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Unit 4 Body languageWarming up and readingTeachingAimsand Demands 教学目标与要求 Teaching key point 教学的重点Get students to read the passage and learn about cultural differences and intercultural communication. Improve the students reading ability by skimming-reading and scanning-reading.Teaching difficult point教学的难点 1.To guide the students to understand the passage and know about cultural differences and intercultural communication. 2.Get students to use different reading skills for different reading purposes.Teaching aims 教学目标Knowledge and ability aims1.Get students to learn some useful words and expressions in this part2.Get students to read the passage and learn about cultural differences and intercultural communication.3.Enable students to develop their reading ability and try to use some reading strategies such as guessing , key sentences, skimming, scanning and so on.Emotional aims1.Enable students to recognize different body language and try to use them correctly.2.Develop students sense of cooperative.Teaching Methods1. Task-based teaching and learning2. Cooperative learning3. DiscussionTeaching AidsThe multimedia and other normal teaching toolsTeaching Procedures Step 1 Leading in and warming up1. If a person can not speak, how you can communicate with him or her.2. can you do some gestures?3. Can you do some movements with your partners to communicate?Step 2 Pre-reading Look the title and pictures of this reading passage, predict the main idea of the text,Step 3 Reading Skimming Read the text quickly and answer two questions.1. what did the author do yesterday?2. Did any students have the same greeting customs?Then read this text quickly again , finish the following exercise.Character(person)CountryYouMr GarciaJulia SmithMr CookAkira NagataAhmed AzizMadame CoulonSuggest answers: China Columbia Britain Canada Japan Jordan FranceScanning1. Give students 5min to read this text carefully again, and finish the following exercise.( according to 1-2-3para)Character(person)CountryActionsI ( author)ChinaI_ for a minute _them and then went to _them. When introducing myself to Ahmed Aziz, I_ _ a bit when he is very close.Mr GarciaColumbiaTony_ Julia, _her shoulder and _her on the _.Julia SmithBritainJulia.Smith _back appearing_ and_ _her hands, as if in _.Mr CookCanadaGeorge_ _ _ _to Akira Nagata.Akira NagataJapanAkira _ to Mr. CookAhmed AzizJordanAhmed_ very_ to me when introduced, he_ _ to ask questions, but he _ at the girls.Darlene CoulonFranceDarlene and Tony _ each other twice on the cheek.Suggest answers1). Stood watching greet moved back2). approached touched kissed cheek3). Stepped surprised put up defence4). Reached his hand out5). Bowed 6). Moved close came closer nodded7). Shook hands and kissed2.Ask students to read Paragraphs 4-5 and finish the following true or false exercises1).Englishmen often stand close to others or touch strangers as soon as they meet2).Most people around the world now greet each other by kissing3).Japanese will bow to others as greeting4).People from Jordan will move very close to you as you introduce yourself to them5).Some body language in some countries are good while some countries body languages are bad.Suggested answers 1. F 2. F 3. T 4.T 5. FStep4课堂检测 连线Part1( para1) A. It mainly talks about the examples cultural“body language”Part2.(para2-3) B. It tells us that different peoples have different body language. Part3(para4) C. It is the summary of body language.Part4( Para5) D. The main idea is that you are sent to Capital International Airport to meet students.Step5 Summary Today we have learned a text about body language, It plays an important role in daily communication, so it is very important to understand and use it correctly.Step6 Homework1. Finish off page 27 exercises2. Preview the next lesson( Important language points)


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