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汉译英unit3 section_a商业的银行帐户需跟个人的银行帐户分开。(separate from / business bank accounts)Business bank accounts need to be separated from personal ones. 她暂停了一会儿工作,给自己泡了一点咖啡,然后几分钟后继续工作。(take a break from / make herself some coffee)She took a break from her work to make herself some coffee and then resumed a few minutes later.人们随着年纪的增长往往不需要那么多睡眠。(tend to do sth. / need less sleep)People tend to need less sleep as they get older.这些是成为一名成功的演说家的关键因素,是以我自己的经验为基础的。(base on sth. / the key factors / my own experience)These are the key factors for being a successful speaker, and they are based on my own experience.由于生产成本的提高, 造成了该公司债务累累。(saddle sb. with sth. / due to / an increased cost)The company is saddled with debt due to an increased cost of production.他对老板不给他加薪的决定感到非常失望,很快他的失望变成了愤怒。(give one a pay raise/give way to sth.)He was greatly disappointed over his boss decision against giving him a pay raise, and soon his disappointment gave way to anger.当杰瑞意识到需多少工作量才能成功地完成这个项目时,他放弃了。 (back off / do a good job completing it)Jerry backed off the project when he realized how much work was involved to do a good job completing it.去山里观光的游客对这个地区天气变化之快感到诧异。(wonder at / visitors to mountainous areas)Visitors to mountainous areas tend to wonder at the speed with which the weather can change in such areas.她在餐桌旁坐了下来,每道菜都散发出扑鼻的香味。(with each dish emitting)She sat down at the table, with each dish emitting a delicious smell.女孩坐在那里一言不发,眼睛直挺挺地盯着墙壁。(with her eyes fixing)The girl sat there quite silent with her eyes fixing on the wall.由于我们的食物即将吃完,我们不得不步行到一个村子寻求帮助。(with our food running out / walk to a village) With our food running out, we had to walk to a village for help.随着夏季来临,天气正变得越来越热。(状语表示时间)(with summer coming) With the summer coming, it is becoming hotter and hotter.最近的趋势表明,可以通过放松的的锻炼方式使身体受益。(recent.show / benefits ) A recent tendency shows that it is possible that the body benefits from exercises through a relaxing way.撇开别的不说,仅仅这些谣言对他的形象已经产生了负面的影响。(apart from anything else / rumors/ negative effect)Apart from anything else, these rumors alone have had negative effect on his image.Unit3 section_b失败让我体验到了强烈的挫败感,我陷入了深深的痛苦之中。(a strong feeling of frustration / intense frustration)The failure gives me such a strong feeling of frustration that I fall into a deep pain. 他的话当时似乎没有多大意思,可是后来对我们有很大帮助。(later on)What he said did not seem to amount to much, but later on it helped us a great deal.医院给母亲安静 的私人时间以帮助她们培养与婴儿的感情。(quiet private time)The hospital gives mothers quiet private time so that mothers bond with their babies.我们只好接受销售造成的亏损。(a loss on the sale)We had to resign ourselves to a loss on the sale. 如果您没有自己开车,我会很乐意开车送您去工作。(to have no transportation of ones own) If you have no transportation of your own, Ill be happy to give you a ride to work. 老人坐在温暖的午后阳光下,觉得很疲倦,就慢慢地入睡了。(sit in the warm afternoon sun)As the old man was sitting in the warm afternoon sun, he grew tired and drifted off into a sleep. 劫机者最终向警方投降。(hijackers)The hijackers eventually surrendered themselves to the police.他开了好几次头做健身锻炼,但总是半途而废。(fitness and body building exercises /give up halfway) He had started fitness and body building exercises many times but would always give up halfway.这个新入校的学员很喜欢他军训的第一天,觉得它充满了挑战,富有意义。(newly-enrolled cadet / military training) This newly-enrolled cadet loves his first day of military training, finding it challenging and meaningful.