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Unit Eleven,Teaching Objectives,了解21 世纪人际关系的特点 了解如何在工作环境中处理好人际关系 了解如何妥善地处理并消除误解,Teaching Emphases,human relationship cultural diversity anti-social tendencies misunderstanding,Content,Text Fast Reading I Fast Reading II,TEXT Human Relationship in the 21st Century,Pre-reading questions 1.How do you deal with your relation with different people? 2. What are the characteristics of todays human relationship?,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Human relationship is a connection between two or more people. We can talk about relations between people, groups of people, organizations and countries. Love, understanding, trust, communication, care, politeness and good behavior are the most important things in any relationship.,When man and woman like each other and fall in love, they have a loving and sexual relationship. Family relations are parents and children, siblings, cousin and the rest of the family. There are also love and close relationships. Friendship as another relation between people and is about a person close to you who you trust, help, share your interests and keep secrets with. You can have many friends but not all of them can be your close ones. Even when we dont know other people socially, we try to have a polite and friendly relationship anyway. This situation is common for example at work between colleges. Human relations are important in everybodys lives because everyday we live, meet or work with other people, which influences our social and professional lives.,We are in the 21st Century and here the life is very busy. “We dont have time” that is what we say to others. We all carry mobile phones all the time, walking, eating, working, traveling even also at the time of sleeping, but we dont have time to send a message or give a call to our parents or relatives. In this era, it is impossible to think about a life without Internet but now it is a need. We have Internet in office. We have Internet at home, but we dont find even few minutes in a day to write few words for our friends. We never forget to read newspaper or watch television to keep ourselves updated with the latest news, but we hardly get time to know as what is happening in our colony or in our family. We have time to go to Movie Theaters, Picnics, Shopping malls but we dont have time to visit our kids in their school or college and enquire about their performance. If we dont have time, then of course, they will be arrogant, ill mannered and will behave impolitely.,The nature of human relations is evolutionary. It changes over time as our society adjusts to our ever-changing environment. Some changes are negative and some are positive. It seems that the overall nature of current human relations can best be determined by examining human interaction in the workplace, the school, and the home, as well as interaction among strangers. The workplace is an environment in which there is generally a high degree of personal interaction. Recent technological advances have made it much easier for people to communicate with one another. The emergence of the Internet has forever changed the way that people will interact with one another. E-mail has become a way to connect with co-workers anywhere in the world. The increasing popularity of cellular phones had also changed human relations. One can now be reached virtually anytime, anywhere. Although technology has made human relations easier in the workplace, it has also decreased the amount of face-to-face interaction.,Not all workplace interaction is changing for the better. The threat of violence has been an increased concern for many companies. Violence in the workplace is blamed for the decreasing quality of human relations in many companies. In the past, many people considered their co-workers as a kind of extended family, which gave them a sense of security. In todays workplace, however, layoffs and downsizing have taken away that family feeling. Workers today feel as though they are just one part of a machine, and could easily be replaced. This has degraded the quality of personal interaction in the workplace. A co-worker who at one time may have been like a brother to you is now a competitor who could easily replace you. This feeling has lessened the friendliness between workers and has led to increased workplace violence.,It seems that this trend toward violent behavior is crossing the generation gaps and invading our schools as well. Too often we are seeing children inflicting harm on other students in what should be a safe and supportive environment. Schools today are changing in many of the same ways as the workplace. Advancing technology and growing diversity are having an impact on the environment of schools across the nation. These aspects of change are having many positive influences on the quality of education available to our students. Advances in computers and the Internet make limitless amounts of information accessible to students. Cultural diversity in schools helps children to learn at a young age that there are many things that can be learned from other peoples