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,第二部分 猪的品种 Breeds of Swine,第一节 品种的概念,一、猪的品种的概念,品种是根据人们生产和生活的需求,在一定的社会经济和自然条件下,通过选择、选配而培育出来的,具备某种经济特点,并有一定数量的类群。 这些类群具有共同的来源,相似的经济特性、外形特征和生理特点及相对稳定的遗传性。,二、品种必须具备的条件,来源相同,特征特性相似 相对稳定的遗传特征和一致的生产性能 具有较大的同质性: 即遗传稳定性 具有一定的异质性:遗传改良的基础 具有一定的种用价值和一定的经济价值 有一定的数量:一个猪种1000,100,三、品种概念的扩充,合成品种(Composites) 是通过品种组合(综合)形成的(breed combinations) 是由育种公司或育种者出售的(sold by companies or breeders),四、用于种用动物的一些术语 Terms used in breeding animals,Breed : 品种 Bloodlines : 血统 ancestor. Purebred : 纯种, 经过了品种登记或具有资格的动物 杂种(Crossbred): 特指通过2个纯种杂交产生的个体(especially an animal produced by a cross between two pure breeds),四、用于种用动物的一些术语 Terms used in breeding animals,品种和类型 Bloodlines : 血统 ancestor. Purebred : 纯种, 经过了品种登记或具有资格的动物 杂种(Crossbred): 特指通过2个纯种杂交产生的个体(especially an animal produced by a cross between two pure breeds),第 二 节 猪的经济类型,一、分类依据,根据不同猪种的肉脂生产能力和胴体的经济用途分类,二、猪的经济类型的概念,根据市场(或消费者)对瘦肉和脂肪的需求差异 结合不同地区的饲料供应特点 经育种者长期地、有意识地向不同方向选育 形成的在胴体用途、外型特点、遗传基础上各有差异的品种类型,是品种向专门化方向发展的产物。,三、猪的经济类型,瘦肉型(lean type) 体长与胸围之差 1520cm 平均背膘厚 55% 头颈清秀、背腰平直、腿臀丰满,三、猪的经济类型,脂肪型(lard type) 体长与胸围之差 4 cm 胴体瘦肉率 50% 头颈粗重、体躯宽深、全身肥满、四肢短,三、猪的经济类型,兼用型 (Meat type) 体型、生产特点:体形、胴体肥瘦度和饲料转化效率都介于脂用型与瘦肉型之间。 胴体瘦肉率在45-55,第三节 引进品种,Yorkshire(大约克猪) Landrace(长白猪) Duroc(杜洛克猪) Hampshire(汉普夏猪) Pietrain(皮特兰猪),目前世界上使用最广泛的5个猪种 Five most popular breeds in the world,1. Yorkshire,Origin - York, England Distribution - Overall the world Characteristics - All white body - Erect ears,1. Yorkshire,Large White,Middle White,1. Yorkshire,Benefits -Maternal breed-known as the “mother breed” - Known also as a “Dual purpose breed” Lean and meaty carcass Used for crossbreeding,American Yorkshire,American Yorkshire,British Yorkshire,Origin - Denmark, came to China in early 1980s Distribution - Overall the world Characteristics - All white body - Long thin ears flopping forward - Super lean,2. Landrace,Danish Landrace,2. Landrace,Benefits - Maternal breed-known for mothering - Known for length of body - One extra rib,Danish Landrace,American Landrace,Dutch Landrace,Finnish Landrace,French Landrace,German Landrace,British Landrace,Origin New york/New Jersy state, USA, in 1800s,3. Duroc,American Duroc,Characteristics - red color with considerable variation from light golden, almost yellow color, to a very dark red - drooping ear Benefits - Known as a “Terminal breed” - Grow extremely fast - Durable and rugged,3. Duroc,Danish Duroc,4. Hampshire,Origin: Hampshire ,England Characteristics Black color with a white belt Erect ears,Benefits - Known as a “terminal breed” - The “meat breed” excellent carcass: heavy muscled and lean - Used in crossbreeding programs,4. Hampshire,Disbenefits - poor meat quality: RN gene( Rendement napole gene) (Hampshire gene) Cause an accumulation of glycogen(糖原) in the muscle Decrease the ultimate ph(acid pork) High drip losses(滴水损失) Improve average daily gain(ADG) Increase carcass lean meat content,4. Hampshire,Origin : Belgium, imported in China in 1980s,5. Pietrain,5. Pietrain,Breed characteristics - medium size - color white with black spots - Ears erect,5. Pietrain,Benefits - Known as a”Terminal breed” - Extreme muscle and leanness - Carcass oriented Disbenifit - high incidence of PSE meat,PSE:pale, soft, exudative,6.Heaviest Muscled Breed: Pietran,- Originated in Belgium Many carry the Halothane gene (porcine stress syndrome, PSS) - Extremely lean and heavy muscled,6. Berkshire,-Black with six white points -Erect ears -Noted for excellent marbling and loin muscle quality -Early maturing -Backfat - Slow growth,-Some markets pay a premium for Berkshire breeding (Berkshire Gold Program).,7. Poland China,-Developed in Ohio, USA -Black with six white points -Drooping ears -Large loineye areas -Meaty carcasses -Not very adaptable to intensive systems,8. Chester White,-White -Semi-lop eared -Durable breed -Good for both indoor and outdoor systems -Was a popular lard pig -Large litters at birth and weaning -Sows milk well, good mothering ability - Known as a “Dual purpose Breed”,9. Spot,-Black and white spotted -Drooping ears -High growth rate -Lacks adv. in meat quality -Boars are aggressive,The End?,I DONT THINK SO,1. What breed is the mother breed?,YORKSHIRE,Review Question,2. What breed has really floppy ears?,LANDRACE,Review Question,3. What breed is considered the belted breed?,HAMPSHIRE,Rewiew Question,4. What breed is all red?,DUROC,Review Question,Duroc Landrace Hamphire Yorkshire,Trick Question,Which hog as erect ears?,.,Pigging Sowing Grunting Farrowing,Trick Question,What is it called when a sow gives birth?,Hogger Barrow Gilt Boar,Trick Question,What is a mature male hog called?,BONUS QUESTION,What is the breed of the red belted hog in this picture?,IT IS A CROSS BETWEEN A HAMPSHIRE AND A DUROC!,Section IIChinese Native Breeds,North-China Type 华北型,1.1 Distribution : in the Middle Temperate Belt, to the north of the Huaihe River Basin and the Qinling Mountains 1.2 Representatives: 东北民猪, 西北八眉猪,Characteristic: -very tolerant to cold temperatures and harsh feeding conditions - very long black hair, and dense woolen undercoat in the winter Benefits: -a prolific breed: a large litter rate of 15-16 pigs,东北民猪,民猪(东北),八眉猪,2. South-China Type 华南型,Characteristics : - bodily form: 矮、短、圆、肥、宽,广西陆川猪,广东小耳花猪,贵州香猪,滇南小耳猪,III. Central-China Type 华中型,金华猪,金华猪,a white body, with black at the head and rump-the common name of “two-end-black“(两头乌) back and loins are slightly curved especially noted for its thin skin, fine bones and tender meat-Jinhua ham,通城猪,宁乡猪,宁乡猪,hair coat color patter: lack clouds overhanging snows , with a silver ring around the neck the back is slightly concave(凹陷) , and the belly is pouched and pendulous(下垂) The back fat is 4 cm thick the average litter size is 11.5 and there are 7 pairs of teats,V. Jianghai Type 江海型,梅山猪(Meishan ),Origin: Shanghai , China Characteristics: predominantly black with white feet Benefits: the most prolific breeds of pig in the world - reach puberty at 2.5-3 months of age - large litter size of 15-16 pigs - Third and later parities of this breed had 17.0 pigs born, with 12.9 being weaned. Disbenifits: a low growth rate - the 240 day weight was 77kg., with an ADG of 340g,Meishan,枫泾猪,Wrinkled face and skin Puberty at 2.5-3 months of age One of the most prolific breeds of pig in the world slow growing and fat, but have a very good taste,枫泾猪 (Fengjing),Meishan and Fengjing,- good maternal traits - prolific (20 + pigs per litter) - Very fat and light muscled,Fengjing,Meishan,二花脸猪,嘉兴黑猪,IV. Southwest 西南型,内江猪,内江猪,comparatively large in size, with strong body constitution, thick skin (about .7 cm) and thick back fat (3.4 to 5.7 cm) precocious(早熟的) - the young boar may mount the female at as early an age as 2 months, and mature spermatozoa(精子) are found in the epididymis at 71 to 78 days - gilts can be mated and become pregnant as early as 90 days after birth The average litter size is 10.6, and there are 7 pairs of teats.,荣昌猪,IV. Plateau Type 高原型,合作猪,Characteristics: - long, coarse and dense bristles - a slow growth rate - low prolificacy, with a litter size of 4 to 7 - 5 pairs of teats Benefits: - be survival out on pasture year round in the Plateau region,合作猪,藏 猪,Knowledge Quiz,1. Name the breed that has a all red body with short ears flopping forward? 1 2. Name the breed that has a black body, six white points and erect ears? 1,Knowledge Quiz,3. Name the breed that has a black body, white belt and erect ears? 1 4. Name the two breeds known as dual purpose breeds? 1 2,Knowledge Quiz,5. Name the three breeds known as terminal sires? 1 2 3 6. Name the three breeds known for mothering? 1 2 3,Knowledge Quiz,7. Name the six types of breeds and their representative breeds in the China 1 2 3 4 5 6,Terms,Phenotype : The physical appearance/observable characteristics of an organism Genotype :The genetic constitution of an organism Crossbreeding: Marbling: is the intermingling (相互混杂)of fat with lean in a muscle, and therefore, is intramuscular(肌内脂肪) fat deposited around or between muscle fiber bundles,Terms,Average daily gain(ADG) RN gene: PSS:,Thats all folks,


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