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2021/6/71Unit 4Astronomy:the science of the starsReading2021/6/72Look at the title of the passage and guess:How life began on the earth?2021/6/73 In Chinese culture_ separates(分分)the sky from the earth.Pangu 盘古盘古skyearth2021/6/74_ made human beings.Nuwa(女娲女娲)2021/6/75In western countries:_ created the world and all living things.God(上帝上帝)2021/6/76Skim the passage and match the main idea with each paragraph.Para.1 The formation(形成)of the earth.Para.2 The importance of water for life.Para.3 A widely accepted theory about the formation of the universe.Para.4 The arrival of humans and their impact on the earth.Para.5 The development of plants and animals on the earth.2021/6/77Read the Para1,then answer the question.How the universe began according to a widely accepted theory?1.mp3The universe began with a Big Bang.2021/6/78Read the Para2-3,then answer the questions.2-3.mp31 What was produced when the earth exploded?Water vapour,carbon dioxide,oxygen,nitrogen and other gases.2 Where did life first begin,on the land or in the sea?In the sea.2021/6/79Read Para4-5 and tell me 4-5.mp31.why were mammals different from other life forms?Because they gave birth to young baby animals and produced milk to feed them.2.What problem is caused by human beings?They are putting too much carbon dioxide into atmosphere2021/6/710Development of Life(1)(Big Bang):The earth was still a cloud of _.(between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago):The dust settled into a solid _.(explode):water vapor and some other gases were produced and made the earths _.(cool down):_ appeared on the surface.1.(life began):Arrival of small _ on the surface of the water.Intensive ReadingI.Read the para.2-4 and finish the timeline.dustglobeatmospherewaterplants2021/6/711Development of Life(2)6.(multiply):The oceans and seas were filled with _and the development of shellfish and other fish were encouraged.7.(next):Green plants began to grow on _.8.(followed in time):Land animals such as insects and_.9.(plants grew into forests):Reptiles appeared.10.(after that):Huge animals,called _ developed.11.(dinosaurs disappeared):It made the rise of _ on the earth possible.I.Read the para.2-4 and finish the timeline.landamphibiansdinosaursmammalsIntensive Readingoxygen2021/6/712Put the events into a timeline.1.Insects and amphibians appeared.3.The earth became a solid ball.5.Reptiles appeared.7.The earth was a cloud of dust.9.Shellfish and other fish appeared.11.Clever animals with hands and feet appeared.Keys:10 7 3 8 4 9 6 1 5 2 12 112.Dinosaurs appeared.4.Small plants grew on the water.6.Plants began to grow on dry land.8.Water appeared on the earth.10.The universe began with a“Big Bang”.12.Mammals appeared.2021/6/713Combine into Explode with fire and rockdissolve harmful gases Big Bang dusta ball lifeCool down How life began on the earth-1a cloud ofviolent solidAtmosphereWater2021/6/7141.plants in water2.and all sorts of plants 4.