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免疫名词解释历年题 1. Recirculation of lymphocytes(淋巴细胞再循环)It means the continuous movement of lymphocytes across the sites through out blood and lymphatic vessels, and it is critical for the initiation and effector phases of immune response. 2. hapten(半抗原) antigen which can combine with the corresponding Ab or sensitized T lymphocyte but can not evoke the immune response independently. 3. TD-Ag(thymus dependent Ag) Ag stimulates B cells to produce Ab with the help of T cells and macrophage. 4. TI-Ag(thymus independent Ag)Ag stimulates B cells to produce Ab without the help of T cells and macrophage. 5. heterophile Ag(异嗜性抗原)common antigens shared by different species and play an important role in immunopathology and diagnosis. 6. HVR(hypervariable region)超变区Most of sequence differences among antibodies are confined to three short stretches in the V regions of heavy and light chains are called HVR 7. CDR(complementary determinant region)互补决定区The sequences of the antibodies form an antigen binding surface that is complementary to the three dimensional structure of the bound antigen It is also called complementary determinant regions. 8. idiotype (独特型) Igs produced by each B cells clone possessing unique structure respectively in HVR or CDR, the unique structure is called idiotype of Ig. 9. monoclonal Ab (mAb 单克隆抗体) It is prepared by hybridoma technique. Immunized spleen cells (B cells) fuse with myeloma cells and form hybridoma with property of proliferating Ab 10. conformational determinants 构象决定簇They are composed of amino acid residues are not in a sequence but become special juxtaposed in folded protein. They are usually on the surface of antigen and be recognized by B cells and Ab. 11. ADCC(antibody dependent cell mediated cytotoxicity)It is a process in which NK cells are target to Ab coated cells, resulting in lyses Ab coated cells .FcR is expressed on NK cell membrane and mediate binding of IgG. 12. MAC membrane attack complex 攻膜复合体A lytic complex of the terminal components of complement cascade, Including C5678and multicopies of C9,which forms in the membrane of target cells MAC causes lethal ionic and osmotic changes in cells. 13. CK cytokine 细胞因子A group of low molecular weight polypeptides or proteins which are secreted by activated immunocytes or some matrix cells and possess high activity and various functions. Their major functions are to mediate and regulation immune response and inflammation reaction. 14. CAM or AM cell adhesion molecules 黏附分子The cell surface molecules whose function is to promote adhesive interaction with other cells or the extra cellular matrix and play a crucial role in cell interaction, recognition, activation and migration. 15. CD cluster of differentiation 分化簇It is a group of cell surface molecules associated with the development and differentiation of immune cells. 16. MHC major histocompatibility complex主要组织相容性复合体It is a group of genes which encode for major histocompatibility antigens and relate to immune response. 17. HLA human leukocyte antigen 人类白细胞抗原The major histocompatibility antigens for human bodies which associated with histocompatibility and immune response. 18. HLA complex The MHC of human, a cluster of genes which encode for HLA and related to histocompatibility and immune response. 19. MHC restriction In interaction of T cell and APC or target cells, T cells not only recognize specific antigen but also recognize polymorphic residules of MHC molecules. 20. PAMP(pathogen associated molecular pattern) 病原相关分子模式distinct structures or components that are common for many pathogens ,such as LPS, dsRNA of viruses etc. 21. PRR (pattern recognition receptor) The receptors that can recognize PAMP, located on the surface of macrophage, including mannose receptor, scavenger receptor , toll like receptor etc. 22. APC a group of cells which can uptake and process antigen and present antigen-MHC-/ complex to T cells, playing an important role in immune response. 23. TCR complex a group of membrane molecules on T cells that can specifically bind to antigen and pass an activation signal into the cell, consisting of TCR( ), CD3 ( )and-。 24. ITAM (immunoreceptor tyrosine-based activation motif) 免疫受体酪氨酸活化基序 ITAMtransduced e activation signals from TCR, composing of tyrosine residues separated by around 18 aas. When TCR specially bind to antigen, the tyrosine become phosphorylated by the receptor associated tyrosine kinases to transduct actively signals. 25. immunotolerance 免疫耐受 a type of specific unresponsiveness to a given antigen previously exposure of specific lymphocytes to that antigen but response naturally to other antigens. 26. clonal anergy 克隆无能 a state of functional inactivation without cell death of Tlymphocytes induced by recognition of antigen in the absence of co-stimulatory signal. 