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人员规则拳法步法攻防场地与装备英语词汇1.格斗项目:combat(ive) fighting sports 2.拳击运动:boxing; pugilism; sweet science 3.散手:sanshou; free sparring 4.空手道:karate 5.合气道:aikido 6.泰拳:Thai boxing; Muay Thai 7.猛攻猛打的拳击比赛:slugfest 8.赤拳格斗:bare-knuckle fighting 9.拳斗:fist fight; fisticuffs 10.业余拳击比赛:amateur boxing 11.职业拳击比赛:pro(fessional)boxing; prizefighting 12.拳王争霸赛:title bout 13.世界拳击协会:World Boxing Association (WBA) 14.世纪拳击理事会:World Boxing Council (WBC) 15.国际拳击联合会:International Boxing Federation (IBF) 人员16.拳击手运动员boxer; fighter; pugilist 17.业余拳击手:amateur boxer 18.职业拳击手:professional boxer; (prize) fighter; scrapper 19.拳王:boxing champion 20.进攻型拳击手:offensive boxer 21.防卫型拳击手:defensive boxer22.舞蹈型拳击手(移步躲闪多而主动进攻少):dancer 23.猛冲猛打的拳击手: slugger; puncher 24.菜花耳(耳朵受伤后变形): cauliflower ear 25.左撇子(基本姿势中左手在后): southpaw 26.水平不高的拳击手: potato can; ham-and-egger 27.不堪一击的拳击手: glass jaw 28.拳击教练: boxing coach; handler 29.台边指导: ringside instruction 30.拳击陪练: sparring partner; training opponent 31.辅导员;助手: second 32.第一辅导员: chief second 33.第二辅导员: assistant second 34.台上裁判员: referee 35.台下评分裁判员:judge; ringside official 36.推广人: promoter 37.场(包括若干回合): match; bout; fight 38.回合: round 39.体重分级: weight division category; classification 40.最大体重: weight limit 41.手套检查: glove inspection 42.裁判员口令:referees command43.分开: break; separate; disengage; disentangle 44.三次击倒规则: three-knockdown rule 45.数秒: count 46.强制性数8:standing-eight count 47.数完10秒: full count 48.被击倒后数10不起: counted out; down and out; take the count 49.绝对胜利(对手数10不起): knock-out 50.侥幸脱险(数秒不到10鸣锣停止比赛): narrow escape 51.击败对手: outbox; outclass 52.击倒获胜: win by a knockout 53.技术击倒获胜: technical knockout (TKO) 54.分数超过对方: outpoint 55.得分获胜: win by decision on points 56.10分获胜利: ten-point must system 57.20分获胜利: twenty-point must system 58.裁判员宣布停止比赛: referee stops contest 59.裁判员叫停获胜:win by “referee stops contest”60.因对方弃权而获胜: win by retirement 61.因对方未出场而获胜: win by walkover (absence) 62.胜局: winning round 63.金腰带: gold (champion) belt 64.犯规拳: foul blow 65.腰下拳: low blow; hit below the belt 66.肾部拳: kidney blow 67.击后背: hit on the back 68.击后脑勺: rabbit punch; hit on the back of neck 69.拳背击人: backhander; backhand swing 70.开掌打击: open blow; hit with open gloves 71.用手掌部位击打: hit with the inside of glove 72.以肘击人: elbow blow 73.头撞: headbutting 74.肩撞: hit with the shoulder 75.膝顶: kneeing 76.踢: kick 77.推: push 78.卡脖子: throttle; stranglehold 79.咬人: biting 80.贴靠对方:lean on ones opponent81.抱着打: hold and hit 82.拉住对方打: pull and hit 83.击打倒地对手: hit opponent when he is down 拳法84.拳击技术:boxing skill; ringcraft 85.基本站立姿势:fundamental stance 86.前边的手臂: guarding leadingarm 87.后边的手臂: striking hand 88.摆好姿势: square away 89.防守姿势: on guard 90.膝部略弯身体前倾的姿势: crouch 91.拳: fist; clenched hand 92.臂长: reach 93.拳头打击面: knocking surface of the fist 94.出拳: deliver landa punch 95.出拳过短: short 96.出拳过远: overreach 97.击打: punch; blow; strike 98.打击力量: punching hitting power 99.重拳: hard heavy blow; smash; swipe; thump; sock 100.决定性打击: decision blow 101.最厉害的一击: Sunday punch 102.击中要害的两拳: navy double punch 103.企图击倒对方的重拳: haymaker 104.