(on land)5.(onland and in water)6.forests7.(on land)8.(on land)9.(on land)How life began on the earth-2smallshellfishinsectsamphibianson landreptilesdinosaursmammals2021/6/715Fill in the blanks with the proper words.After the BigBang,the earth was a cloud of_(dusty).Later the dust began to combineinto_ ball.And then it exploded_(loud)with fire and rock,which _(be)in time to produce the water vapour,carbon dioxide,_ were to make the earth atmosphere.As the earth cooled down,water _(begin)to appear on its surface.Water had disappeared from other_(planet)or satellites,but it stayed _ the earth.That made _possible for life to begin _ (develop).dustto developa loudlywhichplanetsitwereonbegan2021/6/716We are making the world better.We are making the world worse.Discussion2021/6/717Can you find their English in the reading?1.随后它会变成什么一直随后它会变成什么一直无法确定无法确定,直到约直到约45亿至亿至38亿年亿年,这团尘埃最终变成一个固体圆球。这团尘埃最终变成一个固体圆球。2.更重要的事更重要的事,随着地球的冷却,地球的表面,随着地球的冷却,地球的表面就开始出现了水。就开始出现了水。3.所以地球上的生命所以地球上的生命是否是否能持续将能持续将取决于取决于这个这个问题问题是否是否能得到解决能得到解决2021/6/718Homework Read the passage again and find out the new words and expressions you dont know Students book unit4-1 Thank you for listening2021/6/719 solar energy plant trees recycle rubbish prevent desertificationsave water purify airWhat can we do to take care of the earth?2021/6/720Whether life will continue on the earth depends on human beings.Only if we care will we help;only if we help shall all be saved!2021/6/721 as在这里表示原因在这里表示原因,意思是意思是“因为因为”As he was ill,he needed more help.1.No one knows exactly how the earth began,as it happened so long ago.没人明白他在说什么,因为那太难理解没人明白他在说什么,因为那太难理解了。了。No one sees what hes saying,as it is too hard.2021/6/722because,as,since与与for because表示原因的语气较强,表示原因的语气较强,回答回答why问句的问句的提问。如果原因不重要,或为人所知,一般用提问。如果原因不重要,或为人所知,一般用as或或since。for表示原因的语气较表示原因的语气较because弱,类似补充说弱,类似补充说明,一般不用来回答明,一般不用来回答why提出的问题。引导的提出的问题。引导的从句不能放在句首,而且前面一般用逗号与主从句不能放在句首,而且前面一般用逗号与主句分开。句分开。2021/6/7231._ you cant answer the question,perhaps wed better ask someone else.2.Please be brief _ I am in a hurry.3.My head aches _ want of sleep.4.It must have rained last night,_ the ground is wet this morning.5.Cyprus,_ you know,is an island in the Mediterranean.Fill in the blanks with as,because,for or since.Sincebecauseforforas2021/6/7242.What it was to become was uncertain until between 4.5 and 3.8 billion years ago when the dustsettled into a solid to do sth.表示按计划或安排要做的事或者命运(即命表示按计划或安排要做的事或者命运(即命中注定要发生的事中注定要发生的事)。e.g.When are you to leave for home?你什么时候回家?你什么时候回家?主语从句定语从句它(地球)将成为什么样子一直是个谜,直到45-38亿年以前这些尘埃凝聚成一个固体球体。