中考英语 第一部分 教材重点难点梳理 第10节 八上 Unit 3-Unit 4课件 牛津深圳版

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中考英语 第一部分 教材重点难点梳理 第10节 八上 Unit 3-Unit 4课件 牛津深圳版_第1页
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中考英语 第一部分 教材重点难点梳理 第10节 八上 Unit 3-Unit 4课件 牛津深圳版_第2页
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中考英语 第一部分 教材重点难点梳理 第10节 八上 Unit 3-Unit 4课件 牛津深圳版_第3页
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第十节 八年级(上) Unit 3Unit 4,第一部分 教材重点难点梳理,目录,contents,重难点梳理,重点单词 重点短语 重点句型,巩固练习,语法选择 完形填空 阅读理解 阅读填空 单词拼写 完成句子,重难点梳理,重点单词 重点短语 重点句型,目录,contents,1.订货;订购_ 2.比较;对比_ 3.(计算机)显示器_ 4.扬声器_ 5.(计算机)主机_ 6.(计算机或打字机的)键盘_ 7.(计算机)鼠标_ 8.打字_,Unit 3,order,compare,monitor,speaker,main unit,keyboard,mouse,type,9.脑_ 10.操纵;控制(机器或系统等)_ 11.昂贵的;价格高的_ 12.极小的;微小的_ 13.依靠;依赖_ 14.计算_ 15.速度_ 16.操作;控制_ 17.铁路系统_,Unit 3,brain,control,expensive,speed,tiny,depend,calculate,railway,operate,18.公司_ 19.价格_ 20.总额;合计_ 21.英寸_ 22.出售;售卖_ 23.受喜爱的;受欢迎的_,Unit 3,company,price,total,sell,inch,popular,1.广告_ 2.滑稽的;好笑的_ 3.创造;创作_ 4.电话;电话机_ 5.车轮;轮子_ 6.使人舒服的;舒适的_ 7.(旧时载客的)四轮马车_ 8.世纪_ 9.乘客;旅客_ 10.发明;创造_ 11.有用的;适用的_,Unit 4,advertisement,funny,create,telephone,wheel,comfortable,carriage,century,passenger,二 重点短语,invent,practical,12.自以来;从之后_ 13.距离;间距_ 14移动电话;手机_ 15.在任何时候_ 16.开发;研制_ 17.灯_ 18.蜡烛_ 19.白天;日间_ 20.灰尘;尘土_,Unit 4,since,distance,mobile phone,develop,lamp,anytime,candle,daytime,dust,21.特殊的;特别的_ 22.(飞行器的)翅膀;机翼_ 23.引言_ 24.代替;作为的替换_ 25.汽油_,Unit 4,introduction,special,wing,instead,petrol,1.从事工作_ 2.没意识到;未察觉_ 3.依靠_ 4.以更快的速度 _ 5.除以外(还)_ 6.遭到;遇到_ 7.上网_ 8.总计;共计_ 9.盼望;期待_ 10.去医院_ 11.阻止做某事_,Unit 3,work as,depend on,(be)unaware of,at a faster speed,in addition,happen to,get on the Internet,go to the hospital,grand total,look forward to,go to the hospital,1.在的开始_ 2.自那以来_ 3.全世界_ 4.与保持联系_ 5.在白天_ 6.使不接近(或不接触、远离)_ 7.同时_ 8.在周末_,Unit 4,at the start of,across the world,since then,keep in touch with,in the daytime,keep.off,at the same time,at the weekend,9.最高时速达千米_ 10.此时此刻_ 11.讲英语的国家_ 12.描述_,Unit 4,a top speed of.km/h,right now,English-speaking countries,refer to,1.What will happen to us if computer can do all our jobs?如果计算机能做所有我们的工作,我们身上会发生什么事呢?,句型: What will happen to. if.?,意为“如果,会发生什么?”注意这里与happen搭配的介词是用to。,2.My book is more interesting than yours.我的书比你的要有趣。 The red laptop is the smallest among the three. 红色的笔记本电脑是三个中最小的一部。,句型:A+be+形容词比较级+than+B,表示“A比B”。 A+be+the+形容词最高级+in/of+短语,表示“A是中最的”。,3.The first computer was as big as a room.最初的电脑像一个房间那么大。,句型:A+be+as+形容词/副词原级+as+B,意为“和一样”,表示同级比较,其否定形式为:A+be+not+as/so+形容词/副词原级+as+B,意为“不像那样”。 翻译:(1)汤姆有3支钢笔。露丝也有三支钢笔。 Tom has 3 pens.Lucy has 3 pens,too.=Tom has _ many pens _ Lucy.,as,as,(2)我的家很远。他的家更远。 My home is far.His home is farther.= His home is _ _ my home.= My home is_ _ _ _ his home.,farther than,not as far as,4.I suppose that people could only drive in the daytime because those cars didnt have lights. 我认为人们只能在白天开车,因为那些小汽车没有灯。,句型: I suppose (that). 我认为 I dont suppose (that). 我认为不 Do you suppose.? Yes,I suppose so.你觉得吗? 是的,我觉得是这样。,翻译:(1)我觉得他是最好的游泳者。 _ _ _ he is the best swimmer. (2)我觉得他跑得没那么快。 _ _ _ he can run so fast. (3)你觉得会下雨吗? 我觉得会。 _ _ _ it is going to rain? Yes,I suppose so.,I dont suppose,I suppose that,Do you suppose,5.Without the wheel,we would not have these inventions.没有轮子的话,我们也就没有这些发明了。,句型:Without.,sb.will/would (not ). 意为“没有的话,就不会”。 翻译:没有你的帮助的话,我们不会成功。 _ _ _,we _ _ succeed.,Without your help,will not,6.其他好用的常用句型: 1)We use the keyboard for typing.我们用键盘来打字。 2)In addition,computer can do important jobs like operating railways and flying planes and spaceships. 