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第二章 词语的翻译,Translation of Words,学习目的和要求:从汉英词语间的差异研究分析入手,透过语言现象看支配语言现象差异的文化特征,探讨翻译对策。 重点和难点:歧义词和形象词的英译处理。 教学课时:4学时,词语包括词和短语,是造句成章的基本语言单位。汉英翻译中词语的翻译应从汉英词语间的差异研究分析入手,结合具体的上下文和两种文化的特征来寻找对策。 思维和语言的共性使汉语的某些词语可在英语中找到完全对应的词语,然而,人类历史源远流长,各民族文化五彩斑斓且变化纷呈,不同文化环境的人对大自然和社会的认识程度不同,角度不一,作为文化载体的语言,必定深受文化的影,响,因此语言的特性又使汉语中的某些词语在英语中只能找到部分对应的词语,甚至根本没有对应语, 出现词汇空缺。本章将探讨多义词、歧义词、同义词、反义词、抽象词、形象词、数词与量词 的英译方法。,多义词的英译,Words do not have meanings, people have meanings for words.“词本无义, 义随人生。”任何一个词语,被使用者在不同的语境中使用, 就往往被赋予了不同的意义。要确定多义词在特定语境中的含义, 一要紧密联系上下文, 二要注意这些词语的搭配习惯。如:1.“接”,1)接管子: join two pipes together; 2)请接英语系 : Put me through to the English Department, please; 3)接球: Receive a pass (service),4)接电话: answer the phone; receive (take) a phone call 5)接李老师的课: Take over Mr Lis class 6) 接任所长的职务: Succeed as the institute instructor,2. “税” 国税 State tax 2)关税 Customs duties 3)税率 Tariff rates 4)保税仓库区,Bonded warehouse area 说明:“税”在汉语中可用于国税、关税、税率、保税仓库区等指称对象, 而英语中则具体分为tax, duty, tariff以及动词 bond等, 其中tax 指税、税额,duty指关税, tariff指进出口货物课征之税。而汉语的“保税”并非一定“免税”,只是把进口货物存入关栈,暂不办理进口手续, 也不必马上纳税, 待再出口时便可免税。这种情况,英语中用bond表示。,再如汉语中的“遗产”一词就有好几种译法:legacy (遗产中的动产部分);estate(被继承人死后留下的尚未被继承的全部遗产 );inheritance (已被继承了的遗产)等。 试译:中华人民共和国海关对进出上海外高桥保税区货物、运输工具和个人携带物品的管理办法,a) Measures of the Customs of the Peoples Republic of China Concerning the Administration of the Goods, Means of Transport, and Articles Carried by Individuals to be Brought into or out of the Bonded Area of Outer Gaoqiao in Shanghai,b) Procedures of Customs of the Peoples Republic of China for the control over the Goods, Means of Transport and Personal Articles Entering or Leaving the Shanghai Waigaoqiao Free Trade Zone,分析:比较两种译文,可以看出同一个办法被译成了两个不同的法规。译文a)将“管理办法”译为 “Measures Concerning the Administration (有关管理的方法)”,指称意义与原文相符。而译文b)用的是“Procedures for the control over (控制程序或步骤)”,使原文的信息功能和,和祈使功能遭到破坏; 其次,“个人携带物品”在译文a)中译为Articles Carried by Individuals , 而在b)中则成了Personal Articles (私人物品);“进出口(上海)”是指货物等被带进或带出( Brought into or out of ),而译文b)却使用了主动性很强的“Entering or Leaving”, 仿佛货物自己长了脚可以自由进出一样, 这种拟人化的描写,是译者误加上去的, 不仅损害了原文信息的有效传递,还破坏了法律文件的准确性和严肃性。更为重要的是,对“保税区”一词的翻译,译文b)误译为 “自由贸易区”(Free Trade Area), 这是与“保税区”(Bonded Area)截然不同的两个概念.,歧义词的翻译,歧义词指同时具有两种或两种以上解释的词,这些词的实际意义与其字面意义不同, 容易引起误解或误译。在翻译这些词的时候,必须依据上下文和前后搭配来确定词义,从而进行有效的翻译。 1.大家 大家闺秀 Daughter from a family of good social standing 汉学大家 leading expert on sinology,一个人不行, 大家来出主意。A single person wont do. Lets put our heads together (lets have a brainstorming session together). 2. 大方 大方之家 Learned man; expert 举止大方:have an easy manner; carry oneself with ease and confidence,样式大方:tasteful in style 3. 大夫 封建士大夫: scholar officials in Chinas feudal society 医院的大夫:doctors or physicians in hospitals,4. 地道: 开挖地道: Dig a tunnel 地道的英国口音: Pure British accent 衣服做工地道: Excellent tailoring,5.