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I.河北省石家庄市 2021 年桥西区中考模拟考试英语卷听力部分听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息。供 5 小恿每小题 I 分计 5 分) horseA. next monthA look afterA. I was much better. A. We should stay here.B. houseB. last SundayB. look outB. I was sick.B. We will have to stay here.C. hoursC. next weekC. look aroundC. I want to be a doctor. C. We shouldn l come here.II 听句子.选出该句的最佳答语。 (共 5 小题缶小题 1 分.计 5 分) 6. A. Thank you. I will.7. A Yes. Youre right.8. A With pleasure.9. A. I like sunny days.10. A The bill, please.Ill.听对话和问题.选择正确选项。 供 8 小题.每 4 蜀 1 分,计 8 分) 11. What does the boy want to get?B. Sure. Doni worry. B. It*s boring B. You are welcome.B. It will be fine. B. Keep the changeC. Hello! Dear parents.C. How about you?C. Never mindC. If sfimny.C. lav I have a look at the menu?12. What are they cheering for?13. How many girl students are there in Jacks class9A. 20. B. 16.14. Why doesnt Kathy feel so good9C. 18.A. Because she has to stay at home. B. Because she doesi?t know where to go. C. Because Sam can t take a trip with her15. What does Kathy finally decide to do?A. To go fishing by the river. B. To swim in the lake. C. To go to the mountains.16. What will Lucy do this weekend0A. Go on a picnic. B. Go over the text17. What kind of movies does Lucy like?A. War movies. B. Action movies.18. How often does Bill go to the movies?A. Twice a month. B. Three times a monthN 昕短文和问瓯选择正确答案。供 7 小题.每小题 1 分,计 7 分) 19. What should you do if you have trouble m life?A. Worry all day. B. Take it easy20. If somebody steals your money, wtat should you do?C. Go to see a movie.C. History movies.C. Four times a month.C. Have a good sleep. g Someone _A. Ask the police for help. B. Call 120 immediately. 21. When you fall off the bike and hurt badly, which is not right?A Dont move B. Call the hospital22. How about Jernes holiday?C. Look for the money everywhere. C. Stand up quickly.A. Boring.B. Awftxl.C. Pleasant.23. What was the weather like when Jerry arrived at his grandfathers home?A. Sunny.B. Rainy.C. Snowy.24. Why did Jerry want to throw his shoesA. Because they were worn. B. Because they were ugly. C. Because they were dirty.25. What was the most unforgettable thing for Jeny9A. Staying with his grandfather. B. Catching fish with his grandfather. C. Playing games with his friends. V.听短 文填空供 5 小题每小题 1 分,计 5 分)HobbiesBill s IdeasBills HobbiesBills SuggestionsHobbies can make you 26 _ as a personReading and collecting 27. _ are hobbies.He 28._ goes to bed without reading.His 29. _ hobby is playing basketballThere arc many other 30. _ things to do in life besides hobbies.笔试部分VI 单顼选择(共 10 小题,每 W 禽 1 分,计 10 分)31. We couldnl understand _ because they were talking in Russian.A. they B. them C. their D. theirs 32. This movie is _ . I don*t like it.A. interesting B. boring C. funny D. good33. Without sunlight air and water:_ _ could grow in the world.A something B. everything C anything D nothing 34. When autumn comes, the _ will turn yellow, and fall from the tree.A. mountams B. leaves C. birds D. plants 35. Tom. please give me a hand in moving the piano Sorry. I _ _ my carA. repair B. rqairedC. am rq)airingD. have tepaired36. The chemical change _ _ m psper when it bums.A take s over B. takes place C. takes after D. takes off37.Which season do you like _ , spring or summer? A. well B. better C. best38. Sam found that his wallet _ when he was on the bus.I prefer summer.D. the bestA. stole B. steals C. is stolenD. was stolen39. Look! How dry and clean the road is! A. clean B. cleaned_ up the snow. They *re so early.C. has cleaned D. was cleaning40. -Do you know _? To protect the environment and our health.A. why we stop polluting the river B how we should protect the nverC. where we stop polluting the river D. whether we should protect the riverVII 完形填空供 10 小题,每小题 I 分,计 10 分)Paul was a very rich man, but he never spent any of his money. He was afraid that someone would _41 _ it.: : So he wore dirty old clothes to _ 42_ his richness. People laughed at him, _43 _ he didnt care. He only cared about his money.One day. he bought a big piece of gold. He hid it in a _44 _ by a tree. Every