monarchist movement the push that it needed ,I gave up leela for the good of my people ,but how much good can I do for them.if I cant be honest with myself ,dont underestimate people, all they really want is someone to believe in them.someone wholl fight for what they want.我想告诉你,我和莉拉,不是你想的那种关系,娶克里斯提娜前我们就相爱了,我不是来评论是非的,我知道这有点老套,和助理闹出绯闻,但我们没有越轨之举,我会遵守我的誓言.所以我必须离开克里斯缇娜,那你当初为什么娶她,我的国家需要鼓舞人心的事,既然现任领导人不能给人民以鼓舞,那就由我来扮演这个角色。娶克里斯缇娜,促成皇族联姻,给君主制的发展提供所需的动力,我为了我的人民放弃了莉拉。但如果我都不能诚实地面对自己 又能为我的人们做多少善事呢,别低估了人民,他们需要的是信赖他们。并会为他们的诉求而奋斗的一个领袖。,15. nikita: I ve had worse ,from doctors or other men ?我忍受过更大的痛苦。是医生造成还是源自男人。16. Nikita:What happened to you ,Voos ? why the sudden change ?Voos: Id love to sit here and tell you that I had a near-death experience or that I lost a loved one ,but the fact is ,there are no loved ones ,theres just a succession of mass murderers and common thugs who relied on me for care and feeding,for years I told myself that the world had thrown me in with these vermin ,reduced by crime ,forced into the business ,but I wasnt ,nikita:then you saw the weapon and you turned against them ,voos:I went rogue to use the parlance of you business ,and thats what my surrender is all about I have to erase what I was ,so I can become whoever I might be ,the question is am I too late ,沃斯,到底发生了什么,为什么你突然转变了,我很想坐下来跟你说,我曾差点丧命或者挚爱什么的,但其实根本没有什么大爱大恨 ?只有一连串的大屠杀和一群靠我糊口的亡命徒,多年来,我一直在对自己说,是世界将我丢弃给了这些人渣,被犯罪所诱惑,被迫干这种勾当,但我没法说服自己,然后你看到这武器于是你决定于他们反目,按你们的说法,我这叫叛逃了,这既是我弃暗投明的原因,我要抹去我的过去,我才能变成 那个真正的我,问题是,是否为时太晚,17. nikita:do you think we can ever erase who we were ,come back from it ?From what ?nikita:the things weve done ,just all of it ,你觉得我们可以重新做人吗,让往事随风,什么往事?我们曾做过的事,所有的事,18. nikita:alex ,what I told you before ,about not getting close to anyone ?alex:I know ,its for my own protection nikita: I was wrong ,alex: I thought relations with outsiders were dangerous ,nikita:they are ,but ,you cant just live the lie ,alex ,its not enough ,you have to live ,too alex: thanks艾丽克丝,我原来跟你说过,不要和任何人接近,记得吗? 我知道,这是为了保护我,我错了,我还以为和局外人交往事很危险的,这没错,但是,你不可能总在演绎谎言,艾丽克丝,这远远不够,你还得有真正的生活,19. alex :I need you to understand something ,what happened at dinner ,what my boss said ,thats not who I am ,I didnt think it was ,alex:what I do for a living its complicated ,and it really doesnt matter ,but I need you to understand ,I need you to believe me,are you in some kind of trouble ?alex:its not like that ,Nathan,cause whatever you need ,Im here ,I can help ,or Ill find somebody who can, but if you need anything ,Im righe across the hall ,all you gotta do is knock ,你得明白一些事,那天晚餐时,我老板所说的,我不是那种人,我也没那么想,我的工作,一言难尽,而且无关紧要,但我要你理解我,我需要你相信我,你惹上了什么麻烦了吗?不是你想的那样 ,内森。不管你需要什么,我就在这里,我能帮你,或者找人帮忙,如果你需要什么,我就在走廊对面,你只要敲敲门,20. I really want to kiss you nerds like rejection ,see ,their thinking is , if shes interested in you ,there must be something wrong with her我真的很想吻你,书呆子都喜欢对方说 不,他们想的是,如果这女人对自己有兴趣,拿着女人肯定是有问题,21. Nikit:were in the middle of nowhere 这地方鸟不拉屎,鸡不生蛋。