此外,电脑能做重要的工作,例如:控制铁路和操纵飞机和飞船。 3)You depend on computers more than you realize.你依赖电脑的程度比你意识到的要大。,4)In the past,students used to play outside more often,but now they spend more time in front of computers. 从前,学生们更经常在户外玩耍,而现在他们却花更多的时间在电脑前面。 5)Theyll also give some advice on how to use computer for studying.他们也将给出一些如何利用电脑学习的建议。,8)Since then,people have been able to speak to each other over long distance. 自从那时起,人们就可以远距离地跟对方说话。 9)Can you imagine living without them?你能想象没有他们生活会怎样吗? 10)The ballpoint pen was a great success.圆珠笔是一次伟大的成功。 11)Keep the dust off your shoes! 使你的鞋子远离灰尘! 12)What is special about it?它有什么特别之处?,6)I hope we can all work together to stop students from spending too much time playing computer games. 我希望我们能一起努力,阻止学生浪费过多的时间玩电脑。 7)Thank you for attending this meeting.谢谢你们参加这次会议。,In the early 1990s,the word “Internet” was strange to most people.But today,Internet has become _1_ useful tool for people all over the world.Maybe Internet has been _2_ invention in the field of communication in the history of mankind(人类). _3_ with others on the Internet is much faster.We can chat with a person _4_ is sitting in the other part of the world.We can email our friends and they can _5_ the emails within a minute.,Giving all kinds of information _6_ probably the biggest advantage of the Internet.We can use search engines _7_ the information we need,just type in a keyword or keywords and the search engine will give _8_ a list of suitable websites to look at. We can enjoy _9_ on the Internet by downloading games,visiting chat rooms or surfing websites.There are some games _10_ free.We can meet new and _11_ people in the chat now.We can also listen to music and see films.,Now,there is _12_ service on the Internet such as online banking,job finding and ticket buying.We can also do shopping and _13_ nearly all kinds of goods._14_ we can find something that is quite good but very cheap. Lets _15_ ourselves in this wonderland Internet world together. ( ) 1.A.a B.an C.the D./ ( ) 2.A.great B.greater C.the greatest D.greatly,A,C,( ) 3.A.Communicate B.Communicating C.Communicates D.Communicated ( ) 4.A.who B.whom C.which D.when ( ) 5.A.read B.to read C.reads D.reading ( ) 6.A.is B.was C.are D.were ( ) 7.A.find B.to find C.finding D.found ( ) 8.A.we B.us C.our D.ours ( ) 9.A.many B.lots of C.a lot D.a lot of ( ) 10.A.of B.in C.with D.for,B,B,B,C,A,A,D,A,( ) 11.A.interest B.interests C.interesting D.interested ( ) 12.A.many B.a great number of C.quite a few D.a great deal of ( ) 13.A.find B.finds C.finding D.to find ( ) 14.A.Sometime B.Some time C.Sometimes D.Some times ( ) 15.A.enjoy B.enjoying C.to enjoy D.to enjoying,A,C,D,C,A,It all started at the beginning of the ninth grade.Carmen found she couldnt see things_1_ all the time.She became very worried,but she hoped_2_ would know that.When her mother asked her to see the eye doctor,she didnt_3_.But her mothers mind was made up. Three days later,Carmen got new glasses and instructions from her doctor.“All of the kids will think Im silly.”Carmen said.Her mother_4_ and shook her head.“You look.,It all started at the beginning of the ninth grade.Carmen found she couldnt see things_1_ all the time.She became very worried,but she hoped_2_ would know that.When her mother asked her to see the eye doctor,she didnt_3_.But her mothers mind was made up. Three days later,Carmen got new glasses and instructions from her doctor.“All of the kids will think Im silly.”Carmen said.Her mother_4_ and shook her head.