点播: 在田间点播玉米 Dibble corn seeds in the field 听众点播的音乐节目 Music item requested by the audience 6.机动 机动车,Motor vehicle 机动灵活的战略战术 Flexible strategy and tactics 机动力量 Reserve force 以上所举的这些歧义词只是少数,没有提到的还有很多。在翻译这些歧义词之前一定要辨明其真正的意义,否则会贻误读者。,还应该注意的是, 有的人名或地名因种种原因被赋予了特殊的含义,因此这些人名或地名往往会令人产生歧义,翻译时需注意。如: 7. 姑苏城外寒山寺, 夜半钟声到客船。 Outside the city of Suzhou Is resounding a distant knell. It is cold-hill Monastery -,Towards us, tolling its midnight bell. 分析:原文摘自一首意境深远, 脍炙人口的唐诗,诗中描绘的那种静谧气氛很容易让人将 “寒山” 理解为Cold Hill, 而将 “寒山寺”理解为寒山上的一座寺庙。而事实上,苏州城外有 “寒山寺”, 却没有一座 “寒山”。原来此寺因住过唐代一位叫 “寒山” 的高僧而得名。至于“寒山”取这个名有无寓意,无人知道。如果直译,无疑会带来错误信息。所以拟改为音译Han shan Monastery.,同义词的翻译,同义词是指在意义上大体相同,但在用法、感情色彩、文体意义和搭配习惯方面不尽相同的词。 翻译中在涉及到同义词的选择时要注意仔细辨别上述几方面的差异。 1.不同的语体色彩 根据表达原作内容的需要,翻译中可在不同语体色彩(古雅废旧口语俗语俚语方言行业语禁忌语等)间进行适度转换。,1).我看到了孔子的弟子濯足(洗脚)的那条小溪。 I saw the small stream where Confucius disciples bathed(washed) there feet.(archaic style) 没多久他就害痨病/肺病死了。 Soon after he suffered from consumption/tuberculosis and died. (colloquial style),忽见东府几个人, 慌慌张张跑来,说:“老爷宾天了!” 众人听了, 吓了一大跳, 忙都说: “好好的并无疾病, 怎么就没了!” when some servants from the Eastern Mansion came rushing up frantically. “The old master dead / ascended to Heaven!” They announced. Everybody was,consternated. “He wasnt even ill, how could he die / pass away so suddenly?” They exclaimed. (euphemism) 2. 同义词不同形象之间的转换 在虎口里/魔爪下 Under the lions paw “老许, 这里面一定有鬼!”,“lao xu, definitely there is something devilish / fishy here!” 一些人清醒,多数被蒙蔽,少数是右翼骨干。 Among the members of these parties some keep their heads, many are deceived, and a small number make up the framework / nucleus of the right wing.,3. 同义词感情色彩的差异 1) He had a. deep distrust for the old school of the German ruling class. They were rigid embittered by defeat. 他很不信任德国统治阶级中的旧派人物。那帮人顽强不屈 / 顽固不化, 因战败而憋着一肚子气。,2) 日本帝国主义已经不能继续打下去了。中国人民的艰苦抗战已经取得了胜利。 Japanese imperialism can no longer continue the fight. The Chinese peoples hard and bitter War of Resistance has gained a victory / is crowned with victory. 3) 他们讲唯心论, 我们讲唯物论。 They advocate /preach idealism whereas we preach /advocate materialism.,反义词的翻译,汉语是方块字,不具备词语本身形态变化的优势,而注重词的附加和前后连接;英语形态手段丰富, 词语有曲折变化, 词缀附加现象普遍。词缀可以把一个词变成它的对应词。 根据这一点,汉语反义词译成英语时,一是译成相应的英语词, 二是借助词缀法。如:,1.译成相应的英语词反义词,善恶 good and evil 盛衰 rise and fall 兴亡 prosperity and adversity,增减 increase and decrease 祸福 weal and woe 损益 profit and loss,2.借助英语的词缀法译汉语的反义词,贵/贱: expensive/inexpensive 大方/小气: generous/ungenerous 真/假: true / untrue,未婚/已婚: married / unmarried 合法/非法: lawful / unlawful 忠实/不忠: faithful / unfaithful 公正偏袒: impartial /partial,汉语抽象词的翻译,汉语的抽象词没有英语那么多,但自古以来, 表达抽象意义的汉语词语仍不乏其例。如旧时流行的蒙学课本三字经(Three-Character Primer)就有不少抽象名词:“性相近,习相远。” “教五子, 名俱扬。” “养不教,父之过。 ” “教不严,师之惰。 ” “人不学, 不知义。 ” “曰仁义, 礼智信, 此五常, 不容紊。” “曰喜怒,曰哀惧, 爱恶欲, 七情具。”其中的抽象名词, 都不加虚化词缀。现代汉语的一些抽象词尾(如“性” 、,“化”、“度”、“主义等)大多来自外语。