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浙江金华市2016中考英语完形填空二轮演练(四)及答案【中考先睹为快】Passage A完形填空(共15小题,每小题1分, 满分15分)阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项A、B、C、D中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Tears went out of my eyes when I talked to my parents on the phone. What were they doing when I _36_them? This is what I want to know most. I had supper at five oclock in the dining room. There is no need for me to cook and wash the dishes. _37_ , now it is the busiest time for my parents. Dad works _38_seven oclock in the morning to nine oclock in the evening. _39_, all of the housework is left to my mom alone, _40_ her own job.Every day she _41_ at four oclock in the morning, and then works till dark. One day I called her at 7:30 in the evening, she told me that she was _42_on the farm and hadnt had supper yet. My tears ran down from my cheeks.Dear Mom, I will study hard in the university because I am your _43_. I promise you to take care of myself because I am _44_to you. I promise you so much but I_45_want you to promise me that you can take care of yourself and Dad because you are just like the blood in my body. I cannot _46_without you.Mom has ever said that the happiest time for Dad and her is when my sister and I come back home. We play cards in the room, watch TV or do _47_ we like, with Dad and Mom _48_ delicious food in the kitchen. It is also the happiest time for me. I could _49_all the difficulties and unhappiness. The only thing to do is to enjoy the time with my parents._50_, sometimes, doesnt need many words. Love your parents like they love you. Give them a call and tell them you miss them.( )36. A. missed B. met C. called D. saw( )37. A. Indeed B. However C. Instead D. Anyway( )38. A. with B. around C. at D. from( )39. A. Unfortunately B. Generally C. Therefore D. Actually( )40. A. without B. unless C. besides D. except( )41. A. gets up B. stands up C. comes home D. gets back( )42. A. yet B. already C. still D. even( )43. A. hope B. expectation C. wish D. desire( )44. A. necessary B. important C. formal D. single( )45. A. ever B. just C. never D. seldom( )46. A. work B. study C. live D. play( )47. A. every B. anything C. some D. nothing( )48. A. eating B. enjoying C. having D. preparing( )49. A. forget B. escape C. forgive D. hide( )50. A. Rest B. Pay C. Love D. Work完形填空 (共15小题,满分15分)36-40 CBDCC 4145 ACABB 4650 CBDAC完形填空 (共15小题,计15分)(改编)通读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后再从各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中选出一个最佳选项。Wishing to encourage her young sons progress on the piano, a mother took her boy to a Paderewski concert. After they were 26 , the mother noticed a friend in the audience and walked down the passage to greet her. Taking the 27 to explore the wonders of the concert hall, the little boy rose and 28 explored his way through a door marked “NO ADMITTANCE.” When the house lights went out and the concert was about to begin, the mother returned to her seat and 29 that the child was missing. Suddenly, the curtains parted and spotlights focused on the impressive Steinway on stage. In 30 , the mother saw her little boy sitting at the key-board, innocently picking 31 Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star. At that moment, the great piano master made 32 entrance, quickly moved to the piano, and 33 in the boys ear, “Dont stop. Keep playing.” Then bending over, Paderewski reached down with his left hand and began filling in a bass part. Soon his 34 arm reached around to the other side of the child and he added a running obbligato. Together, the old master and the young novice (beginner) transformed a frightening situation into a wonderfully 35 experience. The audience was strongly 36 . Thats the way it is in life. 37 we can achieve on our own is hardly remarkable. We try our best, but the 38 turn out not to be graceful flowing music. 39 when we trust in the hands of a Greater Power, our lifes work truly can be beautiful.Next time you set out to 40 great achievements, listen carefully. You can hear the voice of the Master, whispering in your ear, “Dont stop. Keep playing.”26.A. seated B. satC. dressedD. rested27.A. factB. difficultyC. chance D. risk28.A. actuallyB. happilyC. fortunately D. finally29.A. discovered B. toldC. acceptedD. offered30.A. joyB. trustC. surpriseD. pleasure31.A. overB. at C. upD. out32.A. hisB. himselfC. herD. herself33.A. shoutedB. repeatedC. promisedD. whispered34.A. leftB. rightC. anotherD. each35.A. creativeB. effectiveC. annoyingD. fearing36.A. shockedB. invited C. attackedD. attracted37.A. HowB. WhatC. When D. Where38.A. goalsB. aimsC. results D. purposes39.A. AndB. ButC. AlsoD. Still40.A. overcomeB. enjoyC. completeD. become完形填空26-30 ACDAC 31-35 DADBA 36-40 DBCBCPassage B2016中考英语完形填空分类练习及答案社会现象类There will be an auction(拍卖会) for charity (慈善) in our neighbourhood this Saturday afternoon. We will hold it at the community centre. The money will help a Hope Primary School build a library. What will you sell(卖) for the auction? Wu Wenbo: