439-Chapter 5 Festivals and Customs 节日与风俗(6

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439-Chapter 5 Festivals and Customs 节日与风俗(6_第1页
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439-Chapter 5 Festivals and Customs 节日与风俗(6_第2页
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439-Chapter 5 Festivals and Customs 节日与风俗(6_第3页
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Chapter 5Festivals and Customs 节日与风俗(6)6. Celebration of the Dragon Boat Festival 迎端午端午节是我国的一项传统习俗,从端午节的英文解释中,我们就能看到它的习俗之一,但龙舟仅局限于一些大城市,散落在民间的还有许多意蕴十足的习俗。吃粽子这一习俗是为了纪念伟大爱国诗人屈原,另外,在靖江孩子们会吃鸡蛋来祝愿遇事逢凶化吉,平安无事。人们会在这一天在门口挂上艾草来祈求能带来吉祥,父母会用雄黄在孩子额上画虎,取借虎驱邪之意。据一些专家揭示,端午节凝聚着中华民族博大精深的民族精神。虽然国家采取了一些措施保护传统节日免遭凋零,但是端午节的精神却正在逐渐流失,增强人们的民族传统文化保护意识迫在眉睫。Dating from the time full of wars, the Dragon Boat Festival came into existence. We can see one of its customs from its English namedragon boat. However, in the modern society, the activity is only limited to some large cities. There are also many other meaningful customs in some small towns or villages.As is known to all, eating rice dumplings is one of the most common customs during the Dragon Boat Festival, including my hometown Jingjiang. At that time, rice, meat and other tasty food will be put together, which will cater to almost everyones taste. It is said that the dumplings were made previously to prevent the body of Quyuan from being eaten by fish. But who is Quyuan?QuYuan is a poet who strongly loves his county and at last when he saw his country was overthrown, he jumped into the river. In honor of him, people threw rice into the river to keep fish from eating him, which was developed into the dumplings as we know today. In addition, there are also some funny customs. We often hang the picture of Zhongkui on the wall, who is able to catch ghosts, because people hold the view that only in this way can they get happiness. Whats more, when the day comes, woman who has married will return home to visit parents with their daughters dressed beautifully. Also, it is said that May is a season in which many kinds of sicknesses spread widely and as such in some areas of my city, people will have a bath full of medicine in it to prevent these sicknesses. Not knowing how long the tradition has spread, eating boiled eggs with tea during the Dragon Boat Festival has become a habit for the locals. On top of that, we often pray for good luck by hanging wormwood at the door。As children, the happiest time during the Dragon Boat Festival is when their parents painted the tiger using realgar in the hope of driving away the evil things.According to some experts, the Dragon Boat Festival is famous not only for its various customs, but also because of its inner meanings, such as the love to country, the pure morality and so on. The Dragon Boat Festival associates peoples fate, nations fate with chinas fate together, which will make great contributions to chinas development, From the customs, we can also see the respect for lives and anxiety for beautiful life, which greatly caters to the idea of modem reality. In a word, the Dragon Boat festival is so important that we cant lose.Luckily, the government has realized its importance and has taken a lot of policies to protect it. However, this is still not enough. Many people see the festival as an opportunity to give gifts. Nowadays gifts of high price gradually form a tendency, which means the loss of traditional spirits. Whats move, with the development of modern science and technology, peoples attitudes towards the traditional festival have greatly changed. The original meaning is gradually losing. So the key to protecting the Dragon Boat Festival is to promote the culture construction. Notes to the passage:A. Words to know:1. realgar rilg n. 雄黄2. wormwood w:mwud n. 【植】苦艾B. Sentences to understand:1. The activity is only limited to some large cities.这一活动仅局限于一些大城市。be limited to sth 局限于某处2. At that time, rice, meat and other tasty food will be put together, which will cater to almost everyones taste.