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四年级英语单元达标题听力原文M1 听力原文一、听音选出句子中含有的单词。(4分) 1. I like reading books. 2. Look at these pictures. 3. He is taking pictures. 4. He is playing with a toy train. 二、 按听到句子的先后顺序标号。(6分) 1. I like playing football. 2. She likes playing basketball. 3. He likes swimming. 4. We like running.三、听音,选出你所听到句子的汉语意思。(5分)Go straight on.Its at the station.Youre welcome.I live at No.2 Park Street.My dog is lost.四、听音画图。(10分)1. turn right 2. turn left 3. go straight on 4. up the hill 5. down the hill五、听音,选答语。(10分)Wheres the bus?Thank you very much.Wheres Amy?Excuse me, wheres the train station?Wheres the train?M2 听力原文一、听音选出句子中含有的单词。(4分) 1. I like reading books. 2. Look at these pictures. 3. He is taking pictures. 4. He is playing with a toy train. 二、按听到句子的先后顺序标号。(6分) 1. I like playing football. 2. She likes playing basketball. 3. He likes swimming. 4. We like running.三、听音,圈出你听到的句子1. Amy is reading a letter. 2.Daming is taking pictures.3.Look at this picture. 4.His mother is listening to music.5.What are you doing? 6.Im reading a book.7.Hes flying a kite. 8.I like playing football. 9.We like running.10.This is my little brother.四、按听到的顺序抄写短语1. He is playing with toy cars.2. He is taking pictures.3. She is reading a book.4. She is watching TV.M3 听力原文一、 听辨单词1.red 2. chess 3. boat 4.men 5. let6. little 7.next 8. people 9. run 10. play二、 听问句, 将答语重新排序。1. Is Amy watching TV?2. What is Tom doing?3. Are Sam and Amy swimming?4. What are the people on the lake doing?5. You are great.三、根据听到的对话内容在相应栏内打对号。(10分) Amy : Look at the elephant ,Daming ? What is it doing ? Daming : It is drawing pictures.Amy : What are the tigers doing?Daming : Theyre jumping.Amy : Whats the bird doing?Daming :Its singing.Amy : What are the monkeys doing?Daming :Theyre playing football.Amy : Whats the horse doing? Is it running?Daming :No , it isnt .Its dancing.M4 听力原文一、听辨单词1.want 2. chess 3. boat 4.men 5. buy 6. little 7.now 8. purple 9. run 10. cake二、听问句, 将答语重新排序。1. Do you want some rice?2. What are you doing?3. How much is it?4. Can I help you?5. Can you go to buy some apples?三、短文理解, 根据听到的短文判断下列句子是( )否( )正确. Amy and Daming go to the park on Sunday. They are hungry. But Amy doesnt want rice. They see a man. He is making noodles. So they buy some noodles. Amy has some noodles with tomato and egg. Daming has some noodles with meat and potato. Its very nice.M 5听力原文一、 听辨单词,将序号写在题前括号中。你一定做得很棒!(10分)1. nice 2. sun 3. make 4. four 5. last 6. warm 7. clothes 8.sky 9. row 10.together 二、 听音,判断下列人物能否做以下动作,能在括号中画J ,反之画L,让我们一起加油啊!(8分)1. My brother cant swim. 2. He can run fast. 3. I cant take pictures. 4.Can your grandpa do Taijiquan? No,he cant.5. Can she row a boat? Yes,she can.6. Can you draw a picture ? Sorry I cant. 7. Her father can sing. 8.Wang Lin can wash clothes.三、 听音,圈出与所听内容相符的图片。仔细听,你肯定做得又快又好!(6分)1. I like dumplings. 2. What can you do? I can swim. 3. Can he play football? Yes he can. 4.I can play volleyball. 5.Xiao Hong can run fast. 6.He can jump high.四、 听问句,选择合适的答语。相信自己一定行!(6分)( ) 1.Have you got any chopsticks? ( ) 2.What can you do?( ) 3.What is your mother doing? ( ) 4.Can Amy run fast?