cultures. These changes are very important to society as a whole because they indicate that future generations will be more accepting of differences and better able to accommodate others.,Another important area that has seen changes in the 1990s is the structure and role of the family. In todays environment the traditional family as it was known in the past is no longer the norm. There are many factors contributing to the increasing number of non-traditional families. The ease of obtaining a divorce and the increase in teenage pregnancies has led to smaller families and more single parent families. Many single parents are overwhelmed with the responsibilities of raising a child, and in some cases the parent is still a teenager, and not yet mature himself or herself. Another growing non-traditional family type is a result of inter-racial. Not only is the structure of the typical family changing, but the way children are being raised is changing as well, including decreased quality and quantity of communication, decreased interaction and interest in the lives of other family members, and decreased ability of parents to manage and control the behavior of their children. Parents today are timid to punish their children physically because they are afraid that the child may claim child abuse. The current trend is to seek alternative approaches, such as counseling, as a way to alter behavior.,Therefore many parents end up unable to discipline their children and let them do as they please. Parents need to be involved in their childrens lives and encourage schoolwork and involvement in extracurricular activities. Parents that show an interest in their childs life will have a child that is more likely to develop good morals and make good decisions. Many of the problem children in our society are getting into trouble to gain attention because they lack this attention from their own families. These changes in the typical family seem to be a major factor in the general decline in the nature of human relations. Without a strong family support system, children are growing up with weaker morals and increased susceptibility to peer pressure and violent or anti-social tendencies. The typical family has changed so much recently that it is difficult to avoid these problems. Family members are busy, schedules are hectic, and quality family interaction is consequently diminished.,Nearly everyday people face situations in which they interact with strangers. These interactions are very common, since one naturally meets new people while going about ones daily routine. The nature of human relations between strangers is complex and dependent upon certain situations. Most of the time these interactions are polite or at the least non-committal. Unfortunately, there seems to be a trend in recent times towards distrust and outright violence in a growing percentage of these daily social interactions. An example is road rage, or aggressive driving, becoming more and more prevalent in our society and another trend in society today is situations in which people perform random acts of kindness.,Language points sibling,- n. one of two or more individuals having one or both parents in common; a brother or sister. 兄弟姐妹:有一个或两个共同双亲的两个或更多的个体中的一个;一个兄弟或姐妹 e.g. squabbles between siblings 兄弟姐妹间的口角,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points arrogant,- a. making or disposed to make claims to unwarranted importance or consideration out of overbearing pride. 傲慢的 - marked by or arising from arrogance 带有傲慢,出自傲慢 e.g. an arrogant contempt for the weak. 对弱者傲慢的蔑视,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points adjust to,-to get used to a new situation by changing the way you behave or think 适应,习惯 e.g. to adjust to living alone 适应单身生活 e.g. to adjust to the dark 适应黑暗,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points decrease,- v. to grow or cause to grow gradually less or smaller, as in number, amount, or intensity. 减少:在数目、数量或强度方面逐渐变得或使变得少或小 e.g. The price has decreased by 15. 小麦价格降低了15。 - n. the process of reducing something or the mount that something is reduced by 减少, 降低,减少量 e.g. a decrease of nearly 6 in the number of visitors to the museum 参观博物馆人数下降将近6,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points degrade,- v. to lower in dignity; dishonor or disgrace 侮辱,羞辱:降低的尊严;败坏的声誉或使蒙受耻辱 e.g. a scandal that degraded the participants. 使所有参加者都蒙受耻辱的丑闻 -v. to reduce in worth or value 降低价值:价值上降低: e.g. degrade a currency. 贬低通货的价值,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points generation gap,- a broad difference in values and attitudes between one generation and another, especially between young people and their parents. 代沟:一代人和另一代人在价值观和态度上的巨大差异,尤其是年轻人和他们的父母之间的差异,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points diversity,- n. variety or multiform 变化或多样性: e.g. “Charles Darwin saw in the diversity of species the principles of evolution that operated to generate the species: variation, competition and selection” (Scientific American) “查尔斯达尔文在物种的多样性中发现了致使物种产生的原则:变异、竞争、选择”(科学美国人),UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points norm,- n. a standard, model, or pattern regarded as typical 模范:作为典型的标准,模型,或式样: e.g. the current middle-class norm of two children per family. 