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诸暨中学2012学年第一学期期中考试高二英语试卷I. 单项选择1. -Do you want to come to tonights party?-_A.Not particularly.B. Not oftenC. Not to mention itD. Not exactly2. Mo Yan is the first native Chinese writer to win _ 2012 Nobel Prize in Literature in _ modern Chinese history A. a; theB. a; aC. the; theD. the;不填3. This years _ for AIDS education probably wont be much higher because of tight finances.A. welfareB. projectC.budgetD. reward4. 80% of the audience in the stadium _astonished when the singer fell off the stage.A. isB. wereC. wasD. are5. Each childs character is_, so the club has made different training for them.A. uniqueB. outstandingC. independentD. sensitive6. You _find it unbelievable, but A Bite of China has become the hottest TV program in China. A. canB. willC. mayD. must7. With everything needed_, Mrs. Jackson went to the supermarket after work in a hurry.A. buyingB. to buyC. boughtD. buy8. A health specialist claims the bean has magic power, and that is _ the public are doubtful.A. what B. that C. why D. where9. The monkey_ in the tree when the branch broke off.A. was swingingB. had been swingingC. had swungD. swung10. We had intended to complete the decoration; it didnt _as expected, though.A. pick upB. work outC. set offD. turn up11. The company is going to start a campaign, _ it at promoting its new products.A. aimedB. to aimC. aimingD. having aimed12. In western countries, Christmas is the best occasion_ the folks get together.A. whereB. thatC. whichD. when13. If the flight_ earlier, Mr. Robert would have attended the opening ceremony.A. had arrivedB. were to arriveC. arrivedD. arrives14. It is common practice for a mall to have_ designed access for the disabled.A. especiallyB. actuallyC. speciallyD. cautiously15. Our manager might return from abroad the coming weekend, but nobody_ able to finish our task by then.A. has been B. will have beenC. had beenD. was16. Miss Gina wont keep you in class - _, its hardly your fault.A. ThereforeB. InsteadC. HoweverD. Besides17. _ I accept Tim is a very able man, he is unfit for the profession.A. WhileB. OnceC. AsD. Unless18. When I phoned Mary to say that she had passed the interview, she screamed _ thephone in an excited voice.A. inB. throughC. onD. beyond19. Those who can _ difficulties on their way to success may keep calm when they really appear.A. avoidB. overcomeC. causeD. experience20. - Watch the water in the kettle before it boils over. -_.A. My pleasureB. Dont botherC. Made itD. Got itII. 完形填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分)阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从2140题所给的四个选项(A、B、C、D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑Today my daughter and I set out on one of our kindness missions. A while back we did some _21_ drops of envelopes filled with a dollar, Smile cards, and a note asking them to pay it forward. Today we tried a _22_ experiment and it was my little 6 year- old- daughters idea.We put a different spin on it this time. She wanted to _23_ people open them, as last time we loved the few we did see. So this time when we left a(n) _24_, we watched from somewhere nearby. We made sure to only leave them when we couldnt be caught.Someone grabbed the first one and walked off. We only _25_ them for a bit and then thought it best to move on to our next “_26_”. The second one we sat across from and watched. It was a _27_ who found it. The skeptical husband _28_ for sure it was a joke and told his wife to take it to security. She didnt _29_ and we laughed as we started walking away, still paying attention to her _30_. She smiled, read the note, read the Smile cards and gave one of them to her husband. _31_ I still have to work with little Rachel on being discrete though, as she stared the entire time. So much for a secret agent career _32_ she gets older!The third was our favorite. We were in the mall and _33_ it on one of the tables in a sitting area. Then we took the escalator and watched from above. Soon a man and a woman _34_ a stroller stopped to rest. She _35_ the envelope, looked around trying to see who _36_ be watching, then opened it. She didnt see us up above and looking down. The womans reaction was awesome! She smiled and kept looking around trying to see _37_ someone was watching, and we could see her reading the note to her husband. Her smile and laughter made the whole thing _38_.We had a great time and I am very _39_ of my little kind kid. She wants to do it again soon and rest assured we will! _40_ kindness is so much