( ) 5.Can Tom row a boat? ( ) 6.Do you want some rice?五、 听音,你听到的句子与给出的句子有一处不同,请圈出来,试试看,很简单的!(10分)1. Can he make a cake? 2. They cant fly a kite.3. Can I help you? 4. Daming can jump high. 5. We are the winner.六、 听音,补全句子。认真听,你一定能写对哦!(10分)1.Im not a pupil.2.A: Have you got fast food in England?B: Yes, we have.3.A: Can you ride a bike ? B: Sorry, I cant.4.A: Can Lingling wash clothes? B: Yes, she can.期中测试题听力材料一、听音,选出你所听到的单词,将其序号填入题前括号内。1.live 2.left 3.take 4.tomato 5.behind二、听音,按听到的顺序为下列图片排序。1.The girl is rowing a boat.2.The man is listening to music.3.Sam is playing football.4.The man is taking photos.5.Lingling is riding her bike.三、听问句,为所听问句选择合适的答语。1.Can you run fast?2.How much is it?3.What are they doing?4.Thank you so much.5.Wheres Sam?四、听录音判断所听内容与图片相符的写“T”,不相符的写“F”。1.The boys are playing basketball.2.They are swimming.3.He can run fast.4.He is watching TV. 5.She is going to do the high jump.五、听音,根据录音内容完成下列句子。1.Go straight on. 2.It s beside the cinema.3.Fangfang and Lili are listening to music.4.Tom is playing with toys.5.Look! Mum is making . dumplings.6.Panpan is taking pictures. 7.Lingling is talking to her friend. .8.Look at the people under the tree.9.Its twelve oclock. Im.hungry.10.The bird is singing. .M6听力原文一、听音,选出你听到的单词。1、cake 2、dark 3、light 4、turn on 5、cant 6、here 7、there 8、sweets二、听音,将听到的英文单词写在相应的图画下的横线上。1. peanuts 2.pear 3.soup 4.light 5.sweets 三、听音,选出与你听到的单词属于同一类的一项。1、very dark 2、turn off 3、go there 4、some apples 5、have some noodles四、听音,根据问句,选择合适的答语。1、Happy birthday. 2、Can Sam have some fruit?3、Can I come in? 4、Can you eat an apple?5、Are you happy? 6、Have you got a big cake?五、听音完成句子。1、A:Mum, Im hungry. Can I have some bread? B:Sorry, you cant. But you can have some soup.2、Today is my birthday. Im very happy.3、Can I have some sweets? Yes, you can.4、Can he have some fruit? Sorry, he cant.5、Turn on the light. Its very dark. I cant see.6、Hello! Can I come in? Yes, of cours.M7听力材料一、 听录音,根据你所听到的单词,选择合适的图片。(10分)1. sheep 2. house 3. bear 4. pig 5. fruit2. 二、听音,选出你所听到短语(8分)1. climb a tree 2. fly a kite 3. in the photo 4. eat fruit三、听音,选出你所听到的句子(10分)1.There is a girl 2. Shes riding a bike.2. I cant see her face 4. There are three boys under the tree.四、听音,完成下面的句子(12分1. There is a girl. Shes riding a bike.2. There are two cats. Therere climbing a tree.3. There are three boys Therere play football.4. There are four bears. Therere dancing.M8听力原文一、听音,选出你所听到的单词。1.tomato 2.kite 3.play 4.from 5.sock二、听录音,选择合适的图片。1.Were going to visit Hainan tomorrow.2.Were going by plane.3.Were going to get up at 5 oclick.4.Sam is going to swim in the sea.三、听录音,连一连。1.Daming is going to take pictures.2.Lingling is going to visit the lions.3.Amy is going to listen to music.4.sam is going to play football.5.Mrs smart is going to swim in the sea.四、听录音,选出正确的答语。1.What time are you going to get up?2.Whats this?3.What are they doing?4.Can Daming swim?5.Are you going to go by plane?五、听录音选出你所听到的句子,将其序号填入题前括号内。1.Were going to go to Hainan by plane.2.Were going to get up at 5 oclock.3.This is Xiao yongs swimsuit.4.Were going to go by plane.5.Were going to visit my grandpa.M9听力原文一、听录音,选出你所听到的单词1、train 2、read 3、luck 4、sky 5、sports 6、win 7、metres 8、jump high 二、听音,判断下图与你所听到的内容是否相符,相符的写F ,反之写T .1、He is the winner . 