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XHTML 1.0 ReferenceOrdered By Function NN: indicates the earliest version of Netscape that supports the tag IE: indicates the earliest version of Internet Explorer that supports the tag DTD: indicates in which XHTML 1.0 DTD the tag is allowed. S=Strict, T=Transitional, and F=Frameset Start tagPurposeNNIEDTDBasic TagsDefines the document typeSTFDefines a html document3.03.0STFDefines the body element3.03.0STF to Defines header 1 to header 63.03.0STFDefines a paragraph3.03.0STFInserts a single line break3.03.0STFDefines a horizontal rule3.03.0STFDefines a comment3.03.0STFChar FormatDefines bold text3.03.0STFDefines the font face, size, and color of text3.03.0TFDefines italic text3.03.0STFDefines emphasized text3.03.0STFDefines big text3.03.0STFDefines strong text3.03.0STFDefines small text3.03.0STFDefines superscripted text3.03.0STFDefines subscripted text3.03.0STFDefines the direction of text display6.25.0STFDefines underlined text3.03.0TFOutputDefines preformatted text3.03.0STFDefines computer code text3.03.0STFDefines teletype text3.03.0STFDefines keyboard text3.03.0STFDefinesa definition term3.0STFDefines a variable3.03.0STFDefines sample computer code3.03.0STFBlocksDefines an acronym6.24.0STFDefines an abbreviation6.2STFDefines an address element4.04.0STFDefines an long quotation3.03.0STFDefines centered text3.03.0TFDefines a short quotation6.24.0STFDefines a citation3.03.0STFDefines inserted text6.24.0STFDefines deleted text6.24.0STFDefines strikethrough text3.03.0TFDefines strikethrough text3.03.0TFLinksDefines an anchor3.03.0STFDefines a resource reference 4.03.0STFFramesDefines a sub window (a frame)3.03.0FDefines a set of frames3.03.0FDefines a noframe section3.03.0TFDefines an inline sub window (frame)6.04.0TFInputDefines a form3.03.0STFDefines an input field3.03.0STFDefines a text area3.03.0STFDefines a push button6.24.0STFDefines a selectable list3.03.0STFDefines an option group6.06.0STFDefines an item in a list box3.03.0STFDefines a labelfor a form control6.24.0STFDefines a fieldset6.24.0STFDefines a title in a fieldset6.24.0STFListsDefines an unordered list3.03.0STFDefines an ordered list3.03.0STFDefines a list item3.03.0STFDefines a directory list3.03.0TFDefines a definition list3.03.0STFDefines a definition term3.03.0STFDefines a definition description3.03.0STFDefines a menu list3.03.0TFImagesDefines an image3.03.0STFDefines an image map3.03.0STFDefines an area inside an image map3.03.0STFTablesDefines a table3.03.0STFDefines a table caption3.03.0STFDefines a table header3.03.0STFDefines a table row3.03.0STFDefines a table cell3.03.0STFDefines a table header4.0STFDefines a table body4.0STFDefines a table footer4.0STFDefines attributes for table columns3.0STFDefines groups of table columns3.0STFStylesDefines a style definition4.03.0STFDefines a section in a document3.03.0STFDefines a section in a document4.03.0STFMeta InfoDefines information about the document3.03.0STFDefines the document title3.03.0STFDefines meta information3.03.0STFDefines a base URL for all the links in a page3.03.0STFDefines a base font3.03.0TFProgrammingDefines a script3.03.0STFDefines a noscript section3.03.0STFDefines an applet2.03.0TFDefines an embedded object3.0STFDefines a parameter for an object3.03.0STFXHTML Standard AttributesXHTML tags can have attributes. The special attributes for each tag are listed under each tag description. The attributes listed here are the core and language attributes that are standard for all tags (with a few exceptions).Core AttributesNot valid in base, head, html, meta, param, script, style, and title elements.AttributeValueDescriptionclassclass_rule or style_ruleThe class of the elementidid_nameA unique id for the element stylestyle_definitionAn inline style definition titletooltip_textA text to display in a tool tip Language AttributesNot valid in base, br, frame, frameset, hr, iframe, param, and script elements.AttributeValueDescriptiondirltr | rtlSets the text direction langlanguage_codeSets the language code Keyboard AttributesAttributeValueDescriptionaccesskeycharacterSets a keyboard shortcut to access an elementtabindexnumberSets the tab order of an elementXHTML Event AttributesNew to HTML 4.0 was the ability to let HTML events trigger actions in the browser, like starting a JavaScript when a user clicks on an HTML element. Below is a list of attributes that can be inserted into HTML tags to define event actions.If you want to learn more about programming with these events, you should study our JavaScript tutorial and our DHTML tutorial.Window EventsOnly valid in body and frameset elementsAttributeValueDescriptiononloadscriptScript to be run when a document loads onunloadscriptScript to be run when a document unloads Form Element EventsOnly valid in form elements.AttributeValueDescriptiononchangescriptScript to be run when the element changes onsubmitscriptScript to be run when the form is submitted onresetscriptScript to be run when the form is reset onselectscriptScript to be run when the element is selected onblurscriptScript to be run when the element loses focus onfocusscriptScript to be run when the element gets focus Keyboard EventsNot valid in base, bdo, br, frame, frameset, head, html, iframe, meta, param, script, style, and title elements.AttributeValueDescriptiononkeydownscriptWhat to do when key is pressed onkeypressscriptWhat to do when key is pressed and released onkeyupscriptWhat to do when key is released Mouse EventsNot valid in base, bdo, br, frame, frameset, head, html, iframe, meta, param, script, style, and title elements.AttributeValueDescriptiononclickscriptWhat to do on a mouse click ondblclickscriptWhat to do on a mouse doubleclick onmousedownscriptWhat to do when mouse button is pressed onmousemovescriptWhat to do when mouse pointer moves onmouseoverscriptWhat to do when mouse pointer moves over an element onmouseoutscriptWhat to do when mouse pointer moves out of an element onmouseupscriptWhat to do when mouse button is released


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