27. AICD(activation induced cell death) 活化诱导细胞死亡 repeated stimulation to T B lymphocytes by persistent antigen results in death of the activated ell process of apoptosis. FasL on activated T cell binding to Fas on activated T cell and induce T cell apoptosis. 28. Hypersensitivity超敏反应 a harmful immune response when a sensitized individual encounters the same antigen again, subsequently produce tissue injury or disorder of function and may cause serious disease. 29 TSA tumor specific Antigen 肿瘤特异抗原 antigens that are only expressed on tumor cells but not on normal cells ,having high specificity. 30 direct recognition 直接识别In transplantation immunology T cell is activated by recognition of an intact MHC molecules displayed by donor APC in the graft. It is a cross reaction of a normal TCR. In normal condition, it recognize self MHC molecules plus foreign peptides , but now ,it recognize an allogenic MHC plus peptide. 31 GVHD (graft versus host disease)移植物抗宿主病 a disease usually occurs in bone marrow immune response, immune cells in the graft can give immune response to the host. 32lymphocyte homing 淋巴细胞归巢 the process by which particular subsets of lymphocytes selectively enter some tissues but not others is called lymphocyte homing. 33 isotype exclusion 同种型排斥double positive T cells whose TCR can recognize and combine with MHC can develop and differentiate continuously into single positive T cells and got MHC restriction. 34 IFN The CKs produced by human or animal tissue cells or T lymphocytes and NK cells,following the infection of virus and exposure to antigen whose principle function is to inhibit virus replication or activate macrophage in both innate immunity and adaptive immunity. 35 cross-priming or cross-presentation 交叉递呈 a mechanism by which a professional APC activates, a nave CD8 CTL specific for the antigens of a third cell (e.g. a virus-infected or tumor cell). 1、Active immunity(主动免疫): Immunity that is induced by exposure to antigens in which the immunized individual plays an active role in responding to the antigen。2、Passive immunity:An individual receives antibody or lymphocytes from another individual who was previously actively immunized 3、Antibody:a type of glycoprotein molecule, also called immunoglobulin (Ig) , produced by B cells that bind antigens often with a high degree of specificity 4、Newdefinition of immunity Immunity is the ability to respond toforeign substances( antigen), including microbes , as well as to macromolecules such asproteins and polysaccharides, mediated by immune system, regardless of the physiologic or pathologic consequence of such a reaction 5、Immune response:A collective and coordinated response to the introduction offoreign substances in an individual mediated by cells and molecules6、Immunology Immunology is studying the cellular and molecular events that occur after an organism encounters microbes and other foreign macromolecules 7、Mucosal immune system, also named as mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue, MALT) is in the epithelia , lamina propria and submucosal area of gastrointestinal, respiratoryand genitourinary tract 8、Lymphocyte homing The process by which particular subsets of lymphocytes selectively enter some tissues but not others is called lymphocyte homing9、lymphocyte recirculationThe continuous movement of lymphocytes between blood stream andperipheral lymphoid tissues is called lymphocyte recirculation 10、Central immune organs or primary lymphoid organs The site that lymphocytes generate and mature into functional cellsBone marrow andThymus 11、Peripheral immune organs or secondary lymphoid organs and tissues Thesites that T and B lymphocytes reside in and respond to antigensspleen ,lymph nodes , mucosal immune system12、Antigen: non-self substances which can combine with TCR orBCR or Ab and have the potentialof inducing immune response .AntigenTolerogenAllergen 13、ImmunogenicityAn ability of antigen which can stimulate the body to evoke a specific immune response (Ab or effect T cells).14、Immunoreactivity (Antigenicity)An ability of antigen which can combine with corresponding Ab or sensitized T lymphocyte. 15、Hapten: Only possess immunoreactivity16、Antigen determinants (epitope) are small particular chemical groupsexistingin antigen which combine with TCR/BCR or Ab. 17、Epitope: decide the specificity of the antigen ,a subtle change of antigenic determinant (characteristics, number and conformation) can influence the specificity of Ag.Antigen determinant is the combining site of Ag and Ab18、T cell epitope :Antigenic Determinantsrecognized by T cells(TCR)Composition:PeptidesSequential determinants(Exist in anywhere of Ag)ProcessedMHC presentation-Size 8 -23 residues19、B cell epitope:Antigenic DeterminantsRecognized by B cells and AbCompositionpeptide, polysaccharides, nucleic acidsSequential determinants or Conformational determinants (existed on the surface of Ag)Recognized directly No MHCSize5-7 residues20、Conformational determinants are formed by amino acid residues that arent in asequence but become spatially juxtaposed in the folded protein.They are normally exist on the surface of antigen molecules.They are recognized by B cells or antibody. 