fun!21. A. freeB. regularC. typicalD. random22. A. similarB. particularC. popularD. regular23. A. noticeB. watchC. requireD. have24. A. noteB. markC. envelopeD. instruction25. A. questionedB. followedC. observedD. caught26. A. victimB. destinationC. turnD. task27. A. strangerB. volunteerC. customerD. family28. A. hopedB. thoughtC. deniedD. confirmed29. A. careB. donateC. listenD. speak30. A. reactionB. performanceC. commentD. gesture31. A. AbsolutelyB. OccasionallyC. CuriouslyD. Obviously32. A. beforeB. whenC. sinceD. until33. A. leftB. forgotC. fixedD. found 34. A. ridingB. carryingC. pushingD. examining35. A. searched forB. picked upC. tore atD. gave away36. A. mustB. wouldC. shouldD. could37. A. whatB. whetherC. whyD. that38. A. worthwhileB. simpleC. complexD. natural39. A. confidentB. ashamedC. expectedD. proud40. A. ReceivingB. SpreadingC. AppreciatingD. Repaying. 阅读理解(共15小题,每小题2分) AWho knows what lies ahead? Each person leads a selfish and self-involved life, unaware of what may affect it. From the day I was born, my mother was always there for me. She wiped away my tears when I was hurt, comforted me when I was afraid, and always stood behind me no matter what. The Monday before the accident, I had stayed an extra day before returning to work in Florida. I wanted to take my mother out to lunch for her birthday to show her how much I love her. After the celebratory lunch, we talked and laughed. I worked in Florida for three more days, but soon grew frustrated and tired of being away from home. When my brother needed to return home and register for college, I decided to go with him. I imagined surprising my mother by walking in the door just as she was telling my aunt how much she missed me. As part of her birthday, though, some of my family had decided to ride their motorcycles to Nashville for the weekend to have fun. As I was on the way to a friends house, I received a phone call - my mom had been involved in a head-on collision with an 18-wheeler. Her new husband, Jeff, broke some ribs and lost his left leg, but my mom was suffering from internal cerebral bleeding; her chances were very slim. Somehow both survived, growing more determined each day. Rehabilitation was a slow and stressful process. Each was hospitalized for more than a month, Jeff a little longer because of his punctured lung. When Mom returned home, she was feeble and unable to care for herself. She began feeling very lonely and each night would wake me with screams or talking to people who werent there. I would sit and talk to her until she fell back to sleep. That summer before senior year was supposed to be the best of my life. Id planned on spending time sleeping in and having fun with friends. Instead, I had to handle most of the responsibilities and heartaches of our household. Each day, instead of being carefree, I was taking care of my mother and doing all that was needed. I went from being a selfish child to a selfless adult. I began to see how difficult and frustrating being a parent is, giving up everything to care for someone who needs you. With all that has happened over the past year, I have realized what is important in life and gained a greater appreciation for the selfless acts a mother does for her children, which help them grow into strong men and women.41. The basic reason why the writer gave up the job in Florida was that_.A. her brother needed to return to register for collegeB. her mother was seriously injured in an accidentC. she was eager to give her mother a big surpriseD. the feeling of failure and loneliness drove her home42. It was when_ that the accident happened.A. the writer was working in FloridaB. the family went on a ride trip weekendC. the writer was at her friends homeD. the family celebrated in a restaurant 43. According to the passage, which of the following impressed the writer most?A. she had to bear more responsibility for the family after the accident.B. the accident disturbed her life and she couldnt have fun any more.C. she should be more grateful to her mother and do as her mother did.D. peace and safety is more important than anything else for a family.44. The word “feeble” in paragraph 5 is closest in meaning to_.A. weakB. depressedC. aloneD. abnormal45. Which of the following is the best title for the passage?A. A Devoted MotherB. A Heart-breaking StoryC. Birthday AccidentD. Unspoken Appreciation BA new study may help end the permanent debate over how best to maintain or slim down to a healthful weight. Researchers found that, while there are many elements to a good diet, carefully limiting calorie intake is the most important part of controlling ones weight.Sixty percent of U.S. adults are overweight and more