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almost (adv.)几乎,差不多against(prep.)对着,反对term(n.)学期;术语;条款;项cheer(v.)加油,欢呼;喝彩(n.)欢呼声,喝彩声cheeron为加油team(n.)队,组win(v.)获胜,赢得sport(n.)体育活动,锻炼prefer(v.)更喜欢,宁愿(选择)cycle(v.)骑自行车row(v.)划船(n.)(一)排,(一)行quite(adv.)相当,很,十分bit(n.) 一点,一些,少量quite a bit/a lot许多,大量join(v.)加入,参加;连接;会合club(n.)俱乐部;纸牌中的梅花skate(v.)溜冰,滑冰ski(v.)滑雪(n.) 滑雪;滑雪板volleyball(n.)排球tennis(n.)网球table tennis乒乓球player(n.)比赛者。选手teammate(n.)队友Houston Rockets休斯敦火箭队NBA(美国)国家篮球协会dream(n.)梦,梦想(v.)做梦grow(v.)成长,生长;发育;种植;变成grow up长大成人,成长dancer(n.)跳舞者,舞蹈演员future(n.)将来in the future今后job(n.)(一份)工作famous(adj.)著名的arrive(v.)到达,达到arrive in/at到达某地play against同比赛excited(adj.)激动的,兴奋的leave(v.)离开;把留下,剩下(n.)假期,休假leave for动身去某地the day after tomorrow后天gold(n.)黄金(adj.)金黄色的,金的medal(n.)奖牌,勋章Olympic(adj.)奥林匹克运动会的take part in参加,加入cup(n.)奖杯;杯子;酒杯Word Cup世界杯shame(n.)遗憾的事;羞愧active(adj.)精力旺盛的;积极的,主动地runner(n.)赛跑者;操作者;滑行装置break(v.)打破(断,碎);损坏;撕开(n.)小憩,间歇;课间休息record(n.)记录;唱片hike(v.)去远足;做徒步旅行spend(过去式spent)(v.)度过;花费(金钱,时间等)spend(in) doing花费(时间)做hour(n.)小时exercise(n.)锻炼,做操;练习,习题(v.)锻炼baseball(n.)棒球pretty(adv.)颇,相当;十分,非常(adj.) 漂亮的,俊俏的pretty well相当好jump(v.)跳跃(n.)跳跃;猛扑weekend(n.)周末the high jump跳高the long jump跳远p.m. 下午,午后a.m.上午,午前popular(adj.)流行的,大众的,受欢迎的all over到处,遍及be good for对有益heart(n.)心脏,心;纸牌中的红桃lung(n.)肺;肺脏healthy(adj.)健康的,健壮的fit(adj.)健康的;合格的(v.)(使)适合;安装keep fit保持健康relax(v.)(使)放松,轻松mountain(n.)山,山脉Unit 1 Topic2 Would you mind teaching me?favor(n.)帮助;恩惠;好意ill(adj.)有病的;不健康的fall ill患病,病倒be glad 乐意于mind(v.)介意;关心(n.)思想,想法practice(v.&n.)练习,实践somewhere(adv.)在某处throw(v.)扔,投,掷loudly(adv.)大声地Capital Stadium首都体育馆make ones bed整理床铺right away立刻,马上more(adv.)更;另外(adj.) 另外的;较多的( much 或many的比较级)quietly(adv.)安静地,寂静地No.(abbr.)(number的缩写)数字;号码manage(v.)设法对付;管理myself(pron.)我自己careless(adj.)粗心的,漫不经心的chance(n.)机会;可能性shout at大声叫,喊goal(n.)进球;得分;(足球)球门;目标either(adv.)(用于否定句或短语后)也(adj.)两方任一方的;二者之一(conj.)二者之一;要么fight(v.)争论;打仗(架),与打架(仗)(n.) 打仗(架),争论angry(adj.)生气的,愤怒的be angry with生(某人)的气do ones bset尽(某人)最大努力nothing(pron.)没有什么;没有一件东西keep doing sth.继续做某事serve(v.)(给)提供;端上;招待(顾客等),服务turn down关小,调低dirty(adj.)脏的minute(n.)分钟;一会儿。瞬间in a minute马上,立即ready(adj.)准备好的clearly(adv.)清楚地,无疑地another(adj.)再一;另一;别的(pron.)另一个take a seat坐下,就坐France(n.)法国Russia(n.)俄罗斯traveling(n.)旅行exciting(adj.)令人激动的,使人兴奋的tiring(adj.)令人疲劳的,令人感到累的as(conj.)像一样,如同;因为(prep.)作为,当作as well也,还有Canadian(adj.)加拿大人的;加拿大的(n.)加拿大人invent(v.)发明,创造college(n.)学院,专科学校Springfield College斯普林菲尔德学院indoor(adj.)室内的even(adv.)甚至;连(都);更score(v.)得分;进球(n.)得分,分数into(prep.)到里;向内;变成side(n.)边,旁边;面,侧面basket(n.)(篮球运动的)篮;篮子court(n.)球场,运动场;法庭;法院follow(v.)遵守规则;跟随;仿效;跟得上more and more越来越(多的)however(adv.)可是(conj.)然而,可是,尽管如此chips(n.) (pl.)炸土豆条(片),炸薯条chocolate(n.)巧克力tired(adj.)疲劳的,累的easily(adv.)容易地mile(n.)