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脊柱肿瘤和肿瘤样病变spinal bone tumor and tumor-like conditions,脊柱肿瘤发生率,骨肿瘤占全身肿瘤0.4% 脊椎肿瘤占骨肿瘤10%以下,概述,良性肿瘤:血管瘤,骨样骨瘤,骨母细胞瘤,巨细胞瘤 恶性肿瘤:脊索瘤, 骨髓瘤,淋巴瘤,转移瘤 肿瘤样病变: 嗜酸性肉芽肿,动脉瘤样骨囊肿,血管瘤,Hemangioma,最常见的脊柱原发良性肿瘤,约占全部血管瘤的14%,其中90%位于胸、腰椎 构成:低血压慢血流薄壁血管、脂肪基质、存留骨小梁 毛细血管型和海绵状血管型 任何年龄均可发生,一般无症状,多女性 对放射线有相当的敏感性,临床病理,CT表现:,椎体呈圆点花纹状改变病灶呈低密度溶骨区,境界清晰,增厚的骨小梁呈多数圆点状高密度,周围可有软组织肿块。增强扫描很少出现强化或轻度强化。,MRI表现:,病灶T1WI,T2WI呈斑点或条状高信号或等信号,增粗的骨小梁T1WI, T2WI均呈低信号。,T12,骨样骨瘤,Osteoid Osteoma,临床病理,由成骨细胞及骨样组织构成 由瘤巢和周围硬化两部分组成;瘤巢较小,直径 2厘米 10%发生于脊柱,56%于腰椎,最常起于椎弓 单发性,肿瘤发展极慢 ,有自限性 好发于20岁以下青少年 患骨疼痛,夜间加重,服用水杨酸类药物可缓解为其特点。 治疗以用手术切除最为适宜,预后良好,影像表现,X线 肿瘤所在部位骨质破坏,偶见内钙化/骨化 周围不同程度的反应性骨硬化 CT 类圆形的低密度骨破坏区,中央见不规则的钙化骨化影 周围不同程度的反应性骨硬化环 核素扫描 肿瘤显示明显核素浓聚,FigA: Radiograph reveals a subtle lucent area (arrow) in a right articular mass. FigB: CT scan shows the nidus (large arrowheads) with a small central area of calcification (small arrowhead) and minimal surrounding sclerosis. FigC: Radiograph of the resected specimen shows that the nidus was entirely removed (arrows). FigD: Posterior bone scan shows intense uptake of the radionuclide by the nidus (arrow),17, yr, M Osteoid osteoma of lamina at T-11,A,B,C,D,骨样骨瘤,瘤巢,MRI 肿瘤未钙化部分T1WI呈低至中等信号,T2WI呈高信号 钙化及周围硬化带均呈低信号 增强后,病变强化明显。,骨母细胞瘤,Osteoblastoma,临床病理,“巨大骨样骨瘤” ,膨胀性生长,直径为2cm10cm 血管丰富,较大者可有囊变,少数夹杂动脉瘤样骨囊肿组织 约40%发生于脊柱,颈、胸、腰椎发病率相近, 常累及附件 2030岁,男性多于女性 水杨酸类药物无缓解和无明显夜间疼痛 治疗应手术切除,复发率为1015 %,X-Ray 及 CT a:中心低密度,周围骨硬化,病灶直径大于1.5cm(类似骨样骨瘤) b:膨胀性低密度区内磨玻璃样密度升高或骨化,周围伴硬化缘 c:为侵袭性表现,膨胀溶骨性破坏,周围软组织浸润 和混杂性钙化,影像表现,MRI 非钙/骨化部分T1WI呈低至中等信号,T2WI呈高信号, 钙/骨化部分呈低信号 周围骨髓和软组织反应性充血水肿,为长T1长T2信号 可显示骨壳中断,椎管内延伸和脊髓受压 合并动脉瘤样骨囊肿时可见囊腔及液液平面 核素扫描 肿瘤显示明显核素浓聚,影像表现,Fig.A L radiograph,Fig.B CT,Fig.D Sag. T2WI,Fig.C Axi. T1WI,Lateral x-ray films (a) showed a soft-tissue swelling in the retropharyngeal space. Lateral (b) and coronal (c) MR images demonstrating tumor in the C-2 body and a soft-tissue mass from C16. Axial CT scan (d) demonstrating a typical osteoid nidus with peritumoral sclerotic rim on the right side of the C-2 body. Technetium bone scan (e) also displays pronounced uptake in this region. We performed tumor excision via an anterolateral retropharyngeal approach (f) occipitocervical fixation by using two axis plates and titanium wires (g). Lateral x-ray films obtained immediately after (h) and 2 years postsurgery (i) showing solid fusion.,10, yr, M osteoblastoma of C2,骨母细胞瘤,骨巨细胞瘤,Giant Cell Tumor, GCT,临床病理,由单核基质细胞和多核巨细胞构成,潜在恶性 组织学分三级:级为良性,级为过渡型,级为恶性 多发生于2040岁成年人 好发于骺板愈合后的骨端,股骨下端及胫骨上端最常见 约7%发生于脊柱,最常累及骶骨 多全切治疗,若仅刮除术约4060%复发,影像表现,X线 早期为偏心性溶骨破坏,骨皮质膨胀变薄 后期可有压缩性骨折伴软组织肿块 CT 偏心性囊状膨胀性溶骨性破坏,伴骨膜反应和软组织肿块,部分边缘可见硬化 内部可见骨性间隔及液-液平面,骨化及钙化少见, 发生于骶骨时,一般位于骶髂关节附近 增强扫描实性成分中重度强化,MRI 膨胀性多囊性骨质破坏 T1WI上呈低、中等信号;T2WI上呈不均匀低、中、高混杂信号;可见局部出血信号;周边有一低信号环,相当于轻度硬化边,影像表现,脊索瘤,Chordoma,临床病理,起源:残留或异位脊索组织,低度恶性。 