那时候,米、肉和其他好吃的东西会被放在一起,这样就能迎合几乎所有人的口味。cater to 满足迎合某人的需要3. Also, it is said that May is a season in which many kinds of sicknesses spread widely and as such in some areas of my city, people will have a bath full of medicine in it to prevent these sicknesses.据说,五月是疾病极易传播的时候,正因为如此,人们会用药物来泡澡以防染上疾病。 It is said that据说;as such 正因为如此Practice:A. Reading comprehension1. What people usually do to celebrate Dragon Boat Festival ?B Critical thinkingDo you have any other interesting local customs during Dragon Boat Festival? Make a research and report to your classmates.Keys:1.Eat rice dumplings and boiled eggs; have a bath with special medicine; hang wormwood at the door; painted the tiger using realgarChapter 6Folk arts and crafts 民间艺术与工艺 (14)14. Bamboo Culture靖江竹艺 一节复一节,千枝攒万叶。我自不开花,免撩蜂与蝶。清郑板桥咏竹掀开靖江历史,无论哪页都飘着一股清香,那就是竹的韵味。靖江是江苏有名的“竹乡”,栽竹历史悠久。早在明清时期,农民就开始在荒地上种竹,滨江涨滩地区,农民则落户就在宅基上种竹。新中国成立后,竹林发展稳定,特别是六七十年代,政府保护竹林,使得其迅速发展。计划经济年代,竹子作为佳肴招待四海来宾。竹子可以作为观赏植物;竹笋味道鲜美;竹制品美观实用;竹茹、竹沥、竹黄可入药,又是很好的药材。靖江篾江队伍实力雄厚,技术精湛,他们生产的竹席、淘箩、筛子、竹凳等竹制品品种多,质量好,深受本地及周边地区人们的喜爱。Jingjiang is famous as Bamboo Country because local farmers began to plant bamboos in the wasteland in Ming and Qing Dynasties. Since they set foot on the sandbankJingjiang, they have got down to making good use of bamboos. After the foundation of new China, there has been a boom in the development of Jingjiang bamboo, especially in 1960s. In the planned economy era, the Jingjiang Yan Bamboo shoots are used to treat guests from all over the world due to their delicious taste. Since then. Jingjiang bamboo has been popular with people.There used to be a large number of Jingjing basketry craftsmen who have a strong technical force and are skilled in producing various bamboo ware. With time going on, this kind of handicraft has gradually dying away. Nevertheless there remains to be conventional production methods, which are as follows. Firstly, basketry craftsman will make preparations for the following working procedures. As the ole saying goes “a good start leads to half of success”, they select appropriate bamboos from which they think will be suitable for weaving. In an effort to make everything run smoothly, craftsman often take many factors into consideration such as glossy, appearance, and so on. The second step calls for great carefulness and patience. This is a simple procedure, but one which is hard to operate. Craftsmen must divide bamboos into several equal shares to make sure they are pleasing to the eye. If not, bamboos will be of no use. Finally, people shape these bamboos into different forms at the request of the people. For instance, baskets for washing rice, sieve, mats. The list is almost endless. A process of making bamboo ware is competed on the whole. Though bamboos have been rarely seen now in our life, they really play an important role in all aspects of our life. As people are becoming more conscious of the importance of sustainable development, bamboos are becoming increasingly popular. Bamboo shoots are commonly seen in tables because of their delicious taste. On top of this, Bamboo products are also popular among people, because it is the most common way to take advantage of bamboos. Whats more, Zhuru, Huli and Zhuhuang can be used as medicine. In a word, Bamboos are to Jingjiang people what water is to fish.From another perspective, due to bamboos Artistic value, they are always regarded as symbols of constancy. Because of their long history, bamboo crafts often referred to as folk art treasure. Last but no least, people often attach great importance to bamboo products as they are of great environmental value, raising peoples awareness of environmental protection.Nowadays, it is our responsibility to take measures to protect bamboos. Only in this way will we create a more harmonious and beautiful Jingjiang.Notes to the passage:A. Words to know:1. perspective pspektiv n 看法,观点2. attachtt 附加(+to)3. harmonious h:munis 调和的;和谐的;协调的B. Sentences to understand:1. After the foundation of new China, there has been a boom in the development of Jingjiang bamboo, especially in 1960s.