than thirty percent are obese. But Americans arent the only ones struggling with their waistlines. The World Health Organization reports that obesity has become a global issue, with more than one billion adults overweight.Dr. Dariush Mozaffarian studies the relationship between diet and chronic diseases at the Harvard School of Public Health. We need a change, a model change, in our focus on and attention to diet, Mozaffarian said.But people trying to change their eating habits and reduce their weight must sort through a confusing variety of diets. Some recommend cutting out carbohydrates. Others suggest cutting out the fat, eating more protein, and eating less protein. The messages can be confusing.Dr. George Bray, at the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in the southern state of Louisiana, wanted to find out if protein affects weight gain. This study was designed to examine the effects of differing levels of protein on total calorie intake, Bray said.Twenty-five healthy adults participated in the study. Daniel Kuhn was one of them. He and the others were overfed by almost a thousand calories a day.I was eating a lot of real butter, real whipped cream and things of that nature that I dont normally favor, Kuhn said.All of the participants followed low, normal or high protein diets. The result: all of them gained weight.“Fat storage was exactly the same with all three levels of protein. That is, it was the calories that they ate that affected the body fat that they stored,” Bray said.But those who ate a higher percentage of protein gained more lean body mass while those on a low protein diet experienced just the opposite.“If your protein intake is low, youll actually lose body mass even though youre eating an excess amount of calories,” Bray said.Dr. Bray tells his patients to get on the scale regularly so they can catch added weight early. Dr. Mozaffarian says keeping weight in check is not just about eating less.We dont need to go down a list of avoid this, avoid that, and becoming the food police. Its mostly foods with more fabrics (纤维) that should be increased. Its fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, vegetable oils and nuts, Bray said.Dr. Mozaffarian says increasing these six foods by about a serving each day would reduce obesity - and help slow the epidemic of chronic diseases associated with it.Dr. Brays study on protein, calories and weight gain was published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. 46. Which of the following statements is a fact?A. About two thirds of Americans have overweight problems.B. If you take less protein, youll necessarily remain slim.C. The innocence of health diet contributed to our overweight.D. Those taking in more protein than calories wont be obese.47. According to what Bray said, we can come to the conclusion except that_.A. He thinks if one takes in low protein, he can eat a large amount of caloriesB. Fat storage is the chief reason resulting in overweight and some chronic diseases.C. we should often weigh to be aware if we have been gaining weight recently.D. we neednt avoid eating the amount of calories if increasing more fabrics48. The underlined world “carbohydrates” in the fourth paragraph is something that_.A. is rich in protein B. contains more caloriesC. has much fat D. is full of much fabrics49. Which of the following best describes the tone of this passage?A. Matter-of-fact B. subjective C. Critic D. humorous50. What topic is discussed in the article above?A. The issue of global obesity B. Calories rather than protein are key to weight C. Solution to losing weight D. A debate on the cause of weight problem CHANGZHOU, July 27 (Xinhua) - After NBC found amazing success with The Voice in the United States last year, the show managed to sail into the Chinese mainland market despite the countrys tight control on reality shows. According to CSM Media Researchs estimate, The Voice of China - the original Dutch music shows Chinese adaptation - topped nationwide ratings rankings when it was shown on Zhejiang Satellite TV last Friday night, attracting 2.77 percent of the countrys television audience. Even re-runs of the show grabbed ratings higher than the debut ( 处子秀) of any other music show this year, the company said. Introduced in China on July 13, the weekly The Voice of China is almost identical to the U.S. version - through a blind audition, four celebrity judges/coaches choose teams of singers who will compete for a recording contract. The fun part is that the coaches have to compete with each other and sometimes beg strong singers to join their teams. Singers