发病年龄:多见于50-70岁。 发病部位:颅底(35%),骶尾椎(55%)和脊柱(10%)。 生长缓慢,局部侵袭性,少转移,偶远处转移, 主要为肺、淋巴结、蛛网膜下腔和脊髓,影像表现,X线 肿瘤为溶骨性膨胀性破坏,可伴有软组织肿块 瘤内50-70%见钙化,且形态不一 起病于骶尾部的肿瘤,多位于下部骶椎 骶椎以上节段患骨较少膨胀改变,并可出现硬化呈“象牙椎”表现,影像表现,CT 发生于颅底者呈大片状或溶冰样骨破坏 发生于骶尾部者多呈膨胀性骨质破坏 伴有境界清楚的软组织肿块 病变区不规则钙化多见 增强,轻至中度强化,影像表现,MRI T1WI:低、等信号 T2WI:高强信号,不规则低信号钙化、残留骨及血管流空影 增强:明显强化或轻度强化 MRI在显示病变侵及的范围方面优于CT CT在确定肿瘤的性质特点方面优于MRI,Fig.ALateral radiograph shows destruction of the distal sacrum and coccyx with calcification (arrow). Fig.BCT scan also demonstrates the bone destruction and a soft-tissue mass (arrowheads) containing calcifications (arrow). .,Chordoma of lower sacrum 48-year-old man,Fig.A,Fig.B,脊索瘤,Fig.C T1WI Sagittal and axial T2WI Fig.DMR images reveal the expansile sacrococcygeal lesion (arrowheads), which has high signal intensity on D.,Fig.C,Fig.D,脊索瘤,Fig.E As seen in this sagittal section of the gross specimen, the MR imaging appearance correlates with the expansile lesion (arrowheads) and calcification (arrow). The upper sacrum (*) is spared,脊索瘤,Upper Left and Right: Axial CT scans demonstrating a large soft-tissue mass extending anteriorly to involve the rectum and posteriorly to invade the buttocks; calcification is seen within the mass. Lower Left and Right: Sagittal fast spin echo T2-weighted and axial T2-weighted MR images demonstrating the lesion infiltrating the presacral region, extending to surround the rectum and the perivesical fat but not invading the bladder.,24-yr M chordoma involving S3-5,脊索瘤,chordoma,Fig.A,Fig.B,脊索瘤,残存椎间盘形成的“分节”现象,Fig.ALateral radiograph shows a dense vertebral body (arrows) at L-3. Fig.BSagittal reconstructed CT scan obtained after initial open biopsy reveals not only the L-3 sclerosis but also similar findings in the superior aspect of L-4 (arrowheads).,Chordoma of L 13-year-old man,1-yr history of intermittent low back pain.,Fig.A,Fig.B,脊索瘤,Sagittal T1WI Fig.Cand T2WIFig.D MR images better delineate the marrow involvement at L-3 and L-4 with extension through the disk (arrows). The mass has marked high signal intensity on d.,Fig.C,Fig.D,Fig.E gross specimen depicts the extent of the neoplasm, with diffuse involvement of L-3 (arrowheads), the adjacent disk (*), and the superior aspect of L-4 (arrows).,Fig.E,脊索瘤,骨髓瘤,Myeloma,临床病理,起源于红骨髓的恶性肿瘤 高分化型(小细胞型):浆细胞型骨髓瘤 低分化型(大细胞型):网状细胞型骨髓瘤 椎体为其好发部位,绝大多数为多发;单发少见,且约1/3可转变为多发。晚期可广泛转移。 40岁以上常见,男:女2:1 表现为骨骼疼痛,软组织肿块,病理性骨折 实验室检查血沉加快、尿B-J蛋白、贫血等。