新中国成立以来,竹林迅猛发展,尤其是六七十年代。 There has been a boom in 迅猛发展2. In an effort to make everything run smoothly, craftsman often take many factors into consideration。为了让一切进行顺利,工匠必须把很多因素考虑在内。 In an effort to do 为了;take into consideration 把考虑在内3. This is a simple procedure, but one which is hard to operate.这是一个简单步骤,但却是一个很难操作的步骤。4. As people are becoming more conscious of the importance of sustainable development, bamboos are becoming increasingly popular.随着人们越来越意识到可持续发展的重要性,竹子也越来越受欢迎。become conscious of 意识到;sustainable development可持续发展Practice:A. Reading comprehension1. Why are bamboos becoming increasingly popular nowadays?B Critical thinkingWhat can we do to promote the development of bamboo?Keys:1. As people are becoming more conscious of the importance of sustainable development, bamboos are becoming increasingly popular.Chapter 8Taizhou Cuisine 泰州美食 (15)14. Old Sauce Chicken 老汁鸡老汁鸡诞生于靖江古镇季市的老汁鸡,早在明清时期就已闻名遐迩,上至社会名人雅士富豪贾商,及至百姓人家遇有喜庆吉祥之日,无不烧制老汁鸡款待客人。老汁鸡醒料很精,得来不易。须用上芝麻油、菜油、猪油配以香料成汁,然后飞禽走兽入汁烧煮,取其野味、鲜味。老汁鸡水份很少,烧老汁鸡的时候,把鸡洗净淋于后下锅,用文火慢慢焖,因为上面是一层油,看似不冒烟,实则很烫,靠着油温慢慢就焖烂了。老鸡的特点是既看且酥。既有鸡的原味,又有其它各种说不出来的杂味,在季市,每家宴请亲朋好友之时,老汁鸡是必上的菜肴,它象征主人的富足,表达主家的热情。Dating back to the Qing Dynasty, the old sauce chicken is famous throughout the country. Its said that many people regardless of rich or poor would cook it when having happy events in the past. Old sauce chicken is famous for its particular original sauce which mix the original taste of chicken with other unknown taste. As far as Im concerned, it is no easy job to make the old juice chicken. Before cooking chicken, we should clean and dry it out. Then put it into the pot with the particular sauce in it. As a result of a thick layer of oil covering the chicken, it seems not very steaming. But in fact its going softer and softer. The feature of old sauce chicken is fragrant as well as crisp, which appeals to most peoples taste. At present, the development of old sauce chicken also keeps pace with times.People design exquisite packaging and produce a considerable number of old sauce chickens every year. The intelligent people in Jishi have registered themselves with the related authorities. Whats more, theyre getting down to studying vacuum packaging and industrial production. Its expected that old sauce chicken can be sent to other cities and more and more people can have a chance to taste it. I believe, the unique taste will attract various people!Maybe you are worrying about whether it will be tasteless when cold, but its unnecessary! The old sauce chicken is delicious not only when hot but also when cold. Believe it or not, many people like enjoying it when cold because of its special taste different from the hot ones. As an old saying goes, “Its a delight to have friends coming afar” when friends come, the cordial people in Jishi will dedicate tasty Laozhi to you. Though theres no other special delicacies, the old sauce chicken expresses our deep feelings to our hometown. Whats more, it has been income to Jingjiang Famous recipes.Although in such a society with fast development, more and more traditional culture are dying away, the young people in Jishi are willing to inherit the handicraft of cooking old sauce chicken. Therere plenty of old sauce chicken workshops in Jishi and most proprietors are more than 60 years old. They often take the problem of inheriting traditional skills into consideration, but to their delight, their children are interested in learning the skill. At present, there are over 20 restaurants in Jingjiang which are known for old sauce chicken. Please come to my hometown and we will treat you to the delicious old sauce chickens.Notes to the passage:A. Words to know:1.sauce s:s 调味汁,酱汁2.fragrant freigrnt 香喷喷的3.crisp krisp 脆的,酥的,松脆的4. exquisiteekskwizit精美的;精致的;制作精良的5. afar f: 在远方;从远方;遥远地6. cordial k:djl热忱的,友好的;衷心的;真挚的7. delicacydeliksi 美味,佳肴C8. inherit inherit 继承(传统、遗产等)B. Sentences to understand:1. At present, the development of old sauce chicken also keeps pace with times.