who shot to stardom include Huang He, a 20-year-old countryside girl who amused the four coaches with a powerful performance of Adeles Rolling in the Deep. While the NBC show secured Christina Aguilera, Cee Lo Green, Blake Shelton and Adam Levin as its four celebrity coaches, Zhejiang TV managed to invite Chinese celebrities such as famous musician Liu Huan - who sang the Beijing Olympics theme song You and Me with Sarah Brightman - and pop diva Na Ying as coaches, as well as mainland singer Yang Kun and Harlem Yu, a singer-songwriter from Taiwan. The impressive debut of The Voice of China was not expected by Chinese music critics, especially at a time when the market is flooded with similar foreign-format reality shows, including American Idol to Youve Got Talent. To compete for audience attention, some shows have gone to the brink of vulgarity(粗俗) and strangeness, putting a state restriction on overly entertaining reality shows from the state broadcasting watchdog late last year. The Voice upholds the principle of selecting really good voices. We dont do celebrity flirting, low taste or vulgar content, said Xia Chenan, chief executive of Zhejiang TV.I like the sense of honesty and respect for music shown by Voice contestants. They are different from those in other reality shows, netizen elsa wrote in a microblog post. After its debut, The Voice of China trended for a week on the popular Sina Weibo microblogging space. Some fans have voiced the hope that The Voice of China could encourage a renaissance in Chinas show industry. The producer of Zhejiang TVs The Voice of China Tian Ming admitted that the countrys TV production sector lags so far behind its Western duplicate copies that it is too early for China to come up with a successful homegrown show format. Tian said each adaptation of a popular Western TV show gives Chinese producers an opportunity to learn and improve. We can avoid taking the wrong paths. If by learning, we can catch up with the West in 10 to 20 years, I think it is worthwhile, said Lu Wei, publicity executive of Zhejiang TVs The Voice of China. 51. Why is “the Voice of China was a huge success?A. It was an original program by Zhe Jiang TV. B. Four famous musicians acted as judges for it.C. It is kind of different than other chinas showsD. It was introduced from foreign reality shows52. Adele is the name of_.A. a well-known foreign popular singerB. a latest album recorded in ChinaC. a guest judge of the Voice of ChinaD. a foreign girl competing in the show 53. As to “the Voice of China” though not stated directly, we can say_.A. its popularity mainly resulted from a low taste of and its strangenessB. many singers shot to stardom after their debut at the music show C. its 2.77% ratings was much higher than other reality shows in ChinaD. Chinas entertainment industry is less advanced than western countries54. Which of the following statements supports the writers opinion?A. Chinas government doesnt approve reality show at present.B. some reality shows are overly entertaining for vulgarity.C. Its more than enough to adapt foreign-format showsD. Chinese music critics think the show is not nearly successful 55. This material can be classified as_.A. TV commentB. news reportC. musical reviewD. entertainment campaign 非选择题部分(共30分)写作部分(共两节,满分30分)第一节:短文改错(满分10分)As I was walking back down this road, I passed a man seating on the grass by the roadside. He was breathing hardly. I asked if he was fine. He said that he was really tiring and that he had tried to walk too far. I could tell that he really needed was some water. Fortunately, there arent any places to get water in the nature park. Sometimes I brought bottles of water and leave it in my car. Thankfully, I had brought some today! Instead of drinking it myself when he got back. I got in my car, drove back up the road, but gave him my bottle of water. Then I gave to him a ride back to his car. 第二节 书面表达 (满分20分)你所在的英语俱乐部的课题是body language,因此大家都知道世界各地的body language不尽相同;例如法国男人见面时相互拥抱和接吻而中国男人彼此握手。在总结会上,你做了发言,内容包括以下要点:1. 简要叙述body language的 重要性。2. 从上述事例你得到什么启发。注意:短文的开头已给出(不记词数)。Though you dont speak the native language, people throughout the globe can understand general body language; _。诸暨中学2012学年第一学期期中考试高二英语参考答案单项选择1-5 A D C B A 6-10 C B DA B11-15 C D A C B 16-20 DACBD21-25 D A B C B 26-30 A D B C A 31- 35 D B A C B 36- 40 D B A D B41-45 D B C A D 46-50 C A B A B51-55 C A D B B 改错1. seating seated / sitting2. hardly hard3. tiring tired4. that what5. Fortunately Unfortunately6. brought bring7. it them8. he I9. but and 10. 划去 to书面表达Though you do


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