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短文练习-基础培训-课内系列2短文模拟练习(1)Passage 1Questions 1 to 4 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.1. What is rhythm in literature according to the passage?A. A special use of words.B. The arrangement of ideas.C. The regular occurrence of certain elements of writing.D. The exploration of sound effects.2. Compared with a childs response, an adults response to rhythm in music would be_.A. less naturalB. more activeC. more restrainedD. less indifferent3. Which of the following statements is NOT made in the passage?A. Human beings are rhythmical physiologically and emotionally.B. Rhythm is what differentiates humans from other animals.C. Human beings seem to be born with a love for rhythm.D. Good literature must be rhythmical because human life is rhythmical.4. What is the passage mainly about?A. Rhythmic patterns in literature.B. Rhythm in writing.C. The relationship between rhythm and good health.D. The place of rhythm in the lives of human beings.Passage 2Questions 5 to 7 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.5. What is the main topic?A. Automatic cameras can even battle the experts.B. Advantages of using automatic cameras.C. Point-and-shoot photographers favorite cameras.D. How to use lenses effectively.6. According to the speaker, the irony in the passage refers to the fact that_.A. camera makers are offering fully automatic cameras that are easier to operateB. camera makers are now producing automatic cameras that are more tricky to operateC. camera makers are making more money now than twenty years agoD. Point-and-shoot photographers can take better pictures than professional photographers 7. When the point-and-shoot photographer recognizes the limitations of a very easy-to-use camera, he feels_.A. the need for lenses other than the formal focal lengthB. an understanding of how to operate lensesC. the need to design more simple-to-use camerasD. the need for an instruction of the camerasPassage 3Questions 8 to 10 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.8. How does social life differ from office to office in America?A. Employees in big corporations enjoy more activities than those in small companies.B. Employees in small companies enjoy more activities.C. Employees in big corporations make more friends.D. Employees in small companies go to lunch together more often. 9. Who usually pays for the food when your office friends invite you to lunch together?A. Everyone pays for himself or herself.B. Your friends pay.C. You pay half.D. Your friends pay half.10. If your colleagues do not want to mix business and social life, what should you do in order to get friendships?A. You should go to your colleagues homes more often.B. You should refuse to go to your colleagues homes.C. You should try to make friends with other people.D. You should work together. 短文模拟练习(2)Passage 4Questions 11 to 14 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.11. What is the passage mainly about?A. How the sea helps mankind survive.B. How people explore the sea.C. New technology in sea exploration.D. The resources of the sea. 12. Which of the following can be inferred from the experts estimation?A. Over 2/3 of the worlds population live along the seacoast.B. About 80 million people live along the seacoast.C. About 1/3 of the worlds population live inland.D. The worlds population lives within 80 kilometers of the seacoast.13. Which of the following HAVENT we been to do so far in the sea?A. Exploring for gas.B. Farming fish.C. Cultivating shellfish.D. Mining minerals.14. What is NOT mentioned in the passage as a source of energy of the sea?A. Oil and gas.B. Warmth of the sea.C. Stream.D. Oceans waves.Passage 5Questions 15 to 17 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.15. What is the purpose of the session?A. To solve telecommunication problems on-and-off campus.B. To notify university administration of new telecommunication regulation.C. To train campus personnel on the use of a new communication system.D. To design and develop a new computerized data storage system.16. What has been the most serious problem with the present system?A. A lack of extension.B. Inadequate technical assistance.C. Too many complicated features.D. Slow speed of service.17. Which of the following is mentioned as a feature of the new system?A. Sophisticated telephone jacks.B. Call waiting.C. Automatic memory redial.D. Quicker response time.Passage 6 Questions 18 to 20 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.18. Would the world really be so much better off if there were no dust?A. Certainly.B. It depends.C. Certainly not.D. None of the above.19. What would happen if there were no dusts?A. The world would be more beautiful.B. The earth would become less visible from the moon.C. Sunrise and sunset would lose their beauty.D. The view of sunrise and sunset would become more enjoyable.20. What is another function of dust according to the speaker?A. Formation of rain drops in the air.B. Vaporization of water in the air.C. Development of air pollution.D. Increase of raindrops.