2)not until直到直到才才;直到直到之前之前(还不还不)e.g.Dont talk until the class is cover.等到下课再讲话。等到下课再讲话。2021/6/7253.The earth became so violent that it was not clear whether the shape would last or not.地球(开始)变得激烈动荡,不知道这个形状是否会继续存在下去。it 形式主语 1)真正的主语是主语从句)真正的主语是主语从句whether the shape would last or not。为了避免主语显得过长为了避免主语显得过长,可以用可以用it作为句子的主语作为句子的主语,把主语从把主语从句移到句子的末尾。句移到句子的末尾。e.g.It is well-known that we are good at English!众所周知,我们擅长英语。众所周知,我们擅长英语。2021/6/7262)2)whether 可以引导主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句和可以引导主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句和同位语从句同位语从句;而而if只能引导宾语从句。引导宾语从句既可以只能引导宾语从句。引导宾语从句既可以用用whether,也可以用也可以用if。Could you tell us whether/if it snows in winter in Australia?2021/6/7274.They were in time to produce in time 及时及时;终于终于She will be back in time to prepare dinner.The doctor came in time to save her life.医生及时赶来救了她的命。医生及时赶来救了她的命。Mary usually gets home in time to bath the children.玛莉通常及时到家给孩子们洗澡。玛莉通常及时到家给孩子们洗澡。2021/6/728注意注意:in time 还有还有“过些时候过些时候;最后最后”之意。之意。Youll get used to it in time.过些时候你会习惯它的。过些时候你会习惯它的。Dont worry.Im sure things will get better in time.别着急别着急,我肯定过些时候事情会好转的。我肯定过些时候事情会好转的。2021/6/729完成句子:完成句子:1)我们到达车站时,刚好赶上那班车。我们到达车站时,刚好赶上那班车。We got to the station just _ catch the bus.2)他早晚会明白什么才是对的。他早晚会明白什么才是对的。_ he will see what is time to In time 2021/6/7303)我刚好来得及赶上那班飞机。我刚好来得及赶上那班飞机。I was just _ the flight.4)大夫正好及时赶到挽救了他的生命。大夫正好及时赶到挽救了他的生命。The doctor got there just _ his time for in time to save 2021/6/731If you keep on,youll succeed time one time the same time D.on time答案:答案:A解析:该题考查学生对介词和解析:该题考查学生对介词和time构成构成的词组的辨析能力。的词组的辨析能力。in time除了有除了有及及时时的意思外的意思外,还有还有迟早迟早;总有一天总有一天的的意思。本题意为意思。本题意为:假如你继续坚持下去假如你继续坚持下去,你迟早会成功的。你迟早会成功的。2021/6/732 some time 一些时间一些时间 at times 时常时常 kill time 消磨时间消磨时间 behind time 落后落后 all the time 一直一直 at a time 一次一次 at this time 这时这时 at that time 那时那时 in time of 在在.的时候的时候 at the same time 同时同时 in no time 立刻立刻 in the daytime 在白天在白天 for a long time 长时间长时间 at one time 同一时期,同时同一时期,同时地地 for the first time 第一次第一次 from time to time 不时地不时地 time and again 反复地,不反复地,不断地断地 have a good time 玩得高兴玩得高兴 time的短语的短语2021/6/7335.atmosphere n.大气层大气层;气氛气氛An atmosphere of tension filed the room.屋子里笼罩着紧张的气氛。屋子里笼罩着紧张的气氛。The atmosphere over dinner was warm and friendly.用餐时洋溢着热情友好的气氛。用餐时洋溢着热情友好的气氛。注意注意:指指“大气层大气层”时时,常用常用 the atmosphere;指指“气氛气氛”时时,常使用单数形式。常使用单数形式。2021/6/7346.Water had also appeared on other planet like Mars but,unlike earth,it had disappeared later.unlike prep.与与不同;不像;非不同;不像;非的的特征特征 归纳归纳 1)be unlike.相当于相当于be different from.2)unlike sth./sb.位于句首,常用于表示对位于句首,常用于表示对比。比。3)unlike的反义词为的反义词为like。2021/6/7351)音乐与其他艺术形式不同。音乐与其他艺术形式不同。Music is quite .2)和他兄弟不同,他有种幽默感。和他兄弟不同,他有种幽默感。_,he has a good sense of humor.3)迟到这么久可实在不像他平时的作风。迟到这么久可实在不像他平时的作风。_ to be so late.unlike any other art form Unlike his brotherIts very unlike him2021/6/ the earth cooled down,water began to appear on its surface.