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UNIT 1Period Four题组A基础练(建议用时:10分钟).单词拼写1The teacher made a suggestion that she should make an apology to her deskmate for her bad _(行为)2We hope the tradition could be passed down from one _(一代人) to another.3The Great Wall _(吸引) millions of tourists from all over the world every year.4Being _(上瘾的) to online games does damage to our health.5You are an _(成年人) now and you need to be responsible for your actions.【答案】1.behaviour2.generation3.attracts4addicted5.adult.短语填空be worried about,be attracted to,focus on,be addicted to,put up,work out,the number of,grow up,be similar to,set up1More people will _ cycling if the weather is fine.2Once you _ drugs, it will be very difficult for you to get rid of it.3He _ a sign outside the shop to attract customers.4We hope to _ a fund for the Project Hope.5_ employees in our company has been reduced to 45.6I like painting and I want to become an artist when I _.7She _ her sick child, so she hurried home immediately after work.8The twins _ each other in appearance but they are different in hobbies.9People usually _ the things that are important to them.10He sat down at his desk to _ the exact figures.【答案】1.be attracted to2.are addicted to3put up4.set up5.The number of6.grow up7was worried about8.are similar to9.focus on10work out.完成句子1_ _ _ is good for your health.饭后走走路有益健康。2The heavy rain _ _ _ for us to go out.大雨使我们无法出去。3_ _ _ _ _ _ a foreign language.学一门外语非常重要。4Now that you want to improve your oral English, _ _ _ _ _ every day?既然你想提高你的英语口语水平,为什么不每天练习说英语呢?5He is _ _ _ _ his childhood.他太老了,回忆不起自己的童年了。【答案】1.Walking after meals2made it impossible3It is very important to learn4why not practise speaking English5too old to remember题组B提升练(建议用时:30分钟).阅读理解My best friend traveled to stay with my family last weekend.When she arrived,she went straight to the kitchen and,without asking,ate some dried fruit.She wasnt being rude.I knew she would do this.Weve known each other for almost 20 years.She can eat anything she wants from my kitchen.Indeed,I bought her favorite fruits and snacks at the shop that morning.Our long weekend together was simple.I was recovering from surgery and couldnt go to shopping malls.We passed the time running errands(差事), but_theres_never_been a_quiet_moment.Weve lived in different cities for almost a decade.Reunions demand conversation.Our personalities are matched,to be sure,and a shared history is indescribably valuable.We were competitors at high school before bonding.Then we discovered the many interests that we had in common.Our friendship developed itself quickly.We stayed companions and supported each other through law school and through our first jobs.Ours is a friendship for the ages.There is something special about friends who know everything about you.They are rare.They have seen your bright lights of achievements,the depths of desperation and the boring routine of the in-between.Its special to unpack feelings without wasting time filling in the blanks.As my long weekend shows,with such friends we dont have to “do”,we simply have to “be”We drop the act,the performance,the public version of ourselves.The special friendships are those which never fail to delight,whose continuation is worth the extra effort,despite distance and difference in your separate lives.I had the very great joy of this reminder last weekend.Im lucky to have found this friend,and to see a future where her companionship remains.Being together is perfection.()1.What does the underlined sentence indicate in Paragraph 2?AThey quarrelled at times.BThey had a noisy weekend.CThey were busy running errands.DThey talked constantly about their lives.()2.What does the author appreciate about their friendship?ATheyre comfortable just being themselves.BThey help each other achieve in their fields.CThey inspire each other to be their best selves.DTheyre best friends despite different hobbies.()3.What message is conveyed in the last paragraph?AFriends are a reminder of joy.BGood friendships need devotion.CSpecial friendships may fail to delight.DDistance and difference bring friendship.()4.Why does the author write this text?ATo express thanks to her best friend.BTo explore the meaning of friendship.CTo describe what her best friend is like.DTo share the friendship that she treasures.【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,作者从与最好的朋友共度的平凡周末切入,回顾了和她共同的生活经历,感叹好的友情珍贵而难得。1D句意理解题。根据画线句后的“Weve lived in different cities for almost a decade.Reunions demand conversation.” 可知,作者和好朋友近十年都生活在不同的城市,每次的相聚都会畅谈生活。故选D。2A推理判断题。根据第四段中的“with such friends we dont have to do,we simply have to beWe drop the act,the performance,the public version of ourselves”可知,作者与好朋友在一起的时候不需要做什么事情,只需要做自己就好,她们无需表演。故选A。3B细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“The special friendships are those which never fail to delight,whose continuation is worth the extra effort,despite distance and difference in your separate lives.”