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龙文教育个性化辅导教案讲义 任教科目: 英 语授课题目:期中复习年 级:九年级任课教师: 陈婷授课对象: 付依凡武汉龙文个性化教育常青校区 教研组组长签字: 教学主任签名: 日 期: 武汉龙文教育学科辅导讲义授课对象付依凡授课教师陈婷授课时间授课题目期中复习课 型新课使用教具讲义,白板,水笔教学目标教学重点和难点1掌握一定的英语基础知识和听、说、读、写技能,形成一定的综合语言运用能力;2培养学生学习英语的兴趣和良好的学习习惯;3培养学生英语口语表达能力教学重难点第七单元重点单词的用法参考教材 九年级教材教辅教学流程及授课详案Review of Unit 1-7目标认知重点词汇: 1. aloud出声地、大声地2. differently不同地3. challenge挑战4. development发展5. sleep睡觉6. death死亡7. surprise 惊奇8. allow允许9. experience 经验、经历、体验10. importance重要11. succeed 成功12. million 百万13.permission 许可14. knowledgeable 知识渊博的15. remind提醒、使某人想起 16. whatever无论怎么样17. educational 有教育意义的18. consider考虑、认为19. touristy 游客多的、适合游览的 20. translate 翻译重点短语: 1.be afraid of doing/ to do something 害怕做某事2. used to过去常常3. give up 放弃 4. be strict with 对要求严格5. come up with提出、想出6. belong to属于7. because of因为 8. too much太多9. use up用完、用光10. prefer to 比更喜欢精讲巧练重点单词: 1.aloud 出声地、大声地是副词,它只能作副词使用而不能作形容词使用。例如:The teacher asked us to read the words aloud .老师要求我们大声地读课文。aloudin a voice that may be heard / in a loud voice .例如: Your brother cried aloud for help at that time.你弟弟在那个时候大声地喊救命。随时练【中考考点】Dont talk to your parents _. It is not polite.A. too louder B. a loudly C. too loudly D. loudest2. differently “不同地、有区别地” 副词differentlynot in the same。例如:My sister speaks English differently . 我的妹妹说英语的方式不同。它的形容词是different,它的名词是difference,形容词different经常和介词from用在一起构成短语be different from 与不同、有区别。名词difference 不同点、不同之处。例如:Your brother is different from the other boys.你的弟弟与别的男孩有不同之处。Do you know the differences between the two sentences? 你知道这两个句子的不同之处吗?随时练【中考考点】中考试题经常考查这个单词形式转化,以首字母填空或者给汉语填空。1. Can you tell me what the _ between you and your father is? A. different B. difference C. differences D. differently3. challenge 挑战是名词,它的意思是“挑战”,challengea call to play a game , have a fight to see who is better 。 例如:You must face the challenges when you take part in the games. 当你参加这个游戏的时候,你必须面对这些挑战。challenge还可以作动词,它 的意思是“向挑战”,challengegive / send a challenge to somebody例如:All the boys will challenge you soon .所有的男孩子不久就会向你提出挑战。随时练【中考考点】1. More and more population is a great _ to that country. A. change B. chance C. challenge D. difficult4. development作名词,意思是“发展”。例如:Parents should pay attention to the development of their children . 父母应该注意他们的孩子的发展。这个词的动词是develop 相当于“improve”,Today with the help of computer , the world develops very quickly . 当今,在电脑的帮助下世界发展得非常快。它的形容词有developing和developed两个,developing 是“发展”表示正在发展的;developed是“发达”表示已经发展完了。例如:China is a developing country, Japan is a developed one.中国是一个发展中国家,日本是一个发达的国家。随时练【中考考点】We have got a lot of money from the _ of our country.A. develop B. developing C. development D. developed5. sleep 睡觉它是动词,它的意思是“睡觉”,是个延续性动词,可以和表示时间段的状语连用。它的过去式和过去分词都是slept。例如:They often sleep in the class.他们经常在课堂上睡。 和睡觉有关的短语。(1)go to sleep和get to sleep都是指“睡着、入睡”,go to sleep强调“入睡”的这个动作即begin to sleep;而get to sleep强调进入睡眠状态,经常用于否定句、疑问句和条件句中。例如:He was so tired that went to sleep.他很累,不久就睡着了。(2)fall asleep强调是无意识地入睡,是不想睡而睡。例如:Some fell asleep at the meeting last night.