night, he went to the hole tolook at his gold. He sat and thoughttcNo one will ever find my gold!But a thief(豚)saw everything. One day when Paul went home the thief _45 _ the piece of gold and ran away.The next day:Paul went to look at his gold, but it wasnt there! This made him sad. He cried _ 46_loudlythat a wise old man heard him from far away. He came to help. Paul told him everything. Dont worry,” he said. “Gel a big _47_ and put it in the hole by the tree ”What?” said Paul. “_48_ 尸“What did you do with your gold?” the old man asked*1 sat and looked at it every day.” Paul said“Exactly: the old man said. If you dont use it, you can do the _ 49 _ thing with a stone?*Paul listened; thought for a moment and then said, Yes, youre right How foolish(傻的)I am So I dont need a piece of gold to be. _50_!”41. A. buy42. A make43. A. but44. A. leaf45. A took out46. A. quite47. A. bag48. A. Which49. A. same50. A. sadB.spendB. hideB. andB. houseB. put upB. veryB. stoneB. HowB. goodB. richC. costC showC.soC. holeC. took offC. soC. comC WhereC. differentC. poorD. stealD keepD.forD. walletD gave upD. suchD. bottleD. WhyD. interestingD. happyVIII 间读理解供 154 遇,每小题 2 分,计 30 分)AThere was a big bear Who lived in the forest;His greatest loveWas honey(蜂蜜),He had two pence(便士)a week Which he never could save.So he never hadAny money.I bought him a nice box Red and round.In which to putHis money.He saved and savedTill he got a pound.; Then he spent it all On honey.51 .Where did the bear live?A. In the mountain. B. In the forest. C. On a farm.52. What did the nice box for?A. Saving money. B. Sleeping. C. Carrying food. 53. The writer mainly wants to tell us a story aboutA. a strong bear B. a lazy bear C. a money boxD. In a cold place.D. Taking money.D. a honev bearThe first time I saw Kay, she was sitting in my front yard, hugging(抱)my dog Harley. She and her husband Sean had just moved mto a small house down the road from us From the moment I talked to her, I knew Kai would be a cherished(珍爰的)friend. Her smile and good cheer made me feel belter just being around her. Her voice was always full of happiness.It didnt take long before Kai was beloved by everyone in our neighborhood. Children and adults visited her home often. Although she already had four cats, she also kept a stray(流浪的)dog.When we visited her : she would kmdly listen to all of our trouble and then say something so wise that we would leave her home with our hearts singing. Sometimes I would read her my stories and she would always encourage me to keep writing.She told me she was badly ill when we met for the first time. But she lived each day with such cheer that I often forgot just how ill she was. Still, she died on a cold winter day with heavy snow falling down.During the short time we had together, I learned so much from Kai about how to truly live. She taught us so many lessons about kindness happiness, hope and cheer.54. As soon as_ . I knew she was a valuable friendA. I talked with Kay B. Kay hugged my dog C. Kay moved into a small house D. I heard Kays voice55. What kind of person is Kay accor dmg to the passage?A good storieller B. patient listener C. excellent writer D popular singer56. What did Kay teach the writer?A. How to care for pets. C How to give good advice.B. How to keep healthy. D. How to truly live.CAccording to a new survey (调查),the cost of living has been rising around China m recent years. The world s top ten cities with the most expensive house prices come out. Hong Kong, Munich and Singapore occupy (占据)the top three in the world. There are several cities being of them in China. They are Shanghai. Shenzhea Hong Kong and BeijingShanghai is one of the most expensive places to live. The cost of goods like a cup of coffee and a fast food meal in Shanghai has gone up over the past year.Monthly rent(租),2-bedroom house: 5,588 Cup of coffee: 34Fast food meal: 25Shenzhen, like other aties m Asia:has a lot of people from other places:which has mainly pushed up the priceof housing and other living costs.Monthly rent 2-bedroom house: 4,848 Cup of coffee: 28Fast food meal: 22Hong Kong, another city to make the top 10 list, has been the