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初三英语教案初三英语教案导语:初三英语教案怎么设计呢?快来看看吧!以下是品才网小编整理的初三英语教案汇总,欢迎阅读参考。A doctor for animals教学目标1.掌握且能运用有关询问某人身体状况的日常用语,能述说健康状况以及谈论病情和给出建议或要求的日常交际用语。2.掌握本单元的词汇和习惯用语,特别是短语 make upones mind,as if,at least 等的用法。3.进一步学习动词不定式,学习用 it 来充当形式主语的用法,有时还用 it 来充当形式宾语,而真正的主语或宾语后置句末。如:I found it difficult to learn Englishwell.4.认真学习”The man who loved dogs”和”Cody savesthe baby”,体会人与动物自然、友好相处的和谐。本单元词汇、短语及习惯用语一、本单元所出现的词组和短语make up ones mind下决心regardas 把当作;当作as if好像at sea在大海上just as正象;恰与相同mobile phone可移动电话half an hour半小时at all根本;全然at least至少;起码a doctor for animals兽医wag its tail,or put its ears straight up摇尾巴或把耳朵竖起来To help animals is helping people.帮助动物就是帮助人类。make sb.do sth.使某人做某事find something about him on the internet在网上找到有关他的资料a pet dog named Don一条被叫做 Don 的爱犬no matter不管before long不久work on从事于工作be on the safe side万无一失to speak well of everyone说别人好话to complain too often报怨太多二、交际用语和句型交际用语表 示 肯 定 和 不 肯 定Expressing certainty anduncertaintyWe can find.我们能找到。喜好和厌恶 Like and dislikesI like.我喜欢。I really love.我真的喜欢。I like to work with.我喜欢和工作。Do you like being?你愿意成为吗?请 求 允 许 和 应 答Askingforpermissionandresponses Can I ask you some questions?我能问您一些问题吗?Sure.当然可以。主要句型a.陈述句It is interesting to play with pets.和宠物玩是有趣的。To do the job well is not easy.做好这项工作是不容易的。Its better to give than to receive.奉献总比索取好。To make a mistake is human.犯错误是人之常情。b.疑问句Is it easy to heal children?给孩子治病容易吗?But isnt it more important to help people thananimals?但是难到帮助人类不比帮助动物更重要吗?c.否定句It is not easy to learn maths well.学好数学是不容易的。教学建议(一)教材内容分析本单元主要学习询问身体健康状况、谈论身体状况以及对身体健康方面的一些忠告或建议、要求等的日常交际用语,还学习了一些常用语及部分同义或近义词的用法。在学习对话的同时,复习归纳了现在完成时时态,强调现在完成时态不能使用过去的时间状语。进一步学习了动词不定式,学习用 it 来充当形式主语的用法。通过对课文 The man wholoved dogs 和 Cody saves the baby 的学习,来体会人与动物友好相处的和谐。同时要掌握本单元的短语和习惯用语。关于阅读训练的教学建议第 15 单元第 58 课与 60 课都是以叙事的方式,讲述关于狗的故事。The man who loved dogs讲述的是JamesHerriot 做为兽医的艰苦历程和他对职业的奉献精神。Codysaves the baby 讲述的是一只狗在地震时救了小主人的经过。两篇文章内容除了一些生词外,没有出现较难的语法项目。对于这样的语篇,可以通过教学设计,提高学生的阅读技巧和阅读速度。并在课堂练习或课后练习时,再阅读其他小短文,演练一下所学的方法,进而达到学会读大意,抓主题的快速阅读的目的。让学生先对生词和短语进行熟悉,先看课后的习题或相关练习。再开始在限定的时间内通读全文,找出答案。再读课文,将事件的经过用几句话总结一下。并找几个同学试着复述课文,经过几次复述,对课文有个整体的掌握。教师应在此时引导学生注意阅读技巧,让学生反思有哪些问题可以通过改变阅读方式来解决。每篇文章都有重要的主题句,和一条或几条线索,抓住了主线,其他的内容都是作为辅助和注解出现的。根据此种阅读方法,提供另外篇阅读短文,进行课堂练习。dolphinLong ago,dogs and horses were tamed to become manshelpersonland.Todaysomepeoplebelievethatdolphins may become mans helpers in the seaProofthat a dolphin can be trained to assist man appearedin 1965.TheNavy used the services of a seven-footdolphin,Tuffy.TuffyworkedwithdiversattheNavysMan-in-the-Sea station off the coast of California.Heacted as messenger to a ten-man team whose underwaterhome was Sealab II,205 feet deep.Wearing a plastic harness,Tuffy carried lettersin a waterproof tube.He also carried tools for theundersea workers.Tuffy learned to answer calls forhelp.Pretending to be lost,an aquanautwould sound a