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课题:unit1 what is your favorite season? 主备教师: 王子元 课型:对话 课时:第一课时一、 研学导航 Learning objective: :To learn the following items through a dialogue: (1)Asking people their favorite seasons ,what is your favorite season? (2)Stating ones favorite seasons :i love winter (3)stating preference with prefer ,i prefer winter (4)Stating a season that one does not like :i dont like summer (5)Using either at the end of a sentence to state a second thing that one does not like :i dont like summer,either (6)Activities :swim ,go skiing ,plant flowers ,play outdoors ,go camping ,make a snowman,fly a kite任务 :To learn the new phrases and the important sentences准备:PPt,pictures二、研学过程(问题表述、研学要求、教师点拨、对应练习、小结) (1)Invite pupils to recall the names of the four children (2TPresent the context by drawing the pupils attention to the background in the picture ,guide the pupils to understand that the three children are talking about the seasons ,have the pupils look at the title of the unit and introduce the word season (3)Set a purpose for listening to the dialogue :the children are talking about their favorite seasons (4)Play the recording all the way through ,the pupils follow by looking at the text in the book (5)Conduct reading aloud practice on the dialogue (6)Use the listen and repeat function first for the pupils to repeat ,later ,use the role play function for the conversation in the roles of jia min ,janet ,and xiao ling 三。研学拓展 Guide pupils to produce a sentence from ea ch picture and use the role play function for pupils to join the conversation the roles of Janet , Xiaoling , Jiamin and xiao ling 四。教学(点评、反思、后记):课题:unit1 what is your favorite season? 主备教师: 王子元 课型: 对话 课时:第二课时一研学导航二、研学过程(问题表述、研学要求、教师点拨、对应练习、小结)Learning objective:To learn the following knowledge : (1) Stating a possible activity with can ,we can (fly a kite ) (2)seasons :spring ,summer ,autumn ,winter (3) Adjective :colorful ,beautiful ,windy任务:To listen ,with understand ,to sentences describing seasons 准备:PPt (1)Ask pupils to look at the picture on page 3,use the pictures to present the further volcabulary items (2Then say each word and phrase again for the pupils to repeat after you ,show the page on the screen ,click on the captions for the pupils to hear the words and to repeat (3)For further practice,point to the pictures randomly for the pupils to say the phrases aloud (4)Revise the names of the four seasons with the pupils (5) Ask the pupils to study the four pictures and guess the weather depicted in each picture .you may also invite some pupils to describe the weather as shown in each picture,and to suggest suitable activities for that kind of weather (6)Explain the task,using the first question as an example ,if necessary ,the pupils are to listen to the correct pictures (7) Play the recording ,pausing if necessary for the pupils to do the matching (8)After the last question ,play the recording again for the pupils to check their answers 研学拓展:Encourage the pupils to recall what they hear about each season and try to retell it 后记(点评、反思、后记)课题:unit1 what is your favorite season? 主备教师: 王子元 课型: 对话 课时:第三课时一研学导航Learning objective:To practice asking and answering about what people are doing through a guessing game (1) What is he doing ? (2)-Is he /she running /skiing /flying a kite /making a snowman .? - Yes , he/she is /No ,he /she isnt.任务:To practice asking about what people are doing and to tell others ones favorite season 准备:PPt二、研学过程(问题表述、研学要求、教师点拨、对应练习、小结) Task 1 (1)Revise the expressions for referring to activities .you may use the related expressions in the dialogue on page 2 to 3,or the additional vocabulary page 3 (2Have the pupils look at the pictures in 2on page 4,if you use the e-resource,show the picture on the screen. (3)Tell the pupils that they are going to play a game ,invite them to study the picture to find out how the game is played ,they should understand that ,in the game ,one pupil mimes an activity for the other pupils to guess (4)Check that the pupils understand how to play the guessing with one or two examples, (5) Conduct guessing game ,with more able pupils ,you may encourage them to use other words they in guessing the activities (6)Talk about the picture on page 5 with the pupils ,guide the pupils to understand that the two children are talking about their favorite season and what they can do , (7)You may draw a similar picture on the board ,and invite pairs of pupils to come to the front of the classroom to do the dialogue before the class. (8)If the activity is done in groups ,when the pupil have finished ,invite some pupils to tell the whole class their answer.后记(点评、反思、后记)课题:unit1 what is your favorite season? 主备教师: 王子元 课型: 对话 课时:第四课时一 研学导航Learning objective:(1) To read ,with understand ,a passage about the weather in the four seasons and Annas favorite activity in each season (2) To revise the the language items related to reasons through a rhyme 任务:To understand the passage through the simple way准备:PPt二、研学过程(问题表述、研学要求、教师点拨、对应练习、小结) Task 1 (1)They read a passage and fill in the blanks using their understanding of the pictures and clues in the passage (2Have the pupils look at task 4on page 5,Explain the task ,using sentence 1 as an example ,if you like ,you may put some of the target words on the board while talking about the pictures with the pupils (3Cnduct the reading task ,give time for he pupils to finish the task on their own before checking the answers with them Task 2 (1) Talk about the pictures the pupils ,you may ask pupils which season is depicted by each picture (2) Put the four seasons on the board ,in one column .in the next column ,pt down green ,bright ,yellow ,white ,then,invite pupils to use their imagination to match the colors to the seasons ,when they have finished ,have them look at the rhyme on page 6and compare their answers with the actual rhyme (3) Play the recording all the way through for the pupils to listen to (4)Then play the recording ,or read the rhyme to the pupils ,line by line ,to check their understanding ,and have the pupils repeat the key swords after you (5) then either play the recording again for the pupils to read along , or ask the pupils to read aloud the rhyme in chorus 三、研学拓展 For the pupils of a higher level ,encourage them to just look at the pictures and retell后记(点评、反思、后记)课题:unit1 what is your favorite season? 主备教师: 王子元 课型: 词汇 课时:第五课时二 研学导航Learning objective:(1)To learn and practice the unstressed pronunciation represented by the graphemes (2)To apply the sound spelling relationships practiced in the previous task in reading aloud some tongue twisters 任务:To know about the pronunciation准备:PPt二、研学过程(问题表述、研学要求、教师点拨、对应练习、小结) Task 1 (1)The pupils learn and practices the unstressed pronunciation represented by a number of graphemes (2Have the pupils look at the table in task 1on page in the column words you know (3Ask the pupils to look the words in the column words you know (4) Start with the first the row ,read the word slowly to guide the pupils to deduce the sound represented by er (5) Repeat the above procedure for the remaining five groups of words (6) Play the recording all the way through for the pupils to listen to (7)Then play the recording again ,pausing after each group of words for the pupils to repeat (8) Some of these words above on the board ,invite pupils to sound them out ,applying the sound -spelling relationships they have learnt in task 1,give them help when needed (9)Invite the pupils to try to read aloud the tongue twisters ,correct their pronunciations if necessary (10)Read the tongue twister again for pupils to repeat after you (11)Ask the whole class to read the tongue twisters once more to you 三、研学拓展 For the pupils of a higher level ,encourage them to just look at the words and repeat后记(点评、反思、后记)


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