穿着病号服的老太太如风中残烛一般奄奄一息。(a candle flickering in the wind / be at ones last gasp)Like a candle flickering in the wind, the old lady in her hospital gown is at her last gasp.总经理请求员工们竭尽全力帮助公司度过难关以表明他们对公司的忠诚。(loyalty to/ spare no efforts to / turn the corner)The general manager asks the employees to demonstrate their loyalty by sparing no efforts to help the company to turn the corner. 英译汉Unit3 section_bWe think of infancy before childhood and middle age before old age, with each unique phase bringing its own peculiar set of challenges. (Para. 1, L2-4) 我们把这些阶段想象为婴儿期在童年之前,中年在老年之前,每个阶段都会面临一系列特有的挑战。Recent trends show radical changes as young people are following a different agenda. (Para. 4, L3-4)由于年轻人正按照一种不同的模式生活,最近的趋势出现了根本性的变化。Apart from anything else, this has had an implicit effect on courtship. (Para. 9, L1)别的不说,这对择偶产生了不言而喻的影响。The odyssey years can saddle young people with enormous pressure to move forward quickly. (Para. 6, L1)奥德赛岁月使年轻人承受了巨大的压力,迫使他们快速往前冲。Their confusion comes from the difficulties to make parents understand them and the fluid journey of discovery they need in this phase of their lives. (Para.6, L5)他们的困惑源于很难让家长了解他们,也源于这段需要进行自我探索的、不确定的人生之旅。Its hard to predict whats next. New guidelines havent been established yet, and everything seems to give way to a less permanent version of itself. (Para.8, L1)接下来会如何发展很难预测。新的准则还没有建立,一切似乎都被一个不确定的版本所取代。Success moving through the odyssey years will come to those who dont expect to achieve their goals right away but know that they must have the strength, capacity and confidence to endure over the long term. (Para.12, L1)顺利度过奥德赛岁月的将是那些不急于即刻实现目标的人但这些人知道他们必须保持实力、能力、信心去度过这段较长的岁月。If youre a little late with your goals, dont feel like a failure! Stay strong, be positive, and keep focused! Someday you will look back and wonder at the vast changes as you passed through the odyssey years. (Para.12, L3)如果你的目标起步稍晚了点,不要认为你是个失败者!意志坚定,态度积极,并集中精力!有一天,你会回头审视,并对奥德赛岁月给你带来的巨大改变而惊叹。unit3 section_bI wanted to go homehome to my parents and sisters, but I would always hesitate I didnt know if it was feasible. (Para.1, L6)我想回家回到有我父母和姐妹的家,但我 总是犹豫不决不知回家之路是否行得通。He seemed truly interested. There was real integrity in his face. (Para. 18)他好像真的很感兴趣,脸上写满了真诚。It was torture to look and I couldnt bear to do it. Suddenly, we were there. I surrendered myself to my fate! (Para. 27, L 2)每看一眼就好似一种折磨,我简直受不了了。刹那间,我们到了。我只能听天由命,任凭命运摆布了!Id started this letter many times but would always fall into despair. (Para.1, L4)这封信我已写了好多次开头,但每次都以绝望而告终。I hated the work, finding it hollow and dull! (Para.2, L7)我讨厌这样的工作,发现它既没意思又单调乏味!Like a volcano erupting, I snapped. (Para.3, L1)我突然发怒,犹如火山爆发。And, Dad, Im asking you to allow me to come home to demonstrate that youve forgiven me by leaving the porch light on. (Para.9, L2)爸爸,我请求您让我回家,请把门廊的灯打开,表明您已经原谅了我。Ive met many people since Ive been away; some were refined and others very coarse. I didnt know what home meant until Id been away for a few months.(l2,para.7)离家出走后,我碰到过很多人,有的有教养,有的很粗俗。离家几个月后我才知道什么是家。I couldnt bear my restless thoughts any longer. I roused myself and started down the long road home.(para.14)我再也不能忍受那些焦虑不安的思念了。我振作起来,踏上了回家的漫漫之路。He seemed truly interested. There was real integrity in his face. (para.18)他好像真的很感兴趣,脸上写满了真诚。


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