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International Trade LawShujuan W13725978599课课 程程 目目 标标 掌握国际贸易法的掌握国际贸易法的实体法实体法规定规定 理解国贸纠纷解决的理解国贸纠纷解决的程序程序法法,尤其是仲,尤其是仲裁和诉讼裁和诉讼 了解相关法律文书写作了解相关法律文书写作 了解了解WTOWTO的相关规定的相关规定培养解决案件的实务能力培养解决案件的实务能力课程安排 绪论绪论 第第1章章 国际贸易合同法国际贸易合同法 第第2章章 国际贸易货物运输法国际贸易货物运输法 第第3章章 国际贸易货物运输保险法国际贸易货物运输保险法 第第4章章 国际贸易争议的解决国际贸易争议的解决 模拟仲裁模拟仲裁 真实案件讨论真实案件讨论 复习复习学学 习习 方方 法法 结合法条学习结合法条学习 结合案例学习结合案例学习 结合实务,总结经验教训结合实务,总结经验教训作业作业:查询查询 联合国国际货物销售合同公约联合国国际货物销售合同公约 中国合同法中国合同法 海牙规则海牙规则 中国海商法中国海商法 中国保险法中国保险法 参参 考考 文文 献献 理论:理论:国际贸易法专题研究国际贸易法专题研究.张丽英张丽英.法律出版社法律出版社国际贸易法国际贸易法.左海聪左海聪.法律出版社法律出版社国际贸易法研究国际贸易法研究.沈木珠沈木珠.法律出版社法律出版社经济法问题专论经济法问题专论.余劲松余劲松.武大出版社武大出版社 实务:实务:外贸法律实务外贸法律实务.王中王中.对外经贸大学出版社对外经贸大学出版社研究型网站 外文外文国际商事交易国际商事交易International Business TransactionsInternational Business Transactions(第(第7 7版)版)(美)弗尔瑟姆、戈登(美)弗尔瑟姆、戈登,法律出版社法律出版社国际商法国际商法,(美)(美)DiMatteo L.A.DiMatteo L.A.,北大出版社北大出版社The Law of International Business Transactions by The Law of International Business Transactions by Larry A.DiMatteo,Larry A.DiMatteo,北京大学出版社北京大学出版社国际贸易法,王传丽,人大出版社国际贸易法,王传丽,人大出版社 Lets begin Chapter 1 General Introduction1.What Is ITL?2.History of ITL.3.Sources of ITL.4.Subjects of ITL.ITL is a general term for a series of laws and rules regulating the trading relations and other relative relations between countries,international organizations and certain specific areas.1.1 What Is International Trade Law?1.2 The History of ITL 1.Stage of Sprouting(18th B.C-11c)2.Forming Stage(11c-15c)3.Nationalization Stage(15c-2nd world war)4.Internationalization Stage(2nd world war-Now)1.2 The History of ITL 1.Stage of Sprouting(18th B.C-11c)1.2 The History of ITL 2.Forming Stage(11c-15c)1.2 The History of ITL 3.Nationalization Stage(15c-2nd world war)1.2 The History of ITLThe characteristics of the law merchant:The characteristics of the law merchant:(1)Internationalism.1)Internationalism.(2(2)Spontaneity)Spontaneity(3)Self-governing(3)Self-governing1.2 The History of ITL 4.Internationalization Stage(2nd world war-Now)1.3 Sources of International Trade Law1.International Conventions(1)Definition:“International convention”means“an international agreement concluded among States in written form and governed by international law.”All those about international trade are included,for example,postal service or copyright.1.3 Sources of International Trade Law1.International Conventions(2)Effect:To the contracting states,the international convention in force is bounding,unless she had make declaration when signing the convention.To the natural persons4 and business in the contracting states,convention are binding unless they exclude its application5.1.3 Sources of International Trade Law 1.International Conventions l l How to exclude?A:exclude the application of the convention in the contract directly.“CISG is not applied in the contract.”B:stipulate in the contract that the contract use other law.“the contract is subject to the Contract Law of the Peoples Republic of China.”1.3 Sources of International Trade Law1.International Conventions(3)Examples of ConventionsCISGthe Hague Rulesthe Paris ConventionWTOs DSUthe New York Convention.1.3 Sources of International Trade Law2.International Commercial Custom(1)Definition:International Commercial Custom is a practice or practices that is recognized as law and generally adopted through unvarying habit and common use.1.3 Sources of International Trade Law2.International Commercial Custom(2)Characteristics of international commercial custom:Custom is from the practices,while convention is from the agreement of the contracting state2.The effect of custom is not binding unless stipulated expressly.Custom has the force of law while usage has not.1 常例常例 2 缔约国缔约国1.3 Sources of International2.International Commercial Custom(3)Effect:not binding unless stipulated expressly.For example,“The contract is subject to Incoterms 2000.”1.3 Sources of International2.International Commercial Custom(4)Examplesthe Warsaw-Oxford Rules1 by the ICC2 in 1932The Incoterms 2000 1 华沙华沙-牛津规则牛津规则 2 国际商会国际商会 3 国际贸易术语解释通则国际贸易术语解释通则1.3 Sources of International3.The National laws 4.International Model Law 1.3 Sources of International5.The Application Order of the Legal Forms Case:A Chinese company sold 10 tons of beans to an US.company at USD 120 per ton FOB Shanghai.The goods was damaged during transportation.The buyer knew about the accident and was not willing to pay.So the seller sued the buyer in a Chinese court.1.3 Sources of International1st,law or custom stipulated1 in the contract.11 列出的列出的2nd,treaties,which the states that the parties are in respectively have signed.3rd,the relevant national law 4th,the commercial customs.This is very important!1.4 Subjects of ITL 1.Natural Man 2.Legal Persons 3.International Organization 4.States 1.4 Subjects of ITL 1.Natural Man What is a natural man?Why it is important to learn?Natural man must have the civil capacity of right1 and the capacity for civil conduct2 when his is doing business.1 民事权利能力2 民事行为能力1.4 Subjects of ITL 1 Natural Man Case:A debtor1 is an Englishman and signed a draft2 in China and the place of payment is in France.According to the law of United Kingdom,the debtor had no capacity for civil conduct.Later on,the bearer of the draft3 disagreed with the debtor on the validity of the draft and submitted the case to the Chinese court.1 债务人2 汇票3 持票人1.4 Subjects of ITL 2 Legal Persons A legal persons capacity for civil rights and capacity for civil conduct shall begin when the legal person is established and shall end when the legal person terminates.1.4 Subjects of ITL 3.International Organization Three elements:a)Intergovernmental organization established by nations;b)Based on the convention concluded by nations;c)Has its own legal personality distinguished from that of member states1.4 Subjects of ITL 4.States special subject Sovereign Immunity the doctrine of Absolute State Immunity1 1 国家主权绝对豁免论 the doctrine of Restrictive Immunity2 2 国家主权相对豁免论1.4 Subjects of ITL 4.States Case:In 1975,the government of Nigeria singed contracts with some eighty supplier for the purchase of 20 billion tons of concrete.The term of payment is by letter of credit.As the quantity is very large,the ports of the Nigeria are blocked up.In July of the same year,coup happened.The new government ordered that the import of the concrete must be stopped and the money should not be paid.Of the suppliers,four U.S.companies sued the government of Nigeria.


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