21、Sequential (or linear) determinants:Epitopes formed by several adjacent amino acid residues are called linear determinants.They are exist on the surface of antigen molecules or inside molecules.They are mainly recognized by T cells, but some also can be recognized by B cells.22、Commom antigen : the same or similar epitopes among relative antigens are called common antigen.23、Cross reaction: The antibodies induced by one kind of antigen can react with other antigen because of presence of common determinant between two antigens 24、Heterophilic Ag(forssman Ag):-common Ags are shared by different species-no specificity of speciesSignificance : immunopathology ,Diagnosis25、.Antibody:a type of glycoprotein molecule, produced by B cells that bind antigens often with a high degree of specificity The basic structural unit of antibodyis composed of two identical heavy chains and two identical light chains 26、Tumor specific Ag, TSA-only express on the tumor cells but normal cells27、Tumor associated Ag,TAA:Its expressis high on tumor cells but lowon normal cells, eg. AFPCEA 28、Superantigen (SAg) :Antigens that can non-specifically stimulate polyclonal T/B cells and induce a very strong Ir with a extremely low concentration29、Immunoglobulin,It refers toall globulins that possess thebioactivityof Ab or a similar structure to Ab Therefore, all Abs belong toIgs, but not all Igs possess the functions of Abs30、Hypervariable region (HVR) :Most of the sequence differences among antibodies are confined to three short stretchesin the V regions of heavyand light chains are called HVR. Because these sequences form an antigen-binding surface that is complementary to the three-dimensional structure of the bound antigen, HVR are also called Complementarity determining regions, CDRsL chain possesses 3 CDRs:CDR1, CDR2 and CDR3H Chain possesses 3 CDRs : CDR1, CDR2 and CDR3 31、CDR , complementarity determining regionsThe three short stretchesin the V regions ofIg that contain most of the sequence differences among Igs are called CDR because these sequences form an antigen-binding surface that is complementary to the three-dimensional structure of the bound antigen32、domain of Ig :thePolypeptide chains of Ig are folded by intrachain s-s bond into globular shape in each 110aa regions which is called a domain ,33、Polyclonal Ab:a mixture of Abs with different specificities and affinities ,generated in a natural response or artificial immunization 34、Monoclonal Ab:Abs produced by single B cell clone (or one hybridoma clone ) possess same structure and specificity35、mAb / McAb :Prepared by hybridoma technique:Immunized spleen cells (B) fuse with myeloma cells and form hybridoma with property of proliferating and producing antibody36、genetic engineering Ab:Abs prepared by the method of generecombination37、Isotype of Ig :the epitope of Ig in all healthy individuals of a speciesis called as isotype,This is a kind of species specificity which exists in C region of immunoglobulin, including class, subclass, type, subtype 38、Allotype:The property of a group of antibody molecules defined by theirsharing a particularantigenic determinant found on the antibodies of some individuals but not others of a species.This is a kind of individual specificity within a species which exists in C region of immunoglobulin39、Idiotype of Ig :Igs produced by one B cell clone possess unique structure respectively in hypervariable region(HVR) ,the unique structure of Igis called idiotype of Ig40、complement system :A system of serum and cell surface proteins (including more than 30 proteins )that interact with one another and with other molecules of the immune system to generate important effectors of innate and adaptive immune response .41、MAC: a lyticcomplex of the terminal components of the complement cascade, including C5,6,7,8 and multiple copies of C9, that forms in the membrane of target cells .The MAC causes lethal ionic and osmotic changes in cells. MAC: C5678942、Cytokines (CK): group of low molecule weight proteins with high activityand multiple functions that are produced by many different kinds of cells and thatmediate immune response and inflammatory reactionLymphokines( 淋巴因子) monokines( 单核因子)43、Cell-adhesion molecules (CAMs):thecellsurface