英里fresh(adj.)新鲜的fruit(n.)水果;果实instead(adv.)代替,顶替instead of代替,而不是habit(n.)习惯,习性build(v.)增强;建筑;建造buildup使更强壮,增强体质;增进;增加;加强;扩大feel(v.)感觉,觉得;摸,触become(v.)成为;变得Unit 2Keeping HealthyTopic 1How are you feeling today?一、重点词组:have a (bad/terrible) cold患(重)感冒have atoothache/backache/headache/stomachache牙痛/背痛/头痛/胃痛see a dentist/doctor看牙医/医生have a cough/fever患咳嗽/发高烧have the flu得了流感have sore eyes 眼睛发炎have a sore throat喉咙发炎take/have a (good) rest(好好)休息sleep well睡得好drink a lot of boiled water多喝开水lift heavy things提重物stay in bed呆在床上have a good sleep 好好睡一觉feel terrible感到难受take sb. to带某人去take some medicine/ pills吃药day and night 日日夜夜bad luck倒霉lie down躺下hot tea with honey 加蜜的热茶brush ones teeth刷牙have an accident出了事故/意外send sb. to.送某人去take/ have a look at看一看notuntil直到才.get well恢复健康plenty of充足;大量take off your coat脱掉你的大衣二、重点句型You should see a dentist.你应该看牙医。You shouldnt lift heavy things.你不应该提重物。You look pale. 你看起来气色不好,很苍白.Youd better go to see a doctor.你最好去看医生.Youd better not go to school today.今天你最好不要去上学.Thank you for your flowers and fruit. 谢谢你送来的鲜花和水果.I couldnt read them until today.直到今天我才读了他们.三. 重点语言点身体某个部位 + ache,表身体某处疼痛。如: headache 头痛backache背痛stomachache胃痛toothache牙痛medicine“药” 为不可数名词pill“药片” 为可数名词如: take some medicine 吃些药take some cold pills吃些感冒药with“含有”without“没有”hot tea with honey加蜜的茶coffee with sugar and milk加糖和牛奶mooncake with eggs 含鸡蛋的月饼Chinese tea with nothing = Chinese tea without anything 中国清茶Go to school without (eating) breakfast. 没吃早饭去上学。until“直到为止” ; 句中动词一般为延续性动词not until.“直到才” ; 句中动词一般为短暂性动词如: He will wait for his father until ten oclock. 他将等他父亲一直到10点为止.He wont leave until his father comes .直到他父亲来他才离开.bothand.“和(两者)都”; 当主语时,谓语动词用复数.如: I know both Jim and Tom.吉姆和汤姆俩人我都认识.Both Jim and I are 16 years old.我和吉姆都是16岁.plenty of “充足;大量”既可修饰可数名词也可修饰不可数名词, 只用于肯定句,相当于a lot of/ lots ofmany“许多”, 修饰可数名词much“许多”, 修饰不可数名词如: You should drink plenty of /a lot of boiled water.你应该喝大量的开水.You shouldnt drink so much water. 你不应该喝这么多水.I have many/lots of/a lot of/plenty of books. 我有许多水.四、交际用语(一)询问病情Whats wrong/the matter/ the trouble with you ? 有什么不舒服?How are you feeling now?你现在感觉怎么样?Do you have a cold? 你得了感冒了吗?(二)诉说病情1. I feel terrible./ I am feeling terrible. 我感到难受.2. I have a headache/stomachache/. 我头痛/肚子痛.3. I cant sleep well at night.我晚上睡不4. 好觉.5. I cough day and night. 我日日夜夜地咳嗽.6. But my left leg hurts when I move it. 但是当我移动时,我的左腿疼.(3) 表示同(4) 情1. Im sorry to hear that.听到这事我感到难过.2. Thats too bad. 那太糟了.3. Bad luck.倒霉.(5) 表达建议1. Youd better (not) do sth最好(不 )做某事.2. You should/shouldnt do sth你(不) 应该做某事.3. Shall I take you to the hospital?我带你去医院好吗?Topic 2Is it good for your health?