buzzer.Another aquanaut would fastenone end of a line to Tuffys harness.Tuffy would speedto the rescue.More and more,it seems likely that old tales ofdolphins willingness to help man are closer to truththan to fiction.1.The land animals dolphins are compared to areA.oxen and horses B.dogs and catsC.dogs and horses D.None of the above2.The name of the trained dolphin wasA.Toughy B.Tuffy C.Tufty D.None of the above3.The services of the dolphin were used by theA.Government of California B.ArmyC.Navy D.Scripps Institution of Oceanography4.The article does not say thatA.the station was named Sealab II B.the stationsdepth was 205 feetC.ten men were in the underwater team D.the menspent fifteen days at the station5.For all his chores,the dolphinA.wore a plastic harness B.carried a waterprooftubeC.carried a line D.carried tools6.The signal for the dolphins rescue chore wasaA.shout B.bell C.buzzer D.whistle7.The purpose of the line the dolphin took was toA.save the aquanaut from drowning B.lead theaquanaut back to the othersC.help the aquanaut to guide the dolphin D.carrya light to the aquanaut8.The author suggests that this modern examplemakes old tales about dolphins seem、A.more truth than fiction B.more fiction thantruthC.half truth and half fiction D.entirely fiction参考答案:1.C 2.B 3.C 4.D 5.A 6.C 7.B 8.ASwallows简介(1)本文简单介绍了燕子的生活习性。(2)对小动物的介绍一般都是从细节到它的生活习性。Therearedifferentkindsofswallows.Someswallows make their homes in the sand;others buildtheir nests under the roofs.They make their nests ofearth and grass.It takes them several days to build a nest.Theyhave to work in the early morning.The swallow lays fiveor six eggs at a time.The mother bird sits on them,and the father bird watches by her side and gives somefood to her.You must not think that when swallows fly over yourhead,they arent working.No!Life is work to them.The young swallows eat a lot and they are busy catchingthe insects for them.So they have to work from earlymorning till late at night.At last the young birds canfly well,but the old ones cant rest.They began tothink about their second family,for they have twobroods every season.When the second brood can fly,too,its time tothink about going to the warmer countries,and whenspring comes,theyll return.1.注解(1)swallow n.燕子(2)nest n.巢(3)roof n.屋顶(4)lay v.产(卵)(5)insect n.昆虫(6)brood n.一窝所孵的幼雏2.思考题(1)Can you see swallows easily now?Why?(2)In what way can we protect(保护)this kind ofanimal?教学建议(二)关于写作训练的教学建议本单元第 60 课的第 4 项是写作训练。主要是叙述父母的职业。根据本单元关于动物的主题,这里建议写作内容可选择以动物为主题。动物是人类的朋友,我们应当爱惜它们。人与动物和平相处,世界会变得更加美好。由于近几年保护动物的呼声日益高涨,各国各地区分别开辟和划分大片土地作为野生动物园,从此,野生动物有了属于自己的家园,动物的数量和种类都相应增加。为了便于人们观赏海洋动物,了解海底世界,海洋馆也应运而生。请就此题材写一篇短文,描写你参观海洋馆的情况,及个人对此的感受。此篇短文类似于游记,要求写出时间、地点、人物、事件、经过和观后感受。应按照时间的先后顺序写,内容要详略得当,突出重点,特别是在“人与自然”这方面应有所体现,尽力表达人与动物和平共处的和谐之美,使读者有身临其境之感,引起共鸣。