“You look just as beautiful as before,”she said.But,Carmen didnt believe her. The next day,Carmen kept the glasses in her pocket as she walked into the schoolyard.She stood alone away from her friends,feeling_5_.Suddenly,she heard her friend Theresa shout.Carmen ran over to the other girls.“Whats the matter?”she asked.“My ring is gone!”Theresa cried.“My sister sent it to me from California.Its very _6_ and I cant lose it.”,Carmen and her friends began to_7_ the ring in the grassy area of the playground.Carmen realized that she could do better if she could see better.She took the glasses out and put them on.Everything looked so_8_! So clear! She looked down at the ground and a bright light caught her _9_.It was the ring. “Here it is,”she shouted.She handed it to Theresa.“Thanks,Carmen,”she said.“I_10_ thought wed find it.”She paused.“Hey,I didnt know you wore,glasses.They look great!” Carmen had forgotten that she was wearing the new glasses.“Thanks,”she replied. “Maybe wearing glasses wont be so bad after all.”Carmen thought. ( ) 1.A.clearly B.carefully C.freely D.quickly ( ) 2.A.everybody B.nobody C.somebody D.anybody,A,B,( ) 3.A.explain B.listen C.understand D.agree ( ) 4.A.relaxed B.cheered C.smiled D.jumped ( ) 5.A.tired B.unhappy C.afraid D.serious ( ) 6.A.special B.common C.cheap D.heavy ( ) 7.A.ask for B.wait for C.look for D.pay for ( ) 8.A.new B.dirty C.strange D.different,D,C,C,D,B,A,( ) 9.A.ears B.eyes C.feet D.hands ( ) 10.A.still B.ever C.never D.often,B,C,New Technology Revolutionizes(变革) Learning More and more people believe that technologies are great for learning.Today,such teaching tools as iPads are used in a lot of courses,including language,history and science. Many teachers are supporters of using iPads in language learning.They say that students now have much more time for discussion in the classroom.Students can use iPads to prepare for discussion.,The teachers also say that iPads allow students to learn at their own pace.Some students might listen to a dialogue only once and understand it,so they can save time for doing other things.Other students,however,might need to listen to the same dialogue again and again to understand it.Using iPads is especially helpful to students who are learning a language at different paces.,There are other advantages for students.By using iPads,they can pay more attention to the material and learn more.Teaching notes are stored in their iPads and are easy to find.Some students spend more time studying now.Many adults complain that iPads are doing harm to students.They worry that students might use iPads to download(下载) teaching notes and use them to cheat(作弊) during exams.Some believe that iPads may separate students from each other.,If a student spends more time watching videos on an iPad,he will have fewer opportunities to have face-to-face communication with others.However,technologies are already a part of studentslives.As for cheating,teachers can ask students to hand in their iPads when they take exams.Education needs to make changes with the times as technology is playing an important part.We should look forward to a wonderful future when iPads and other technologies can be used a lot in the classroom.,( ) 1.In the article,iPads are used to learn many courses EXCEPT _. A.Language B.History C.P.E. D.Science ( ) 2.What does at their own pace in Paragraph 3 mean? A.According to their own timetable and plan. B.With their