一、重点词组:look tired看起来很累watch a soccer game on TV在电视上观看一场足球赛stay up熬夜keep long fingernails留长指甲wash hands before meals饭前洗手play sports right after meals饭后适当运动take a fresh breath呼吸新鲜空气be necessary for 对于是必不可少的keep you active使你保持精力旺盛in the daytime在白天throw litter about乱扔垃圾get enough sleep得到足够的睡眠exercise on an empty stomach空腹锻炼= without eating anythingneed to do sth需要做某事get into进入become sick生病fight germs抗击病菌keep the air clean and fresh保持空气清新eat bad food吃变质食物sweep the floors打扫地板as we know众所周知have the right kinds of food吃正确种类的(健康的)食品choose the wrong food选择错误的(不健康的)食品in different ways用不同的方法make us sick使我们生病二、重点句型I see. Staying up late is bad for your health. 我明白了. 熬夜有害你的健康.(动名词短语做主语)2.How did Wang Jun get a headache?王俊怎样患上头痛的?Is going to bed early good or bad for your health? Its good.早点睡觉对你的健康有益还是有害? 有益. (选择问句要根据事实回答)Walking is good exercise and it is necessary for good health.散步是很好的锻炼,是身体健康必不可少.It will keep you active in the daytime. 它(早睡早起)将使你在白天保持旺盛的精力.You must not throw litter about. = Dont throw litter about. 不要乱扔垃圾.We may have more than one headache each month. 每月我们可能会不止一次头疼.You may get a headache when you cant get enough sleep.当你睡眠不足时,可能会头疼.What does it mean when you have a headache? 头痛对你来说意味着什么?The boy becomes sick.那个男孩生病了.As we know, food gives us enery. 众所周知,食物给我们提供能量.If we eat too little or too much food, or if we choose the wrong food, it can make us sick.如果我们吃得太少或太多, 或者食物的选择不当会生病的.三. 重点语言点1.be good for对有益be bad for对有害如:Swimming is good for health.游泳对健康有益.Reading in strong sunlight is bad for the eyes.在强烈的阳光下看书对眼睛有害.disease通常指具体的病, 表 “特定的疾病、病名”illness通常指生病的状态或表抽象的疾病 如: Germs can cause diseases.细菌会引发疾病。 SARS is a serious disease.非典是一种严重的疾病。 Dont worry about his illness.别担心他的病。exercise 表“锻炼/运动”时, 为不可数名词;表“练习”或有定语修饰时, 为可数名词.如: He often takes/does exercise in the morning. 他经常上午锻炼.Please do the exercises at once.请马上做这些练习.He does morning exercises every day. 他每天做早操Walking is good exercise. 散步是很好的锻炼.enoughadj. “足够的”修饰名词时, 既可放在名词之前, 也可放在名词之后.(但通常放在名词之前)如: I have enough time/ time enough to finish this work. 我有足够的时间完成这项工作.There is enough food in the fridge. 冰箱里有足够的食物.adv. “足够地”修饰形容词或副词时, 均放在所修饰词的后面.如:He is tall enough to reach the apple. 他足够高,能够得着苹果.He speaks clearly enough. 他讲得足够清楚.need“需要, 必需”1 作实义动词: need sth. 需要某物 need to do sth. 需要做某事如: I need some help. 我需要一些帮助.You need to see a doctor. 你需要去看医生.He needs to take a bus. 他需要去搭车.2 作情态动词: need + 动词原形如: If she wants anything, she only need ask. 她想要什么东西, 只要开口就行了.You neednt finish this work today. 你不必今天完成这项工作.6too much + 不可数名词表“太多的。”much too + 形容词表“太。”,much 起加强语气作用如:Dont eat too much meat. 不要吃太多的肉。He is much too fat.他实在太胖了。四.重点语法情态动词:must “必须, 一定”如: We must study hard.我们必须努力学习.mustnt“不可以”如: You mustnt walk on the lawn.你不可以在草坪上行走.should“应该”如: We should finish it on time.我们应该按时完成它.shouldnt“不该”如: You shouldnt go to school late. 