如“性” 译自英语的-ty, -ness, -ce等(necessity 必要性、correctness 正确性、dependence 依赖性), “化”译自英语的-zation, -tion等(modernization现代化, abstraction 抽象化), “度”相当于英语的-th, -ty(length 长度, intensity 强度), “主义”译自英语的-ism, -ness等(patriotism 爱国主义,slavishness 奴隶主义)。 现代汉语虽然从外语中引进了这类抽象的抽象标记, 但其应用范围有限。,汉语抽象词的翻译有两种方法。一是翻译成相对应的英语抽象词。如: 友谊, 可能性, 枪法, 出勤率, 结论 ,可行性, 宿命论等 (friendship, likelihood, marksmanship, attendance, conclusion, feasibility, fatalism),二是对于只是用于表示范畴的汉语抽象词则无需译出。如: 不调查,不研究,提起笔来硬写, 这就是不负责任的态度。 It is sheer irresponsibility to pick up the pen and “ force ourselves to write” without investigation or study. 原文中的“态度”一词在译文中就没有必要用单独的单词翻译出来。,从水的蒸发现象可知,液体能在一定条件下转变为汽体。 From the evaporation of the water people know that liquids can be changed into vapors under certain condition. 在巴西全境,庆祝活动将持续一个星期之久。 Popular rejoicing will go on for a week throughout Brazil.,形象词的翻译,与英语相比,汉语虽然较缺乏抽象性词语, 但形象性词语(如比喻,成语,谚语,歇后语等)却相当丰富。汉语形象词的翻译可采用三种方法。 一、考虑到两种语言中某些形象的普遍性, 即同一形象表达相同的含义, 某些汉语形象词的翻译可用直译法, 以便同时忠实于原文的意思和保留原文的形象。,1.那胡正卿心头“十五个吊桶打水, 七上八下”。(施耐庵等:水浒全传) Hu Cheng-ching was very much upset by this and his heart was beating like fifteen buckets being hurriedly lowered into a well for water-eight going down while seven were coming up.,2. 我看你这个人的话, 真是大牯牛的口水, 太长! ( 郭沫若 :屈原) Your words are like the slobber of a buffalo-too long. 3.这件事谁也不知道。他也不对任何人提起。哑巴吃黄连, 有苦说不出。(周而复:上海的早晨),No one knew of these transactions, nor was he going to mention the matter to anyone else. He was like the dumb man eating the bitter herb: he had to suffer the bitterness of it I silence. 4. 吾视曹操百万之众如群蚁尔。(三国演义) Cao Caos million men in my eyes are just like a swarm of ants.,二、由于双语文化的差异,原语里鲜明的形象照搬进译入语里会晦涩难懂或易引起不良联想时,可采用更换形象、保留寓意的方法来处理。 1. 象一只落汤鸡 Like a drowned rat 2.骨瘦如柴 As thin as a lath,3. 一贫如洗 As poor as a church mouse 4.骑虎难下 Hold a wolf by the ears 5. 拦路虎 A lion in the way (path) 6. 胆小如鼠 Chicken-livered (hearted),7. 鸡皮疙瘩 Goose flesh 8. 水底捞月 To fish in the air 9. 像热锅上的蚂蚁 Like a hen on a hot girdle,10. 如果他说些不好听的话,就给他一个“实棒槌灌米汤”,来个寸水不进, 就当他什么都没说, 这样才能过日子。 When he says something nasty, let it run off you like water off a ducks back, just pretend that you hear nothing from him. Only in this way can you keep sane.,三、当汉语中的一些形象说法在英语里面无法找到对应的形象时,则只能舍弃形象,保留意义。如: 1.你们别笑,老鼠拉木锨-大事还在后头呢! Dont laugh, the best is yet to come!,2. 生活里起过小小的波浪,如今似乎又平静下去。一切跟平常一样, 一切似乎都是外甥打灯笼, 照舅(旧)。( 暴风骤雨) The even tenor of their life had been disturbed, but things seemed to be settling down again. The villagers felt themselves back in the old rut.,3. 侯扒皮气得眼珠子瞪圆, 他左手朝大腿一拍: “警告爷们?! 爷们是老虎推磨-不听那一套!” (敌后武工队) Skinflint glared round-eyed with anger. He slapped his thigh with his left hand, “Giving us an ultimatum ? ! well never listen to any of that stuff !”,当然,汉语形象词语的翻译除了这几种之外,还可能有别的方法,这就要靠研究者在阅读各种译著中总结和在具体的翻译实践中灵活处理了。,数词的翻译,作为纯数学意义上的数词的翻译,只需直译即可。数词翻译的难点在于数词有时只具有象征作用,不表示确切的数量, 只表示大小、轻重、程度等概念,这时数词的翻译有以下几种方法。 1. 等值翻译。即如实翻译原文的数字概念。这种方法包括直译和直译加注。如果把原语的数值量如实地翻译到译文中去,能够符合译文的表达习惯,那么就可以采用等值翻译法。,a. 