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比赛:穿越玉米地,比什么?,速度 效果:掰了多少玉米? 体验:是否安全,愉快?,盐与汤 观念与案例 知识与情境,情境之于知识,犹如汤之于盐,盐需要融入汤中才能被吸收,知识也需要融入情境之中,才能显示出活力和美感,才容易被学生理解、消化、吸收。 -余文森,一、情境教学的概念 二、情境教学的意义 三、情境创设的原则 四、情境教学的理论依据 五、教学情境的主要类型 六、情境下的初中英语词汇教学 七、情境下的初中英语语法教学,一、情境教学的概念,情境教学是从情与境、情与辞、情与理、情与全面发展的辩证关系出发,创设典型的场景,激起儿童热烈的情绪,把情感活动和认知活动结合起来的一种教学模式。 -李吉林,在教学中引入具体形象的情境,让学生在具体情境的启发下,轻松愉快地学习。 -金屏,二、情境教学的意义,英语课程标准,面向全体学生,关注学生情感。 突出学生主体,尊重个体差异。 采用活动途径,倡导体验参与。 开发课程资源,拓展学用渠道。,五维目标,语言技能 语言知识 情感态度 学习策略 文化意识,三维目标,知识技能目标。 过程与方法目标。 情感态度与价值观。,当学生精神不振时,你能否使他们振作? 当学生过度兴奋时,你能否使他们归于平静? 当学生茫无头绪时,你能否给他们以启迪? 当学生没有信心时,你能否唤起他们的力量? -叶澜,学生心目中的理想课堂,理想的课堂是以学生的思维和拓展为中心的课堂,而不是老师口若悬河的一言堂。为使课堂的效果及质量至最高境界,希望老师采用启发式的教育方式,给予学生展示自我的机会。同时,我们更喜欢以故事和联想式记忆吸收和记忆定理和规则,而不是死记硬背,毕竟那样在扼杀想象力的同时,知识并没有牢牢锁入我们记忆的深处。-邓明铭同学,我心中理想的英语课堂是在充满快乐的气氛中进行的,教学形式新颖,吸引学生,能让学生带着兴趣去学,乐意去学。老师授课时充满激情,并能创设有意义的情境,让我们在师生互动与生生互动中进行真实的有意义的交流。 -曹格瑞同学,One day, Ms Li was wearing a red blouse and she was teaching us “Career Corner: Peanuts”. She pretended to be a botanist and said: “Hemp house, red curtains, inside living a white fat. Whats that?” At first, we thought she was only giving us a riddle, then we realized how funny it was. Ms Li was just like a “peanut”. We all laughed together. Our English class is always full of happiness. -Peter 5B,Tell me, I forget. Teach me, I know. Involve me, I learn. -Benjamin Franklin,意义: 情境能够激发学生的学习热情,唤起学生的求知欲望。 情境就是一座桥梁,它用一种直观的方式,把抽象、理性的东西变得形象和感性,使学习和理解变得容易和有趣。,二、情境创设的原则,目标性与针对性 符合教学目标,并以学生为主体 2. 生活性与情感性 源于生活,并有真情实感 3. 趣味性与启发性 激发学生兴趣,启发学生思考,4. 真实性与交际性 真实而有意义,促进学生交际 5. 层次性与延展性 促进学生思维,又能在教学中自然 延伸 6.预设性与生成性 预设与生成相结合,三、情境教学的理论依据,1.认识的直观原理 捷克教育家夸美纽斯说:“一切知识都是从感官开始的。”直观可以使抽象的知识具体化、形象化,有助于学生感性认识的形成。情境教学使学生身临其境,就是通过向学生展示鲜明具体的形象,使学生从形象的感知达到抽象的理性的顿悟,并激发学生的学习情绪和学习兴趣,使学习活动成为学生主动的自觉的活动。,2. 情感和认知活动相互作用的原理 情绪心理学研究证明:个体的情感对认知活动至少有动力、强化、调节三方面的功能。情境教学法能在教学过程中引起学生积极的健康的情感体验,直接提高学生的学习积极性,使学习活动成为快乐的事情,情感对认知发挥了动力功能。,情感的调节功能是指情感对认知活动的组织或作用。情境教学法所创设的欢快活泼的课堂气氛,是取得优良教学效果的重要条件。,情感的强化功能是指情感对主体活动巩固或改变的功能。主体愉快的体验强化其所作所为,这叫正强化;反之则为负强化。情境教学法要在教学过程中,通过创设一定的情境,让学生拥有愉快的积极的学习情绪,这便是正强化的作用。,3. 思维科学的相似原理 形象是情境的主体,情境教学中的模拟要以范文中的形象和教学需要的形象为对象,情境中的形象也应和学生的知识经验相一致。,情境教学法在教学过程中引入或创设许多生动的场景,也就是为学生提供了更多的感知对象,使学生大脑中的知识单元增加,有助于学生灵感的产生,也培养了学生相似性思维的能力。,四、英语教学情境的主要类型,借助实物和图片创设的教学情境 借助问题创设的教学情境 借助背景创设的教学情境 借助故事创设的教学情境 借助视频和音乐等创设的教学情境 借助表演创设的教学情境 ,五、情境下的初中英语词汇教学,创设情境引入生词 创设情境操练生词 创设情境巩固生词 创设情境创造性地运用生词 ,What we eat How we live,food,lifestyle,案例2:写抱怨信,T: My best friends birthday is coming. I wanted to send her a nice present. So I looked through the catalogue and decided to buy this purple scarf for her to match her newly-bought coat. I ordered it in the catalogue 10 days ago and they promised to send it to me in three days. I waited and waited, it didnt come until this morning. I didnt complain about their delay.,But when I opened the mail bag, to my great surprise and disappointment,I found Do you want to see what is in the mailbag? Im too angry about their poor service to say anything. What can Ido?,earthquake,Words and Phrases,survive since scream (run) in all directions wildly be trapped fear try ones best,Lin Hao survived 2.The survivor ,survivor n. c,survive v.,survive sth.,scream (out) in fear scream (out) with excitement 1. She screamed 2. Her loud screams ,scream (out) (in/with sth.),scream v./ n. c,wildly adv.,They ran wildly Her heart beat wildly when ,since conj. because, as,Since the movie is so frightening, Since it is not very cold today, I have learned English since I was 7 years old.,try ones best to do sth.,1. She is trying her best to ,(run) in all directions,1. Students ran away in all directions 2. The birds flew in all directions,be trapped,Being trapped in the snowstorm, they Harry was trapped,Finish the sentences with the help of the first letters given .,As a s_ in the earthquake, Tom felt very lucky. She s_ when a man in black suddenly stood in front of her. Its very hard for some flowers to stay a_ in winter. 4. Frightened by the loud noise, the children looked at each other in f_. 5. Youd better put on your raincoat s_ it is still raining.,urvivor,creamed,live,ear,ince,run in all directions, try ones best, calm down, be trapped, scream wildly,The baby _ as soon as she saw her mother. Five climbers _ in the mountains for 3 days last month. The fans _ all the time during the concert last night. We _ to prevent disasters from happening from now on. 5. The small animals in the forests _ when they saw a tiger coming.,calmed down,were trapped,were screaming wildly,will try our best,ran in all directions,A “biting tails” game,survive, wildly, since, calm down, scream, in fear, try ones best, be trapped, (run) in all directions,Is it safe to run wildly during an earthquake? Is it a good idea to jump out of the window if the building starts to shake? Which part of the building is the best part to hide? Is it safe to ride bikes or drive cars fast during a snowstorm?,Tips to survive a fire/a snowstorm/ a sandstorm/an earthquake,1. 2. 3. 4. ,Homework,Make up a story with at least 6 of the words and phrases we learned today and write it in your exercise book.,a flock of sheep,a flock of birds,Task 3: Continue the story with the help of the following words,flock 2. get bored, 3. attack 4. come running 5. decide to do 6. fun 7. wolves 8. soon after 9. fool 10. villager 11. did + do 原形 (强调),Make up a story with the following words and phrases.,Finding, destroy, release, beseech, harm, innocent, cutshort, suffer, examine, (not) being,S1: Finding that they played basketball without him yesterday afternoon, Nick was very sad. S2: Nick beseeched Carl to tell him who organized that basketball match without telling him. You know, Nick is one of the best basketball players in our class.,S3: Carl said that he was innocent because he got to know it at the last minute even though he was one of the players. S4: Tom cut him short when Carl was talking. He said that it was Carl that decided to have the basketball game without Nick.,S5: Because Carl thought that Nick was too proud and he wanted to destroy his confidence. S6: Being too angry, Nick went up to Carl and seized him by the collar. S7: “Release me, I beseech you!” Carl cried.,S8: “I didnt mean to harm you,” said Nick, “but you shouldnt have lied to me.” You have to suffer for what you have done. S9: “Dont you think you need to suffer from your arrogance?” shouted