22. I bought them a house Elizabeth and hailey ,one night lizzy and I just started flipping through a housing catalog ,lizzy saw this house in Hawaii, and her eyes just lit up,so I tore out the page,and without telling her ,I started saving up,before you know it ,I had enough money for the downloadable payment ,when I called the realtor ,and he said the place was still available ,I nearly jumped out of my chair ,my plan was to fly them there for vacation and tell them that house was a rental ,and I know on the last day of vacation ,hailey would just ,look up at me and tell me its time to go home, but I would look back down at her ,and Id tell her ,”we are home ”我给伊丽莎白和海利买了处房子,一天晚上,丽兹和我,刚一翻开交易房屋图册,丽兹一眼就看到了那所夏威夷的屋子,立刻就相中了它,于是我撕下来那页,没有告诉她,我开始默默攒钱,在高速你之前,我攒够了足够的钱,付得起首付了,当我给房产经纪人打电话时,他说那所房子还没有被交易,我简直要兴奋得跳起来了,我原本计划带她们飞去哪里度假,先告诉她们房子是租来的,我猜到假期的最后一天时,海利一定会抬头望着我,告诉我,我们该回家了,但我,会低头望着她,然后对她说,这就是我们的家,23. Michael:all right ,what was that all about today ,nikita:you put the mission before alex,Michael:absolutely not ,I explained to you that percy nikita:you put the mission before alex because youve always believed deep down that theres something goog about division Michael:there is ,nikita:really ?all these years ,percys manipulated you Michael:percy will pay for what he did ,trust me,nikita:like what ?taking kids off the street and turning them into killers?or brokering girls like sex workers,Alex andjaden were picked out of a catalogue by a sociopath Michael:and theyre about to get inside where nobody not the CIA no one could ever get,nikita:this is what Im talking about Michael:you dont want to stop this nerve agent nikita:I do,of course I do! I just dont think theres anything good about division Michael:that can change , Nikita:Michael,I love you ,I just hate you work ,Michael:and you want me to hate it too ,nikita:yes !Michael:nikita ,when I was in the way ,I felt like I was a part of something ,much bigger than myself ,and that didnt change when I joined division ,I need to know that I can make a difference ,its a part of who I am, its a part of who you are too ,but division has done more good than most people will know,好了,今天为什么对我板着脸,你把任务看得比艾丽克丝还重,不是,我跟你解释过珀西的问题,因为你始终相信组织有它好的一面,确实有,是吗,这些年珀西一直在利用你,相信我,珀西会付出代价的,但组织的贡献远比多数人知道的大的多,比如什么,从街上劫持少年,把他们培训成杀手,还是像倒卖妓女一样对待女孩,艾丽克丝和杰登不幸被一个反社会疯子挑中了,而他们去能完成连中情局都无法完成的任务。我说的就是这个,你不想摧毁这批神经毒剂吗,我当然想,但我不认为组织还有好的一面,你的看法会改变的,没错,尼基塔,我在海军服役的时候,总感觉自己是,某种强大力量的一小部分,我加入“组织”时这一点也未改变,我想知道 自己是有价值的,这是我的性格,同样也是你的性格,24. 你还在为她自责You still feel responsible for her.是我令她卷入这场斗争的I put her in the line of fire.不 那是她自愿的No, she put herself there.我训练了她来潜入组织I trained her infiltrate Division.为让她专注于任务 我对她隐瞒真相I kept things from her, so she would stay on mission.我因此失去了她And then I lost her because that.这是我自作自受is what I deserve.尼基塔 这不是你的过错Nikita, you didnt do anything wrong.是我的错 所以现在我动摇了I did. And now I have doubts.对咱们的感情吗About us?不是No.不 我对你从未动摇过No, never.是这场圣战Its about this crusade为了救赎过去 我们可能会牺牲彼此to make things right. I mean, what I could cost us.我不能失去你I cant lose you.我也不会失去你I wont lose you.如果你觉得我这个想法很自私And if that seems selfish to you,我只能说 人无完人then, well, I never said I was perfect, so.你不会失去我的Youre not gonna lose me.你说得对 人无完人And youre right. You never said you were perfect.但在我眼里你完美无缺I did.


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