A visit to the world under the seaHave you ever been to the world under the sea?Ihave been there once.It was a sunny morning.I with my father went thereon a bus.It was a little far from my home.It took usabout two hours to get there.After getting the tickets,we went in.First,we went into a large hall.There I saw a pondwith several dolphins.We were told that there wouldbe a performance in ten minutes,so we found a good placefor watching.Soon a beautiful girl came out and theperformance began.The dolphins performed very well andall the people there watched carefully and such wordsas Wonderful,Great,Good,Cool could be heard againand again.Then,we came to the touching pool.There were somesmall fish in it and visitors could touched them withtheirhandssoftly.Andthegirlworkingthereexplained their names to us.It was not easy to touchthem in my life,so I played there for a long time.It was very interesting.At last,when it was nearly the lunch time,it wasthe time for another performance of all kinds of fishand a diver.At this time many fish came here for theirlunch and the diver gave them their food.The diver wasa young beautiful girl and she said Hello to us withher hands.It was difficult for her to feed the fishbecause some of them were dangerous,especially sharks.I was worried about her all the time,but the girl didit easily and well.We could see that she had becomea good friend of sharks and many other animals.We feltvery excited and thanked her a lot.It was a good visit and it was a good lesson forme,too.People and animals are good friends and weshould live together well.I should learn from the girlfeeling fish.Nothing is too difficult if we put ourhearts into it.If we have a great goal,we should tryto do it well and we will be the winners.本文符合游记的要求,时间、地点、人物、事件及其先后顺序和教益都交代的很好,特别是“人鲨共舞”场面的描写很精彩,充分体现了“人与自然和谐相处”这一主题思想,读后能使人引起共鸣,达到了教育的目的。第 57 与 59 课对话及不定式做主语的教学建议57 课是以为狗看病为话题的对话,从一对父子的谈话中,可以看出作为兽医的父亲对自己的职业的热爱,以及对动物与人之间关系的理解。并引出了不定式作主语的用法。59 课是母子谈论医生这一职业的对话,引出了 it 作为形式主语的不定式结构。建议这两课的教学过程有机结合,巧妙地安排授课时间,完成这部分内容的学习。先让同学们对这两课内容一起预习,主要是熟悉生词和语法。上课时,围绕着职业的谈论展开,引出相关的教材内容,再反复练习不定式作主语的句型。可以先引导谈论他们将来想选择的职业,提出问题:What kinds of jobs do you know?What would you like to be in the future?What are your parents job?Do your parents like their job?Why or why not?在适当的情况下提示学生一些职业的说法。对有些职业的名称可参考下文提供的关于职业的英语词汇。然后让学生熟悉对话的内容,如通过放录音、看影片、或阅读教材来实现。再进一步对不定式作主语的句子进行分析:To be a doctor for animals is very rewarding.To help animals is helping people.To do what the doctor tells you is important.可以将以上两句与下句进行比较,突出不定式是怎样作为主语出现的:To many people,a pet is like one of the family.可将学生分成两组做练习。给 A 组一些单词,如:easy,hard,dangerous,necessary,important,difficult,useful,clever,meaningful,interesting,happy,sad,给 B 组一些不定式短语,如:to help animalto go swimmingto do shoppingto drink waterto kill a birdto find a lost bookto climb the hillto travel by air让 B 组的同学读出不定式短语,A 组同学在限定的时间内选择形容词连成句,如:Its meaningful to help animal.Its interesting to go swimming.Its necessary to drink water.Its difficult to find a lost book.