短文模拟练习(3)Passage 7Questions 21 to 23 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.21. How long did Emily Dickinson live in the house where she was born?A. Almost all her life.B. Less than half her life.C. Until 1830.D. Before 1872.22. Which of the following is true of Emily Dickinson?A. She was not a productive poet.B. She saw many of her poems published.C. She was not a sociable person.D. She communicated only with seven poets.23. Emily Dickinson was widely recognized after_.A. Henry James referred highly to herB. seven of her poems were published C. her poems became known to othersD. she had been dead for many yearsPassage 8Questions 24 to 26 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.24. Which of the following may be included in BCD International programs?A. Interviews with radio producers.B. A variety of classic pop songs.C. Latest news of the music library.D. Stories about the good old days.25. Which program gives us the ideas behind the pop songs?A. The History of Pop.B. The Road to Music.C. Pop Words.D. About the Big Hits.26. Which word best describes native speakers understanding of English pop songs?A. Effortless.B. Impossible.C. Difficult.D. Unnecessary.Passage 9Questions 27 to 30 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.27. Whats the latest achievement of scientists?A. They have altered genes in sheep and inserted new and better ones.B. They have cloned a sheep.C. They have put the cloning technology into practice.D. They have completed the theoretical work of altering genes.28. Why is the alteration of genes in sheep so important?A. Scientists have begun to use animals as organ banks.B. Scientists have created healthier animals.C. This is the first time that gene targeting is done in a mammal.D. Scientists will do the same experiment on human beings. 29. What is the significance of the new approach according to some scientists?A. They can clone more animals.B. They can clone more animal organs.C. They can clone other animals than sheep.D. They can make animals meat or milk more delicious.30. What is the main idea of this passage?A. Producing better animal meat and more delicious milk.B. Creating healthier animals.C. Cloning more animal organ.D. A new approach to alter genes.短文模拟练习(4)Passage 10Questions 31 to 34 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.31. Why is teenage drinking said to be a serious problem according to the passage?A. Because it involves a very high percentage of high school students.B. Because it is usually connected with drunk driving.C. Because it causes traffic accidents and deaths.D. Because it is harmful to the health of the children.32. Who should be held responsible for teenage drinking according to the passage?A. The young people themselves.B. Parents who are too permissive.C. School authorities.D. The permissive society.33. Which of the following measures by parents is NOT mentioned?A. To teach their children to drink moderately.B. To hold stern attitudes and use severe methods.C. To strive to have some strict rules enforced.D. To give less pocket money to their children.34. How can teenager drinking be fundamentally solved, according to experts and educators?A. Drinking should be supervised in every community.B. No alcohol should be sold to teenagers.C. Children should be taught not to drink too much from early childhood.D. Children should only go to “safe homes”.Passage 11Questions 35 to 37 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.35. What did the first bankers do thousands of years ago?A. They exchange money with foreign travelers.B. They loaned local coins to foreign travelers.C. They kept their money in strong boxes at home.D. They loaned money to kings and rich people.36. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?A. The early bankers in Italy worked on the street.B. The word “bank” comes from the word “bench”.C. Banking has a long history.D. Early bankers did business in a small way.37. When did banks begin in the United States?A. In the 16th century.B. In the 17th century.C. In the 18th century.D. In the 19th century.Passage 12Questions 38 to 40 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.38. What did the researchers find about girls weight loss in their study?A. It was not directly related with the existing curriculum.B. There was little change among either the Planet Health girls or those in the comparison group.C. It was directly related to their reduction in their television-viewing time.D. It has something to do with the length of the program.39. According to the researchers, one reason for the different effects of the program on girls and boys is that_.A. girls are less interested in the issue of diet activities B. boys watch less TV than girlsC. boys are more interested in physical activitiesD. it is a time of rapid growth for girls40. Why do the researchers believe that television viewing plays a key role in obesity increase among US teens?A. It does considerable harm to the health of teenagers.B. It displaces physical activities.C. Most teenagers like to watch TV.D. It does not encourage teenagers to eat more fruits.短文模拟练习(5)Passage 13Questions 41 to 44 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.41. What evolutionary change in birds led to a nests building?A. Their flying ability improved greatly.B. They became warm-blooded.C. They began to lay eggs.D. They changed their migration patterns.42. According to the speaker, the first birds nest was located_.A. on the ground.B. in the cold placesC. on the highest branches of treesD. inside tree trunks43. According to the speaker, what is the possible reason that birds began to build nests in trees?A. To avoid predators.B. To expose the eggs to stronger sunlight.C. To have a better view of predators.D. To save labor.44. What is the main topic of the talk?A. How birds learn to build nests.B. Why birds lay eggs.C. How birds nests have evolved.D. Why some birds nests are considered primitive?Passage 14Questions 45 to 47 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.45. Why does a novel that sells 200 copies a week for 10 years never appear on a bestseller list?A. It does not have any form of publicity.B. Its author seldom appears on a national TV show.C. It does not have any good reviews.D. Each week some other books sell more copies than it.46. What are bestseller-lists most likely to reflect these days?A. The number of copies of the book sold.B. The number of times authors of bestsellers appear