,影像表现,X线 广泛性骨质疏松 多发性骨质破坏:穿凿状、鼠咬状、蜂窝状、皂泡状 软组织肿块:位于破坏区周围,很少跨越椎间盘水平至邻近椎旁 骨质硬化:少见,又称硬化型骨髓瘤。 平片约10%正常表现,影像表现,CT 较X线平片更好的显示骨质改变和软组织异常 MRI 对骨髓变化非常敏感 长T1长T2信号改变 STIR序列病变高信号较T2WI更明显,Fig. Multiple plasmacytomas with cord compression. a Sagittal T1WI (left) andbSTIR (right) MRI of thoracic spine show scattered focal lesions involving vertebral bodies and posterior elements of thoracic spine. Bothc transverse and sagittal (a, left) MRI show cord compression by a focal expansile mass (arrow) at the T10 spinous process.,a,b,c,多发浆细胞瘤,Myeloma of T5-T7,T2WI,T1WI,T1WI+C,T1WI STIR T2WI STIR,转移性骨肿瘤,Secondary Tumor or Metastatic Tumor,临床病理,脊柱转移常见 转移途径主要是血行转移,少数直接蔓延 原发肿瘤常包括:前列腺癌、肾癌、甲状腺癌、乳癌、肺癌和鼻咽癌等。骨肉瘤、尤文瘤和淋巴瘤也可发生骨转移 患者5160岁最多,转移性骨肿瘤影像表现,X线 溶骨型、成骨型和混合型 CT 能显示局部软组织肿块的范围、大小及邻近脏器的关系 MRI 多数肿瘤T1WI呈低信号,T2WI呈程度不高的高信号 脂肪抑制序列显示更清楚,sclerotic metastases,Fracture,mass,Figure. Sagittal T1-weighted MR image of the lumbosacral spine shows multiple hypointense foci within the sacrum and lumbar vertebrae. These lesions remained hypointense with all of the MR imaging sequences and did not exhibit enhancement. Plain radiography revealed sclerotic metastases.,77-yr F,Metastatic breast cancer,Fig.A : Sagittal T2-weighted MR image demonstrating involvement of the posterior elements of L-3 (arrow). Fig.B : Axial T1-weighted MR image revealing the L-3 spinous process and lamina infiltrated by tumor, with anterior structures intact (arrow). Fig.c: Bone scan demonstrating numerous additional sites of metastatic disease (ribs, skull, and scapula) in addition to L-3 (arrow). The patient underwent simple posterior decompression.,54-yr M,metastatic renal cell carcinoma,A,B,C,肺Ca骨转移,骨外NHL骨转移,脊椎骨髓瘤与转移瘤鉴别:,椎体破坏+软组织肿块倾向骨髓瘤 椎体破坏+广泛性骨质疏松倾向骨髓瘤。 椎体破坏伴椎弓及附件早期破坏倾向转移瘤。,动脉瘤样骨囊肿,Aneurysmal Bone Cyst, ABC,临床病理,原因不明的肿瘤样病变,分原发和继发性 可继发于骨巨细胞瘤、骨母细胞瘤、软骨母细胞瘤和骨肉瘤等 由大小不等的海绵状血池组成,外壁为薄壁囊状骨壳 好发于1020岁的青少年 脊柱占12-30,胸椎最常受累;病变位于椎弓及其突起 可行刮除植骨术,还可栓塞治疗和放疗;总的复发率为20-30%,影像表现,X线 脊柱附件骨膨胀性囊状透亮区,薄骨壳 囊内可有骨小梁状分隔或骨嵴 CT 囊状膨胀性骨破坏 软组织肿块、不规则钙化,边缘可有硬化 液-液平面,下部密度高于上部,MRI 检出液-液平面更敏感 液-液平面是本病的重要特点,T2WI上层一般为高信号,可能为浆液或高铁血红蛋白,下层为低信号,可能有含铁血黄素成分。 核素扫描 常表现为外周部位的核素摄取增加,呈“油炸圈饼”征,T1WI C+,T1WI,T2WI,T1WI C+,骨嗜酸性肉芽肿,Eosinophilic Granuloma,骨嗜酸性肉芽肿 临床病理,组织细胞增生症X包括:勒-雪病、黄脂瘤病和嗜酸性肉芽肿。其孤立形式为嗜酸性肉芽肿,为良性局限性组织细胞增生,为最轻型。 单发病灶以颅骨多见;多发病变以椎体最常见 好发于儿童及青年,发展缓慢,自限性,影像表现,发展迅速的膨胀性或溶骨性病变,常导致椎体变扁和硬化,称扁平椎。 平片即可容易诊断,CT及MRI对确定病变范围很有帮助 病变延伸到周围软组织时,CT及MRI不典型,需组织学证实,vertebra plana can be seen (arrow) in the thoracic spine, which is consistent with Langerhans cell histiocytosis.,8, yr, M of T,扁平椎,骨嗜酸性肉芽肿,Thank You,


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