目前,老汁鸡的发展也与时俱进。 keep pace with 跟上步伐2. Believe it or not。信不信由你。3. As an old saying goes 常言道Practice:A. Reading comprehension1. Why are old sauce chickens so tasty?B Critical thinkingCan you try making an old sauce chicken?Keys:1. It is famous for its special sauce and it is very fragrant and crisp.Chapter 5Feitivals and Customs 节日与风俗(6)4. Gushan Temple Fair 孤山庙会孤山位于靖江,它虽然与其它名山相比显得微不足道,但它也有自己独特的风景。孤山的庙会十分精彩,它有悠久的历史。孤山庙会上可谓是人山人海,水泄不通,在庙会上还有许多商品,各种各样的玩具、书籍、食物等等让你目不暇接,如果你有幸赶上庙会,你一定会对它有深刻的印象。Located in JingJiang, Gu shan is the only hill in JingJiang. Compared with older well-known hills, it is not famous but has its unique view. There are many interesting things in Gushan, one of which is Gushan Traditional Temple Fairs.Dating from long time ago, Gushan was an independent island on the sea over time. It has became small hill which is fanons for its beautiful view and Gushan Temple Fairs. People in JingjJiang will be excited when Gushan Traditional Temple Fairs comes. Thousands of people from neighborhood gather together to celebrate the special festival by taking part in a variety of tradition activities during the Temple Fairs.There is a saying that goes “Climbing the hill on March 3rd”. So it is on March 3rd lunar calendar every year that the traditional Temple Fairs is held. Climbing the hill on that day will become the first choice for the people who come here, hoping that they can keep healthy in the following days. Hiking on the hill, they will see many trees grow on the hill, where they can breathe in fresh air and relax themselves. If people feel tired, they can sit on the steps and have a rest by enjoying the beautiful view or drinking some soft drinks. After reaching the top of the hill, people will see an impressive temple, Which is the famous temple of Gushan. In the past, Gushan Temple was destroyed because of historical some reasons. In 1993, Monk Mingxu, the famous monk in Gusan Temple, returned to Jingjiang, With the help of local government, Gushan Temple is under reconstruction. Since it was reconstructed, it has become more and more famous. Lots of people donate money to Gushan Temple to pray to the Buddha for peace and safety. They have many beautiful wishes. For example: they hope the New Year will bring them and their familyevery happiness, good health and continued success. Filled with the happy feelings they go back.Activities at the foot of the hill are quite different from what happen on the top of the hill. With so many people gathering together, vendors will not give up the chance to make their fortunes. The competition is so fierce that all the vendors have to attract peoples attention to the best of their ability. The street is bustling with noise and excitement so that you can enjoy yourselves there. The superb collection of beautiful things the vendors offer will certainly cater to your needs. So if you have the opportunity to my hometownJingjiang, remember not to miss the interesting traditional Temple Fairs, which will be bound to leave you a deep impression.Notes to the passage:A. Words to know:1. impressive impresiv 予人深刻印象的;感人的;令人钦佩的2. historical hist:rikl 有关历史的,基于史实的3. superb sjup:b 极好的4. vendorsvend 小贩B. Sentences to understand:1. There is a saying that goes “Climbing the hill on March 3rd”俗话说,“三月三, 上孤山。”There is a saying that goes 俗话说2. Climbing the hill on that day will become the first choice for the people who come here, hoping that they can keep healthy in the following days.来到孤山,人们的首选就是爬山,以希望能够身体健康。 3. The competition is so fierce that all the vendors have to attract peoples attention to the best of their ability. 竞争如此激烈,以致于小贩们都竭尽所能吸引人们的注意力。 