昨天晚上在开会的时候有些人睡觉了。(3)go to bed的意思是“上床睡觉”,它强调上床睡觉的准备动作,没有涉及到是否睡着。例如:My mother often goes to bed at ten every night. 我妈妈经常每天晚上10点上床睡觉。随时练【中考考点】We are very_ now, look! Some of us fall _. Lets have a rest, OK?A. sleep; asleep B. asleep; sleep C. sleepy; asleep D. sleep; sleep6. death 死亡作名词,它的意思是“死亡”。例如:His mothers death was a great shock to him.他妈妈的死亡对他打击很大。She felt very sad when she thought of his mothers death. 当她想起她妈妈的死时,她很难过。【词汇拓展】dead die dying dieddie是动词,表示死亡,它的过去式和过去分词是died。例如:The black cat died last night.那只黑色的猫昨天晚上死了。dead是形容词,dying是现在分词。例如:Look at the dead fish in that lake.看湖里那些死鱼。The girl is very ill and I am afraid she is dying.那个女孩病得很厉害,恐怕就要死了。动词die是非延续性动词,在现在完成时表示延续一段时间要用形容词dead。例如:His father has been dead for two years.(正确)His father has died for two years. (错误)随时练【中考考点】Your grandmother has _ for about ten years.A. died B. death C. been dead D. dying7. surprise 惊奇、惊讶surprise是名词,它的意思是“惊奇、惊讶”,和其他的单词ones /to构成短语to ones surprise表示“令人惊奇的是”的意思。例如:To our surprise, our village changed a lot.令我们惊奇的是我们的村庄变化很多。【词汇拓展】surprised surprising 这两个单词都是形容词,它们的意思是“惊奇的、惊讶的”,surprising表示某事或者某物令人惊奇。例如:The news is very surprising.那个消息让人惊讶。Surprised表示某人对某事或者某物感到惊奇、惊讶。例如:We are surprised to see our teacher in Beijing.在北京见到我们的老师我们都感到非常惊奇。随时练【中考考点】All of us were very _ to hear the _ news.A. surprised; surprisedB. surprise; surprise C. surprising; surprised D. surprised surprising8. allow 允许、承认这是个动词,它的意思是“承认、允许”,后面可以直接有名词、代词或者名词性从句作宾语。例如:Our teacher didnt allow us to copy others homework。我们的老师不允许我们抄别人的作业。My brother allowed that he was wrong 我的弟弟承认他错了。【词汇拓展】动词allow构成的短语有:allow sb. to do something 允许某人做某事。例如:Our teacher allows us to play games in English class.我们的老师允许我们在英语课堂上做游戏。allow doing something 允许做某事。例如:He allows smoking here. 他允许在这儿吸烟。be allowed to do something 被允许做某事。例如:The students are allowed to choose their own clothes. 学生们被允许选择他们自己的衣服。allow用于被动语态的时候,不能用it 作形式主语。例如:此处不允许吸烟。It is not allowed to smoke here. (错误)People are not allowed to smoke here.(正确) Smoking is not allowed here. (正确)随时练【中考考点】All the students _ to do something that they like to do.A. allow B. are allowing C. are allowed D. allowed9. .experience 经验、经历experience作名词用,它的意思是“经验、经历”。例如:My father has much experience as an engineer.作为一名工程师,我爸爸有丰富的经验。【词汇拓展】experience作动词用的时候,它的意思是“经历、体验”。例如:They experienced many difficulties.他们经历了许多困难。experience作“经验”讲是不可数名词,作“经历”讲的时候是可数名词。例如:I had some interesting experiences in countryside. 我在农村有过有趣的经历。随时练【中考考点】The old man had a lot of e_ catching fish in the river.(根据句子的意思和首字母填空)10. importance 重要、重要性importance作名词用,它的意思是“重要、重要性”。例如:Do you know the importance of learning English?你知道学习英语的重要性吗?【词汇拓展】它的形容词是important,它的比较级是more important,最高级是the most important。随时练【中考考点】My father often tells me the i_ of being honest. (根据句子的意思和首字母填空)【答案与解析】答案是importance。本句子是考查名词importance的。在冠词the的后面用名词表示“重要性”,本句子的短语the importance of doing something表示“做某事的重要性”。11.succeed “成功” succeed作动词用,它的意思是“成功”。例如:If you work hard, you will succeed.如果你努力,你就会成功。【词汇拓展】它的名词是success,它的形容词是successful,它的副词是successfully。