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英文能力檢定自學篇 Cloze Test Level 102,1. sound taste feel smell 2. to work work working worked,選出一個最適當的答案。在框內點選。 My best friend has four legs, a tail, and is furry all over. It may _1_ weird, but my best friend is my dog Henry. When I was ten years old, I was very lonely and I didnt have many friends. My parents were oftentimes busy _2_, so they decided to buy me a dog as a gift.,D,A,B,B,C,D,A,C,3,The day I got Henry was the most memorable day of my life. He was just a puppy and was _3_ to fit in my pocket. He was so small that I had to _4_ him using a baby bottle. The first few weeks were difficult, and he cried a lot. After a while, he became the perfect pet. He now sleeps in my bed, and I cant imagine what it _5_ be like if I didnt have him.,3. too small so small enough small small enough 4. feed make eat play 5. will may can would,A,B,C,B,A,B,C,D,C,D,A,D,A) B) C) D),1.WRONG BUTTON,A,B,C,D,A,B,C,D,A,B,C,D,A,B,C,D,A,B,C,D,RIGHT,1.,說明:sound vi. 聽起來例:That idea sounds good.(那點子聽來不錯。) taste vt. 嚐起來例:This apple tastes sour.(這顆蘋果嚐起來很酸。)feel vt. 感覺到例:I felt my heart beat violently.(我感到我的心在猛跳。)smell vt. 聞起來例:This rose smells sweet.(這朵玫瑰聞起來很香。)答案: A,2.,說明:be busy + Ving 忙著with + N例:Tom is always busy teaching.(湯姆總是忙著教書。)I am busy with my task.(我忙於工作。) be busy + Ving為固定用法, 故(C)為唯一正選。答案: C,3.,說明: 形容詞/副詞 + enough + to V足可以注意:enough作副詞時, 表足可以, 可用以修飾形容詞或副詞, 此時須置於該形容詞或副詞之後, 稱作後位修飾。例:John is good enough to fill the position. (約翰條件好,足以擔任此職位。)He ran fast enough to catch the train. (他跑得夠快因而趕上了火車。) 形容詞/副詞 + enough + to V為固定用法, 故(D)為正選。,4.,說明:(A) feed vt. 餵食(B) makevt.製造(C) eatvt.吃(D) playvt.演奏 (樂器)play the piano/violin彈鋼琴/拉小提琴 根據語意, (A)應為正選。答案: A,5.,說明: 空格後有if引導的子句, 由於有過去式時態 (didnt have), 故知其為表與現在事實相反之句構, 因此, 其前之另一子句亦應有過去式時態, 句型如下:If + 主詞 + 過去式動詞, 主詞 + 過去式助動詞 (could, might, would) + 原形動詞例:If I were rich, I could buy a car.(如果我有錢,就可買部車子了。)If I could fly, I would fly to you.(如果我能飛,就會飛到妳身邊。) 根據上述文法分析, 空格之後的if子句有過去式助動詞didnt, 空格內應置入過去式would, 形成與現在事實相反的假設語氣。故(D )應為正選。答案:D,中文翻譯,THATS RIGHT,THATS RIGHT,THE END,12,中文翻譯,我最好的朋友有四隻腳、一條尾巴、而且全身毛茸茸的。聽來也許很奇怪,不過我最好的朋友就是我們狗狗亨利。我十歲的時候很寂寞,朋友不多。爸媽常常忙著工作。因此,他們決定買隻狗給我當禮物。我獲得亨利的那一天是我一生中最難忘的一天。牠只是一隻小狗狗,小到足可放進我的口袋中。牠小到我必須用嬰兒奶瓶來餵牠。前個禮拜很難搞定,牠一直哭叫個不停。一段時間之後,牠就成了無懈可擊的寵物了。牠現在就睡在我床上,我真不敢想像沒有牠的日子會是個什麼樣子。,回到題目,Wrong answer!,中文說明 回到題目 下一題,Try again,2,1,3,4,5,


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