只要回答的合情合理就可以过关,如果 A 组的同学都不过关,两组交换位置,让 B 组的同学来回答。注意学生们的发音及句子的叙述要完整。关于职业的英语词汇actor 男演员actress 女演员singer 歌手dancer 舞蹈家musician 音乐家pianist 钢琴家painter 画家,油漆匠teacher 教师professor 教授headmaster 中小学校长headmistress 中小学女校长headteacher 校长director 导演editor 编者writer 作家reporter 记者announcer 广播员journalist 杂志记者worker 工人farmer 农夫fisherman 渔夫chemist 化学家,药剂师engineer 工程师explorer 探险家researcher 研究员doctor 医生,博士nurse 护士surgeon 外科医生sailor 水手seaman 船员pilot 飞行员,领航员astronaut 宇航员driver 驾驶员athlete 运动员policeman 警察detective 侦探judge 法官lawyer 律师attorney 律师cook 厨子,厨师baker 面包师waiter 侍者waitress 女服务生butcher 屠夫clerk 办事员typist 打字员secretary 秘书salesman 售货员,推销员shopkeeper 零售商,店主bookseller 书商tailor 裁缝soldier 军人postman 邮差mailman 邮差firefighter 消防人员conductor 乘务员librarian 图书管理员baby-sitter 保姆apprentice 学徒工artisan 工匠craftsman 工匠specialist 专家employer 雇主,老板receptionist 接待员operator 电话接线员interpreter 翻译photographer 摄影师playwright 剧作家linguist 语言学家botanist 植物学家economist 经济学家chemist 化学家scientist 科学家philosopher 哲学家politician 政治学家physicist 物理学家archaeologist 考古学家geologist 地质学家mathematician 数学家biologist 生物学家zoologist 动物学家statistician 统计学家physiologist 生理学家futurologist 未来学家artist 艺术家composer 作曲家designer 设计家sculptor 雕刻家designer 服装设计师model 模特poet 诗人merchant 商人stewardess 空中小姐porter 行李夫architect 建筑师druggist 药剂师chemist 药剂师guide 导游dentist 牙科医生supervisor 监工教学建议(三)第 57 课重点例句及相关知识的分析1.Do you like being a doctor for animals?您喜欢当兽医吗?句中的 being 可以用 to be 的形式表示。如:I like to be an English teacher.我喜欢当一名英语教师。句中 a doctor for an animals 可以用 an animal doctor的形式表示。如:He is a famous animal doctor from England.他是来自英国的著名兽医。2.To be a doctor for animals is very rewarding.当兽医很值得。句中 rewarding 是形容词,意思是“有报酬的;有用的;有益的”。如:You will find this book very rewarding.你将发现这本书是非常有益的。3.But isnt it more important to help people thananimals?难道不是帮助人比帮助动物更重要吗?(l)本句是否定疑问句结构。这时或是表示惊异的情绪,或是有点责难的口吻。有时还表示一种赞叹,(这时用降调)。例如:I posted the letter last Monday.Havent you gotit?那封信我上星期一就寄出了,难道你没有收到吗?(表示惊异)Didnt you do your homework yesterday?难道你昨天没有做作业吗?(责难)(2)回答这类问句时。肯定答语用“Yes+肯定结构”,否定结构用“No+否定结构”。这与汉语习惯不同,要特别注意。例如:“Havent you written to Jack?”“Yes,I have.”“你没给杰克写信吗?”“不,我写了。”“Didnt you tell her about the matter?”“No,I didnt.”“你没告诉她那件事吗?”“是的,没告诉她。”4.To help animals is helping people.帮助动物就是帮助人类。句中 helping 是现在分词作定语,修饰 people。分词有两种,一种是现在分词,一种是过去分词。这两种分词在句子中能担任的成分大体相同,主要是在意思上有主动和被动之分。现在分词一般有主动的意思,过去分词一般有被动的意思,有时表示的时间也不相同。试看两种分词的主要差别。如:He is a promising young man.他是一个很有培养前途的青年。This is a pressing problem.这是个紧急问题。He is an interesting man.他是个有趣的人。Hes very interested in the man.他对那个男人非常感兴趣。The news is exciting.这消息很激动人心。We were excited to hear it.听了这事我们很激动。5.So a pet can help a person feel less lonely.因此宠物可以使人较少感到孤独。lonely 与 alone 的意思比较接近,但在使用时有所区别:lonely 用作形容词,意思是“孤单的;寂寞的”。可指心灵上的寂寞,也可指偏僻的地点。在句中既可作表语,也可作定语。alone 可作形容词和副词,意思是“单独;独自”,不指心理上寂寞的感觉。例:feel lonely();a lonely traveller()be alone();a alone house()She was taken to a lonely island,lived alone,butshe never felt lonely.