Carl. “Youre always too proud to yield a little. You think youre the most powerful boy under the sun.”,S10: Nick sighed, “Yes, I guess I am too proud. I should learn to be modest and more friendly to everybody. We are born equal. I should always examine my words and behavior. ”,LOGO,案例6: Unit 6 Reading,Murder in Valley Town,Murder,Victim,The scene,Evidence/ Clues,Eyewitnesses,.,Murderer,Innocent/Guilty,六、情境下的初中英语语法教学,语法导入时的情境创设 语法操练时的情境创设 语法运用时的情境创设,案例1:比较级教学PK 1: Which is better, Shanghai or Hongkong?,S1: Shanghai is better than Hongkong because its busier than Hongkong. S2: Shanghai is better than Hongkong because its older than Hongkong. S3: Hongkong is better than Shanghai because the bus there is cleaner than in Hongkong.,S4: Shanghai is better than Hongkong because the air there is fresher than in Hongkong. S5: Hongkong is better than Shanghai because the fare is cheaper in Hongkong than in Shanghai. S6: Hongkong is better than Shanghai because the people there are more friendly. ,案例3:非谓语动词,Looking out of the window, Tom saw Mr. Dong passing by. (即时生成的例子),案例4:强调句型教学,Who gave the speech just now? What speech did he/she gave us today? Where did he/she give the speech today? When did he/she give the speech to us? ,T: I wanted to call Stevens mum last night because Steven didnt behave well in class. But I didnt call her because I didnt find his mums telephone number. If I had found his mums telephone number, I would have called her. T: If I had called Stevens mum last night, she would have been angry.,案例5: 虚拟语气教学,T: If she had been angry, she would have had a serious talk with Steven. T: If she had had a serious talk with Steven, what would have happened? S1: If she had had a serious talk with Steven, he would have been very sad. ,案例6:情态动词,S1: Listen! Someone is knocking at the door. Who can it be? S2: I guess it may be the headteacher. S1: It cant be her. She has gone to Beijing. S2: Then it must be Mr. Mao. He is coming to give us homework. ,案例7:定语从句,T:播放PPT My daughter is 19 years old. She was admitted to Smith College last year, which made us very excited. At school, she has made many friends, many of whom are from China.,Look at the picture. This is her classroom, in front of which there are many flowers. That white house is a restaurant where my daughter works in her spare time. The girl who is standing beside her is her roommate.,Do a survey,Different people have different lifestyles. Work in groups of 4. One of you will interview three other people in your group and tell us what their lifestyles are like.,Make a plan,I am going to spend 2 days in Xuzhou. I really want to spend some time with you. Please make a plan to tell me how you are going to show me around your school or your city.,Write a report,An old man died at home last night. A policeman is asking his neighbors about what they were doing at that time. Work in groups of four and write a report.,Give a speech,You are going to graduate from your school in one year. You are chosen to give a speech to tell us what you have done and what you have achieved at this school.,Thank you!,


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