Id like to sell a book by Mo Yan. The book will teach people the meaning (意义) of life. I hope someone else can enjoy it. I wont ask for a high price. How about l0 yuan? Li Yuchen: I think I can sell a ping-pong bat. Im a sports fan. I have many ping-pong bats. I can sell one of them for the auction. The bat is very good. It is a present from my friend. I often play ping-pong with it. The price is 50 yuan.Meng Meihui: I will sell my pencil case. I think its about 20 yuan. It is blue and can hold more than ten pens. You can also put a ruler and a big eraser into it. It is made of leather! Song Tianvi: I can sell my toy panda. Its my birthday present. It looks like a real panda. It can even sing. When you feel sad, it can make you happy. How much is it? I think 30 yuan is the lowest priceWhat Will You 【小题1】 for the AuctionTimeThis 【小题2】afternoon.【小题3】The community center.The usage(用途)of the 【小题4】It will help a Hope Primary School build a 【小题5】【小题6】people will sellWu WenboA book by Mo Yan will teach people the meaning of 【小题7】.Li YuchenA Ping-pong bat. It is a 【小题8】from his friend.Meng MeihuiA pencil case made of 【小题9】 .Song TianyiA toy panda. It can make people 【小题10】 .Passage C中考完形填空 Why do I want to go to college? No one has ever asked me _1 _ a question. But many times I have asked myself. I have _2_ a whole variety of reasons. _3_ important reason is that I want to be a better man. Many things make human beings different _4_ or better than or even superior to animals. One of the most important things is _5_ . If I fail to receive higher education, my education _6_. As I want to be a fully _7_ man, I must get a well-rounded education, which good colleges and universities are supposed to _8_. I know one can get educated in many ways, but colleges and universities are _9_ the best places to teach me how to educate myself. Only when I am well-educated, will I be a better human being and _10_ fit into society.1. A. quiteB. soC. suchD. another2. A. come up withB. agreed withC. been fed up withD. got on well with3. A. Most B. The mostC. MoreD. Much4. A. toB. aroundC. betweenD. from5. A. educationB. weatherC. temperatureD. science6. A. finishedB. dont finishC. will not finishD. has finished7. A. developB. developedC. developingD. experience8. A. improveB. graduateC. hearD. provide9. A. betweenB. amongC. insideD. outside10. A. can goodB. may betterC. be able to betterD. be able to best【参考答案及解析】答案简析1. C。such常用在不定冠词或名词前修饰可数名词或不可数名词,表示“此类的”、“这种的”,故such为正确选项。2. A。come up with意为“提出、找出”;agree with意为“同意”;be fed up with意为“对厌倦”;get on well with意为“和相处得好”。根据文意A为正确选项。3. B。上文讲到我曾找到过各种各样的原因,其中最重要的原因应当是,因此这里应用important的最高级,故选the most。4. D。固定结构be different from 表示“不同于”。5. A。本段着重说明了教育在人的发展中的作用,以及大学在教育中的地位。作为总括句,本空应填education。6. C。这是一个含有条件状语从句的复合句,意为“如果我不能受到更高等的教育,我就无法完成我的学业”,故选will not finish为正确选择。7. B。这里只能选可作定语的选项。过去分词developed表示“成熟的”,为正确选项。8. D。大学应是提供高等教育的地方, provide符合文意为正确选项。9. B。介词among可表示”包括在内”为正确选项。10. C。与前半句相对应,这里仍应用比较级,而may better意思不对,因此be able to better为正确选项。中考完形填空(38)【2012南昌】完形填空 (20分) 请先阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各小题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入相应空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卷上将该项涂黑。(每小题1分)Teddy s BearThe story of how the teddy bear was invented is an interesting one. In 1902, American president Theodore (Teddy) Roosevelt was hunting (打猎) in the forest with several of his friends. Almost everyone had successfully shot (射中) an animal, but the president 56 not. Nobody wanted to make the president look 57 , so they tied an American black bear to a 58 . They wanted the president to shoot (射中) it.The president was very surprised to see the bear tied to a tree. He felt it was 59 to shoot the bear, because it couldnt run away. He 60 to shoot it, and the story of his decision went all over the country. Everybody was moved by the presidents beliefs (信念). There was 61 a cartoon showing the president refusing to shoot a cute bear.It was this cartoon and the story behind the presidents hunting trip that gave Morris an idea to make a new 62 . He made a small, soft bear and showed it in his shop window. Next to the bear he made a sign that read, Teddys Bear. The new toy was a big success and it 63 Morris with the money to create a toy company. Teddy bears have been 64 since they were first made. A teddy bear would be the first choice when people think about childrens toys. Theodore Roosevelts famous 65 on a hunting trip in 1902 brought millions of soft, stuffed (填满填充物的) bears. They are being loved by people across the world.56. A. did B. should C. would D. had57. A. sad B. happy C. friendly D. fine58. A. wall B. chair C. rock D. tree59. A. difficult B. unfair C. dangerous D. exciting60. A. wanted B. decided C. refused D. went61. A. only B. hardly C. even D. still62. A. company B. toy C. shop D. present63. A. gave B. filled C. met D. provided64. A. colorful B. expensive C. popular D. boring65. A. decision B. speech C. sign D. skill【参考答案】 5660、 DADBC 61-65 、CBDCA


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