你不该上学迟到.had better“最好”如:You had better go to bed early.你最好早睡。had better not “最好不” 如:You had better not go to bed late.你最好不要迟睡。may“可以”如: May I come in?我可以进来吗?“可能” 如: You may get a headache when you work too hard.当你工作太努力时,你可能会头疼.Topic 3We should do our best to fight SARS.一、重点词组:talk with与交谈hurry up赶紧/快go ahead = go on继续(问)spread easily易传播be afraid of害怕catch SARS患上非典do ones best to do sth尽力做某事fight SARS抗击非典keep away from animals远离动物do house cleaning打扫屋子go to crowded places去拥挤的地方all the time = always总是/一直examine the patients检查病人take a message捎口信take care of照顾= look after / care fortell/ask sb. to do sth叫某人做某事call back回电话leave a message留口信take an active part in积极参加care for patients照顾病人save the patients挽救病人spend the time度过时光teach oneself自学help mother cook帮助妈妈煮东西on the phone/Internet 在电话中/在互联网上enjoy oneself过得愉快tell sb. a story / stories给某人讲故事take some Chinese medicine吃些中药二、重点句型We dont have to be afraid of catching SARS.我们没必要害怕患上非典。Please tell my father to take care of himself. 请告诉我的父亲照顾好他自己。Could you please ask her to call me back? 请叫她给我回电话好吗?He took an active part in the battle against SARS. 他积极参加抗击非典的战斗。He cared for the patients day and night. 他日日夜夜照顾病人。Its my duty to save the patients. 挽救病人是我的职责。What do you think of Kangkangs father? 你认为康康的父亲怎么样?Long time no see! 好久不见!You could cook for us next time. 下次你能为我们煮东西了。三、重点语言点talk with sb. 表 “与交流” , 指 “与人平等地交流、讨论”talk to sb.表示 “找某人谈话” , 在口语中常 “责备某人”如: Jims father is talking with the teacher. 吉姆的父亲正在和老师交谈.I will talk to him about his careless. 我要找他谈话,批评他的粗心大意.常用的反身代词词组:take care of oneself = look after oneself照顾某人自己teach oneself = learn by oneself自学enjoy oneself = have a good time玩得高兴help sb (to) do sth = help sb. with sth.帮助某人做某事如: I helped my mother cook at home.= I helped my mother with the cook at home. 我在家帮我母亲做饭.四、重点语法(一) 情态动词: must 与 have to must 必须;一定”, 表示有做某一动作的必要或义务,侧重表达说话者的主观看法.(只有一种时态)如:We must wash hands before meals. 饭前我们必须洗手.We must eat healthy food. 我们必须吃健康的食物. have to “不得不,必须”, 侧重表示因客观条件或客观环境的迫使而不得不做某事(可用于各种时态)如:Its too late. I have to go now. 太迟了.现在我得走了.I had to borrow some money at that time. 那时我不得不借了一些钱.*-Must we keep the windows open all the time?-No, we dont have to. / No, we neednt.(注意回答时不能用No, we mustnt.)(二)电话用语:Hello! Could /May I speak to, please? 你好! 我能跟通话吗?May I take a message?我能捎个口信吗?This is Kangkang. 我是康康.Hello! Whos that? 你好! 你是谁?Review of Units 1-2break the window打破窗户(玻璃)get lost丢失;迷路on ones way (to)在.的路上take the wrong bus搭错车one of the most popular sports最受欢迎的运动之一a group of people一群人form an international organization成立一个国际组织put sth in low places把某物放在低处eat sth by mistake误吃putaway把收起来ask for three days leave请三天的假


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