她被带到一个荒岛上,自己居住,但她从不感到寂寞。第 58 课重点例句及相关知识的分析1.There is a famous animal doctor from England whowrote many books about animals.一位英国著名兽医,他写了许多关于动物方面的书。句中 from England 介词短语做定语,和 who wrote manybooks about animals 从句做定语同时修饰 doctor。2.He grew up with a pet dog named Don.他与被叫Don 的爱犬一起长大。句中 named 是过去分词做定语,修饰 dog。named 相当于 called 或 with the name,意思是“被叫做”The boy called John is my classmate.=The boy namedJohn is my classmate.=The boy with the name John is my classmate.叫约翰的那个男孩是我的同学。3.He made up his mind to be a vet.他下定决心要成为一名兽医。make up ones mind 是“下定决心”的意思,其后常接不定式。ones 必须和其相应的主语保持一致。如果主语为复数,mind 也要用复数形式。如:(1)Ive made up my mind.我已决定了。(2)He needs someone to make up his mind for him.他需要别人替他作决定。(3)The students in Class 1 all made their minds tostudy hard.一班的全体同学都下定了决心要努力学习。4.Before long,Herriot noticed that people in thecountry also had dogs as pets.不久以后,赫里奥特注意到这儿乡下的人们也把狗当作宠物。句中 before long 作“不久以后”讲,切不要按字面译为“长时间以前”或“好久以前”。如:We hope to finish our experiment before long.我们希望不久(以后)就把实验做完。long before 作“很久以前”讲。原意为“以前很久”,故也可译为“老早”。long before 跟 before long 不同,前者在其后面可以接名词或一个从句;当上下文明确时,名词或从句还可以省略。Before long 则没有上述搭配用法。They began the test yesterday,but we had madeexperiment long before.我们昨天开始做实验,但我们在那以前很久就已经做准备了。5.They regarded their pets as members of theirfamilies.他们把宠物视为家庭成员。句中 regard as 意思是“将视为”。如:I regard him as my brother.我将他当成我的兄弟。He is regarded as the best doctor in town.他被视为是城内最好的医生了。6.They would go with him in his car every day ashe went to the farms to heal sick animals.当他到农场给生病的动物看病时,这两条狗都坐车跟着他。句中 as 是连词,意思是“当的时候,一面一面”,(强调同时,一般连续时间不长),如:As we were talking about Titanic,our teacher camein.正当我们谈论“泰坦尼克号”这部电影时,教师进来了。The students sing as they go along.学生们边走边唱。When、while 和 as 一样都是连词,注意它们的不同。如when“当的时候”(一般表示动作紧接着发生);“那时”(等立连词,前有逗号分开)I stayed till sunset,when it began to rain.我一直呆到太阳下山,那时天开始下雨了。while 是“当时候;和同时”(强调同时发生,一般连续时间较长)While I was watching TV,he was reading.当我在看电视的时候,他正在看书。While there is life,there is hope.有生命就有希望。7.Later in his life,James Herriot wrote a lotabout his experience as a country vet in Yorkshine,England.在赫瑞尔的晚年,他根据在英国约克郡当乡村兽医时的经验写下许多著作。句中的 as 是介词,意思是“作为,当作”。如:I have come here as a journalist.我是以记者身份到这里来的。As a student,you must study hard for the people.作为一名学生,你必须努力为人民而学习。8.No matter how much he loved all kinds of animals,he loved dogs the best.不管他多么喜欢各种各样的动物,他还是最喜欢狗的。句中 no matter 作连词用,意思是“不管”。如:No matter how hot it is!不管多么热。Dont trust him,no matter what he says or does.他不管说什么,做什么,都不要信任他。Dont trust him,no matter what he says.不管他说什么,你都不要信任他。Dont believe the rumour,no matter who repeatsit.不论是谁说的,都不要相信这谣言。No matter where she is,I must find her.不论她在哪儿,我都要找到她。第 60 课重点例句及相关知识的分析1.Mrs Parley said she felt as if they were in astorm at sea.帕利太太说她觉得好象是在海上乘船遇到了风暴似的。句中 as if 相当于 as though“仿佛似的”。注意:当主句是一般现在时,as if 从句用一般过去时;当主句是一般过去时,as if 从句用表示过去的相应时态。如:He speaks English as if he were an Englishman.