most expensive place to live. The house prices in Hong Kong have risen by over 93 percent m recent years. House prices are the highest in the world.Monthly rent 2-bedroom house: 7,092Cup of coffee: 41 Fast food meal: 5857. How many cities m China are among the top ten in the world house prices?A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.58. In which place is the rent fora 2-bedroom apartment the cheapest? A Hong Kong B. Shanghai. C. Shenzhen59. Which of the following statements is NOT true?A. Compared to Shanghai, house rent in Shenzhen is cheaper.B. If you have 30. you can get a cup of coffee in Shenzhen.C. Houses in Hong Kong are the most expensive in the world. D. Fast-fbod meal in Hong Kong is cheaper than that in Shanghai.60. Where does the passage probably come from9A. A building website. B. A science magazine. C. A survey report.D. Five.D Shijiazhuang.D. A textbook.British and American culuire has the same source (源头)between the two countries. They have common historical background of education. Education in the United States carried on the ancient tradition of education in Europe : but developed to its own charactenstics(特点).So the difference between the two counties is still very large.USAThere is no general educational system (系统)m the USA 一 instead, each of the 50 states has its own system In most states, however, children go to school from about the age of six until at least age sixteen. Each year ofschool is called “grade”. Al l American students must successfully complete 12 Grade.Generally speaking, a student attends seven years of pnmaryCd学)education, which is often divided into four years of Elementary(初级的)school(Grade 1-4) and three years of Xfiddle school(Grades 5-7). This is followed by secondary school which is Junior High(Grades 8-9) and Senior High(Grades 10-12).After finishing Senior High, if they choose to continue learning, they can then go on to higher education at college or university.UKIn the UK. all children must go to school from age five to age sixteen They go to primary school for seven years and secondary school for five years.Primary school may be dinded into Infant(幼 J L) school (3 years) and Junior school (4 years). There are different kinds of secondary school, but all pupils follow the same national airriculumAfter age 16, British students can choose to leave school or 一 if their school results are good enough they can go on to attend Sixth Form for a further two years At the end of this time, they take A (Advanced) Level exams to go to college or university.61. Why are there many similar points between British and American education?A. Because they are all developed countries m the world.B. Because they have the common background of education.C. Because the United States is a very young country.D. Because the USA and the UK are mainly white countries62. American students can go to college _ .A. when successfully complete 12* Grade C. before finishing Senior High successfullyB. after finishing Junior High SchoolD. after taking A Level exams in Senior High School63. The underlined word “curriculunT in the passage means _ .A. lessonB. classC. gradeD. course64. How many years do British students have to study before they leave school?A. 7 years.B. 12 years.C. 16 years.D. 18 years.65. Which is the best title of this passage?A. We Should Leam from America and Britain B. Different Counties, Different Educational SystemsC. The Educational Systems of the UK and USA D. University Education in America and BritainIX.任务型阅读(共 5 小题,每小题 2 分,计 10 分) 、The word moon comes from the Old English word mona It shares a rooi (i 司彳艮)with the word month because the moon revolves(旅转)around the earth once a month. While the sun stays the same day after day, the moon changes every night allowing ancient people to know the days, months and seasons.Many of the names for moons have somethings to do with traditions of ways of life. You might have heard some of them.1. Blue moonThe blue moon is the second fill】 moon m a month Its unusual fbr a blue moon to come around it only appears once every 2.7 years. So the expression once Ina blue moon means Very tardy (罕见)or