高中英语 Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships-Friendship Section 3 Cultural Corner课件 外研版选修61

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高中英语 Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships-Friendship Section 3 Cultural Corner课件 外研版选修61_第1页
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高中英语 Module 3 Interpersonal Relationships-Friendship Section 3 Cultural Corner课件 外研版选修61_第3页
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Section Cultural Corner,Module 3 Interpersonal RelationshipsFriendship,1,2,课堂巩基础固,课下强化练习,.单词拼写 1. The child was _ with his parents after years of separation. 2. It is a surprise for me to hear that so many _divorce days after they get married. 3. Dont take things _ (属于) to others. 4. The business is owned by several_.,reunited,couples,belonging,partners,5. I had _ (提及) that I didnt really like folk music. 6. I want to tell you from the _ of my heart that I am truly thankful. 7. Thank you for helping me. Dont _ it. 8. They have _ seriously three times but each time they have made up and become best friends again.,mentioned,bottom,mention,quarrelled,9. Our family has a yearly _ (重聚,团聚) 10. Across the street from me there are a _ (几个) of police officers standing guard.,reunion,couple,. 完成句子 1. Being a shy man,he dared not even speak loudly in public,_. 因为害羞,他害怕在公开场合大声讲话,更别提作演讲了。 2. Houses _the government in this town are all being used to accommodate disaster victims. 镇上属于政府的房子现在正在被用来收容灾民。,not to mention making a speech,belonging to/that belong to,3. I love my English teacher _. 我发自内心的喜欢我的英语老师。 4. I didnt hear from my uncle, so I decided _him by telephone. 没有收到我叔叔的来信,我决定和他打电话联系。,from the bottom of my heart,to get in touch with,5. My neighbours_ in time of trouble, _was very kind of them. 过去在我有困难的时候,我的邻居们常常向我伸出援助之手,他们真是太好了。 6. It is_. 要预测谁将胜出是不可能的。,use to give me a hand,which,impossible to predict who will win,. 单句语法填空(不多于3个单词) 1. Is this the reference book _ (mention) by our English teacher? 2. The audience present at the meeting had opinions _ their own. 3. The man slipped and broke his leg. _ a result, he had to be away from work for three months.,mentioned,of,As,4. _ his wifes help, the scientist can finish his study in two months. 5. _ is meaningful for us to take action to protect our earth. 6. _ the end of this month, we surely will have found a satisfactory solution to the problem. 7. Those _dont obey the rules will be punished by law.,With,It,By,who,8. Thanks _ his generous donation, we can rebuild our school. 9. There are many wonderful stories_ people who have found each other again _ Friends Reunited. 10. How do you find old friends _ (use) Friends Reunited?,to,about,through,using,


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