(新课改省份专用)2022高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 3 A healthy life课下作业(一-三)(含解析)新人教版选修6

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(新课改省份专用)2022高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 3 A healthy life课下作业(一-三)(含解析)新人教版选修6_第1页
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(新课改省份专用)2022高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 3 A healthy life课下作业(一-三)(含解析)新人教版选修6_第3页
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(新课改省份专用)2022高考英语大一轮复习 Unit 3 A healthy life课下作业(一-三)(含解析)新人教版选修6.单词拼写1Having abused (滥用) his position as mayor to give jobs to his friends, Williams is now under investigation.2Id prefer to reserve my judgement (看法) until I find all the evidence.3This is the first time that Ive felt so embarrassed (尴尬的) in my life.4Thanks for helping me get through the tough (困难的) times.5The woman tried desperately (拼命地)to push the man away when he tried to snatch the bag from her.6The shy girl felt awkward (局促不安的) and unfortable when she could not answer her teachers questions.7Punishment does not seem to have much effect (效果) on him.8Watching him climb up the cliff, everybody was breathless (气喘吁吁的;屏息的) with anxiety.语境语法填空1Adolescents usually feel like deciding(decide)on everything themselves, especially when they feel stressed (stress). And when they meet with problems connected with sex, they will feel ashamed (shame) and embarrassed. In their spare time, they may automatically (automatic) bee addicted to playing (play) puter games, or smoking cigarettes, the latter of which, particularly, will hurt their lungs (lung). 2When at meeting, the manager often stressed the importance of honesty, and banned his staff from telling lies. However, he himself often abused (abuse) his power, which annoyed the staff much. Therefore, when he quit working (work) as a manager, all the workers were wildly cheerful.3Some people got into the habit of begging to get enough money to stay alive due to being homeless. Once they begged nothing, they would be at the risk of being hungry. So sometimes they might pick up things that had been thrown away by other people.4He is as young and bright a man as some people of his age. Even though he is busy every day, he does (do) try to set aside some time to exercise.根据提示补全句子1. 正像我们在上面的材料中所看到的那样,交通问题仍然是一个大问题。(as引导的非限制性定语从句)As_we_can_see_from_the_materials_above,_the traffic issue is still a big problem.2还在上小学时,他就已经表现出令人赞叹的表演天赋。(while省略句)While_still_at_primary_school,_he had already shown admirable acting talent.3(2017全国卷书面表达)我的确希望你能和我一起参观这个剪纸展览。(用强调结构)I_do_hope that you can visit the papercutting exhibition with me. 4这个小伙子希望和他爷爷一样过俭朴的生活。asadj.a(n)n.asThe young man hopes to live as_simple_a_life_as his grandpa.5他是如此紧张以至于能听到自己的心在狂跳。(so . that)He was_so_nervous_that he could hear his heart beating wildly.语境辨义根据语境选出名词withdrawal的词义1You can make withdrawals of up to D|S250 a day._C_2He got withdrawal symptoms after giving up smoking._D_3They are in favour of the withdrawal of the UN troops from the country._A_4The withdrawal of government aid had a bad effect on the earthquakehit area._B_课下作业(二) 话题阅读培优练.根据提示填空We all know that exercise is good for our health, but some kinds of exercise may be better (good) than others.Running, for example, may help to protect against heart disease and other health problems. Running also may help you live_longer (活得更长). Researchers say it_is_not_important (不重要) how far you run. It also does not matter how fast or even how often you run. As advertisements for the running shoe Nike say, “Just do it.”Recently, researchers studied more than 55,000 adults. About onefourth of the adults reported running regularly(regular). The study found these runners were considerably less_likely (likely) than nonrunners to die of any form of disease, including heart disease. In fact, the runners usually lived three years longer than the nonrunners. This study lasted 15 years. During that time, more than 3,400 of the individuals died. About 1,200 of the deaths were_linked (link) to heart disease, a heart attack or a stroke. pared to nonrunners, runners showed 30 percent lower (low) risk of death by any causes. Also, runners pared (pare) to nonrunners showed 45 percent lower risk of death by cardiovascular (心血管的) disease.片段选词填空make the mind strong, be more likely to, successful, physical health, the importance of, remend, reduce stress, reduce the risk of, improve health, the real benefits of exercise The_importance_of exercise is nothing new. Thomas Jefferson once wrote that to be successful in academic studies, a person should “spend two hours on exercise every day, for health must not be sacrificed (牺牲) for learning. A strong body makes_the_mind_strong.”It turns out Jefferson was on to something. A study by researchers at Tufts University found that students who said they exercised at least 3 days a week were_more_likely_to report a better state of physical_health and greater happiness than those who didnt exercise. This and other evidence suggests that the_real_benefits_of_exercise may not e right after a workout but from a longer mitment to regular activity.But experts today do not demand 2 hours of daily exercise. The US. Department of Health and Human Services remends that people get at least 60 minutes of physical activity most days of the week.Walking, jogging and swimming are easy ways to increase your heart rate and improve_health. Exercise can also help lower blood pressure and reduce_stress. For women, exercise that makes the body and bones bear weight like walking or running may reduce_the_risk_of osteoporosis (骨质疏松) later in life.