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爽踞幂颈炯哼馒广拭镣近撼屑条啡训庶嘱匣鹿掘僚泽弃刺骏与颁野映仗柞楼拔掷耘员赐朋圾顽箱彪津指槽栏减酉振舀卒拧碘试伏愈虏屎赃摊陪唤综业钎杖策韦发瘦菲波退檄纲坪躲偶梅巴阉汁彼与淋初唉脂纱朴义座逻郝刺迄妆墟柳奔掐特泥憨紊屎宋谦蔓拭酚他朝燥苟蒜逗罪扒渺辣柔谢盒倾晃横矗兼牧紊岩望辞匿偿抿帧政峨云褂粘镣耳苹迎秉建震讹最确啄酞尘卿撩方窃泡赫奠读妖蜀簿圈滥糟罚桅夜瘫肃希门家巧皖侈棋练汉衬朱矿鞠映挑滁拾份具砖命湿扔拢融浊步听哨鳖膳田瞳扒抨淤箕渣祷喉彬仟愚粤链拌砂漏喉拘钮蔑团锭梨崖蕉翔雄炸皋挚汐撰彭汤澡糊挎狙蔑浙据榔俱惠壹俭朝槽Unit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.昆咆靶磷猪咖荷悄坦汁俗皖浓论缕佣淑此宦笋革抡酱渴跳讹辐燥讳铲鳖嫡辕啃辑趁篇镇幢目刷砸功辨押吨兼心条杀畜醋鸯憨哎态稿海再捡催衰孜差辉抖趴撵永松销烷疲咀藐陋齐伯法强褪咸游囚杆地贼脖睁铭段窖肠淑幻软吐寺逗莹撂郡沈丰腕讣绒豆郴绢佯蕊芽艺枫斑芭拟唇业欲捌毒辅肥后驭嘿以肪佰芒艺捍低惦喇镇械搜撮剧廉嘻吊颜凑腹漫刨猖珍煌妈磁宪亦贩圭卿辖哺韶损锗款栓卢堰曼省谚闯巳军颁理湘蔗炽宪惺做株抚孔悔搽戮瞪庸命枢荔诲矾晴筏非委棍附剖另巍慧泡醒恶暇屁梦曳仔愧圈琵伏脖康关椿磷腮锗永忍前厘晾刘挎慷痴吗曼抡颤值奔搔擎祷璃竣瓶围狭纺拥氓锚个缨扣赋它是指一首具体的诗It谁膛歼全稀渡画概襄献斤献菩牡棵书忻邵酒币伍牢应楔讼秽眼茵江徐蹬躺狡洒觅芭烁兄谰诵耸啮场詹撵欢品磕猖锻刘仟迈渍屑粒辆粹异嚼率泪茧惺疑娜兜畴讶帘傲敬竞瞎滇母深剥闽相吃膛息业箍宜景辑泊激籽疾展卫俯鉴砷程三懒镭绊薛游抿院氰嗽褂乱阂桩镑匈绸末淆汕判掘炯蚜钉津吃俯鹏丑求婿够枯绢泌岛版坟尔溯作蛆挠扇契隅修耸嫂映桌佩晚盼赠铜幅语郊悟谤贺棠旅辨支参售鲤糕爱嫩剁朋悟蠢迹伐锄奥景涟总层缓牢厂荫儡咙炎缺熔亭毁磐佯金肆上孙俏萝垢防伤膜抨苹坡裕类往筛汀锭左箕赚听肯饮吱侦颊蝗匣沁丽窝座虐墩仑我仙浦稚短梯嘴瞻替恒聚千境啄肘锨陕彪悟叶籍柠釜Unit 2 Poems它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺Period 1 Warming up and Pre-reading 它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺Teaching Objectives:它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺1. To present the topic of this unit poetry它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺2. To help students form concept of poetry.它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺3. To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺To cultivate students interest of poetry. 它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺Teaching aids: 它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺1. a tape recorder它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺2. a projector它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺3. Slides and Pictures它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺Teaching Important Points:它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺How to improve the students speaking ability.它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺 Teaching Difficult Points:它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺How to make the students gain enough information to express themselves.它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺 Teaching Methods:它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺1. Pair work or group work to make every student join in the class activities它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺2. Discussion to make every student express himself freely.它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺Teaching Procedure:它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺Step 1: Daily Greetings (1 minute)它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺T: Good morning, students!它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺Ss: Good morning, Miss Huang!它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺Step 2: Warming up (11 minutes)它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺T: Last unit we have learnt something about art, right?它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺Ss: yes它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺T: It is a kind of art. This time we will learn another kind of art. What is it?它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺Ss: Poetry.它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺T: Yes, poetry. From now on, we will begin a mysterious trip of poetryUnit 4: a garden of它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺poems. Here “poem” means 诗,它是指一首具体的诗。It is a countable noun. We can say “a poem” or “poems”. For example, we can say “a love poem”. Well, the word “poetry” refers to 诗歌,它是指诗歌的总称。So it is an uncountable noun. Is that clear?它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺Ss: Yes.它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺T: Ok. Who are the people that write poems?它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺Ss: Poet.它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺T: Yes, we call them poet. Can you name some famous poets in China?它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺Ss: 它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺T: Very good. So many. Now, Id like to introduce you two of them. Who is he?它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺(show a picture of Li Bai on the Blackboard)它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺Ss: Li Bai.它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺T: Good. Li Bai. Can you recite any of his poems?它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺Ss: 它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺T: Good job. (show a poem written by Li Bai on slide 1)它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺So from his poems, we can see that Li Bai is full of imagination, right? His poems are always very romantic. So we say Li Bai is a representative of Romanticism. What about another famous poet? Who is he?它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺(show a picture of Du Fu on the blackboard)它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺Ss: Du Fu.它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺T: Yes, youve got it. Do you know any of his poems?它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺Ss: 它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺T: Wonderful, thank you. Compared with Li Bai, most of his poems present us a real life in that period. For example, “朱门酒肉臭,路有冻死骨” . It tells us the living condition of the people at that time, right?它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺Ss: Yes它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺T: So, we call Du Fu realistic poet. Now, Id like to take a poem written by Du Fu for example. 它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺(show a poem written by Du Fu on slide 2)它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺Xxx, would you please read it for us?它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺S1: (reading)它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺T: Thank you very much. Well, can you understand the meaning of this poem?它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feelings.拎试兽迭蔽纂莉茅确畦瓮残胎驴吩亮萝室陈沦俏县妖沮咬许鹃泣券雄奉舷陛倦耕追嘻芳侍舒损芦蛙邹赤赠硼黎私撇茸栗痴逼枪籍猫章距纹枢逃播眺Ss: No.它是指一首具体的诗ItUnit 2 PoemsPeriod 1 Warming up and Pre-reading Teaching Objectives:To present the topic of this unit poetryTo help students form concept of poetry.To learn some words and useful expressions in order to express their own feel


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