teachershelp. C.Because of their wonderful goals. D.Against their parentshope.,C,A,( ) 3.Many teachers support to use iPads in class because _. A.students with iPads have less discussion in class. B.iPads help students save time waiting for buses. C.students focus more on the materials and learn more by using iPads. D.some students spend less time studying now.,C,( ) 4.Many people think using iPads is harmful to students because _. A.students use iPads to get teaching notes so they cant cheat B.iPads may make students learn more from each other C.students spend less time watching TV D.students get fewer chances to have face-to-face communications with others,D,( ) 5.The writer probably agrees that _. A.teachers control studentslearning B.exam results depend on iPad C.technology in education has a bright future D.note-taking is as helpful as video-watching,C,In modern society,people use money every day.It seems that money is very important in our life.1._ But I think few people know the history of money. Long ago,people did not need money.They lived on wild animals,fruit and other plants.2._ Sometimes,families produced more than they needed,so they started to trade (贸易)with other families.Later,people began to use money as a means of exchange.3._,B,E,A,They used other things for money,like shells,rice,salt,large stones,etc. During the 600s BC,people began using coins as money.4._ Later,countries began to make their won coins. The Chinese were the first to use paper money,probably as early as the 11th century.The Italian traveler Marco Polo saw the Chinese using money when he visited China in the 1200s.5._ Today,we have many new ways to pay for things.,C,D,A.However,it was not the same kind of money we use today. B.Thats because without money you cant buy anything you want. C.They soon found that coins were easier to carry than goods and lasted a long time. D.However,European countries did not start using paper money until 1600s. E.As time passed,people learned to raise animals and crops.,1.This blue jacket is very nice.But I wont buy it,because it is too e_. 2.Andy decided not to buy the computer because its p_ was too high. 3.This kind of laptop doesnt s_ well,because it is too slow. 4.You can just stay at home and make a phone o_ for food. 5.It is very dangerous to drive a car at a full s_ on the road.,xpensive,rice,ell,rder,peed,6.Thomas Edison is one of the greatest i_ in the world. 7.Most living things d_ on the sun for their growth. 8.The washing machine is very p_.Nearly every family owns it. 9.In the 20th c_,there were a lot of changes. 10.With the mobile phone,we can talk to our family and friends a_ and anywhere.,nventors,epend,opular,entury,nytime,.他没有意识到自己的错误。 He was _ _ his mistakes. 2.我妈妈是一位中学老师。 My mother _ _ a middle school teacher. 3.班上没有人比她更擅长跳舞。 No one _ _ _ her at dancing.,unaware of,works as,is better than,4.谁的投篮最好,詹姆斯、科比、还是安东尼? Whose shooting is _ _, James,Kobe_ Antony? 5.他们燃起篝火防止野兽接近。 They lit a fire to _ wild animals _. 6.贝蒂是全班最重要的跑步选手之一。 Betty is one of_ _ _ _ in the class.,the best,or,keep,off,the most important runners,7.101室比102室长,而且更宽、更高。 Room 101 is_ _ _ _Room 102,and it is_ _ _. 8.今天我感觉舒服多了。我可以上学了吗?Today I feel _ _ _.Can I go to school? 9.这套房子比那套贵一点。 This house is _ _ _ _ than that one. 10.今天比昨天冷得多。 Today is _ _ _yesterday.,the most important runners,much colder than,wider and higher,much more comfortable,a little more expensive,谢 谢 观 看 !,


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