随着地球的冷却随着地球的冷却,地球的表面就开始出现了水。地球的表面就开始出现了水。1)cool down 变凉变凉,冷却冷却2)appear“出现出现,似乎似乎”是不及物动词当表示是不及物动词当表示“似乎,好像似乎,好像”时是系动词时是系动词,该词无被动语态。该词无被动语态。Our teacher appeared on TV this morning.辨析辨析:appear seem look2021/6/737I.含义上的差异含义上的差异 appear 是指根据事物的外表表象做出判断的是指根据事物的外表表象做出判断的,但实质上并不一定如此但实质上并不一定如此;seem是表示说话人是表示说话人主观上的判断主观上的判断,暗含有一定的根据暗含有一定的根据,往往接近往往接近事实的判断事实的判断;look是根据视觉印象而得出的判断是根据视觉印象而得出的判断,实质上也可能如此。实质上也可能如此。She is fifty but she appears young.她五十岁了她五十岁了,但看起来很年轻。但看起来很年轻。(其实并非如此其实并非如此)She seems young.(I think she is young.)她看起来很年轻。她看起来很年轻。(个人的主观判断而推断出个人的主观判断而推断出)She looks young.她很年轻。她很年轻。(从他外表可出感觉出从他外表可出感觉出)2021/6/738II.用法上的差异用法上的差异 a.appear,look,seem 后均可带名词、形容语、后均可带名词、形容语、to be 结构。结构。The man who came yesterday appeared/seemed/looked an honest man.昨天来的那个人看来是一个诚实的人。昨天来的那个人看来是一个诚实的人。b.look 可用于进行时可用于进行时,而而 seem,appear 一般一般 不能。不能。He is looking very happy.他现在看起来很高兴。他现在看起来很高兴。2021/6/739c.appear 和和 seem 之后可接动词不定式的之后可接动词不定式的一般式、完成式以及其他形式一般式、完成式以及其他形式,而而 look 之后之后除了能接除了能接to be 结构外结构外,不接其它动词不定式不接其它动词不定式形式。形式。She appeared to agree with you.他好像同意你的意见。他好像同意你的意见。They dont seem to have read this novel.他们好像没有读过这本小说。他们好像没有读过这本小说。2021/6/740d.look,seem 能与介词能与介词 like 构成习语构成习语,意思意思 是是“看上去象看上去象”,而而 appear 却不能。却不能。如如:It seems like years since I last saw you.自从上次见到你后,好像很久没有见到你了。自从上次见到你后,好像很久没有见到你了。He looks like a student.他看起来象个学生。他看起来象个学生。e.seem,look 后均可接后均可接 as if,as though 引导的引导的 表语从句,从句中既可用陈述语气也可用表语从句,从句中既可用陈述语气也可用 虚拟语气,而虚拟语气,而 appear 则不能。则不能。It seemed/looked as if he had been to Beijing.看起来他去过北京。看起来他去过北京。2021/6/741f.appear和和seem均可接均可接 that引导的从句引导的从句,而而 look 不能。不能。It seems/appears that we wont finish this work today.我们好像今天完不成这项工作。我们好像今天完不成这项工作。g.appear和和seem 可用于可用于there be 结构中,而结构中,而 look 不能。不能。如如:There appears to have been an accident.好像出了一次事故。好像出了一次事故。2021/6/7428.Others,called amphibians,were able to live on land as well as in the well as “(“(除除 .之外之外)也,又也,又”,”,可可连接并列的单词或短语连接并列的单词或短语 Mary as well as her parents likes to listen to music.He grows flowers as well as vegetables.A teacher should entertain as well as teach.The child is lively as well as well相当于相当于too,一般放在句末。,一般放在句末。He is a worker,and a poet as well.2021/6/743as well as相当于相当于not onlybut also,但两者在,但两者在用法上有不同用法上有不同not onlybut also侧重后者,侧重后者,as well as则着重则着重前者,即前者,即A as well as B=not only B but also A。Mr.Brown has experience as well as knowledge.(侧重前者,即(侧重前者,即experience)=Mr.Brown has not only knowledge but also experience.(着重后者,即(着重后者,即but also后面的部分)后面的部分)2021/6/ laying eggs.lay-laid-laid-laying 放放,把把放在放在;产卵;产卵 He laid his books on the desk.