可知,作者认为特别的友谊总能让人感到愉悦,尽管朋友之间有距离有差异,但是这种友情的延续值得额外的付出,即好的友谊需要付出。故选B。4D写作目的题。通读全文可知,作者借助本文分享了她与好朋友之间的特殊友谊,从与好朋友的相处细节入手,回顾了她们共同的成长经历和温暖回忆,最后感叹好的友情珍贵而难得。故选D。阅读加油站in-between adj.中间的 n中间人to be sure诚然;的确I was recovering from surgery and couldnt go to shopping malls.我正在从手术中恢复,不能去购物中心。Our friendship developed itself quickly.我们的友谊发展很快。.完形填空I was nine when I arrived at the Childrens Home in Nashua, New Hampshire.I failed third grade that year, and barely _1_ it through a second time, and had squeaked through(侥幸通过) fourth grade by the time I reached Pauline Jambards fifth-grade class at Charlotte Avenue Elementary School.I was _2_ I wasnt as intelligent as the other kids.However, Ms.Jambard took an instant liking to me.Of all the _3_ in school, reading was my favourite.She would tell me, “Terry, you _4_ reading.If you can understand what youre reading, youll be _5_ than most kids.” After I read all the books in our program, I started reading the classrooms set of Encyclopedia Britannica(不列颠百科全书)And gradually I started to really _6_ school life.That _7_, our school threw a Christmas party for family and community members.My brother and I had no family to _8_.I still remember looking up and seeing Ms.Jambard walk through the front door and realizing she was there to see me.I was deeply moved.That was the _9_ Christmas of my life!After I graduated from Ms.Jambards class, my brother and I _10_, and I lost all touch with my teacher.Years later, I was on a business trip and had to drive through Nashua.I took a chance and dropped by Charlotte Avenue Elementary School.I was walking toward her _11_ when she came out into the hallway and said, “Terry!” It was as if I had _12_ left! I was in seventh heaven on my flight home.We have stayed in _13_, and I call Ms.Jambard at least once a year.Because of the confidence she instilled(灌输) in me, I went on to have a _14_ career in engineering.I dont know if Ms.Jambard realizes how much she helped me, but Ill never forget her _15_ and faith in me.()1.A.orderedBarrangedCmadeDdemanded()2.A.gladBsureCluckyDsatisfied()3.A.ideasBexamplesCfactsDsubjects()4.A.stopBforgetCkeepDstart()5.A.prettierBsmarterCbraverDstronger()6.A.likeBignoreCfearDchoose()7.A.DecemberBNovemberCOctoberDSeptember()8.A.botherBthankCvisitDinvite()9.A.longestBquietestChappiestDbusiest()10.A.movedBreunitedCwaitedDwandered()11.A.hospitalBofficeChomeDshop()12.A.sometimesBalwaysCforeverDnever()13.A.dangerBneedCtroubleDtouch()14.A.briefBsuccessfulCriskyDrelaxing()15.A.politenessBappearanceCkindnessDability【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文,讲述了“我”小学五年级老师给“我”关心和鼓励的故事。“我”不知道老师是否意识到她对“我”的帮助有多大,但是“我”将永远不会忘记老师的好意和对“我”的信心。1C根据上文的“I failed third grade that year”可知,“我”第二次才勉强读完三年级。make it意为“成功做到某事”。ordered命令;arranged安排;demanded要求。2B由第一段中讲述的“我”读了两次三年级,侥幸通过四年级的不光彩经历可推断,“我”确信(sure)自己没有其他孩子聪明。glad高兴的;lucky幸运的;satisfied满意的。3D由下文的“reading was my favourite”可知,在学校所有科目(subjects)中,“我”最喜欢阅读课。ideas观点;examples例子;facts事实。4C由下文的“If you can understand what youre reading, youllthan most kids.”可推断,老师鼓励喜欢阅读的“我”保持(keep)阅读的习惯。stop停止;forget忘记;start开始。5B老师鼓励“我”如果“我”,能理解所读内容,“我”就会比绝大多数孩子聪明(smarter)。prettier更漂亮; braver更勇敢;stronger更强壮。 6A有留级经历的“我”在老师的鼓励下大量阅读之后渐渐开始喜欢(like)学校生活。ignore忽略;fear害怕;choose选择。7A由下文的“a Christmas party”可推断,那年12月份(December)学校举办了圣诞派对。8D学校为学生家长和社区成员举办圣诞派对,而“我”和“我”的兄弟却没有家人可以邀请(invite)。bother打扰;thank感谢;visit参观。9C由上文的“I was deeply moved.”可推断,因为感受到了老师的关心,那个圣诞节成了“我”人生当中最快乐的(happiest)圣诞节。longest最长的;quietest最安静的;busiest最忙的。10A由下文的“I lost all touch with my teacher.”可推断,毕业后“我”和“我”的兄弟搬走了(moved)。reunited重聚;waited等候;wandered漫步。11B由上文的“Charlotte Avenue Elementary School”可推断,“我”当时正朝着老师的办公室(office)走去。hospital医院;home家;shop商店。12D由上文的“I was walking toward her when she came out into the hallway and said, Terry!”可推断,在听到多年未见的恩师呼唤自己的名字时,“我”感觉自己似乎从未(never)离开过。sometimes有时; always总是;forever永远。13D由下文的“and I call Ms.Jambard at least once a year”可推断,在那次见面之后,“我”和老师一直保持联系(touch)。danger危险;need需要;trouble麻烦。14B因为有了信心,“我”在工程领域有了成功的(successful)事业。brief简短的;risky危险的; relaxing令人放松的。15C“我”不知道老师是否意识到她对“我”的帮助有多大,但是作者将永远不会忘记老师的好意(kindness)和对“我”的信心。politeness有礼貌; appearance外貌;ability能力。.应用文写作假如你是李华,你的英国笔友Roy正在中国某城市作交换生,他因交不到朋友而苦恼,发来邮件向你求助。请你用英文给他写封电子邮件。主要内容:1表示安慰;2你的建议。注意:1词数80左右;2开头和结尾已为你写好,不计入总词数。Dear Roy,I am sorry to hear that you are having some problems in China._ _Yours,Li HuaOne possible version:Dear_Roy,I_am_sorry_to_hear_that_you_are_having_some_problems_in_China.Im writing to offer you my suggestions.First, overcome your shyness.Try to be brave and open yourself up to others.Keep reminding yourself to wear a smile when meeting people.Besides, join in more activities, where you may meet people who like being with you.Last but not least, dont try to fit in with everyone, and find people who share common interests with you.I believe with your sincerity and friendliness, you will make more friends.Yours,Li_Hua8


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