随时练【中考考点】China has sent the space ship to the moon_(成功).We are all proud of the great_ (成功)12. million 百万million 作名词用,它的意思是“百万”。它用来表示人和事物的数量,修饰可数名词。例如:My fathers new car is worth two million Yuan.我爸爸的新汽车值两百万元。million可以作名词和表示具体数量的数词连用,来指某一具体的数量,这时候不用复数形式也不和of连用。例如:Your father got five million Yuan in the lottery yesterday.你爸爸昨天在彩票抽奖活动中中奖五百万元。million用来表示“大量的、无数的、数百万的”意思,它的前面不用具体的数词,要用它的复数形式并且和介词of连用冠词短语。例如:There are millions of fish in the sea.大海中有数以百万的鱼。随时练【中考考点】What would you do if you had two _ dollars in the lottery?A. millions B. millions of C. million D. million of13. permission 允许、许可、准许permission是名词,它的意思是“允许、准许、许可”。例如:The students cant enter the teachers office without permission.学生未经许可不能进老师的办公室。【词汇拓展】permission的动词是permit,它的意思是“允许、许可”。可以用permit doing 也可以用permit somebody to do。也可以用于被动语态。和allow是同义词。例如:His parents permit him to go out and play with his friends.他的父母允许他外出和他的朋友一起玩。随时练【中考考点】My brother often takes my book without my _.A. permits B. permitting C. permission D. permitted14. knowledgeable 知识渊博的、有见识的knowledgeable 作形容词,它的意思是“知识渊博的、有见识的”。例如:Your father is a knowledgeable about history.你爸爸是一个历史知识渊博的人。【词汇拓展】knowledgeable的名词是knowledge,它的意思是“知识”。例如:My math knowledge is very poor.我的数学知识非常弱。随时练【中考考点】My brother is a k_ teacher on computer and he can teaches you some computer k_. 15 remind 提醒、使记起remind作动词用,它的意思是“提醒、使记起”,它经常和一些介词连用构成动词短语。例如:Please remind me to go to the party tomorrow. 请提醒我明天参加晚会。【词汇拓展】remind可以构成短语:remind somebody of somebody提醒某人记起某人来。例如:The sad music reminds me of my mother. 能够悲伤的音乐使我记起我的妈妈来。remind somebody to do something提醒某人做某事。例如:Please remind me to go home before six oclock. 请提醒我在六点前回家。remind somebody that +从句。例如:My mother often reminds me that I should get up early. 我妈妈经常提醒我要早起。随时练【中考考点】What you said just now _ me of my sad boyhood.A. reminds B. reminded C. reminding D. to remind16. whatever 不管什么、无论什么whatever作代词,它的意思是“不论什么、不管什么”。例如:Whatever you do, we still love you. 不论你做什么,我们仍然爱你。【词汇拓展】whatever是有what和ever构成的合成词,它的意思相当于no matter what。类似的还有:wherever, however, whenever。例如:Whenever you come, we will wait for you.不论你什么时候来,我们都等你。随时练【中考考点】_ (What) your teacher said to you, dont be angry with him, because it is good for you.(用括号内所给词的适当形式填空)17. educational教育的、有教育意义的educational作形容词,它的意思是“教育的、有教育意义的”。例如:This is an educational book, you should read it careful.这是一本有教育意义的书,你应该仔细地读一读。【词汇拓展】它的动词是educate,它的意思是“教育、培训、培育”。例如:My father was educated at a very good school.我的爸爸在一所好的学校受过教育。名词是education,“教育、训练”例如:My mother has a good education.我的妈妈受过良好的教育。形容词是educated,它的意思是“受过教育的、有教养的”。例如:Your teacher is an educated man. 你的老师是一位有教养的人。随时练【中考考点】My brother is an _ man because he has read many _ books when he was young.A. educated; education B. education; educate C. educated; educational D. educate; education18. consider考虑、思考consider作动词,它的意思是“考虑、思考”。例如:Why not consider going there on foot?为什么不考虑步行去?【词汇拓展】1.consider doing something表示“考虑做某事”的意思,这个动词的后面用动名词作宾语。例如:At first, we consider visiting Beijing, but we changed our mind later. 开始我们考虑去北京参观,后来我们改变了注意。