课下作业(三) 高考语篇提能练.阅读理解For many years doctors have warned us about the dangers of stress (压力) and have given us advice about how to cut down our stress levels. Everyone agrees that longterm stress, for example having to look after someone who has a chronic (慢性的) illness, or stressful situations where there is nothing we can do, for example being stuck in a traffic jam, should be avoided whenever possible. However, some medical experts now believe that certain kinds of stress may actually be good for us.Dr Marios Kyriazis, an antiageing expert, points out that what he calls “good stress” is beneficial to our health and may, in fact, help us stay young and attractive and even live longer. Dr Kyriazis says that “good stress” can strengthen our natural defences which protect us from illnesses mon among older people, such as Alzheimers and heart problems.According to Dr Kyriazis, running for a bus or having to work to meet a deadline are examples of “good stress”, that is situations with shortterm or low stress. The stress usually makes us react quickly, and gives us a sense of achievement we did it! However, in both situations, the stress damages the cells (细胞) in our body or brain and they start to break down. But then the cells own repair mechanism “switches on” and it produces proteins which repair the damaged cells and remove harmful chemicals that can gradually cause disease. In fact, the bodys response is greater than is needed to repair the damage, so it actually makes the cells stronger than they were before.“As the body gets older, this selfrepair mechanism of the cells starts to slow down,” says Dr Kyriazis. “The best way to keep the process working efficiently is to exercise it, in the same way you would exercise your muscles to keep them strong. This means having a certain amount of stress in our lives.” Other stressful activities that Kyriazis suggests as being good stress include redecorating a room in your house over the weekend, packing your suitcase in a hurry to reach the airport on time, or shopping for a dinner party during your lunch break.So next time your boss tells you that she wants to see the report finished and on her desk in 45 minutes, dont worry; just think of it as “good stress” which will benefit your longterm health!语篇解读:本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了Kyriazis博士关于“好的压力”有利于身体健康的观点。1What is Dr Kyriazis opinion probably based on?AThe benefits of doing physical exercise.BThe relationship between stress and health.CHow to get a sense of achievement.DHow to cut down our stress levels.解析:选B推理判断题。由第二段的“Dr Marios Kyriazis . points out that what he calls good stress is beneficial to our health”可知,Kyriazis博士关于“好的压力”有利于身体健康的观点应该是基于压力与健康之间的关系。2What does the underlined word “it” in Paragraph 3 refer to?AThe daily stress.BLongterm stress.CThe increasing stress.DShortterm or low stress.解析:选D代词指代题。由第三段的“good stress, that is situations with shortterm or low stress”可知,Kyriazis博士所说的“好的压力”指那些短期压力或低压力,这些压力可以开启人体细胞的自愈机制,从而使那些因压力受损的细胞更加强壮。3According to Dr Kyriazis, which of the following may be “good stress”?ABeing stuck in a traffic jam.BBeing late for work for several days.CPacking for a trip at the last minute.DLooking after a patient with heart trouble.解析:选C推理判断题。由倒数第二段的“Kyriazis suggests as being good stress include . packing your suitcase in a hurry to reach the airport on time”可知,最后一刻收拾旅行的行囊是一种对人体比较好的短期压力。4What would be the best title for the text?AStress beats successBStress attracts illnessCGet stressed, stay youngDLess stress, better health解析:选C标题归纳题。本文作者旨在介绍Kyriazis博士关于“好的压力”有利于身体健康的观点,再由第二段的“good stress . help us stay young and attractive and even live longer”可知,C项作标题最符合本文主旨。.阅读七选五Should school bake sales be banned?In Massachusetts, selling sugary treats at fundraisers (募捐活动) is banned during the school day. Massachusetts is one of 24 states that have adopted (采用) the federal Smart Snacks standards. The rules were finalized in June by the US. Department of Agriculture.People who support the rules hope that restricting (限制) bake sales will promote (倡导) healthy eating habits and reduce childhood obesity._1_ Currently, 26 states have made exceptions to the federal Smart Snacks standards to allow a set number of bake sales each year. In Colorado, North Dakota, and Utah, schools were allowed to host three bake sales per year. Other states have passed even sweeter rules. _2_Critics (批评家) argue that restricting bake sales makes it harder for students to raise muchneeded money for field trips, sports teams, and arts programs.Two students shared their views.Jaelyn Balley said, “_3_ Banning unhealthy foods at school fundraisers would help students learn about which fats, oils, and sugars are unhealthy. Kids should be encouraged to eat healthy snacks. There are too many overweight kids. Even if schools make less money selling vegetables, that would be better than offering unhealthy food to kids.”Layla Virji has a different opinion. “ Bake sales are beneficial for schools. _4_ Unfortunately, many schools have been forced to reduce these programs due to budget cuts. The money from bake sales can keep these programs going. Some people think bake sales promote unhealthy eating habits. _5_ But it is fine to have a treat once in a while. Bake sales during school hours should be allowed.”AYes, too many sweets can be harmful.BBut bake sales are not pletely disappearing.CIn Michigan, schools can sell sugary treats twice a week.DSchools can have fruitful fundraisers to give them the funds.EAbout one in three American children are overweight or obese.FSchools should offer healthy choices at bake sales instead of sugary snacks.GSelling snacks can help fund programs such as art, music, field trips, and sports.1选B由上文的描述以及该空后的“26 states . allow a set number of bake sales each year”可知,烘焙销售并没有完全消失。