互击: crisscross; double counter; trade exchange blows 105.难分难解: deadlock 106.基本拳法: basic fundamental blows 107.左手拳: left 108.右手拳: right 109.直拳: straight (blow) 110.左直拳: straight left 111.右直拳: straight right 112.短直拳: short straight113.刺拳: jab 114.钩拳: hook 115.上钩拳: uppercut; hook up; bolo punch 116.长钩拳: long hook 117.短钩拳: short hook 118.短上钩拳: short uppercut 119.侧钩拳: side hook 120.平钩拳: flat hook 121.摆(横)拳: swing; roundhouse; round-arm blow 122.侧击: sidewinder; glancing blow 123.钻螺旋拳:corkscrew blow 124.捶打: hammer blow 125.向下击拳: chop; downward punch 126.上下交替拳: high-low 127.一、二连击:one-two (punch) 128.跟进拳: follow blow 129.转身击打:pivot blow 130.组合 连续拳: combination serial blows 131.开始拳: lead; leading-off blow 试探:feeler 133.虚拳: fake flow 134.击头部的拳: nobber 135.击脸部的拳: facer136.下巴拳:chin punch 137.拇指击眼部gouge; thumb 138.眼部青肿:black eye; mouse; shiner 139.击胸部的拳:heart blow 140.击胃部的拳:solar plexus blow 141.击空:mispunch; miss blow 142.击中:hit; connect 143.摇晃(被击中后):stagger 144.晕头转向:punch-drunk 145.昏迷:unconscious 146.拳击手痴呆症(因头部被重击引起):punch drunkenness; pugilistica dementia 147.击倒:knock down; floor; flatten; deck; drop; pound to canvas 148.倒下:fall down 149.倒在围绳上:on the ropes 150.假装被击倒:dive 151.认输:throw toss in the sponge towel 152.打出台外:ring out 153.击掌练习:hitting drill 154.拳击练习:spar 155.影子拳;打空拳:shadow boxing 步法156.步法:footwork 157.上步:step up 158.出拳步:knock step 159.侧步:sidestep 160.往后移步:step back; bicycle; back pedal 161.环绕步:circle 162.擦地移步:shuffle 163.变换步法移动身体重心:drop shift 164.灵活的步法:nimble footwork 攻防165.闪电式进攻:blitz 166.先失后得(挨一拳再出击):give and take 167.边打边退的战术:hit and sway 168.疲劳战术(让对方连续出拳消耗体力):rope-a-dope strategy 169.引诱性移动:decoy movement 170.前后左右快速移动(以迷惑对方):jitterbug; stunt 171.防守御:guard; defense 172.消极防守:passive defense 173.回到防守姿势:recover 174.退却:retreat 175.撤步防守:step-away 176.还击:counter; cross 177.还击拳:counter blow 178.格档: parry; ward off; shove aside 179.内侧格档: inside parry 180.内侧伸臂格档: leverage guard 181.外侧格档: outsider parry 182.同名臂格档: cross parry 183.手掌格档: catch 184.张掌格开来拳: brush-away 185.张掌压来拳: pin; stop 186.阻挡: block 187.前臂阻挡: forearm block 188.安全两臂阻挡:safety block 189.肩部阻挡: shoulder block 190.肘部阻挡: elbow block 191.掩护(一臂遮胃,另臂挡头):cover 192.拨开: deflect 193.身法: body work 194.身体虚晃: body feint 195.上下左右摆动: bob and weave 196.摆动身体:sway 197.摆体躲闪;摇避:weave; rock away; swerve 198.后仰躲闪:sway back 199.头部躲闪: slip 200.下潜蹲躲闪:duck 201.向前下潜: fold 202.转体弯腰躲闪:drop-away 203.近战: close(-quarter) fight; infighting 204.紧逼: press 205.逼角: corner to the ropes; force to the corner 206.擒拿: hold 207.擒抱: hug 208.扭抱: clinch 209.夹住对方双手:double lock 210.拳击台: (boxing) ring; squared circle 211.拳击台围绳: ropes of the ring 212.拳击台围绳以外部分:apron 213.红角:red corner 214.蓝角: blue corner 215.中立角: neutral corner 216.帆布台面:canvas-covered floor 217.台下坐凳: ring-stool 218.锣:gong 219.拳击手套: boxing gloves 220.练习手套:training glove 221.护头:head protector guard; protective headgear 222.拳击鞋:boxing shoe 223.腰带: belt 224.拳击手披风:boxing robe 225.拳击沙包: sandbag; trainingpunching; heavy bag 226.吊球: speed bag; speedball; punching ball 227.梨形吊球:pear bag 228.