他说起英语来好像一个英国人似的。He acted as if(as though)nothing had happened.他表现得似乎没有发生什么事。She loves the child as if he were here own.她爱这孩子如同爱自己的孩子一样。此外,as if(as though)后可以跟动词不定式。如:She raised her hand as though(as if)to hang thepicture on the wall.她举手象要把这幅画挂在墙上。He raised his hand as though to take off his hat.他举起手来,像要脱帽似的。2.She tried hard to reach the baby s room butthe house broke in two,dropping her to the first floorand leaving the baby s bed hanging in the edge of thetwo-story house.他尽力地到达婴儿房间,但是房子裂成了两半,把她摔到了楼下,而婴儿的小床留在上面,搭在这座二层楼的边缘上,摇摇欲坠。由dropping 和leaving 组成的两个-ing形式短语在句中作伴随情况状语。如:They came into the room laughing and talking.他们说说笑笑地走进屋来。Taking a dictionary,she began to prepare herlessons.她拿了本词典,开始准备功课。3.just as the bed crashed to the firstfloor 与此同时床坠落到了一楼。4.It is true to say a dog is mans best friendor at least Roberts best friend.事实上说狗是人类最好的朋友,起码是罗特的最好的朋友。*句中 it 是形式主语,to say a dog 动词不定式是真实主语。句中 it 作先行代词用。It 在句中充当形式主语或形式宾语,而将真正的和逻辑上的主语或宾语(通常用不定式短语、动名词短语或从句表示)移到后面去。如:It is very important for us to learn English.(it代替不定式 to learn English 做形式主语)我们学习英语是十分重要的。It takes much time to carry out a test.(it 代替不定式 to carry out a test 作形式主语)进行试验是要花费许多时间的。it 作形式宾语:在具有宾语补语的句子里,it 在动词后作直接宾语的先行代词,在宾语补语后面再出现真正的直接宾语(一般以不定式短语、动名词短语表示,但也有用 that引出一个宾语从句)。如:I found it a bit difficult to work in class becauseI kept on thinking about,the match in the afternoon.我发现在课堂上学习有点儿难,因为我一直在想着下午的比赛。We think it useful to learn the computer well.我们认为学好计算机是有用的。*at least 意思是“至少,起码”。如:At least I can give you ten dollars.最少我能给你十美元。at least 的反义词是 at most 意思是“至多”。I can pay only fifty dollars at most.我最多只能付五十美元。语法讲解 The Infinitive动词不定式(三)用作主语To do the job well is not easy.做好这工作不容易。To drive fast is dangerous.开快车是危险的。To learn English well is very important.学好英语是很重要的。在现代英语中,更为普遍的是用 it 来开始一个句子,作形式主语,而把真正的主语动词不定式(或短语)放在后面。例如:Its not easy to learn a foreign language well.学好一门外语不容易。It is necessary to make a plan for this course ofstudy.必须制定一个学习这门课程的计划。Its better to give than to receive.奉献总比索取好。如果要说明不定式表示的动作是谁做的,可以在不定式前加一个 for 引起的短语:It is not hard for one to do a bit of good.对于一个人来说做点好事并不难。在以某些形容词(如:kind,good,nice,clever,wrong,right,foolish,wise,unwise 等)作表语时,不定式前常可加一个 of 引起的短语,来说明不定式指的是谁的情况,如:Its kind of you to think so much of us.你总是想着我们真是太好了。例句:To make a mistake is human.犯错误是人之常情。Its better to be the safe side.万无一失更好。To speak well/ill of everyone 说人好(坏)话To work hard is the key to success.勤奋学习是成功的钥匙。Lesson 57 教学设计示例Properties:Recorder,Overhead ProjectorTeaching Objectives:1.Understand the dialogue.2.Learn some useful structures and phrases.3.Learn the grammar:the Infinitive.Language focus:like being a ,play with,a lotof funTeaching Procedures:I.Showing the teaching aimsII.RevisionRevise the names of animals that could be kept aspets:dog,cat,snake,parrot,rabbit,fish,etc.AskDoes anyone have a pet?wWhat kinds of animals wouldyou like to have as pets?III.Leading inAsk:What do