现今每家两个孩子的中产阶级典型,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points overwhelm,- v. to surge over and submerge; engulf 完全盖过:漫过并淹没;吞没,席卷: e.g. waves overwhelming the rocky shoreline. 淹没了多岩石的海岸的海浪 - to defeat completely and decisively 制服:彻底并决定性地击败: e.g. Our team overwhelmed the visitors by 40 points. 我们队以40分彻底击败了来访者。 - to affect deeply in mind or emotion 控制:对思想或情绪影响深刻: e.g. Despair overwhelmed me. 绝望控制了我,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points susceptibility,- n. the state of being likely to be influenced, harmed or affected by sth 易受影响(或伤害)的特性;敏感性 e.g. susceptibility to disease / infection 易患病 / 易受感染的体质,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points peer pressure,- pressure from people who are the same age as you 来自同龄人 / 同辈的压力 e.g. Peer pressure is strong among young children. 年轻人受同辈的压力很大,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points hectic,- a. characterized by intense activity, confusion, or haste: 忙乱的:以紧张的活动、忙乱或慌忙为特征的: e.g. “There was nothing feverish or hectic about his vigor.” (Erik Erikson) “他精力充沛但却毫不忙乱或狂热”(埃里克埃里克森),UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points non-committal,committal - n. the act of pledging oneself to a particular view or position: 承担,承诺:自己对特定观点或地位承诺的行为: e.g. articulated her strong committal to world peace. 明确表达她对世界和平的强烈支持 non-committal - a. 不承担责任的,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points road rage,- a situation in which a driver becomes extremely angry or violent with the driver of another car because of the way they are driving 公路暴怒(司机之间因驾驶问题而大动肝火),UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points,shopping mall shopping mall的定义是:“大型零售业为主体,众多专业店为辅 助业态和多功能商业服务设施形成的聚合体。”意为超大型购 物中心,属于一种新兴的复合型商业业态。,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points,cellular phone 最初的电话中,话筒内有一个装有碳粒的小盒子,其间有间 隙,像是蜂窝,而蜂窝用在英文中用cell表示,其形容词是 cellular,加phone,就变成了“蜂窝电话”,但随着电话的 发展,现已演变为“手机”。,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points,extended family 三代、四代甚至五代同堂的家庭,大家庭。如果是标准的三口 之家就用joint family,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points,downsizing 裁员。是经济性裁员的简称,是因用人单位的原因解除劳动合 同的情形。指的是用人单位在法定的特定期间依法进行的集中 辞退员工的行为。,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points,workplace violence 国际劳工组织(ILO)最近公布的研究报告称,工作场所的肢体 暴力和心理暴力在全世界蔓延,在许多工业化国家已达到“泛 滥程度”。该研究称,恃强凌弱、性骚扰和人身攻击等工作暴 力造成的损失,可能占这些国家国民生产总值的0.5%至3.5%, 形式为旷工、病假和生产率低下。该研究亦指出,无论在富国 还是穷国,曾经被视为“安全”的职业,诸如教师、社会服务、 图书馆服务和医疗保健等,肢体暴力的水平正日益上升。,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points,cultural diversity 2005年10月第33届联合国教科文组织大会上通过的保护和 促进文化表现形式多样性公约中,“文化多样性”被定义为各 群体和社会借以表现其文化的多种不同形式。这些表现形式在 他们内部及其间传承。文化多样性不仅体现在人类文化遗产通 过丰富多彩的文化表现形式来表达、弘扬和传承的多种方式, 也体现在借助各种方式和技术进行的艺术创造、生产、传播、 销售和消费的多种方式。文化多样性是人类社会的基本特征, 也是人类文明进步的重要动力。,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points,non-traditional families 非传统家庭模式:(1)单亲家庭:由单身父亲或母亲养育未成 年子女的家庭 (2)单身家庭:人们到了结婚的年龄不结婚或离 婚以后不再婚而是一个人生活的家庭 (3)重组家庭:夫妻一方 再婚或者双方再婚组成的家庭 (4)丁克家庭:双倍收入、有生 育能力但不要孩子、浪漫自由、享受人生的家庭 (5)空巢家庭: 只有老两口生活的家庭,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points,We never forget to read newspaper or watch television to keep ourselves updated with the latest news, but we hardly get time to know what is happening in our colony or in our family. hardly: adv. 几乎没有,几乎不 在正式文体中,如果将never, seldom, rarely, little, hardly, scarcely, no sooner, no longer, nowhere 等含有否定意义的副词若位于句首,则其后的句子要用 部分倒装。如: We hardly get time to know what is happening in our colony or in our family. Hardly do we get time to know what is happening in our colony or in our family. I never saw him again. Never did I see him again. He seldom goes out for dinner. Seldom does he go out for dinner. He little realized the danger he faced. Little did he realize the danger he faced.,UP,PREV.,NEXT,Language points,Not only is the structure of the typical family changing, but the way children are being raised is changing as well, “Not only is the structure of the typical family changing, but the way children are being raised is also changing” not only but also 连接两个分句,并且 not only 位于句首时,第一个分句 中的主语和谓语要部分倒装。如: Not only did he come, but he saw her. Not only does she speak Spanish, (but) she also knows how to type. Not only did he speak more correctly, but he spoke more easily. Not only did they present a musical performance, but they also gave a brief introduction to the history of Western brass instruments.,UP,PREV.,NEXT,I. Answer the following questions based on the text.,1. What does human relationship refer to? Human relationship is a connection between two or more people.,Reference,I. Answer the following questions based on the text.,2. Why do we say that the nature of human relations is evolutionary ? Because it changes over time to adjust to our ever-changing environment.,Reference,I. Answer the following questions based on the text.,3. Nowadays, what is the most significant feature of human relationship in workplace ? Recent technological advances have made it much easier for people to communicate with one another in workplace and the emergence of the Internet