注意注意:lie(lay;lain;lying)躺;位于躺;位于 lie(lied;lied;lying)说谎说谎 The naughty boy _ to me that the hen that _ there just now had _ two eggs the day before.A.laid;laid;laid B.laid;lay;lainC.lied;laid;lain D.lied;lay;laidD2021/6/745A hen _ in the corner quietly.After a while the hen _ an egg.But the man _ to his wife that the egg was bought in the shop _ in the centre of the town.Fill in the blanks with the correct form of lie or lay.laylaidliedlying2021/6/74610.give birth to1)生生(孩子孩子)Shes just given birth to a healthy baby girl.她刚刚生了个健康的女婴。她刚刚生了个健康的女婴。2)产生产生The extraordinary experience gave birth to his latest novel.这段奇特的经历促成了他的最新的一部这段奇特的经历促成了他的最新的一部小说的诞生。小说的诞生。2021/6/74711.Why they suddenly disappeared still remains a mystery.remain在这里是系动词,在这里是系动词,意思是意思是“保持;仍保持;仍然是然是”,后面可接形容词、过去分词、名词、,后面可接形容词、过去分词、名词、介词短语等作表语。介词短语等作表语。She remained silent all night.The work remained unfinished.The labour shortage remains a problem.People there remain in poverty.由由why引导的从句在句中作主语,称为主语从引导的从句在句中作主语,称为主语从句。句。2021/6/74812.They are putting too much carbon dioxide into the atmosphere,which prevents heat from escaping from the earth into space.他们把太多的二氧化碳释放到大气层中他们把太多的二氧化碳释放到大气层中,这就这就使得热量不能从地球上散发到太空中去。使得热量不能从地球上散发到太空中去。prevent sth./sb.(from)doing sth.制止制止(防止防止)某人某人(某物某物)做某事做某事The rules are intended to prevent accidents.What can we do to prevent this accident(from)happening?2021/6/749I intend to go and nothing you do can prevent me!(阻止阻止)Nothing can prevent this plan from being carried out.注意注意:类似结构类似结构 keep/stop sb.from doing sth.,但但 keep sb.from doing sth.中中from不可省略不可省略,prevent/stop sb.from doing sth.中的中的from可省,可省,但如在被动语态中但如在被动语态中,他们中的他们中的from都不可省。都不可省。I tried to keep him from waiting for her.我试图叫他不要再等她了。我试图叫他不要再等她了。I tried to keep him waiting for her.我试图让他等她。我试图让他等她。2021/6/75013.As a result of this,many scientists believe the earth may become too hot to live a result of是是短语介词,后跟名词、代词等,短语介词,后跟名词、代词等,意为意为“由于由于的原因的原因”,相当于相当于because of。He was late as a result of the heavy a result为副词用法,意为为副词用法,意为“结果是结果是”,后,后面指事情的结果。面指事情的结果。He got up very late today.As a result,he missed the first bus.2021/6/751(2009全国全国II)Jenny nearly missed the flight _ doing too much a result of B.on top of front of need of解析:本题考查介词短语。句意解析:本题考查介词短语。句意“由于由于购物花费时间太多,珍妮差点错过航购物花费时间太多,珍妮差点错过航班班”。as a result of作为作为的结果,的结果,由于;由于;on top of在在之上;之上;in front of在在前面;前面;in need of 需要需要。A2021/6/752The terrible war lasted eight years._,wives lost their husbands,parents lost their sons,and children lost their fathers.A.As a result B.As a result of C.Instead D.However解析:从题意可知,空缺处应填入解析:从题意可知,空缺处应填入“结结果果”之意,答案锁定在之意,答案锁定在A、B两项,而两项,而as a result of后要跟名词,表示后要跟名词,表示“由于由于的原因的原因”,因此只能选,因此只能选A项。项。2021/6/75314.the earth may become too hot to live on.地球可能会因此变得太热而不适合生物的生存。地球可能会因此变得太热而不适合生物的生存。有关有关too的一些用法。的一些用法。1)too作作“太太”讲。讲。There is too much water.水太多了。水太多了。This shirt is too large for me.这衬衫我穿起来太大。这衬衫我穿起来太大。The problem is rather too hard for me.这个问题对我来说太难了。这个问题对我来说太难了。