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Unit 4 Company Culture,Content,Warm-up activities,Look at the following pictures. Talk about them with your partners. I. Pair works What do you know about these companies? Think about their culture and talk with your partner. II. Group work All these companies above have something special in their company culture. Work in small groups, discussing how they make the grade. III. Think about and then make a list of all the different companies you know in the world today, for example, Gree, Samsung, Apple,What is corporate culture? corporate culture = the personality of an organization i.e. “how things are done around here.”,What is corporate culture?, core values and beliefs corporate ethics broad term rules of behavior,Background Information, mission statement other communications the architectural style interior decor of offices specific term what people wear to work how people address each other titles given to various employees,What is corporate culture?,The hours you work The work environment The dress code The office space The training and skills development Onsite perks ,How does a companys culture affect you?,Fortune 500 Logo,Logo,世界500强,美国,美国,美国,日本,德国,美国,日本,韩国,中国,德国,美国,美国,中国,中国,芬兰,中国,Wal-Mart,Exxon Mobil,The oil giant may not be the biggest company in the U.S., but its by far the most profitable: Driven by higher prices for crude - as well as big gains in its natural gas and chemicals businesses - profits at Exxon Mobil topped $30 billion, a whopping 58% jump.,Chevron (Energy),Conoco Phillips,Fannie Mae 房利美,It is a government-sponsored enterprise, though it has been a publicly traded company since 1968. The corporations purpose is to expand the secondary mortgage market by securitizing mortgages in the form of mortgage-backed securities , allowing lenders to reinvest their assets into more lending and in effect increasing the number of lenders in the mortgage market by reducing the reliance on thrifts .,Google culture,Google is famous for having an informal corporate culture. OnFortunemagazines list of best companies to work for, Google ranked first in 2007 and 2008and fourth in 2009 and 2010.Google was also called the worlds most attractive employer to graduating students .,Google workers, having funs.,Having rest,Googles corporate philosophy embodies such casual principles as you can make money without doing evil, you can be serious without a suit, and work should be challenging and the challenge should be fun.,As a motivation technique, Google uses a policy often called Innovation Time Off, where Google engineers are encouraged to spend 20% of their work time on projects that interest them.,Text Analysis,1. In their research project they came up with a plan to make a search engine that ranked websites according to the number of other websites that linked to that site (and ultimately came up with the Google we have today). 他们在其项目研究中构思了一个计划,即要设计一个能够按照链接数量的多少来排列网站的搜索引擎(最终变成了今天的谷歌)。 project 1. N-COUNTA project is a task that requires a lot of time and effort. 项目 例:Money will also go into local development projects in Vietnam. 资金也会流入越南本地开发项目。 2. N-COUNTA project is a detailed study of a subject by a student. (学生研究的) 课题 例: Students complete projects for a personal tutor, working at home at their own pace. 学生们为个人导师完成课题研究,在家里按自己的速度工作。,Text Analysis,rank 1. N-VAR Someones rank is the position or grade that they have in an organization. 职位; 级别 例: He eventually rose to the rank of captain. 他最终升到了船长的职位。 2. V-T/V-I If an official organization ranks someone or something 1st, 5th, or 50th, for example, they calculate that the person or thing has that position on a scale. You can also say that someone or something ranks 1st, 5th, or 50th, for example. 给排名; 名列 in the ranks 当兵,当战士 in rank 成行列;成队列 first rank 一流的 rank first 名列第一 in the front rank 著名;在前列 social rank 社会等级,Text Analysis,2. These advertisements used a system based on the pretence that you only paid for your advertising if some clicked on your ad link hence the term Pay Per Click (PPC) was born. 这些广告应用了一个基于“貌似客户只在广告被点击”才付钱的系统于是PPC(点击付费系统)就诞生。 pretence 1. N-VAR A pretence is an action or way of behaving that is intended to make people believe something that is not true. 假装 例: He goes to the library and makes a pretence of reading some Thoreau. 他去图书馆假装读梭罗的书。 false pretences 诈骗,Text Analysis,click V-T/V-I If you click on an area of a computer screen, you point the cursor at that area and press one of the buttons on the mouse in order to make something happen. (用鼠标) 点击计算机no passive 例: Click the link and see what happens. 点击那个链接,看看会发生什么。 click here 点击这里,点击此处;单击此处 double click 双击;双击鼠标 click and drag 单击并拖动 click fraud 点击欺诈 click rate 点击率;点选率,Text Analysis,3. If these figures arent impressive enough for Google, independent estimates say that more than 80% of search referrals come from Google - Google receives about a billion search requests per day and with estimates that Google makes 12 cents for every search you perform, you can see that Google corporation is a very lucrative business! 如果这些数据还不足以让谷歌给人深刻印象的话,独立调查公司的数据显示80%的搜索指点实际都是来自于谷歌谷歌每天受到大约十亿次的搜索指令,按每个搜索指令谷歌赚取12美分来估算,你可以想象得到谷歌是一个多么赚钱的公司。 referral 1. N-VAR Referral is the act of officially sending someone to a person or authority that is qualified to deal with them. A referral is an instance of this. 移交; 送交 例: Legal Aid can often provide referral to other types of agencies. 法律援助机构能经常提供向其他类型机构的移交。,Text Analysis,referral system 转介制度;转借系统 referral center 转诊中心;下线链接;介绍中心 Referral service 问讯处;咨询业务 lucrative 1. ADJA lucrative activity, job, or business deal is very profitable. 获利丰厚的 例: Thousands of ex-army officers have found lucrative jobs in private security firms. 成千上万的退役军官在私人保安公司找到了薪水丰厚的工作。,Exercise:I. Answer the following questions according to the text:,1. Who started the Google Company? And when was Google started? 2. What do Adwords and Adsense (in paragraph 3)mean according to the context? 3. What is the meaning of google as a verb? 1. Google began in 1996 as a project by Larry Page and Sergey Brin 2. Literally, they mean words and sense of advertisement. Actually they are the names of systems of Googles advertisement project. 3. Google, as a verb means to search. It maybe derives from the verb goggle, meaning to look at something with big open eyes.,4. Could you list the main services of Google? 