has forever changed the way that people will interact with one another.,Reference,I. Answer the following questions based on the text.,4. How does the current human relationship influence the education? On one hand, it has many positive influences on the quality of education available to our students; on the other hand, we are seeing children inflicting harm on other students in what should be a safe and supportive environment.,Reference,I. Answer the following questions based on the text.,5. What should parents be aware of when educating children according to the passage ? Parents should pay more attention to their children creating a family supporting system.,Reference,II. Read the following terms and match each with its proper definition.,1. interaction 2. inflict 3. norm 4. timid 5. behave 6. outright 7. susceptibility 8. peer 9. morals 10. hectic,a. a standard, model, or pattern regarded as typical b. lacking self-confidence c. the capacity to be affected by deep emotions or strong feelings d. marked by intense agitation or emotion e. at once; straightway f. concerned with the judgment of the goodness or badness of human action and character g. impose something unpleasant h. a person who has equal standing with another or others, as in rank, class, or age i. to conduct oneself in a proper way j. a mutual or reciprocal action,1. j 2. g 3. a 4.b 5.i 6.e 7.c 8.h 9.f 10.d,III. Translate the following passage into Chinese,The nature of human relations is evolutionary. It changes over time as our society adjusts to our ever-changing environment. Some changes are negative and some are positive. It seems that the overall nature of current human relations can best be determined by examining human interaction in the workplace, the school, and the home, as well as interaction among strangers.,人际关系的性质是不断演变的。它随着社会的发展而变化,以适应不断变化的环境。其中,有些是消极的,有些是积极的。 似乎可以通过对工作场所、学校、家庭和陌生人之间的关系的研究,来确定当前人际关系的总体特点。,Reference,IV. Please put the following sentences into English.,1. 法官问目击者与受害者是什么关系。 The judge asked the witness what the relationship was between her and the victim. 2. 关于人际关系问题有许多不同的观点。 There is a wide diversity of opinion on the question of human relationship 3. 有几个孩子受到了体罚。 Several of the children were physically abused. 4. 姑姑来看她的时候,她总是表现得非常好。 She always behaves well when her aunt comes to visit her. 5. 我认为烟草广告应该明令禁止。 I think cigarette advertising should be banned outright.,Fast Reading I,UP,PREV.,NEXT,How to Work with People You Dont Like,Sometimes in your career, you will come across having to work with people you dont like. So, how do you work with them? Admittedly, it is a huge challenge for many people, but it is a fact of working life. No matter how much we do not like it, the interactions are crucial to get work done. How to work with people you dont like? Try these 3 steps individually or in combination.,Engage To engage in this case means to communicate with them. Step out of your own ego to get yourself to sincerely talk to them. You may be pleasantly surprised that the other person wants to talk too. To engage also means not to hold any grudges against the other person. Face the issue with the other party and discuss whatever challenges you may have candidly. Say what you mean politely. You can be stern but do not be rude. The important thing about how to work with people you dont like is to be sincere about it. When you are sincere, you are seeking a win-win situation. Think about this, when you engage this person, being sincere is also a transfer of feelings, which means you want the other person to know that you genuinely want to settle any animosity you have with each other. It helps you in the long run too.,Enlighten Have you ever tried to enlighten them about yourself? Have you ever tried to enlighten yourself about them? Perhaps one reason you do not like them is that you do not understand them. And because of it, whatever they do doesnt seem right. Then all the negativity feeds on each other and the animosity grows. Seek to allow them to get to know you personally. The information about you may enlighten them about you. It gives them insight into who you are, why you do those things and the way you do them. When people understand you more, there is a better chance they will begin to like you. Of course, there is no guarantee it will work. At the very least there is a chance. Get to know them on a more personal level too. Enlighten yourself about them. What makes them tick, what you do disturbs them or even irritates them? Perhaps with this piece of information you may start to know how to work with people you dont like.,Entertain To do this, first you must be able to have a sense of humor. Sure, to have a sense of humor around someone you dont like is tough. But the tougher thing is that you should have a sense of humor when the situation becomes tense and when you feel animosity. Cracking a joke and looking at the lighter side of things can break a smile on the face of people you dont like. When you do that you can be someone fun to work with. Perhaps you never think of it, but you are someone who is tough


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