直译 (1) 沧海一粟 a drop in the ocean (2)一箭之遥 within a stones throw (3)一箭双雕 kill two birds with one stone,5) 和平共处五项原则 The five Principles of Peaceful Coexistence 6)一个中心两个基本点 One central task and two basic points,) 黄河远上白云间, 一片孤城万仞山。 The Yellow River reaches high beyond the clouds;Amid the massive mountains a solitary town lies.,b.直译加注 (1) 三好学生 “three-good” student (good in study, moral conduct and physical training) (2) 四害 Four pests (rats, bedbugs, flies and mosquitoes),(3)五常 Five cardinal virtues in traditional Chinese ethics (benevolence, justice, propriety, wisdom, honour) (4)三资企业 three investment enterprises (sino-foreign joint ventures, sino-foreign joint management enterprises, exclusively foreign-funded enterprises in China),2. 不等值翻译。即原文的数字概念不能照实地翻译到译文中去,而必须对数值进行改动以便符合译文的表达习惯。 (1)重新考虑, 再三考虑 on second thoughts (2) 两两三三地,零零落落地 by ones and twos,(3)三个赖皮匠胜过诸葛亮 Two heads are better than one (4)你能便宜一点卖吗?对不起,不二价。 Can you come down a little? -Sorry, its one price for all.,5) 孔子曰:“三人行,则必有我师。” Confucius said, “Out of my two fellow travellers, one must be qualified to be my teacher.”,3. 不必译出。如果原文中的数字在译文中不译出亦可,或者不译出更符合译文的表达习惯,那么原文中的数字在译文中就可省去而用其他表达法替代。,(1) She is a second Lei Feng. 她是雷锋式的人物。 (2) 三八妇女节 International Working Womens Day,(3) 一不怕苦,二不怕死 Fear neither hardship nor death. (4) 欲穷千里目, 更上一层楼 If you desire to enjoy a grander sight; Then climb to a greater height.,量词的翻译,汉语量词非常丰富, 从语法上讲,英语没有真正意义上的量词。汉语量词译成英语时,通常是不必译出的。如: four rifles 四枝步枪 six cars 六辆汽车 five tractors 五部拖拉机 seven lathes 七台车床,汉语的量词也可以译成英语中表示度量衡的名词或其他表示量的名词。这种译法用的较多。这种情况下,在表示量的名词和表示度量衡的名词之间要有一个介词“of ”。如: 1. 一条巧克力 a bar of chocolate 2. 一片白雪 a blanket of snow,3. 一阵风 a blast of wind 4. 一层油漆 a coat of paint 5. 一场战斗 a bout of fighting,6.一连串想法 a chain of thought 7. 一缕轻烟 a wisp of smoke 8. 一阵雷声 a peal of thunder,偶尔,汉语量词可译成英语的形容词动词或感叹词等。如: 1.再来一个! Encore 2. 她 “扑哧”一声笑了。 She burst out laughing. 3. 砰! 枪响了一声。 Bang!Went the gun.,本章翻译练习,1. 过去, 从斋堂进北京靠羊肠小道,需要六七天的时间, 如今, 109国道平坦便捷,乘车两个半小时就可到北京市区。 2. 天气这样闷,十之八九要下雨。 3. 夫天地者,万物之逆旅也, 光阴者, 百代之过客也。,4. 这种人发财观念极重, 对赵公元帅礼拜最勤。 5. 允(王允)跪而言曰:“百姓有倒悬之危, 君臣有危卵之急, 非汝不能救也。”(三国演义),参考译文,1. In the past, it took six or seven days to go from Zhaitang to Beijing through a winding trail. Now, on the smooth National Highway 109, it takes just two and a half hours to reach Beijing city. 2. With the weather so close and stuffy, ten to one it will rain presently.,3. Heaven and earth are an inn for the ten thousand things of creation, and days and months (nights) are the passing travelers of a hundred centuries. 4. Such people very much want to get rich and are devout worshipper of Marshal Zhao, the God of wealth.,5. Wang Yun knelt saying, The people are on the brink of destruction, the prince and his officers are in jeopardy, and you, you are the only savior.”,课下作业,制作ppt, 谈谈叶君健的翻译思想。,


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