2021/6/7542)“too”,有两种意义有两种意义,一种为一种为“太太以至以至(不不)”,在翻译时要加上在翻译时要加上一个否定词一个否定词;另一种是另一种是“太太”,语意肯定语意肯定,但但too后的形容词常用后的形容词常用ready,heavy,beautiful等。等。The question is too hard to understand.问题太难问题太难,理解不了。理解不了。He is too proud to see his own shortcomings.他太骄傲了以至于看不到自己的缺点。他太骄傲了以至于看不到自己的缺点。You are too ready to find faults with others.你太爱挑别人的毛病了。你太爱挑别人的毛病了。2021/6/7553)“only/all/not/buttoo”,后面的动词不定式在翻译时不必加否定词。后面的动词不定式在翻译时不必加否定词。only等与等与too连用等于连用等于very(非常非常)。I shall be only too pleased to hear from you further.我非常欢迎你再来信。我非常欢迎你再来信。They are but too glad to do so.他们非常喜欢这么做。他们非常喜欢这么做。We are only too pleased to work together with the workers.我们和工人们一起劳动我们和工人们一起劳动,非常高兴非常高兴。2021/6/7564)“cannotcan never.too”,表示表示“无论怎样无论怎样也不会过分也不会过分”。You cannot praise him too highly.你无论怎样表扬他也不过分。你无论怎样表扬他也不过分。We cannot be too careful in doing experiments.我们做实验无论怎样小心也不过分。我们做实验无论怎样小心也不过分。You can never be too careful of your health.你越注意健康越好。你越注意健康越好。2021/6/7575)当当too用于数量增减时用于数量增减时,表示表示“过过(多、少、多、少、长等长等)”的意思。的意思。It is too long by half.它长了一半。它长了一半。He has given me six too many(few).他多他多(少少)给了我六个。给了我六个。This rod is 3 inches too long.这杆长了这杆长了3英寸。英寸。-Are you going to the football game?-No.The tickets are _ expensive for me.A.very much B.far too C.highly much解析解析:“too+形容词形容词+for sb.”表示表示“太太”,far 可置于可置于too前表示程度。前表示程度。B2021/6/75815.whether life will continue on the earth for millions of years to come will depend on whether this problem can be solved.在未来的千百万年中在未来的千百万年中,生命能否在地球上生命能否在地球上 延续将取决于这个问题能否得到解决。延续将取决于这个问题能否得到解决。depend vi.相信相信,信赖;依靠,依赖信赖;依靠,依赖(尤指尤指 钱钱);视视而定。而定。You can depend on John he is always on time.你可以相信约翰你可以相信约翰,他总是很准时。他总是很准时。2021/6/759相关短语:相关短语:believe sb.相信某人相信某人(所说的话所说的话)believe in sb.信任信任/信赖某人信赖某人trust(in)sb.相信相信/信任信任/信赖某人信赖某人depend oncount on sb.rely on 信任信任/相信相信/依赖依赖/依靠某人依靠某人2021/6/760Tell him what you want to say;hes a man to _.A.count B.believe D.depend 解析解析:相信相信/信赖某人信赖某人:count on sb./believe in sb./depend on sb./trust(in)sb.C2021/6/761unlike;depend on;be harmful to;different from;give birth;violent;in time 1.What they say is often _ what they do.2._ many other topics,fat is always a topic that Americans talk about.3.He found a job last month and didnt have to _ his parents any longer.different from Unlike depend onComplete the sentences with a word or a phrase from the box.2021/6/7624.In China women have the freedom to choose not to _.5.The _ earthquake left 3,000 people homeless.6.Dont be afraid of making mistakes.But it _ let them remain uncorrected.7.If you put your heart into your work,you can succeed _.violentin time is harmful to give birth2021/6/763Homework1.Collect more information about the development of life and make a poster with your group members.2.Read and retell the passage to learn the important and difficult language points.2021/6/764部分资料从网络收集整理而来,供大家参考,感谢您的关注!


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