2 、He is going to run . 3 、He is going to play football . 4 、She is going to do the long jump .5 、He is going to swim .三、听音,将I 、 II 、 III栏相关内容用线连起来。1 . Were going to have a sports day . 2. Im going to run the 200 metres .3. What are you going to do for it . 4. Im going to run in the park .5. Thank you ! Bye-bye .四、听录音,给下列句子排序。1. Daming is going to ride a bike. 2. Xiaogang is going to play tennis.3 .Sam is going to do the high jump. 4 . Weiwei is going to run the 200 metres.5 . Huahua is going to do the long jump.五、听音,选出你所听到的句子将序号填在题前括号中。1. Im going to train. 2. Can you run fast ?3. Im going to run the 100 metres. 4. I am going to do long jump .5. I am going to go to the park.六、听音,补全下面句子。1. What are you going to do for sports day ? 2、Im going to do the high jump . 3. Are you going to do the long jump ? 4. Im training every day . 5. Im going to run the 200 metres .M10听力原文一、 听音,选出你听到的单词。(10分) sing food Chinese we peanuts 二、听音,选出你所听到的句子。(10分) Its Chinese New Year. We have a big family dinner at Spring festival. I like peanuts an sweets.We sing songs.We have Christmas in England.三、听音,给下列句子重新排序。(10分)1.We wish you a have New Yew.2. Its Spring Festival.3. At Spring Festival we have a big family dinner.4. We sing songs at Christmas. 5. We give presents.四、听音标号。(5分)1 At Christmas, we have a Christmas tree.2 Sam, Heres a book for you.3 At the spring festival, we have dumplings.4 We have peanuts and sweets.5 At the spring festival, we have a big family dinner.五、听音,根据问句选择合适的答语。(10分)1. Happy New Year . 2. Does Sam give presents at Christmas?3. Whats the spring festival?4. Do Amy and sam like peanuts and sweets.5. A book for you.六、听音,补全下面句子。(5分)1. Here you are.2. We have a big family dinner.3. We have peanuts and sweets.4. What do you do at Christmas.5. Chritmas is coming.期末测试题听力原文一听辩单词,将序号写在题前括号中。 1. fruit 2.every 3.talk 4.light 5want 6.strong 7. lets 8.potato 9. give 10. far二听音排序,将序号写在图下的括号中。 1. Wheres the school? Turn left.2. Do you want some potatoes? Yes, please.3. Can you draw a dragon? Yes, I can.4. They are going to play football.5. Do you want some tomatoes? Yes, please.6. There is a bear in the photo.7. Ive got a toy train.8. Im hungry. I want some noodles.三听音,判断下列图片与所听内容相符的写T,不符的写F。 1. My mother is cooking vegetables.2. Im going to swim in the sea.3 My brother can row a boat.4.Tom is going to go to Hainan by plane.5.Its about the Spring Festival.6Can you play chess? Yes, I can.7Im hungry .I want some noodles.四、听音,选出正确的答语,将序号写在题前括号中。 1. Can you jump far? 2 .Can I have some soup? 3. How much is it? 4. Are you going to visit Hainan.5. What is your mother doing?五、听短文,判断下列句子与你所听内容相符的写R,不符的写W。(5分)Its a sunny day. Amy is going to take pictures. Daming is going to play football. Sam is going to row a boat. Tom is going to ride a bike. Lingling is going to go to the park. Ms Smarts is going to swim.六、听音完成句子,将正确的单词写到横线上。(14分)1.Look, amy chinese fast food2.Excuse me , wheres the supermarket, please? Go straight on.3.What are you going to do for sports day?4.We can see lots of interesting things .


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