to the best of ones ability尽力Practice:A. Reading comprehension1. What is the first choice for people coming to the Temple Fair?B Critical thinkingMake a research and report to your classmates about other interesting festivals.Keys:1. Climbing the hill on that day will become the first choice for the people who come here, hoping that they can keep healthy in the following days.Chapter 7Tales and Legends 故事与传说 (20)White Horse Pack Sand 白马驮沙 靖江,位于中国最富庶的经济发展区长江三角洲。而近年来被越来越多的中外客商青睐和关注,成为长江“龙颈”上的一颗璀璨明珠。“白马驮沙”正位于靖江,它原是长江之中一沙洲,“孤立涛浪中”,后经江沙不断堆积,逐渐与北岸相连。因传说三国赤乌年间,有“白马负土入江而成此洲”。“白马驮沙”又名“马驮沙”。 Its said that when in the Three Kingdoms Period, the Hill Gu in Jingjiang was still in the Yangtze River. There was a temple with a number of monks, whose Presbyterian was named MaLiang. At that time, there were many horses fed in the temple. A mare horse gave birth to a quadriplegic horse, which became a Buddhist ominous thing. One day, Maliang went to visit his teacher. Before his going, he told one of the monks that if anybody wanted to buy the quadriplegic horse, then just sell it, but should never throw it away. Not long after his leaving, a businessman went to the temple. When shown around the hill, he suddenly saw the quadriplegic horse and thought it was a horse in hundred definitely. He rushed into the temple and hurried to ask about the situation of the horse and decided to pay a large sum of money without hesitation. Unfortunately, he didnt have as much money as he promised to pay for the little horse, so he just paid part of the money and made sure that he would pay the rest soon. The monks were all surprised, for he didnt buy the horse that the public thought good, but bought the quadriplegic horse and even paid such a large sum of money. They all laughed at him behind his back, thinking he was mad. Several days later, Maliang came back from his teachers. When he heard this, he was shocked and didnt believe such a quadriplegic horse was worth such a large sum of money. As he was also afraid the businessman would regret, he invited some carpenters to make a wooden stand to let the horse walk. When the businessman saw this, he stopped them and let many people carry a stone of an extremely heavy weight to pressure on the horse. To everybodys surprise, the quadriplegic horse stood up with the heavy stone. One of the monks asked the businessman what medicine the horse had taken, but the businessman laughed, “No medicine! Its always a one and only horse, but just you guys all never know!” He went on to say, “Not only can it run on the land, but it can also run on the water without being flooded with the water and even can fly in the sky.” At the same time, he let the horse give a presentation. What he did caused Maliangs greed .He thought if he could ride on the horse alone in the sky or over the sea, how wonderful it would be! Maliang said to the businessman, “Im sorry, maybe we cant sell this horse to you, for in fact I went to visit my teacher, and you know the horse belongs to me, so the monks have no right to sell it to you without my permission.” The businessman was angry, and he asked them to give back his money. Unfortunately, all the monks, including Maliang didnt know the secret of the horse: Only when the things on the horse are heavy enough will the house be willing to stand up; without the four hairs on its legs, even if theres enough weight, it can neither run on the water nor fly in the sky. Before the businessman left the hill, he pulled the special hairs away when the people didnt look out. Then, when Maliang rode the horse over the Yangtze River, the horse drowned in with Maliang who rode on it. And after that, they turned into a stone standing upright in the centre of the Yangtze River, holding up the sand. Long after, the sand accumulated more and more, and a beach came into being. Since then, people named the beach “White Horse Pack Sand”.江苏省斜桥中学 高二(5) 宋徐君Notes to the passage:A. Words to know:1. monk mk n.僧侣2. ominous mins adj.不吉利的,不祥


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