2.consider that后面用宾语从句表示“认为”的意思。例如:We consider that he is our good friend. 我们认为他是我们的好朋友。3.consideras的意思是“把当看待”,相对应regardas。例如:We consider him as our friend.=We consider that he is our good friend.随时练【中考考点】Why dont you consider _ Haikou for your winter holiday?A. to visit B. visiting C. going D. to go19. touristy游客很多的、游客常去的、适合游览的touristy作形容词,它的意思是“游客很多的、游客常去的、适合游览的”。例如:Qingdao is a touristy city.青岛是一个游客很多的城市。【词汇拓展】tour作动词或者名词,它的意思是“观光、旅行”。例如:They went to Beijing for a tour.他们去北京是为了观光。tourist是名词,意思是“游客”。随时练【中考考点】Dalian is a _ city in the north of China, so there are many _ coming to the city every day.A. tourists; touristy B. tour; tourists C. touristy; tourists D. tourists; tourist20. translate翻译、解释translate作动词,它的意思是“翻译”。例如:Can you translate this sentence into English?你能把这个句子翻译成英语吗?【词汇拓展】它经常和介词into或者from搭配构成动词短语。它的名词有(1)translator“翻译家”。例如:His father is a translator. 他的爸爸是个翻译家。(2)translation“翻译”。例如:Are you good at translation? 你擅长翻译吗?随时练【中考考点】More and more good books _ into Chinese since 1979.A. has translated B. are translation C. translated D. have been translated重点短语: 1.be afraid of doing/ to do something 害怕做某事2. used to 过去常常be used to, be used for, be used by1. be used to的后面用动名词的形式表示某人习惯于做某事。 例如:I am used to getting up early in the morning.我习惯于明天早上早起。 如果be used to 的后面用动词原形表示被动语态。 例如:My cars are used to carry water for the homeless children.2.be used for的后面用动名词表示“某物用来做某事”。例如:Stamps are used for sending letters.邮票是用来寄信的。3.be used by也是表示被动语态的,介词by的后面用代词表示被某人所用。例如:The radio is used by our teacher to teach us English in class.3. give up 放弃4. be strict with 对要求严格5. come up with 提出、想出6. belong to 属于7. because of 因为8. too much 太多9. use up 用完、用光10. prefer to 比更喜欢例如:My little brother prefers swimming to _ .A. skate B. skating C. skates D. skated【考例】I usually go to school _ bus, but today I go there _ my fathers car.A. by; by B. by; on C. on; by D. by; in【考例】I _ be short. But now I am taller.A. didnt used toB. used to C. use to D. am used to【考例】Your homework _ after class.A. must hand in B. be handed C. must be handed D. must be handed in【考例】If my father _ here now, he _ tell me what to.A. were; would B. were; will C. had; will D. is; will【考例】Whose book is this? It _ your brothers. Look! His name is on the book.A. must B. cant C. mustnt be D. must be【考例】Have you found the book _ I gave you last night?A who B. which C. whom D. whose【考例】Is this the room _ you lived one year ago?A. what B. where C. which D. who【考例】Is there _ in todays newspaper?A. something new B. anything important C. strange something D. important anything【考例】Lets consider _ them with the work.A. help B. to help C. helping D. helps【考例】_ do you want to buy?A. What other B. anything else C. What else D. Who else【考例】Our teacher asked if you _ your homework on time.A. can hand B. could hand C. handed D. could hand in 【考例】Your brother is not _ to go to school.A. big enough B. old enough C. enough old D. too young基础知识回顾30分钟 家长签名:


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