英语:Unit 6《Do you like bananas》第二课时 学案(新人教版七年级上)

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英语:Unit 6《Do you like bananas》第二课时 学案(新人教版七年级上)_第1页
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英语:Unit 6《Do you like bananas》第二课时 学案(新人教版七年级上)_第2页
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Unit6 Do you like bananas?Section B一、Teacherswords: A high building, a low foundation.冰冻三尺,非一日之寒.二、Learning aims:1. Knowledge aims: sentences: He/She likes _. He/She doesnt like _.2. ability goals:学会准确表达自己的一日三餐.3. emotion goals: 学会合理饮食,保持健康。The main points:Step 1.情景导入:Step 2.预习导学:从下列食物中找出水果和蔬菜分别填写在下面相应的横线上. broccoli, salad, eggs, apples, ice cream, hamburgers, bananas, oranges, carrots, chicken, pears, strawberries, tomatoes1. fruits _2. vegetables_Then finish 1a and 1b拓展延伸:写出其他的单词:1. fruits _2. vegetables _Step 3. listen to the tape and finish 2a 2b . Pairwork. 根据听力内容编练对话.Step 4. learn the passage 3a.Then finish 3b ( 仿写 )For breakfast, Tom likes _ _and _.For lunch , he likes _.And for dinner, he like _.Exercise: writing.写一段话,谈谈自己的早餐,中餐和晚餐喜欢吃什么.For breakfast, I like _.For lunch, I like _.And for dinner, I like _随堂达标:一、 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示完成单词.1. I like f_. I like apples, pears and oranges. 2. My brother doesnt like broccoli or tomatoes. He doesnt likeV_. 3. He likes _( 胡萝卜 ),hamburgers and strawberries for lunch.4. Do you like _ ( 鸡肉 ) for dinner?5. What do you like for _( 早餐 )?二、用所给词的适当形式填空1. Usain Bolt is a great _( run ) 2. He wants to be a _( run ) star.3. We should eat _( health ) food.4. Jack _( like ) eggs for breakfast.5. She _( have ) ice cream for dessert.三、单项选择1._ food is on the table. A. Lot of B. Many C. A lot D. Lots of2. Do you have fruit _ lunch? A. on B. for C. at D. in3. She likes _ a lot. A. apple B. egg C. bananas D. salad4. He eats _ every day. He is healthy. A.good B. fine C. well D. OK5. _ she _ chicken for dinner? Yes, she does.A. Is ; eat B. Do ; eat C. Does ; eats D. Does ; eat


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