5. What makes Google different from its rivals? 6. What makes Google the most lucrative business? 7. Do you believe that Google will become a very very influential part of all of lives in years to come? Why? 4. Google has many services now, mainly including advertisement service, e-mail services, video, Google earth, etc. 5. Googles creativity and innovativeness differ itself from its rivals. 6. Googles innovative and creative applications and services make it the most lucrative business. 7. Yes. With the many many applications and products that Google has brought out, and the control it has over the internet it is possible that Google will become a very very influential part of all of lives in years to come.,8. What is the main idea of the passage? 9. What do you learn from the history of Google? 10. After reading the text, what do you think is the most important for a company? 8. This passage tells the reader that creativity is the motive power of a company. 9. From the history of Google, I think a companys survival and development is based on its creativity. 10. For a company, creativity and innovation are the most important.,Word PracticeFill in the blanks with appropriate words from the text. The initial letter of each word has been supplied for you.,The class are doing a p on the Roman occupation of Britain. The report r the UK 20th out of 22 advanced nations. I have no p to being an expert on the subject. If you p something, you obtain a p for it. Marks were still 500$ the amount we need.,1. come up with2. search for3. zoomed in4. short of,5. The company is a new sports car. 6. When on a long walk, always wear suitable boots. 7. Wisdom is a good purchase though we dear it. 8. The Prime Minister has a civilian defense minister. 9. The speakers supporters were the audience and applauded loudly. 10. The government wanted to reform the institutions, to the country.,5. bringing out 6. setting out7. pay for8. appointed as 9. planted in10.shake up,TranslationTranslate the following sentences into English.,塔斯曼尼亚岛是以其发现者塔斯曼的名字命名的。 这项专利期限为3年。 他与对立公司竞争完全不讲道德。 福特今年正在赢得通用公司的那份市场份额。 接下来的几年,我们需要牺牲、耐心、理解和不达目的誓不罢休的决心。 Tasmania was named after its discoverer, A. J. Tasman. The patent runs out in three years time. He was utterly unscrupulous in his competition with rival firms. Ford has been gaining market share this year at the expense of GM. Sacrifice, patience, understanding and implacable purpose may be our lots for years to come.,Writing Invitation How to Write an Invitation to a Business Meeting The business meeting is as old as business itself. In fact, you cant run a business without at least the occasional business meeting. Often business meetings consist of co-workers within the same company or department, but sometimes the meetings require the attendance of individuals outside your company. When this case presents itself, it is especially important that you know how to write an invitation to a business meeting. There are several key pieces of information you do not want to leave out such as meeting logistics and agenda.,I. Instructions 1. Preparing for a Business Meeting Develop your meeting agenda before attempting to write an invitation to a business meeting. It is important to know what will be discussed at the meeting to ensure the proper people are invited. Additionally, the invitees will be interested to know the meetings purpose before they commit to attending. Create an invitation list. Only invite those people whose presence is required for a productive business meeting to take place. Ensure a member of your support staff is available to take notes or meeting minutes, if required.,Select a meeting time. If you are inviting individuals from outside your company, keep your meeting invitees in the forefront of your mind. Chose a time that is convenient for everyone. For example, do not schedule a meeting to begin first thing in the morning if your meeting attendees have to travel more than a half-hour to arrive at the location. Select a meeting location. Choose a location conducive to a meeting. Unless the meeting is a lunch or dinner meeting, select a location, such as a conference room, where you have climate and noise control.,2. Writing a Business Invitation Address the individuals you are inviting to your business meeting according to your familiarity with each individual. If you work with a person routinely, use the individuals first name in your written invitation. If you are less familiar with someone you are inviting, a more formal approach should be taken. Include the meeting logistics, such as the date, time and location of the meeting. This information should stand out and be easy to find. Use a bold font or list logistical data separately in the body of the invitation. Include a tentative agenda with the invitation to your business meeting. If the agenda is relatively concise, you may include the agenda or a short summary of the agenda in the text of the invitation. However, if the agenda is relatively in-depth or technical, include the agenda as a separate document.,Include RSVP information. Business meetings rely on input from meeting attendees. You need to make sure there will be representatives in the meeting to provide input for each of your agenda items. Managing a successful meeting includes knowing beforehand who is planning to attend and postponing the meeting if there is a shortfall in the expected attendance. Require an RSVP by phone or email, and include your name or the staff members name responsible for collecting RSVP information. 3. Tips & Warnings Use email when sending a business meeting invitation unless your company protocol dictates a written invitation. It is much easier for your meeting invitees to RSVP. Send a reminder notice two business days before the meeting. You can include a finalized agenda with the reminder notice. Be mindful of the tone you use when writing your invitation to a business meeting. The invitation sets the mood for the entire meeting. You want to convey a sense of inclusion and interest in the ideas of the meeting attendees.,II. Sample : A Card Invitation,Assignment,Suppose your company is going to host a conference, write a formal invitation to a prospective commercial partner.,Thank you!,


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