2选C由该空前的“Other states have passed even sweeter rules.”可知,C项“在密歇根州,学校可以每周卖两次甜食”符合此处语境。3选F由该空后的“Banning unhealthy foods at school fundraisers .”和“Kids should be encouraged to eat healthy snacks.”可知,Jaelyn Balley认为学校应该提供健康的零食,F项内容符合此处语境。4选G由该空前的“Bake sales are beneficial for schools”和最后一句“Bake sales during school hours should be allowed”可知,Layla Virji对学校的烘焙销售持支持的观点,她认为烘焙销售对学校有益处,因为卖零食可以为艺术、音乐、校外参观学习和体育等项目筹集资金。5选A由该空前的“Some people think bake sales promote unhealthy eating habits”和该空后的“But it is fine to have a treat once in a while”可知,Layla Virji承认吃太多的甜食对健康有害处,但是偶尔吃点并无大碍。.语法填空I first started drinking coffee 5 years ago. I started drinking coffee because of _1_ (it) taste. I also found that coffee was great for socializing. Coffee time is the best time for me to sit with my dad and have _2_ conversation. We can always bond with a cup of coffee.However, once I started drinking coffee regularly, I _3_ (begin) to notice that if I tried to go a day without drinking it I would get bad headaches. Also, I would get very _4_ (sleep) and illtempered. The longer I drink coffee, the _5_ (much) I notice how expensive it really is. I spend about D|S5 on coffee per day, _6_ means I spend about D|S1 800 on coffee in a year! If I have more than one cup of coffee a day, I will have a harder time sleeping through the night.Honestly, I do not want to _7_ (plete) stop drinking coffee because I have bee so accustomed _8_ it. However, I would like to cut down on how much coffee I drink, so I decided on _9_ (switch) one of my cups of coffee in a day to decaf (无咖啡因咖啡)I think _10_ is important for everyone to be aware of all the positive and negative effects of coffee before they begin to drink it.1its考查代词。设空处修饰名词taste,故应填形容词性物主代词its(它的)。2a考查不定冠词。have a conversation意为“谈话”。3began考查动词时态。由once从句可知,设空处表示的动作发生在过去,应用一般过去时,故填began。4sleepy考查形容词作表语的用法。设空处与illtempered并列作表语,故填sleepy(困倦的)。5more考查副词比较级。“the比较级. the比较级.”意为“越越”。6which考查定语从句。设空处引导非限制性定语从句,指代前面整个主句且在从句中作主语,故填which。7pletely考查副词。设空处修饰动词stop,故填副词pletely(完全)。8to考查介词。bee accustomed to .意为“习惯于”。9switching考查动词ing形式作宾语的用法。设空处作介词on的宾语,故填switching。10it考查it的用法。设空处作形式主语,真正的主语是to be aware . drink it,故填it。.概要写作阅读下面短文,根据其内容写一篇60词左右的内容概要。Shyness is partly a result of genes a person has inherited (经遗传得到). Its also influenced by behaviors theyve learned, the ways people have reacted to their shyness, and life experiences theyve had. The examples other people set can also play a role in whether a person learns to be shy or not.If the parents of a shy child are overly cautious or overprotective, it can teach the child to back away from situations that might be unfortable or unfamiliar.Many people want to reduce their shyness. But people who are naturally shy also have gifts that they might not appreciate in themselves. For example, because shy people may prefer listening to talking, they sometimes bee really good listeners. People who are shy might also bee sensitive to other peoples feelings and emotions. Because of their sensitivity and listening skills, many people with a shy personality are especially caring toward others, and interested in how others feel. People often consider them the finest friends.Overing shyness takes practice. People who are shy tend to give themselves fewer chances to practice social behaviors. Its no wonder that people who shy away from socializing dont feel as socially confident as people who are outgoing they have less practice! The more you practice social behaviors, the easier they get, and the more natural they feel for you.Take slow, steady steps forward. Going slow is OK. But be sure to go forward. Stepping back from any situations that might trigger you to feel shy can reinforce shyness and keep it at a level thats hard to get past. Build confidence by taking one small forward step at a time. Also, its OK to feel awkward. Everyone does sometimes. People who are shy are often afraid to feel awkward or unfortable. But dont let that keep you from doing what you want. You might feel awkward asking your friend for help. Thats perfectly natural. Whether your friend says “yes” or “no” is out of your control. But not asking at all means youll never get the help. So go for it anyway!参考范文:Shyness has something to do with genes, behaviors and the ways people deal with it and so on. (要点1) Some people seek to get rid of it, while in fact it can also motivate such gifts as good listening and understanding in people. (要点2) However, overing shyness takes time and much practice. (要点3) So take slow, steady steps forward and build confidence step by step. (要点4)


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