on national TV shows.C. The amount of money spent to publicize the books on them.D. The number of the readers who are attracted into bookstores.47. What is the speakers attitude towards bestseller lists?A. Critical.B. Positive.C. Indifferent.D. Neutral.Passage 15Questions 48 to 50 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.48. The passage tells us that cats_.A. sleep longer than humansB. have similar sleeping habits as humansC. have no regular sleepD. take naps besides their regular sleep49. Some experts believe that_.A. cats have natural clock inside themB. people can live better by taking napsC. people should learn from catsD. famous people are all known for their energy50. This passage is aimed to _.A. describe the habit of catsB. tell people the benefit of napsC. advise people to take napsD. show the similarity between cats and humans短文模拟练习(6)Passage 16Questions 51 to 53 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.51. What fact had been observed long ago according to the passage?A. Different plants grow at different speeds.B. The opening times of flowers vary.C. Plants change colors with time.D. Flowers closing time changes with climate.52. Which of the following is true according to the passage?A. A plant named “flower clock” could tell the time.B. People showed little interest in gardening in the 19th century.C. Constant darkness does not affect a plants biological clock.D. Experiments are carried out to change the shape of lowers.53. What can be learned from the passage?A. Only plants named have biological clock.B. Cycles of activities exist in certain living things.C. Circadian cycles last about a month.D. Internal clock controls plants more than environment does. Passage 17Questions 54 to 57 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.54. How can we find out the changes in weather a long time ago?A. By looking at the sky.B. By looking for old weather reports.C. By looking at tree rings.D. By reading history books.55. Why can reading the pattern of tree rings help us learn something about climate change?A. Too mach sunlight and rainfall will limit the growth of a tree.B. Tree rings remain unchanged all the time regardless of climate change.C. Some trees provided an exact record of the weather.D. The weather determines the pattern of rings in a tree trunk. 56. If the fifth ring of a tree is far from the other rings, can we learn_ five years ago?A. the climate was unfavorable for the treeB. there was plenty of sunlight and rainfallC. there was little sunlight or rainfallD. there was too much sunlight and rainfall57. A large population suddenly leaves a region of New Mexico, because_.A. all the trees were cut down.B. all the buildings were destroyedC. the climate became unfavorable for growing treesD. all the trees were destroyed in a firePassage 18Questions 58 to 60 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.58. To whom will the CETV provide programs?A. Audience of the whole world.B. Chinese audience in Hong Kong.C. Chinese audience around the world.D. Chinese audience of East Asia.59. What is the major advantage from the audience between CETV and AOL Time Warner?A. Chinese views get the latest and hottest entertainment shows in the world.B. The introduction of digital broadcast technology into china.C. Purchasing more programs from the worlds best entertainment networks.D. CETV will be able to go through a complete makeover to become more influential.60. According to the passage, how large is the audience of CETV?A. 10 million.B. 33 million.C. 23 million.D. 43 million.短文模拟练习(7)Passage 19Questions 61 to 63 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.61. What is the trend in the world today?A. The poor places are getting richer.B. The rich places are getting richer.C. The poor places are getting poorer.D. Both B and C.62. Which of the following statement is not true?A. The poor are underemployed.B. All the poor have no land.C. There is no hope for the poor in the village.D. The poor have no houses in big cities.63. What is the main reason that causes the poor to move into the big cities?A. Rural unemployment.B. Urban unemployment.C. No business in the villages.D. No land in the villages.Passage 20Questions 64 to 67 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 20 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.64. What is the lecture about?A. The origin of the Food and Drug Administration.B. A novel written by Upton Sinclair.C. The growth of the consumer protection cause in the United States.D. The abuse of the power by monopolies in the United States.65. What was the problem with the trust?A. They were unregulated monopolies.B. They had no concern for the welfare of consumers.C. They were more powerful than their competitors in the country.D. They refused to be inspected by the investigating commission. 66. Why did Upton Sinclair write the novel The Jungle?A. To expose the horrible lives of slaughterhouse workers in Chicago.B. To urge the President to form a special investigating commission.C. To protect consumers rights.D. To quicken the passing of the Meat Inspection Act.67. What was the main result of the commissions report?A. European meat was kept out of the home markets.B. The mislabeling of food and drugs was prevented.C. A monopoly on food production was broken.D. New legislation to control food industry was pressed.Passage 21Questions 68 to 70 are based on the following passage. At the end of the passage, you will be given 15 seconds to answer the questions. Now listen to the passage.68. What is the talk mainly about?A. Competition in business.B. Government grants.C. A type of economic policy.D. International transportation practice.69. Who first used the motto laisser faire?


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