you want to be when you grow up?Letthe students discuss the question.Then give the secondquestion:What do you want to be,a doctor for humansor a doctor for animals?Why?IV.PresentationLook at the picture in Lesson 57.The boy is sittingon the sofa.His father is talking with a dog in hishand.What did they say?Play the tape for the studentsto listen,check the answers with the students.Thenread the dialogue and answer the questions of Exercise1 in the workbook in pairs.Go through the dialogue andexplain some language points.Play the tape for the students to listen and repeat,ask the students to practise.Then let them act out thedialogue in pairs.VI.Free practiceDo an example with one student.Then let the classmake up their own dialogues in pairs.Get them to actout their dialogues.Ask the students to discuss thequestions.Ask:Do you think its more important to help people thananimals?Why?What kinds of jobs do you know?What would you like to be in the future?What are your parents job?Do your parents like their job?Why or why not?VI.PresentationAsk the students to find the Infinitive sentences.1.To be a doctor for animals is very rewarding.2.Tohelp animals is helping people.Ask the students to payattention to the Infinitive.Give them more examplesto understand better.Then go through Part 3.Choosethe possible answer.Let the students master this form:It is adj.+to do something/To do something is+adj.VII.WorkbookDo Exercise 3 in class.Let the students translatethe sentences into Chinese.VII.SummaryExercises in classHave a dictation.1.Do you like being a doctor for animals?be a doctor for animals is very rewarding.3.To help animals is helping people.4.A pet can help a person feel less lonely.5.To play with a pet is a lot of fun.6.To complain too often isnt a good thing.7.To work hard brings success.Open the books check the answers by themselves andcorrect their spelling mistakes.IX.Homework1.Recite the dialogue.2.Pre-read in Lesson 58.Lesson 58 教学设计示例Properties:Recorder,Overhead Projector.Teaching Objectives:1.Understand the text.2.Learn some useful words and expressions.Teaching Procedures:I.Showily the teaching aimsII.RevisionCheck the homework.Then revise the dialogue inLesson 57.Ask the students to act out the dialogue.Study the new words in this lesson.III.Leading inAsk the students this question:There is a famousanimal doctor in England.He wrote many books aboutanimals,whats his name?Let the students read thetext and answer the question.IV.ReadingAsk the students to listen to the tape and answerthe question:Which animal did Herriot like best?Thengo through the questions of Exercise 1 in the workbook.Make sure they can understand them.Ask them to readthe story more carefully and discuss the answers toExercise I in the workbook in pains.Check the answerswith the whole class.De


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