墙靶:wall punch padboxing match 拳击比赛boxing ring 拳击台referee 裁判员boxing glove拳击手套 rope 围绳boxer 拳击运动员boxing glove 拳击手套boxing shoe 拳击鞋winner 胜利者canvas拳击台上的帆布loser by a knockout 被击败出局者boxing weights 拳击体重级别light/junior flyweight 108磅,次特轻量级/次蝇量级flyweight 112磅,特轻量级/蝇量级junior bantamweight 115磅,次最轻量级bantamweight 118磅,最轻量级junior featherweight 122磅,次羽量级featherweight 126磅,羽量级junior lightweight 130磅 次轻量级lightweight 135磅 轻量级light/junior welterweight 140磅,初中量级welterweight 147磅,次中量级light/junior middleweight 154磅,超次中量级middleweight 160磅,中量级super middleweight 168磅,超中量级light heavyweight 175磅,轻重量级cruiserweight 200磅,次重量级heavyweight 201磅以上,重量级Boxing, Thai boxing ,Kickboxing 拳击,泰拳,自由搏击at the bell 一个回合结束combination blow 组合拳body feint身体虚晃technical knockout技术得胜heart punch胸部拳 heavy punch重拳timekeeper 计时员high-low上下交替拳 hold and hit 抱着打 hook钩拳 hook up上钩拳hugging抱住对方 jab刺拳 apron拳击台围绳以外部分arched back身体后屈 arm feint手臂虚晃canvas- inspector不堪一击的拳手 card记分卡 cauliflower ear 菜花耳(耳朵受伤后变形) chest protector 护胸 chin punch 打击下巴的拳 chop下击拳 circle迂回 clinch work 扭斗 body lean 身体倾斜 body swing身体摆动blow 打击 bluff佯攻bout一场比赛break 抱持后拆散 bruiser职业拳击家 buzzer鸣笛blocking drill 防守练习corkscrew punch螺旋拳 corner场角 count 呼数 counter blow还击拳 counter out台上裁判员 count out宣告失败 counter puncher善于反击的拳击手 cross 交叉拳 bent arm blow 曲臂钩拳 black eye 肿眼 bleed 出血 auditory scoring 报分cuff and kick 拳打脚踢 decisive blow 决定性打击 defensive boxing 以防守为主的拳法direct hit直接命中 disqualification 取消资格 division 分级 doctor stop 医生叫停 draw away 闪开 elbow blow 以肘击人 exchange of blows 互击excited fight 激战 fake blow 虚拳 feeler试探性拳,左直拳 fist 拳 first position准备姿势 flying kick 飞踢腿 follow blow 跟进拳 footpads 护足 footwalk 步法 foul blow 犯规拳 foul-proof cup 护档 full count裁判员数完十秒 fundamental blows基本拳法 get the duke 获胜 golden glove业余拳击金手套赛 go in the tank故意输掉green boy 拳击新手gumshield 护齿 hamburger被打得浑身伤痕的拳击手 hammer blow捶打 handwraps 缠手绷带 hard blow猛击 head protector头盔 kidney punch肾部拳(犯规) knock down击倒 knock out击倒获胜 lead-off blow开始拳 lean on ones opponent身体贴靠对方 left左手拳 left step向左移步 left uppercut左上钩拳liver punch肝部拳 long hook长钩拳 majority decision 多数裁判判赢make weight减轻体重(以达到下一级别标准) middle weight 中量级 mispunch 击空mouthpiece 护齿 nimble灵巧 on the bicycle向后移步 on the canvas被击倒 one-two punch连续左右猛击 one-two straight连续左右直拳 open blow开掌打击 overreach出拳过远 pearball 梨球 punch power 打击力量 punchy被打得晕头转向 punching sack沙袋 rabbit punch打后脑勺 reach伸臂长度 referee stop 裁判员叫停 ride with the punch 缓冲拳 right 右手拳 rightcross右交叉拳 right hook 右钩拳 right step 向右移步 right uppercut 右上钩拳 ring name 台上绰号 ring out打出台外 ringside judge台下裁判员 ringside seat 靠近拳击台的观察席位 ropes 围绳 round arm blow 屈肘拳 ruffian乱打胡来的拳击手 rusher猛打猛冲的拳击手 safety block安全阻挡 scrap 职业拳击赛 scrapper 职业拳击手 second 助手 serial kicks 连踢 shadow boxing 空拳 shiner 眼肿 short count 数十秒太快short hook 短ten-point system十分制throw a punch出拳throw in towel向台上扔毛巾(表示认输)triple blow连击三拳trun拳击短裤uppercut上钩拳 unanimous decision裁判一致判赢 weight category体重级别 weight in称量体重 welterweight轻重量级 wild swing猛烈横击 win by decision得分获胜 win by a knockout击倒对方而获胜 win by retirement因对方弃权而获胜 withdraw the leg收腿 wrapping绷带infighting 近战straight punch 直拳uppercut 上钩拳foul 犯规punch bag 沙袋punch ball 沙球


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