almost never If something happens once in the blue moon, it happens not very often. However : a blue moon isn t really blue. 2 Harvest (收获) moonThe word honest comes from the Old English word which referred to the autumn season. In the mid 1200s, harvestbecame much closer to the meaning of today the gathering of crops (庄稼).The expression han es: moon wasaccepted by 1704. Many cultures have harvest moons. In China. The Xfid-Autumn Festival is celebrated during the harvest moon.3. Cold moonIn most parts of the United States, January is cold. So it makes sense to connect January with a cold moon. While the expression cold moon appears in many literary textsCZ 学作品)in English, it wasn t found until the early 1800s that English-language texts showed the Native American expression cold moon m relation to the January full moon 66 魂完成句子 j 67.68 题简胳回答问助 69 题找出并写下全文的主旨句;70 题将文中画线句译成汉语。66. The sun stays the same day after day, but the moon _ 67. When did people accept the expression harvest moon?68. Which country did the “cold moon come from?69. _70. _X 词语运用供 10 小题,每小题 I 分,计 10 分)根据提示使短文完整。i 用读下面短文,在空曰处填入一个适当的单词成括号内单词的正痛形式。If you live m the United States, the law 71 _ (say) you can*t have a full-time job72. _ you are 16 years old. At 14 or 15, you can work part-time after school or on weekends, andduring summer or winter 73. _ (holiday), you can work 40 hours each week.Does all that mean if you are 74. _ (young) than 14, you can t make your own money7Of coursenot! Kids in the United States who are between 75._ ages of 10 and 13 can make money by doing lots of things. For example, Lena, 13, said she made money by making dog sweaters and sell 76. _(they) to her neighbors.? ? 5In fact, making money is 77._(learn) By working to make your own money, you can get theskills that you will need to be 78. _(success) in life. These skills can include things like getting along 79. _ others using newtechnology, using your time 80. _ (proper). And the five dollars that you make will let you feel a lot better than the twenty dollars you ask forXI 基础写作。(包括 A、B 两部分,A 部分 5 分,B 部分 15 分,共计 20 分)A)连词成句供 5 小题每小题 1 分计 5 分)81. problem, you. the. with him. have, discussed?82. the, people, to how many, meeting, came_?83. our keep, should, hands, we clean84. robot, smart, how, is, the85. face trouble, may, afraid, am that, she. IB)书面表达(15 分)86. 关于学生减负的话题已经争论很长时间了但是仍然不见好 I 知学生作业越来越多,完成不了,许多家 长 不得不帮助完成作业。清根据图片显示的内容,写一篇英语短文,并发表白己的观点。内容提示:1 Describe the picture; 2. The problems expressed m the picture; 3. Give your suggestions.要求:1 短文须包括所有提示内容,可适当发挥;2.文中不得出现直实的人名、校名和地名;、3.词数 80 个左右(短文开头已经给出,不计入总词数)。参考词汇:social problem, proper homework, hobbiesThe picture shows that a little boy is trying to hold up his homework. _河北省石家庄市 2021 年桥西区中考模拟考试英语卷答案1-5 BACBC 6-10ABCBC 11-15ACBBC 16-20ACBBA 21-25 CCBCA 26. grow 27. stamps 28. hardlv 29. second 30. important 31-35 BBDBC 36-40 BBDC A41-45DBACA 46-50 CBDAD51-55 BADAB 56-60 DCADC 61-65 BADBC66. changes every night67. By 1704.68. The United State America.69. Many of the names for moons have something to do with traditions of ways of life.70. 蓝月亮是一个月内的第二个海月。71. says76. them72. until77. learning73. holidays78. successful74. younger79. with75. the80. properly81. Have you discussed the problem with him?82. How many people came to the meeting983. * should keep our hands clean.84. How smart the robot is?85.1 am afraid that she may face trouble.86. The picture shows that a little boy is trying to hold up his homework. But because of too much homework, he was about to fall down At the same time: his parents are trying to help hi on both sides.The picture tells us a social problem: students have too much homework. Some teachers think that more homework can improve students grades. The problem has been talked for a long time, but it is still not getting better.In my opinion, teachers should give up proper homework In this way, we can have more time to exercise. Learning is not the whole thing. We still have many important things to do, such as developing hobbies, reading more good books and so on. We should keep our bodies and minds healthy and happy


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