molecules whose function is to promote adhesive interactions with other cells or the extracellular matrixand play crucial roles in cell interaction, recognition , activation and migration .Leukocytes express various types of adhesion molecules, such as selectins, integrins, and members of the Ig superfamily, cadherin.44、CD, cluster of differentiation Cell surface molecules expressed on various cell types that are designated as cluster of differentiation or CD number (uses of McAb) TheCD molecules isa group of cell surface molecules associated with the development and differentiation of the immune cells .CD1-33945、.MHC (Major histocompatibility complex)A cluster of genes which encode for major histocompatibility antigens and relate to immune response.46、.HLA (human leucocyte antigen)The major histocompatibility antigens of human which are associated with histocompatibility and immune response.47、HLA complexThe MHC of human, a cluster of the genes which encode for HLA and relate to histocompatibility and immune response48、Anchor sites binding sites of an antigen peptide bound with antigen-binding grooves of MHC molecules49、anchor residues amino acids in the anchor sites bind to antigen- binding grooves of MHC molecules.50、innate immunity Its refered to the protection against infections that relies on the ability that exist before infection, and be capable of rapid response to pathogens .Innate immunity is the first line of defence against infection 51、PAMP:distinct structuresor components that are common for many pathogens e.g. LPS, proteoglycan, N-formylated peptides, double RNA of viruses et al.52、Pattern recognition receptors, PRR:the receptors thatcan recognize pathogen associated molecular patterns, locating on the surface of macrophages.e.g. mannose receptor, scavenger receptor, CD14, Toll like receptors et al. 53、Antigen-presenting cells:cells that can process and present antigens (MHC-peptide) to T cellsnonprofessional APCProfessional APCDendritic cell MacrophageB lymphocyte54、APC:expressing MHC-II and co-stimulatorymolecules, presentexogenous antigens to CD4+T cells, Includingmacrophages,dentriticcells andB cells 55、TCR-CD3 complex: a group of membrane molecules on T cells that can specially bind to the antigen and pass an activation signal into the cells, consisting of TCR (ba,dg) andCD3( eg,ed, zz or z) 56、TCR: a kind of membrane molecule on T cells that can specially bind to the antigen (Recognize specifically with Ag-MHC complex)57、BCR complex a group of membrane molecules on B cells that can specifically bind to the antigen and pass an activation signal into B cells, consisting ofBCR and Iga-Ig b heterodimer58、BCRmembrane immunologlobulin onB cell, mIg:IgM, IgD,Iga-Ig b, (CD79),ITAM,transduce an activation signal59、Allelic exclusion:only one of the two alleles in homologous chromosomes can be expressed.60、isotypic exclusion:only one of the two types of light chain genes can be expressed61、adaptive immune response:It means a process in which, after antigen recognition, lymphocytes are activated, proliferate, and differentiate into effector cells ( or lost the ability of activation) that exertimmune effect.62、CTL ( cytotoxic T lymphocyte) /(Tc) Development of membrane-bound cytoplasmic granules that contain proteins, including perforin and granzymes, whose function is to kill other cells. Secretion of cytokines, IFN- 63、 Immunological Tolerance: A type of specific unresponsiveness to an antigen induced by the exposure of specific lymphocytes to that antigen, but response to other antigens normally.64、Tolerogens: antigens that induce tolerance65、Clonal anergy:functional inactivation without cell death : lack co-stimulatory signal66、immunological ignorance :reactive lymphocytes and their target antigen are both detectable within an individual, yet no autoimmune attack occurs.67、immunological privilege:Privileged sites,Such as eyes, CNS ( central neural system) ,placenta, and testis.68、Immunoregulation The ability of the immune system to sense and regulate its own responses is called immunoregulation.69、Idiotopic determinant or idiotype: a unique determinant on an antibody or TCR molecule,usually formed by one or more of the hypervariable regionsactivation-induced cell death(AICD)apoptosis of target cell :FasL on Tc binds to Fas on target cells-induce the apoptosis of target cellApoptosis of activated T cellsFas is expressed on activated TcFasL on activated T cell binds to Fas on activated T cell and then induces T cell apoptosis. It is one of immunoregulation mechanisms .70、Hypersensitivity:An immune response that isheightened reactivity (exaggerate) to an antigenand can cause tissue injury orfunctional disorder is called hyper


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